Bobby Moynihan come Panda (voice)

Episodi 138

We Bare Bears - Pilot

6 novembre, 20148m

The Pilot, which was plainly titled "We Bare Bears", is the first produced episode of We Bare Bears. This pilot is separate from the main series and isn't considered the first episode.

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Bear Cleaning

6 luglio, 201511m

Ice Bear vacuums the cave and accidentally rips out a patch of Grizz's fur. He tries to fix Grizz's bald spot before he notices.

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Nom Nom vs. Hamster

3 agosto, 201511m

Behind the scenes with popular viral video star Nom Nom - this time, he's trying to work with an uncooperative hamster co-star.

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Lo zainetto perduto

24 agosto, 201511m

Per giocare una partitina a pallacanestro gli Orsi - che schiappe! - lasciano a bordo campo uno zainetto con le loro cose. Quando tornano a prenderlo, si accorgono che è stato rubato. Mettono sottosopra la città per ritrovarlo e, così facendo, permettono alla polizia di sgominare una banda di ladri.

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Il video virale

31 agosto, 201511m

Gli Orsi si sentono capaci di realizzare un video virale che possa renderli delle star di internet. Pero Nom-Nom li giudica noiosi e li boccia.

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Panda's Dream

1 settembre, 201511m

Panda gets cut in line while waiting to buy a video game and fantasizes about ways of heroically standing up for himself.

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Log Ride

1 settembre, 201511m

The Bears become obsessed with taking the perfect "action shot" picture on a log ride at an amusement park. They go on the ride over and over again until they've got the best shot.

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Silenzio in sala!

3 settembre, 201511m

Gli Orsi sono scandalizzati per la maleducazione degli spettatori di oggi nei cinema. Anche voi? Gli Orsi si incaricano di riportare ordine nelle sale: scivolano furtivi come Ninja tra le poltrone e zittiscono i maleducati che disturbano la visione dei film

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Cibo di strada

7 settembre, 201511m

Gli Orsi preparano un furgoncino da street-food. Hanno subito un grande successo specialmente tra gli animali che diventano i loro unici, un po' matti clienti.

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Il mio giro di amicizie (a.k.a. La mia cricca)

10 settembre, 201511m

Chloe, una bambina prodigio, ha difficoltà a fare amicizia con suoi compagni di college molto più grandi di lei. Gli Orsi la prendono sotto la loro ala protettrice e inventano mille espedienti per aiutarla ad inserirsi.

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14 settembre, 201511m

Chloe spends time with the Bears in an effort to research them for an upcoming presentation. But when the Bears sneak a peek at her very dry report, the Bears decide to jazz it up with exaggerated "facts" about themselves and their lifestyle.

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17 settembre, 201511m

Gli Orsi decidono di ospitare il noioso, testrado, maleducato e indisponente Charlie, ma, ovviamente, se ne pentiranno molto presto!

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21 settembre, 201511m

Lucy vende prodotti agricoli al mercato e salva la vita a Panda quando il tenero orso ha una grave crisi allergica. Panda si sente tra le braccia della ragazza dei suoi sogni. Panda vorrebbe corteggiala ma i suoi fratelli - e lui stesso - sono d'intralcio.

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Un giorno da orsi

28 settembre, 201511m

È un giorno come gli altri per gli Orsi. Orso Bianco lotta con un aspirapolvere-robot, Panda - quando un topolino entra nella sua stanza - perde quasi tutti gli amici in internet e Grizz rimane incastrato su un albero. Insomma, cose di tutti i giorni per un orso!

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Il burrito

5 ottobre, 201511m

A Grizz piacciono i burrito. Li adora. Quando in un ristorante gli viene servito un burrito grande quanto un orso, Grizz ne resta rapito: non può mangiare un simile maestoso capolavoro! Lo porta con sé ovunque, lo fa diventare quasi un fratello nonostante il burrito - imputridendo - puzzi sempre di più.

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Ritorno alla natura

12 ottobre, 201511m

Gli Orsi, ormai civilizzati, hanno perso il loro naturale istinto di sopravvivenza? Grizz, per rispondere alla domanda, va nel bosco più fitto dove si perde insieme con i fratelli.

