Bobby Moynihan come Louie Duck (Voice)

Episodi 69

DuckTales Cast Sings Original Theme Song

16 dicembre, 20162m

The all-star voice-over cast of the upcoming DuckTales reboot paid the highest form of respect to the original by singing the classic theme song!

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DuckTales: First Look

2 marzo, 20172m

A first look at the all-new family comedy-adventure series "DuckTales" on Disney XD. The series stars David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck; Danny Pudi, Ben Schwartz and Bobby Moynihan as the voices of Huey, Dewey and Louie, respectively; Kate Micucci as Webby Vanderquack; Beck Bennett as Launchpad McQuack and Toks Olagundoye as Mrs. Beakley, and will follow the epic family of ducks on their high-flying adventures around the world.

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Donald Duck's Tales

10 marzo, 20171m

Donald Duck is the over-stressed guardian to his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. They may drive him crazy, but Donald puts his family first – even if that means tagging along on dangerous adventures that tend to get him hurt.

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Donald's Birthday

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Donald Duck. Uncle Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby surprise Donald for his birthday - only for things to go awry.

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Meet Webby Vanderquack!

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Webby. Webby proves she is the ultimate treasure hunter when trying to get to the...cookie jar!

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Meet Mrs. Beakley!

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Mrs Beakley.

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Meet Scrooge!

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Scrooge. A time machine in the shape of a clock causes some trouble for Scrooge.

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Meet Huey!

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Huey. Huey proves again that The Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook has the solution to everything.

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Meet Launchpad McQuack!

9 giugno, 20172m

Ducktales (2017) short featuring: Launchpad. After causing his usual massive destruction, this time landing his plane on a road with cars, Launchpad decides to write notes for the owners of damaged cars.

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360° Adventure: The Lost Key of Tralla La

29 luglio, 20172m

Adventure calls when Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby recover the Lost Key of Tralla La! Originally aired on YouTube in 360 degrees

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12 agosto, 201750m

In procinto di recarsi a un colloquio di lavoro, Paperino decide di lasciare i suoi cari nipotini Qui, Quo e Qua da suo zio Paperon de' Paperoni, con il quale non ha contatti da anni a causa di un litigio. I nipoti fanno la conoscenza di Gaia, la dolce nipote della signora Beakley, la governante di casa de' Paperoni, che mostra loro i cimeli delle numerose avventure vissute da Paperone e Paperino; i nipoti liberano inavvertitamente un drago di pietra ma Paperone giunge in loro soccorso e sconfigge il drago. Rinvigorito dalla presenza dei nipoti, Paperone decide di partire insieme a loro alla ricerca del gioiello perduto di Atlantide.

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Una giornata da incubo

23 settembre, 201725m

La vita alla villa de' Paperoni fa fatica a scorrere tranquillamente, tra giochi pericolosi ed estremi, e spazi privati invasi in modo inappropriato. Così Paperone decide di fare una specie di "riunione di condominio" per stabilire alcune regole. Per svagarsi, Qui, Quo e Qua decidono di recarsi alla "Funso's Funzone", un parco giochi in città, invitando, con iniziale riluttanza anche Gaia; la paperina, essendo sempre stata chiusa nella villa, ha qualche problema a relazionarsi col mondo esterno, facendo così cacciare l'intero gruppo dal bus, venendo notati dalla Banda Bassotti, che decidono di pedinarli per rapirli. Nel frattempo alla villa Paperino fa fatica a sottostare alle regole indette da Beakley, in quanto convinto di non dover rendere conto alla governante del suo comportamento, causando così un allagamento e un incendio in piscina; Beakley, dal canto suo, vorrebbe che il papero maturasse e le chiedesse aiuto, senza prendere iniziativa e causare disastri; tuttavia, dopo gli avvenimenti sopra citati, si arrende e decide di lasciarlo fare. Al parco giochi Gaia fa fatica ad integrarsi, provocando diversi malintesi che verranno seguiti da un incendio e dalla conseguente espulsione a vita del gruppo dalla "Funzone". Dopo ciò, i Bassotti rapiscono i paperini, rinchiudendoli in una cella frigorifera dello stesso parco, chiamando poi Mamma Bass per riferirle l'avvenimento e inviando una richiesta di riscatto alla villa.

