Über Saki: Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A diskutieren

The 3 seasons are commonly grouped together, for example from wikipedia.

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To Admins, any comment on combining the two?

Based on the data available on AniDB and AnimeNewsNetwork, this one is not directly linked to the other two. As such, it should be listed separately. As per our rules, grouping is only done for sequels.

In that case, the national season should also be split into another one. See https://anidb.net/anime/6246 and https://anidb.net/anime/9490.

Also Achiga Hen is closely related, within a compatible storyline, (instead of a reboot etc). It's only no a direct sequel.

@Kimi_Arthur said:

In that case, the national season should also be split into another one. See https://anidb.net/anime/6246 and https://anidb.net/anime/9490.

These 2 should be combined. As indicated on AniDB, they are sequels.

Also Achiga Hen is closely related, within a compatible storyline, (instead of a reboot etc). It's only no a direct sequel.

Only sequels are combined.

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