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Fratellanza (a.k.a Il fratello maggiore)

12 ottobre, 201534m

After Panda stumbles and accidentally scares a pack of wolves away in the process, the hierarchy of the Bears is disrupted. Suddenly, Panda has become the alpha bear, and he and Grizz have to deal with the consequences of an emotional Panda being the leader of the three Bears.

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Casa dolce casa (a.k.a. Orsi occupanti)

13 ottobre, 201511m

When the city plans to destroy the Bears' cave in order to make way for a new cell phone tower, Grizz and Panda must find evidence from their past that proves they have rights to their land. And in case that fails, Ice Bear protests and tries to sabotage the construction crew.

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Starnuti carini (a.k.a. Lo starnuto di Panda)

14 ottobre, 201511m

I panda starnutiscono in un modo adorabile (e impetuoso!). Panda non fa eccezione. Un video di lui e del suo particolare starnuto diventa virale in internet, Panda è subito una star di simpatia e carineria. Nom Nom tenta di sconfiggere il nuovo sfidante al suo trono.

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La strada

15 ottobre, 201511m

Questo episodio ha per protagonisti gli Orsi da cuccioli!

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16 ottobre, 201511m

Grizz torna a casa con un granchio vivo. Pensando che potrà diventare un animale di compagnia per sé e per i fratelli. Il granchio, però, pizzica l'orecchio di Orso Bianco e non si stacca più. Panda e Grizz dovranno portare il fratello ferito in ospedale, di corsa!

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Il giubbotto di jeans

19 ottobre, 201511m

Gli Orsi trovano un giubbotto di jeans in un cassonetto. Il giubbotto è uno straordinario portafortuna. La cosa più bella che gli fosse mai capitata. Poco dopo, però, diventa motivo di litigio fra gli Orsi. Ognuno di loro vorrebbe tenerlo per sé. Insomma, quello che sembrava un bel colpo di fortuna si trasforma in una vera sciagura.

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Nom Nom

26 ottobre, 201511m

Nom Nom si presenta a casa degli Orsi. È sconfortato perché la sua fama in internet ha subito un clamoroso tracollo. Gli Orsi lo accolgono e il Koala li scrittura per un nuovo video con cui spera di tornare al successo.

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2 novembre, 201511m

Dopo essere stati rimproverati per aver chiesto un sacchetto di plastica, gli Orsi entrano nel mondo delle eco-sporte. La situazione, pero', sfugge ben presto di mano.

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Charlie e il serpente

3 novembre, 201511m

Charlie è un tipo solitario che, come gli Orsi, vorrebbe essere accettato e amato. Per questo organizza una festa che, però, finisce in una disastrosa avventura con il più antipatico degli animali, un serpente.

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Incontro virtuale

4 novembre, 201511m

Panda è appassionato di incontri online. Quando una bella ragazza francese gli propone un appuntamento in video chat, Panda e i fratelli escogitano un sistema per mostrare l'aspetto migliore di Panda anche se quell'aspetto e assolutamente "gonfiato" e fasullo.

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Negozio di animali

5 novembre, 201511m

Gli Orsi-cuccioli hanno vissuto per un periodo in un negozio di animali dove, dopo aver girato uno spot, hanno avuto la possibilità di essere adottati e vivere separatamente.

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Chloe e Orso Bianco

6 novembre, 201511m

On a day out with just Ice Bear, Chloe realizes Ice Bear only runs errands for his brothers. Determined to show him a fun day in the city, Chloe promises to help Ice Bear have a good time, even if it means staying in a museum after it closes.

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Orsi al lavoro

12 novembre, 201511m

Quando si rompe il loro amatissimo computer portatile, gli Orsi hanno la necessità di fare qualcosa che non avevano mai fatto prima: trovare lavoro. Sono assunti in un chiosco in cui si producono e vendono cupcake. Presto gli Orsi capiranno che il mondo del lavoro è più complicato di quanto avevano immaginato.

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Season Finale
19 novembre, 201511m

Gli Orsi, ormai urbanizzati, non sanno cosa sia il letargo fino a quando non gliene parlera Chloe.

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Goodnight Ice Bear

1 dicembre, 201511m

Ice Bear tries to fall asleep but the door to his fridge won't close. He tries to come up with a fix for it in any manner possible, no matter how elaborate.