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Caccia alla Numero Uno

23 settembre, 201725m

A villa de' Paperoni Qua è intenzionato a passare un pomeriggio di ozio davanti alla tv, sprecando bevande e crogiolandosi nel fatto che ora lui e la sua famiglia "sono ricchi"; il suo comportamento irrita Paperone, il quale gli ricorda che solo lui è ricco, e non Qua o la sua famiglia. Così decide che lo porterà con sé al deposito per fargli vedere come si lavora sodo.

Al deposito, Qua usa per errore la Numero Uno dello zio in un distributore di bibite, definendolo "un decino d'emergenza". Partirà poi alla ricerca del decino, stremandosi a fare le scale, non potendo usare, talvolta, l'ascensore. Il nipote chiede aiuto ad Archimede, che aveva appena inventato Edi (inglese: Lil Bulb). Ma Edi sostituisce la sua lampadina con una da 75 watt e diventa cattivo, risucchiando tutti i decini del Deposito. Qua si prepara ad una lunga, dura, giornata di lavoro.

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Il compleanno di Mamma Bass

30 settembre, 201725m

Quando Qui, Quo e Qua partono per un'avventura in barca, lasciando Gaia a terra, la paperina fa amicizia con Lena, papera un po' più grande di lei, introversa e arrogante, seppur simpatica. Sfortunatamente Lena e Gaia, giocando insieme, si intrufolano (all'insaputa di quest'ultima) all'interno della base segreta della Banda Bassotti dove si sta festeggiando il compleanno di Mamma Bass. Le paperine vengono così scoperte e inseguite senza tregua dai malviventi. Durante la notte Gaia e Lena stringono una forte amicizia e rincontrano i nipoti, tornati dalla loro gita in barca. Tuttavia Lena viene rapita dai Bassotti, e Gaia, Qui, Quo e Qua decidono di andare a salvarla. Tuttavia, sfortunatamente, i 4 vengono scoperti e catturati dalla banda; Lena però, grazie ad un abile stratagemma e all'aiuto degli amici, riesce a far mettere i Bassotti l'uno contro l'altro, riuscendo così a fuggire. Tornati a Villa de' Paperoni Gaia, Qui, Quo e Qua salutano la loro nuova amica, o almeno così parrebbe. Lena infatti, arrivata a un vecchio e decadente teatro abbandonato (luogo dove aveva incontrato Gaia precedentemente) usando il suo amuleto magico, evoca l'ombra di sua zia Amelia, acerrima nemica di Paperone.

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Avventure nel sottosuolo

7 ottobre, 201725m

Dopo aver visto un film horror Qui, Quo, Qua, Gaia e Lena si avveturano tra i sotterranei di Paperopoli in cerca di strane creature. Intanto Mrs. Beakley non si fida della nuova amica di sua nipote e Jet diventa paranoico.

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La casa di Gastone il fortunato

14 ottobre, 201725m

Durante il loro viaggio alla ricerca del Grillo d'oro, Zio Paperone, Paperino, Qui, Quo, Qua, Gaia e Jet fanno una sosta al casino di Macaw dove incontrano il cugino fortunato di Paperino, Gastone Paperone. Durante l'episodio Paperino e Gastone si sfidano in una gara tra fortuna e sfortuna per accaparrarsi la simpatia dei nipoti. Alla fine si scopre che Gastone è tenuto prigioniero dallo spirito maligno Toad Liu Hai che lo tiene in ostaggio perché vuole rubargli la sua fortuna.

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Il neomiliardario

21 ottobre, 201725m

Qui e Quo competono per prendere il posto di stagista alla compagnia del nuovo miliardario di Paperopoli Mark Becchis. Intanto al club dei miliardari Cuoredipietra e Paperone escogitano un piano per sbarazzarsi di Becchis e la spia Falcon Graves arriva per rubare il progetto segreto del miliardario.

