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Cable Girls (2017)

TV-MA Drama
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Las Chicas del Cable


In 1920s Madrid, four women at the National Telephone Company ring in revolution as they deal with romance, envy and the modern workplace.

  1. Gema R. Neira


  2. Ramón Campos


  3. Teresa Fernández-Valdés


Series Cast

  1. Blanca Suárez as Alba Romero

    Blanca Suárez

    Alba Romero

    42 Episodes

  2. Yon González as Francisco Gómez

    Yon González

    Francisco Gómez

    42 Episodes

  3. Ana Fernández as Carlota Rodríguez

    Ana Fernández

    Carlota Rodríguez

    42 Episodes

  4. Nadia de Santiago as Marga Suárez

    Nadia de Santiago

    Marga Suárez

    42 Episodes

  5. Martiño Rivas as Carlos Cifuentes

    Martiño Rivas

    Carlos Cifuentes

    42 Episodes

  6. Ana Polvorosa as Óscar Ruiz and Sara Millán

    Ana Polvorosa

    Óscar Ruiz, Sara Millán

    42 Episodes

  7. Nico Romero as Pablo Santos and Pablo Santos / Julio Santos

    Nico Romero

    Pablo Santos, Pablo Santos / Julio Santos

    42 Episodes

  8. Ángela Cremonte as Elisa Cifuentes

    Ángela Cremonte

    Elisa Cifuentes

    42 Episodes

  9. Concha Velasco as Carmen Benavides

    Concha Velasco

    Carmen Benavides

    42 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Final Season: Part 1 and Part 2


2020 • 10 Episodes

Chapter 33: War Chapter 34: Hate Chapter 35: Courage Chapter 36: Control Chapter 37: Insanity Chapter 38: Power Chapter 39: Patience Chapter 40: Pain Chapter 41: Defeat Chapter 42: The End

Chapter 42: The End

(5x10, July 3, 2020) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Cable Girls
Cable Girls


Original Name Las chicas del cable

Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Spanish; Castilian


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