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Passa, Charlie!

11 febbraio, 201611m

After Panda gets injured on the basketball court, the Bears invite Charlie to be on their basketball team. But when Charlie gets too good, he starts to ruin all the fun of the game.

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Il mercatino dell'usato

25 febbraio, 201611m

Each of the Bears get offbeat items at a local yard sale. Their new possessions send them on their own separate adventures.

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Pigiama party

3 marzo, 201611m

A thunderstorm forces Chloe to spend the night at the Cave with the Bears. When Chloe's parents tell the Bears to protect Chloe, they take the task a bit too seriously.

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La dieta

10 marzo, 201611m

A doctor tells the Bears to go on a cleanse to improve their health. But when Grizz realizes he can only eat what grizzly bears eat, he starts to lose his mind.

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La comitiva di Nom Nom

17 marzo, 201611m

Nom Nom recruits the Bears to act as his entourage of friends. But when the Bears realize Nom Nom doesn't understand friendship, they decide to kick their day of bonding into high gear.

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Una ranger speciale

31 marzo, 201611m

To recover a missing package, the Bears get help from Ranger Tabes, an eccentric forest ranger. But her overblown sense of justice might be too much for the Bears to handle.

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21 aprile, 201611m

The Bears switch bedrooms for the night and get a glimpse of the living space of one of their brothers. But the deeper they go, hidden secrets are revealed.

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Orso Bianco se ne va

28 aprile, 201611m

Orso Bianco si sente incompreso percio lascia i fratelli e va a lavorare come chef in un ristorante giapponese.

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Il cellulare

5 maggio, 201611m

Fed up with sharing, Panda forbids his brothers from using his cellphone any longer. But when the brothers get their own super advanced smartphones, Panda starts to succumb to crippling jealousy.

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Potty Time

30 giugno, 201611m

The Baby Bears search for people to adopt them is disrupted by Panda's need to find a bathroom.

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Panda's Profile Pic

30 giugno, 201611m

Panda frets over not having a good photo of himself to send to a girl online. Luckily, his brothers offer their photo editing skills to help.

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Grizz: Ultimate Hero Champion

30 giugno, 201611m

Grizz records his audition tape for his favorite athletic game show.

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30 giugno, 201611m

Panda uses a relaxation app to help him get to sleep. But the the app's different sounds do more harm than good!

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Charlie's Opus

30 giugno, 201611m

Charlie plays some abandoned instruments in the woods. But when other animals seem interested in the music, Charlie switches from player to conductor.

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Orsi alla moda

1 agosto, 201611m

In order to abide by the clothing policy of their favorite Boba shop, the Bears get some new outfits. But with new looks come new lives including office work, fashion modeling and even falling in love!

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2 agosto, 201611m

While trying to sail to Japan, the Baby Bears get stranded on an island. Luckily, they meet Dave and Karla, who help with survival on the island while looking for an escape.

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Febbre orsina

3 agosto, 201611m

The Bears become terribly ill and Chloe takes it upon herself to take care of them. But things get tricky when word of the Bears' sickness goes viral.

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Charlie in città

4 agosto, 201611m

Panda needs to meet his brothers at the most exclusive restaurant in town. But when he loses his contacts lenses and can't see, Panda needs Charlie's help to get him into the city.

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Il provino

5 agosto, 201611m

The Bears audition to be the next mascot for their favorite cereal. They get so caught up in the process that their competitiveness gets the best of them.

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Capitan Granchietto

5 settembre, 201611m

The Bears are reunited with their pet crab, Captain Craboo. But after an unfortunate run-in with Nom Nom, the Bears may lose their pet forever.

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Orsetti in aereo

6 ottobre, 201611m

The Baby Bears have an adventure in the sky while aboard a plane to Sweden. But when the baby Bears are forced to sit in different sections of the plan, things get a bit haywire for everyone on board.

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Yuri e l'orso

13 ottobre, 201622m

Baby Ice Bear lives alone in the arctic and meets a mysterious man named Yuri. Together they help each other survive the cold environment.

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Notti di ghiaccio

20 ottobre, 201611m

Ice Bear rides his custom vacuum into the city. But when a gang of techies steal the vacuum, Ice Bear goes on a rescue mission that takes him through the underground world of the city.