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Le mummie viventi di Toth Ra

28 ottobre, 201725m

Paperone, Qui, Quo, Qua, Gaia e Jet McQuack vanno in una piramide dell'antico Egitto per trovare il tesoro del faraone Toth Ra. Mentre Qua e Gaia vengono separati dal gruppo finendo direttamente nella stanza del tesoro, Paperone, Quo, Qui e Jeth incontreranno i discendenti dei servi del faraone e dovranno alla fine scontrarsi con lo spirito del faraone. Alla fine dell'avventura Gaia e Qua si ricongiungono con Paperone e gli altri e aiuteranno i discendenti a sconfiggere Toth Ra e ad uscire dalla Piramide

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L'impossibile vetta del Monte Maiverest

2 dicembre, 201725m

Scrooge and Huey are determined to be the first to set foot atop an impossible summit, but the snow-capped mountain holds a treacherous secret that tests both their commitment and survival.

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La lancia di Selene!

4 maggio, 201825m

Donald is dragged into a feud between Scrooge and Zeus, while Dewey and Webby search for an artifact that may provide the truth about Dewey’s mother.

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Un robot pericoloso

11 maggio, 201825m

Mark Becchis inventa un'auto anti-collisione senza pilota chiamato A.M.I.C.O. Jet, invidioso, organizza una sfida tra lui e A.M.I.C.O. in una gara che chi taglierà per primo il traguardo sarà il nuovo autista/pilota di Paperone. Tuttavia Jet fallisce, così A.M.I.C.O. è il vincitore e diventa il nuovo autista/pilota di Paperone. Quando però Paperone, Becchis, Archimede e Quo cercano di tornare a casa, A.M.I.C.O., costruito con la stessa tecnologia di Edi (Becchins ne aveva trovato i progetti su internet, dato che erano stati pubblicati dal secondo assistente di Archimede, Fenton, [il primo si chiama Manny ed è un robot a forma di cavallo con la testa a forma di quella di Paperone]) perde autonomamente il controllo. Jet, con l'aiuto dello stagista di Archimede, Fenton/Robopap, riesce a salvare in tempo Paperone, Becchis, Archimede e Quo, riuscendo anche a distruggere A.M.I.C.O. Paperone, Jet e Quo riescono infine a tornare a casa.

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Gli anelli mancanti del Moorshire

18 maggio, 201825m

Dewey’s natural golf abilities challenge Scrooge’s ego while, a seemingly innocent, mystical golf course leads the group into trouble.

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Mistero alla villa De' Paperoni

25 maggio, 201825m

When Scrooge unexpectedly disappears during his birthday party, Huey, Dewey and Louie find themselves hosting a mystery party where everyone is a suspect.

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The World’s Longest Deathtrap (1)

28 maggio, 20183m

With Webby and Dewey trapped in a temple, will they escape? Will we find out just how long this death trap goes on for?

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The World’s Longest Deathtrap (2)

3 giugno, 20183m

With Webby and Dewey trapped in a temple, will they escape? Will we find out just how long this death trap goes on for? (Part 2)

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The World’s Longest Deathtrap (3)

10 giugno, 20183m

With Webby and Dewey trapped in a temple, will they escape? Will we find out just how long this death trap goes on for? (Part 3)

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Lo $qualo

16 giugno, 201825m

The kids and Launchpad work together to capture a mystical money shark while Scrooge attempts to better his public image with a televised interview.

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The World’s Longest Deathtrap (4)

17 giugno, 20183m

With Webby and Dewey trapped in a temple, will they escape? Will we find out just how long this death trap goes on for? (Part 4)

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Il mistero della Laguna Dorata

23 giugno, 201825m

Scrooge reteams with his conniving ex-partner and old flame, Goldie O’ Gilt, to find a long-lost golden lagoon, but Glomgold has other plans.

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The World’s Longest Deathtrap (5)

24 giugno, 20183m

With Webby and Dewey trapped in a temple, will they escape? Will we find out just how long this death trap goes on for? (Part 5)

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Il giorno del figlio unico

30 giugno, 201825m

When Dewey invents a holiday that allows the triplets to be only children for a day, each realizes they need their brothers more than they thought.

