Über The Good Doctor diskutieren

I am a single straight man and I have fallen in love with this show its not usually my type of thing but this is remarkable and inspiring and I love dr shaun himself am I the only man who feels this way I am almost positive not but I am just curious

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I think this show is amazing..i have a hard time finding a show that holds my interest. So far it's been Bates and The Good Doctor

true they are both excelent

@drtvnut28 said:

I am a single straight man and I have fallen in love with this show its not usually my type of thing but this is remarkable and inspiring and I love dr shaun himself am I the only man who feels this way I am almost positive not but I am just curious

Single and straight. I love that you're in touch with your feminine side. Add confident to that list of yours. 😄

what list lol

@drtvnut28 said:

what list lol

Single, Straight, Confident, Are you cute?, Etc.

That list. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

oh lol

Its a great show! I recognize very much all the prejudice of the academic world...

... It has its flaws though of course :o) And it irritates me a lot that they use soo many complex words, for simple conditions haha! But if it makes them feel smarter... meh...

very good series

Well I haven't seen this one but I liked the original series (it's a Korean show). It's a bit on the dramatic side since it's a k-drama but I like the way they depict medical/surgical events on the show.

I rather liked the show, and connected well to the main character. Though, to be honest, I haven't really cared for the injection of identity politics into the more recent season. Up until then, it had attempted to be more balanced in its approach to certain issues.

@Tsavo said:

I rather liked the show, and connected well to the main character. Though, to be honest, I haven't really cared for the injection of identity politics into the more recent season. Up until then, it had attempted to be more balanced in its approach to certain issues.

What do you mean by 'injection of identity politics'?

@CarbonMoss said:

@Tsavo said:

I rather liked the show, and connected well to the main character. Though, to be honest, I haven't really cared for the injection of identity politics into the more recent season. Up until then, it had attempted to be more balanced in its approach to certain issues.

What do you mean by 'injection of identity politics'?

Off hand? The scene with the minority characters bitching about the perceived need to "make the whites comfortable", and, at least if I remember correctly (it's been a while), the other characters jumping down Shaun's throat when he found himself confused and frustrated by the pronoun game, as if it was his fault that he was having difficulty with it.

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