Tomica Hero: Rescue Force is a Japanese tokusatsu television series that began airing April 5, 2008, on TV Aichi. It is the first Tomica Hero series based on Takara Tomy's Tomica toy car line. The characters use Tomica's Super Tools and Super Vehicles to help save people from Super-Disasters and battle the evil causing them. It is the second tokusatsu series that Takara Tomy has been involved in following Madan Senki Ryukendo. It is directed by Masato Tsujino, and written by Shinichi Inotsume and Hiroyuki Kawasaki, the same team behind Ryukendo. A film for Tomica Hero: Rescue Force was released in December 2008.
Series Cast
Last Season
Season 1
The plot centres on the titular Rescue Force, a team of rescue workers equipped with high-tech equipment designed to stop extreme natural disasters. It carries a Rescue Police vibe in that their equipment is designed primarily for rescue efforts, not to fight evil. Despite this, the show slowly crept towards evil-fighting with antagonists Neo Terror artificially creating extreme disasters and sending Mooks to interfere with the rescue efforts.
Original Name トミカヒーロー レスキューフォース
Status Ended
Type Scripted
Original Language Japanese
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