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Gli orsi salvano Charlie

3 novembre, 201611m

Ranger Tabes tells the Bears she's been investigating a mysterious creature. But when the Bears realize she's actually investigating their friend Charlie, they split up to ensure Charlie's safety.

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L'esame di chimica

10 novembre, 201611m

The Bears find Chloe in the library exhausted from studying for an exam all day. The Bears stay to help Chloe study but make things worse in the process.

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Grizz aiuta tutti

17 novembre, 201611m

When his brothers don't need his help for the day, Grizz leaves the cave to assist anyone he can throughout the city.

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Gli orsi su Youtube

27 novembre, 201611m

Through a standard video browsing session online, we get a glimpse of the different kinds of videos the Bears have posted.

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Feste di Natale

Season Finale
1 dicembre, 201611m

The Bears have been invited to all their friends' Christmas parties. In an effort to have time to crash Nom Nom's huge star-studded bash, the Bears first try to make quick stops at all their friends' parties throughout the night.

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Grizz, il film

3 aprile, 201711m

Grizz gets cast in a movie about a Grizzly Bear! But Grizz soon realizes the movie's depiction of grizzly bears is not what he had in mind.

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Disavventura in metro

4 aprile, 201711m

The bears become stranded on a subway platform after missing their train, but while waiting, they must recover some lost items.

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La rabbia di Nom Nom

5 aprile, 201711m

I piccoli Orsi trovano cento dollari.

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Un amico per Panda

6 aprile, 201711m

Panda uses an app to find a friend with whom he has more in common, but things take a turn for the worse when the new friend gets too possessive.

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La banconota

10 aprile, 201711m

The baby bears' dreams come true when they discover a $100 bill; but when they can't bear to spend it, they have difficulty letting go.

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Nuovi vicini

11 aprile, 201711m

New neighbors set up camp next to the cave. The bears love it at first, but when Grizz overhears them talking about their questionable previous bear encounters, he begins an investigation.

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Il professore di chimica

12 aprile, 201711m

Chloe, anche se ben preparata, sbaglia un esame di chimica. Il suo professore non le permette di riparare.

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L'amico birbante

13 aprile, 201711m

Charlie meets a creature just like him named Ralph (voiced by John DiMaggio) and befriends him, but Ralph turns out to be a cruel prankster which troubles the bears.

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Pianeta orsi

17 aprile, 201711m

In a BBC-style nature documentary, an omniscient narrator covers the bears' morning when they run out of food and must head to the grocery store.

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Dopo aver scoperto che Orso Bianco e un ottimo barista, gli Orsi trasformano la loro caverna in un caffe alla moda. Ma tutto si complica quando Orso Bianco assume troppa caffeina.

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Il piedone di Charlie

19 aprile, 201711m

When Charlie hurts his foot while trying to adjust the bears' satellite dish, the bears must sneak him into a hospital for medical assistance.

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Cattivissimo cane

20 aprile, 201711m

While playing with a potato gun, Chloe and Ice Bear lose her prized hoodie to the dog, nicknamed The Demon, next door so they set out on a mission to retrieve it.

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L'arte di Panda

24 aprile, 201711m

Panda dipinge un ritratto di Charlie. Il quadro e un capolavoro. Un mercante d'arte propone di esporre il quadro, ma Panda - come promesso - lo restituira a Charlie.

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Giovani ranger

25 aprile, 201711m

Ranger Tabes leads a troop of young girls into a cave expedition, and brings Grizz as their cave expert. However, things get intense when Tabes and Grizz butt heads.

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Il fratello di Lucy

26 aprile, 201711m

While Grizz and Ice Bear help Lucy with her deliveries, Panda tries to impress Lucy by taking care of her allergic younger brother, Clifford.

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Bear Stack

27 aprile, 201711m

The Bears travel to the video game store to buy the last copy of a coveted new game. They encounter video game-like obstacles along the way.

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Frozen Ice

27 aprile, 201711m

Grizz and Panda find Ice Bear frozen in a block of ice and attempt to save him.

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Assembly Required

27 aprile, 201711m

The Bears have trouble assembling some recently purchased furniture.