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Dai dossier segreti dell'Agente 22!

7 luglio, 201825m

Webby learns how Scrooge and Mrs. Beakley first met while she helps Scrooge rescue her granny from the clutches of rival spy Black Heron.

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Dewey Dew-Night!: The Sidekick

8 luglio, 20183m

Live in Studio! It's Dewey's late night talk show Dewey Dew-Night! His first exclusive interview is with the mansion's very own Webby Vanderquack, but will he be able to get through it without interruptions? (Apologies to Flintheart Glomgold who's been bumped!)

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Chi è Robopap?!

14 luglio, 201825m

As Fenton figures out how to be a hero, Mark Beaks offers to hire Gizmoduck and help him defend all of Duckburg.

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Dewey Dew-Night!: The Interview

15 luglio, 20183m

After Scrooge cancels appearing on the show, Dewey invites Manny, the Headless Man Horse, to tell his heart-warming...slightly confusing childhood story! (Apologies to Flintheart Glomgold who's been bumped!)

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L'altro deposito di Paperone

21 luglio, 201825m

Lena’s loyalties are tested when Magica forces her to lead Webby on a raid to a facility full of Scrooge’s most dangerous artifacts to find his #1 Dime.

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Dewey Dew-Night!: Will It Crash?!

22 luglio, 20183m

Dewey invites Launchpad onto his talk show for a new stunt segment called "Will It Crash!" Will Launchpad be able to crash his new fan boat? (Apologies to Flintheart Glomgold. We hope he'll be back tomorrow!)

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I pirati dell'aria

28 luglio, 201825m

Feeling ignored, Dewey finds a new family: a band of singing and dancing pirates looking to rob Scrooge blind.

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Dewey Dew-Night!: Bedtime

29 luglio, 20183m

Dewey attempts to wow the internet with an epic stunt that is bound to make his talk show go viral, but will he be able to do it before his brothers’ bed time?! (Apologies to Flintheart Glomgold who's been bumped!)

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I segreti del Castello de' Paperoni

4 agosto, 201825m

On a family trip to Scrooge’s ancestral castle, Dewey tries to hide the truth about his mom as his brothers search for family secrets.

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L'ultimo schianto del Sunchaser

11 agosto, 201825m

Stuck on a precarious peak, the kids secretly search the plane for the final clue about Della’s mysterious disappearance.

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La guerra delle ombre

Season Finale
18 agosto, 201850m

Magica De Spell is close to exacting revenge on Scrooge, so the family races against time to plan a dangerous rescue mission to save Scrooge and the city.

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La pericolosa partita... serale!

20 ottobre, 201825m

A game night is anything but relaxing as the family faces shrink rays, a barbaric civilization and an unhealthy level of competitiveness.

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Gli abissi del cugino Paperoga

27 ottobre, 201825m

Huey and Dewey are led on an adventure by their distant Uncle Fethry, who takes them to the depths of Scrooge’s deep‐sea laboratory.

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La Ballata di Duke Salame

3 novembre, 201825m

After his disappearance, Glomgold resurfaces as anything but his ever-scheming self, while Webby and Louie try to uncover the truth behind who is Duke Baloney.

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La città del popolo felice

10 novembre, 201825m

The family visits a Brazilian town with a dark secret where Donald reunites with his old friends Jose Carioca & Panchito Pistoles, thus reuniting The Three Caballeros.

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Cicognercole a Paperopoli!

17 novembre, 201825m

Louie recruits Storkules for his professional monster extermination business, while Storkules faces his greatest challenge: being Donald’s roommate.

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Natale in famiglia

1 dicembre, 201825m

Scrooge avoids the pressures of the holidays by traveling back in time with a trio of fun-loving ghosts to crash history's greatest Christmas parties; time-lost Dewey teams up with young Donald Duck to find his mother on Christmas.

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Che fine ha fatto Della Duck?

9 marzo, 201925m

Della struggles for survival against dangerous elements of the Moon, as she looks for a way to get back to her family on Earth.

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Alla ricerca della lampada ritrovata!

