Jenna Raine Simmons as Olivia

Episodes 10


May 31, 201723m

We meet Juliette and her soulsie squad — Justine, Ella, and Izzy, who are the creative minds behind their website, “Miss O & Friends - created by girls, for girls.” But problems arise when Juliette’s little sister, Olivia, gets into an argument with Harlie, her BFF, and Juliette and the soulsie squad encourage the girls to dance-it-off.

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No Easy Fix

May 31, 201723m

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Three's a Crowd

May 31, 201723m

Izzy has an idea for the site that teaches choreography to girls. But when she asks for Justine’s help, this makes Juliette jealous. Ella divulges some new info to Juliette.

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Ask A Boy

May 31, 201723m

The girls encounter their first mystery when they try to uncover the identity of the a user that's asking a question to Answer Girl. They are shocked when the true identity of the user with the girly screen name is revealed.

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R.I.P. Computer

May 31, 201723m

Juliette's computer dies, so the group decides to sell ice cream to raise money for her. Izzy and Ella have a fight and then Ella makes the Cable Car into a snow theme to show Izzy how much she cares.

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It's a Girl's World

May 31, 201723m

Juliette and Justine prep for their first ever science fair projects, when a gender-biased comment leaves them angry. But when Justine is accidentally entered as "Justin" in the competition, she decides to go along with it in the ultimate social experiment to see if boys are favored over girls when it comes to science.

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May 31, 201723m

Olivia feels slighted when she’s not invited to a party, while the soulsie squad discovers a competing website with similar offerings to ‘Miss O & Friends.’ Meanwhile, the girls learn from Hermine that competition is normal, and it’s the little things that make them unique.

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The Interview

May 31, 201723m

The site is gaining in popularity and the local news reaches out for an interview. But the interview brings out hurt feelings between Juliette and Justine. Meanwhile, Izzy finds herself in an accidental relationship with a guy friend.

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Ticket Giveaway

May 31, 201723m

The girls decide to have a contest on their site to give away concert tickets. But when they learn their ticket connection falls through, they have to decide how to tell their fans the truth.

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The Offer

Season Finale
May 31, 201723m

A big company wants to buy the girls’ site, but it would result in them losing creative control. Can they all come together to make the right decision, or will the stress of doing business have them actually consider the offer, and possibly destroy their friendship?

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