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Cooking with Ice Bear

27 aprile, 201711m

Ice Bear has a Korean-style cooking show and teaches the audience how to cook authentic Korean dishes.

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The Cave

Season Finale
27 aprile, 201711m

The Bears try to get rid of a bat in their cave.

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Al luna park

7 agosto, 201711m

The baby bears become prizes for a carnival game in hopes of being won and taken to a new home, but the game owner will do anything to keep the Bears from leaving.

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Lago privato

8 agosto, 201711m

When the local lake is overcrowded with tourists, the Bears have fun at Charlie’s private lake. However, trouble rises when the Bears mistakenly make its presence known on social media.

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Il mistero del sandwich

9 agosto, 20173h 7m

The Bears have lunch with Ranger Tabes, but when Tabes's lunch gets stolen, Tabes goes into full on detective mode to find the culprit.

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Avventura nel deserto

10 agosto, 201711m

Chloe and the Bears take a road trip to see a meteor shower. Ice Bear, the only one licensed to drive, is put in charge, which becomes harder than he thought, especially when they pick up a hitchhiker.

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Amore estivo

11 agosto, 201711m

Panda va in missione per restituire alla ragazza dei suoi sogni il cellulare che la stessa aveva smarrito.

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Attenti ai gattini

1 settembre, 201711m

The Bears encounter a kitten that they decide to adopt and name Thunderbolt, however they quickly discover that the kitten is actually a cougar cub and that its cougar family have made themselves at home in the cave.

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Il film di Grizzly

1 settembre, 201711m

Grizz screens an epic amateur movie he just made for a focus group, but when he notices people and animals are leaving he must figure out ways to keep the audience engaged.

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Il fratello ritrovato

8 settembre, 201711m

After talking about his lost family on a talk show, Nom Nom is met with another Koala named Kyle who claims to be his brother. However, Nom Nom's bodyguard begins to have his suspicions.

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Senso di responsabilità

15 settembre, 201711m

After Ranger Tabes accidentally breaks a deer's antler, she quits her job and turns to an online craft service, the Bears do what they can to coax her out of retirement when they realize nature's not the same without her.

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Lezioni di ballo

22 settembre, 201711m

Panda volunteers to be Lucy's partner for a dance contest to win a produce truck. But Panda doesn't have the heart to tell Lucy that she's a terrible dancer. His attempts to forfeit the contest soon hurt his friend’s feelings.

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Notti di ghiaccio 2

29 settembre, 201711m

Orso Bianco parte in una missione notturna per soccorrere una sua amica, Yana, catturata da un loro noto nemico.

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Hotel per cani

6 ottobre, 201711m

While their cave gets fumigated for a cockroach infestation, the Bears check into the Waggington Dog Hotel for the night. Panda and Ice Bear leave due to disliking the hotel's rules, but Grizzly wants to stay. When he gets mistaken for a rabid dog, his brothers must save him.

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Orso taxi

13 ottobre, 201711m

To raise money to save Darrell's store, the Bears use the stack as a taxi through a ride share app, eventually they run into Darrell's landlord and the Bears must outrun him before the landlord gets to Darrell's store and tears it down.

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Nom Nom Show

13 ottobre, 201711m

During Nom Nom's new TV show, all his special guests end up unable to appear, so Nom Nom hires the Bears as the replacements, but each act gets ruined by their antics.

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Il re dei ghiacci

20 ottobre, 201711m

After being excluded from a board game with the Bears and Charlie because of his additude, Ralph takes over the Bear's cave overnight and turns it into a snowy fortress where he reigns as king over everybody.

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Un giorno alla spa

20 ottobre, 201711m

The Bears have a relaxing day at the spa. Grizz tries to get everything the spa has to offer, Panda gets trapped in the steam room with an old man, and Ice Bear plays ping pong.

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Charlie e Halloween

27 ottobre, 201711m

Charlie tells a group of trick or treaters two scary stories for Halloween: The Bears buy three dolls that look like them that come to life and try to murder them and Grizz accidentally bites Chloe who slowly transforms into a werebear.

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Piccoli amici

3 novembre, 201711m

While the baby bears are on their way to the Denver Chocolate Fest, they encounter a burrow of bunnies who are constantly under attack by crows. Grizz and Ice Bear want to help them, but Panda is determined to get to the festival.