7 maggio, 201925m

As the boys track a missing artifact across Duckburg, Scrooge and Webby stall the warrior looking for it with a phony quest.

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Paperone contro Rockerduck

8 maggio, 201925m

In the Old West, Scrooge and Goldie form a band of outlaws and stage a heist to save a small town from corrupt businessman John D. Rockerduck.

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Il mistero degli 87 centesimi!

9 maggio, 201925m

The kids must stop Scrooge’s unhealthy obsession with a few missing coins to keep him from becoming the next Glomgold.

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La Lancia d'Oro

10 maggio, 201925m

As Della rebuilds her ship, Penumbra becomes convinced Della’s planning an attack. Meanwhile, Donald’s nap keeps getting interrupted by adventure.

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Nulla può fermare Della Duck

13 maggio, 201925m

Della Duck has faced every danger the moon has to offer to reunite with her family, but her greatest challenge is one she might not be able to fight her way out of.

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I predatori del Deposito dell'Apocalisse

14 maggio, 201925m

Dewey tries to prove himself by exploring a frozen fortress in search of a money tree seed, but Glomgold has kidnapped Scrooge in order to find it first.

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Amiche del cuore!

15 maggio, 201925m

Stuck as a shadow, Lena tries to protect Webby from her suspicious new friend Violet during a supernatural Sleepover.

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La formula di Gandra Dee

16 maggio, 201925m

With Huey’s and Webby’s help, Fenton woos a punk-rock scientist, Gandra Dee, only to uncover her dangerous plans for Gizmoduck.

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Il ritorno di Darkwing Duck

17 maggio, 201925m

After he and Dewey meet Darkwing Duck's original actor Jim Starling and then find out that Scrooge intend to make a gritty movie about Darkwing Duck with a new actor, both Launchpad and Jim are against it.

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Che fine ha fatto Paperino?!

3 settembre, 201925m

Donald and Penumbra must break out of a Moon Prison and send a warning to Earth about a looming invasion. Meanwhile, Dewey and Webby uncover a sinister conspiracy targeting their family.

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Buon compleanno, Tonty!

4 settembre, 201925m

Louie teams with Goldie to scam their way through Doofus' dangerous party. Huey pushes himself out of his comfort zone in his favorite online game.

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Un sogno misterioso

5 settembre, 201925m

The kids are pulled into a world made of their wildest dreams. Unfortunately, Lena’s worst nightmare comes true: Magica De Spell is back and coming to reclaim what’s hers.

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Un'avventura leggendaria

6 settembre, 201925m

Webby leads the kids in a race against the Beagles to find a secret treasure while hiding a secret of her own. Della is forced to teach Launchpad how to actually fly a plane.

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Tempesta temporale

9 settembre, 201925m

When Louie uses Gyro’s Time Tub to steal lost treasures from the past, a mysterious storm in the present sends all of space and time crashing down onto the mansion.

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Scontro tra famiglie

10 settembre, 201925m

Glomgold forms his own family made of all of Scrooge’s greatest villains to defeat Scrooge’s family once and for all.

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Il papero più ricco del mondo!

11 settembre, 201925m

Louie, Scrooge and Owlson must escape from an unstoppable monster cursed to hunt down and destroy the richest duck in the world.

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Invasione lunare!

Season Finale
12 settembre, 201950m

The moon invades Duckburg, forcing Scrooge to join forces with an unlikely ally in an effort to save the earth. Meanwhile, Della and the kids search the globe for reinforcements.

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La sfida delle Giovani Marmotte Senior

4 aprile, 202025m

Huey races against Violet in a challenge to be named Senior Junior Woodchuck, while Scrooge and the family search for a secret Woodchuck treasure.

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La foto di famiglia

4 aprile, 202025m

The family is not quite themselves as they discover the planned family photoshoot might just be a part of a bigger “wish” gone wrong.

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00-Jet: ci si schianta solo due volte

11 aprile, 202025m

A spy video game turns dangerously real as Launchpad and Dewey must stop F.O.W.L. agent Steelbeak’s plan to destroy Duckburg.

