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Recovery Road (2016)

TV-14 Drama
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Maddie is a teenage girl dealing with addiction who has a reputation as a party girl who doesn’t think she has a problem, until she’s confronted one day by her school guidance counselor and is forced to choose between expulsion and rehab. Maddie makes the difficult decision to live with other recovering addicts at a sober living facility while facing the daily pressures of her teenage life. Based on the popular young adult novel by Blake Nelson.

Series Cast

  1. Sharon Leal as Charlotte Graham

    Sharon Leal

    Charlotte Graham

    10 Episodes

  2. Sebastian de Souza as Wes Stewart

    Sebastian de Souza

    Wes Stewart

    10 Episodes

  3. Daniel Franzese as Vern Testaverde

    Daniel Franzese

    Vern Testaverde

    10 Episodes

  4. Kyla Pratt as Trish Collins

    Kyla Pratt

    Trish Collins

    10 Episodes

  5. David Witts as Craig Weiner

    David Witts

    Craig Weiner

    10 Episodes

  6. Alexis Carra as Cynthia McDermott

    Alexis Carra

    Cynthia McDermott

    10 Episodes

  7. Jessica Sula as Maddie Graham

    Jessica Sula

    Maddie Graham

    10 Episodes

  8. Meg DeLacy as Nyla

    Meg DeLacy


    9 Episodes

  9. Emma Fassler as Laurel

    Emma Fassler


    9 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1


2016 • 10 Episodes

Season 1 of Recovery Road premiered on January 25, 2016.

(Be)Coming Clean

(1x10, March 28, 2016) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Recovery Road
Recovery Road


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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