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Grizz e i piccioni

3 novembre, 201711m

Grizz befriends a single footed pigeon named Brenda and her friends. When they ask him to help break out more of their pigeon brethren, Grizz is willing to help, only to discover that her fellow pigeons are the pigeon cartel from "Our Stuff".

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Panda 2

10 novembre, 201711m

Baby Panda happily lives in a closed off environment for study. But when he's given a new friend, Panda 2, his worldview is shaken, which sets him off on a great adventure.

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Giù per le rapide

10 novembre, 201711m

In search of some adventure, the Bears ride a tube down a dangerous river.

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Scontri all'ultimo laser

17 novembre, 201711m

The Baby Bears sign up for a game of laser tag, hoping to win some ice cream. But, the round of laser tag turns out to be less of a game and more like a war zone.

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L'asso nella manica

17 novembre, 201711m

Ranger Tabes once again leads the Poppy Rangers in a kick ball tournament against their rivals Ranger Jao and the Ivy Rangers. Grizz comes along as a cheerleader, but when Wallace hurts her ankle he gets promoted to player.

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Un bell'albero di Natale

1 dicembre, 201711m

Chloe and Ice Bear drive up north to find the perfect Christmas tree and while looking for one, they stumble upon a wild turkey while Grizz and Panda are left in charge to decorate Chloe’s house but have a lot of trouble.

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Orzy e Nate

5 gennaio, 201811m

The Baby Bears help a teenager named Nate accomplish his dream of being a famous singer, but when he wants to enter a talent show and can only enter with the accompany of a guardian, the Baby Bears disguise themselves as Nate’s father.

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Doppia sfida

5 gennaio, 201811m

The Bears participate in a brother-themed game show against Panda's BFF, Tom and his roommates Griff and Isaac for a brand new luxury apartment, but when Panda hears that Tom can’t afford his current apartment anymore and that him and his roommates might split up, Panda might have to sacrifice the game.

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Uragano Hal

12 gennaio, 201811m

Professor Lampwick covers how everything is connected to the Bears when a hurricane rolls in. When the Bears are in three different locations, Grizz looks after Ranger Tabes' Poppy Rangers, Panda is stuck with Charlie in his car in the forest, and Chloe and Ice Bear are in the Bay Area seeking a ride home.

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Nom Nom e Grizz in vacanza

19 gennaio, 201811m

Nom Nom's stress levels spike due to an unexpected resurgence in his popularity. At the suggestion of his doctor, Nom Nom decides to take a vacation at a eucalyptus spa. His doctor assigns Grizz as his "comfort pet", who must protect him from his ravid fans or else his stress levels will cause him to die.

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L'ape regina

26 gennaio, 201811m

The Bears and Ranger Tabes find a beehive. When Tabes leaves so she can remove it safely, the Bears taste the honey and become entranced. They turn their cave into a large beehive and start serving the queen bee for more honey forcing Tabes to come to their rescue in removing the hive.

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Il parco

2 febbraio, 201811m

The Bears spend a day at the park. Grizz works out, but has his bag stolen by someone, Panda attempts to sell his artwork and gets picked up by a police officer on a horse and Ice Bear trains some kids at a playground his martial arts knowledge.

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Io, Orso Bianco

9 febbraio, 201811m

After Ice Bear hits his head, he suddenly takes on a more social, talkative and "cooler" personality which pleases Grizz and Panda, but when he begins to abandon them and become a jerk, they must find a way to turn their brother back to normal.

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Gli orsetti non saltano

Season Finale
16 febbraio, 201811m

In order to win a pizza, the Baby Bears play basketball against a ragtag gang of kids. They end up getting help in the form of a Charles Barkley card who teaches them teamwork and in the process, the Bears learn their signature "Bearstack".

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Il mostro degli abissi

30 luglio, 201811m

While on a fishing trip, the Bears get attacked by a giant legendary fish.

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A scuola

30 luglio, 201831m

The Bears win a tour of the infamous Googs corporate headquarters.

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La visita premio

30 luglio, 201811m

The Bears win a tour of the infamous Googs corporate headquarters.