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L'arpa perduta di Mervana

18 aprile, 202025m

The family joins a zen mermaid society to find a missing mystery, but Louie is convinced the seemingly innocent mermaids have a villainous agenda of their own.

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Gli undici di Qua

25 aprile, 202025m

Louie plans a break-in at a high-class party hosted by Duckburg’s most popular tastemaker, Emma Glamour, so the Three Caballeros can play as Donald tries to get past the party’s no-nonsense planner, Daisy Duck.

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Boyd torna a casa

2 maggio, 202025m

Gyro, Fenton and Huey take a malfunctioning B.O.Y.D. back to the lab where he was created in Japan, but as Huey bonds with the robot boy, a secret from Gyro’s past threatens to destroy the city and Gizmoduck.

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Lotta per la salvezza della Terra

9 maggio, 202025m

Dewey must embrace his inner heel to beat beloved Viking wrestling champ Jormungandr in a battle royale for the fate of the Earth.

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Il fantasma e la fattucchiera

21 settembre, 202025m

When a mysterious magic thief arrives in Duckburg, Lena must confront her past and team with her treacherous aunt, Magica.

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Ruota panoramica con sorpresa

28 settembre, 202025m

Webby sets out to prove to a homesick Penumbra that Earth can be a lot of fun by riding Glomgold’s newest gift to Duckburg, the suspicious Flintferris Glomwheel.

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Scherzo di Halloween

5 ottobre, 202025m

The kids forego their usual trick-or-treat path and instead take on the most haunted house in Duckburg, while Launchpad confronts ghosts from the past.

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La fontana della giovinezza

12 ottobre, 202025m

Scrooge and Goldie O’Gilt are turned into teenagers as they race Rockerduck to the Fountain of Youth, while the boys’ sibling rivalry uncovers danger at a spring break hotel.

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Dagli addosso, Duck!

19 ottobre, 202050m

Darkwing gains an unlikely sidekick as he uncovers a dark conspiracy tied to the Missing Mysteries and one of Scrooge’s employees.

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L'impossibile fuga dal deposito

26 ottobre, 202025m

With F.O.W.L. at their heels, Scrooge tests out the Money Bin’s new security system on Louie and Della, while Beakley and Webby train the others for an enemy attack.

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La spada divisa di Swanstanstine!

2 novembre, 202025m

The kids pair off to find the missing pieces of a mystical sword hidden throughout a marketplace, unless F.O.W.L. gets to them first.

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Un nuovo dio dell'Olimpo

9 novembre, 202025m

The kids try to prove themselves by auditioning to take Zeus' place amongst the Greek gods, while Storkules interferes with Donald and Daisy's date.

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La prima avventura!

16 novembre, 202025m

Scrooge is forced to babysit young Donald and Della as they go on their first adventure to find a powerful artifact, unaware that Bradford is taking on this mission personally.

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Lotta per il Castello de' Paperoni!

23 novembre, 202025m

A bitter feud between Scrooge and his sister, Matilda, spreads to the rest of the family as Phantom Blot attempts to steal a priceless artifact and destroy Castle McDuck once and for all.

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Paperone salva il Natale

30 novembre, 202025m

Scrooge teams up with his archrival, Santa Claus, to save Christmas, while Webby discovers the true history behind their infamous feud.

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Una corazza per Becchis

22 febbraio, 202125m

Huey struggles to keep Fenton and Gandra’s top-secret experiment (and their relationship) hidden from the world. But, Mark Beaks is desperate for one last gizmo to steal.

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Il carico perduto di Kit!

1 marzo, 202125m

Della, Dewey and Huey recruit a showboating pilot to take them to an island full of monsters in search of a missing mystery, unaware that Don Karnage is hot on their tails.

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Vita e crimini di Paperon de' Paperoni

8 marzo, 202125m

Scrooge's enemies reveal a secret history to prove that he is responsible for turning them evil, forcing Louie to defend his uncle against their prosecutor, Doofus Drake.

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L'ultima avventura!

Season Finale
15 marzo, 20211h 15m

The future of adventuring hangs in the balance as the Duck family uncovers earth-shattering secrets in a final standoff with F.O.W.L.

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