LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures (2016)
Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, The Freemaker Adventures centers on a family of three young siblings—young boy Rowan, his sister Kordi, and their brother Zander—known as the Freemakers, who salvage parts from destroyed or damaged ships which they use to build new ones, which they sell in order to make their living. They are accompanied by their salvaged battle droid Roger.
Series Cast
Rowan Freemaker (voice)
26 Episodes
Kordi Freemaker (voice)
26 Episodes
Zander Freemaker (voice)
26 Episodes
R0-GR "Roger" (voice)
26 Episodes
Admiral Ackbar / Emperor Palpatine (voice), Emperor Palpatine / Stormtrooper (voice), Admiral Ackbar / Emperor Palpatine / Imperial Commander (voice), Emperor Palpatine / RA-7 Droid (voice) and 10 more...
21 Episodes
Darth Vader (voice), Darth Vader / Stormtrooper (voice), Darth Vader / Mechanic (voice), Darth Vader / Alien / TIE Fighter Pilot (voice) and 5 more...
16 Episodes
Naare (voice), Maz Kanata (voice)
14 Episodes
Graballa the Hutt (voice)
11 Episodes
Quarrie (voice), Quarrie / Stormtrooper (voice), Quarrie / Y-Wing Pilot (voice), Quarrie / Lurmen #1 / Deck Officer (voice) and 3 more...
10 Episodes
Last Season
Season 2
At the end of the first season, the Freemaker family found a new home with the rebel fleet. Their new circumstances bring them face to face with brutal Imperial forces, desperate Hutts, conniving Sith Lords, and the Emperor's latest plaything, M-OC, a terrifying hunter droid who continually modifies himself to fit any occasion. In response to these threats, Rowan's powers grow and strengthen until he has a vision of a sleek, invulnerable ship that can save the Rebellion and stop the Empire in its tracks — the Arrowhead. The catch is, the Arrowhead is a ship only Rowan can build. Once again, it's up to the youngest Freemaker to save the galaxy.
Return of the Return of the Jedi
(2x13, August 16, 2017) Season FinaleFacts
Status Ended
Type Scripted
Original Language English
Content Score
Yes! Looking good!
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