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Baby orsi al lavoro

30 luglio, 201811m

The Baby Bears get jobs as paper boys.

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Squadra speciale Orsi

30 luglio, 201811m

Tabes deputizes the Bears so they can go to the city and catch a thief.

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Il calamaretto

30 luglio, 201828m

The Baby Bears build a submarine and explore the depths of an aquarium so they can bring a lost squid to its family.

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Il maggior-orso

30 luglio, 201811m

The Bears use a robot bear to help around the house. But things get tricky when they lose control of the robot.

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Un set per Grizz

30 luglio, 201811m

Baby Grizz lives on the set of a sitcom in which he stars. But when a cooler kid joins the cast, Grizz feels threatened.

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Al matrimonio

6 agosto, 201811m

The Bears must complete their Best-Man duties on the day of Darrell's wedding.

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Una proposta per Nom Nom

7 agosto, 201811m

Grizz pitches his Crowbar Jones prequel film to Nom Nom, hoping Nom Nom will agree to appear in the movie.

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Missione salsa piccante

8 agosto, 201811m

A quest for their favorite hot sauce causes the Bears to get involved with a sting operation.

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Mamma app

9 agosto, 201811m

Hoping to finally get the mom-experience, the Bears use an app that'll bring a mom right to their door.

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La limousine

10 agosto, 201811m

To help distract Panda from his girl problems, Grizz and Ice Bear treat him to a ride in a limo.

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Gli orsi su Youtube 2

13 agosto, 201811m

Through another video browsing session online, we get more videos uploaded by the Bears and their friends.

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Il milionario

14 agosto, 201811m

The Bears help Chloe present her project for a college science contest, but Chloe’s rival makes things difficult.

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Ranger alla riscossa

15 agosto, 201811m

Tabes helps the Bears rescue Charlie after a villainous game hunter captures him.

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L'amico messicano

16 agosto, 201811m

In a flashback to long ago, Charlie has an adventure in the Mexican desert.

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Charlie e Halloween 2

19 ottobre, 201830m

Non abbiamo una descrizione tradotta in inglese. Aiutaci ad espandere il nostro database aggiungendone una.

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Torneo di wrestling

5 novembre, 201811m

The Baby Bears enter a Mexican wrestling tournament.

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Pizza band

6 novembre, 201811m

The Bears get pizza at Papa Bear's Pizza Cave and wind up replacing the place's animatronic band. They're such a hit that they go on tour!

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7 novembre, 201826m

The Baby Bears get adopted by an eccentric millionaire and get to live in his mansion.

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Povero pappagallo

8 novembre, 201811m

In order to get some sleep, the Bears help an annoying bird find a new mate.

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9 novembre, 201811m

When the Bears go to the dentist, Panda gets braces. But, Panda finds out his braces grant him super abilities and the power goes to his head.

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Il falso Babbo Natale

17 dicembre, 201829m

On Christmas Eve, the Baby Bears defend a video store from getting robbed.

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L'amico immaginario

28 gennaio, 201911m

The Baby Bears invent an imaginary friend, but the trouble he causes is all too real.

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The Mall

4 febbraio, 201911m

The Bears go the mall and encounter their human counterparts.

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11 febbraio, 201911m

The Bears discover a network of tunnels underneath the cave. Are they prepared to discover where they lead to and who dug them?

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18 febbraio, 201927m

The Baby Bears help a struggling ramen chef perfect her ramen and save her shop.

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Gli orsi in palestra

25 febbraio, 201911m

At the suggestion of a member, the Bears decide to go to Mystique Physique Gym in see if they are "gym material". Grizz takes part in rock wall climbing only to be outdone by a child, Panda takes up virtual biking that goes from calm to terrifying and Ice Bear takes a tai-chi class where he goes up against some intimidating old ladies.

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La bolla

4 marzo, 201924m

After watching a horror movie called Germs, Panda becomes a severe germaphobe. To solve the problem, he purchases a bubble for him to maneuver around in. Grizz and Ice Bear become annoyed, especially when he starts acting rude towards Charlie, but when Panda gets stuck in a waste dump and unable to escape, Charlie risks everything to save him.

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Baby Orphan Ninja Bears

11 marzo, 201927m

While navigating the New York City sewers, the Baby Bears encounter ninja master Cheddar (Dante Basco) who must stop the Boot Crew, lead by his former ally Slice (Greg Chun), from causing mayhem in the city. The Baby Bears decide to become his pupils and learn the ways of the ninja while also having to deal with an alligator in the sewers.

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18 marzo, 201911m

While enjoying some picnickers' cooking, a small fire accidentally is set in a bush. Grizz uses his quick thinking to put it out and is made an honorary fire marshal by the local fire department. Grizz soon becomes obsessed with putting out fires and in his manic haste ends up starting one by accident at a local fish diner.

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Ranger Norm

18 marzo, 201923m

Tabes, Martinez and Kirk leave for RangerCon, leaving the Bears with Ranger Norm (Rob Huebel). Norm comes off as nice though the Bears already detest him. When they finally decide to apologize for acting coldly towards him, Norm reveals himself to be an agent for the wealthy to tear down the forest for a golf course.

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25 marzo, 201911m

The Bears get a home assistance device from Googs, due to the events of the titular episode, in the form of Shmorby who fulfills all of their home needs. However, this ends up making the Bears incredibly lazy and they become large and fat. Shmorby becomes tiresome of having to take care of them and leaves when they end up needing him most.

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Snake Babies

25 marzo, 201911m

While the Bears are playing "corn hole", a visit from Charlie results in him finding six snake eggs. When they hatch, Charlie adopts them as his own and tries to raise them as a single parent. This ends up being more difficult as the Bears think he is unfit and the baby snakes end up tiring Charlie out.

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1 aprile, 201911m

The Baby Bears find themselves at the beach and decide to build a luxurious sandcastle as their new home. Panda falls in love for the first time with a girl named Darla (Vivienne Rutherford) who takes an interest in their home, but soon they have to protect it from her vengeful older sisters and cousins who have come to take Darla back.

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Bros in the City

1 aprile, 201911m

Realizzato come fosse un reality, in questo episodio gli Orsi con i loro alias umani tentano una coabitazione in un appartamento in citta.

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Il cugino dispettoso

1 aprile, 201911m

The Bears get invited to Chloe's Park Family Reunion where they are warned about her Cousin Jon, a sinister prankster who always gets away with his jokes. After the Bears suffer a series of pranks firsthand, they decide to up the ante by getting back at Jon and giving him a taste of his own medicine.

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Lord of the Poppies

1 aprile, 201911m

Grizz, Tabes and the Poppy Rangers head out to an island for their island camping badge. When they forget the lunches, Tabes leaves Grizz in charge while she heads back to the mainland to get food. Grizz, in his usual careless self, misleads the rangers to the point that they become insane savages from hunger and attempt to devour Grizz.

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The Mummy's Curse

29 aprile, 201911m

As the Baby Bears are walking down a road in the middle of nowhere, a mummy falls out of the back of a truck. The amulet it has says that they will be cursed if they do not return it by midnight, so the Baby Bears must get to the museum as fast as they can. However, a couple of shady figures in hats and coats start following them.

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Band of Outsiders

6 maggio, 201911m

Following "Yuri and the Bear", Baby Ice Bear finds himself in the lower parts of London, struggling to get food and mourning over the loss of Yuri. He eventually encounters a trio of rebel rousers named Badger, Jo, and Ashley, who like to cause trouble. He joins their gang due to his ability with his axe, but soon things begin to take a turn for the worse.

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Tabes & Charlie

13 maggio, 201911m

When Kirk goes missing, Tabes leaves the Bears at the ranger station and runs into Charlie. She convinces him to aid in finding her canine friend, but she has to wear a chicken costume to blend in as they enter the "shadier" parts of the woods for information. Meanwhile, the Bears are having trouble helping a couple of hikers when the printer starts going haywire.

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Panda's Birthday

Season Finale
27 maggio, 201911m

To make Panda's birthday better, Grizzly and Ice Bear take him to the hotel where K-Pop group Monsta X is staying. In their usual antics, Grizzly disguised himself as a bellhop, runs afoul of another bellhop who is hungry for tips, Panda finds himself hanging onto dear life outside the hotel and Ice Bear tries to protect the group from crazy fans.

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