하지원 hahmona Oh Hana

Jaksot 16

Avsnitt 1

27 kesäkuu 20151h 4m

A model disappears before a shoe launch. In the chaos, her boyfriend brings more to her plate with marriage.

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Avsnitt 2

28 kesäkuu 20151h 4m

Oh Hana fears the gossip around Joo Hojoon's wedding. Thing get worse at work, and her heart flutters for an intern.

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Avsnitt 3

4 heinäkuu 20151h 4m

Hana begins to feel attracted to Gi Seongjae. He keeps on approaching her, where Choi Won feels uneasy.

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Avsnitt 4

5 heinäkuu 20151h 4m

Hana's family suspects a relationship between her and Won. They suddenly announce their hot spring trip.

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Avsnitt 5

11 heinäkuu 20151h 4m

Cha Seohoo returns and Won is left nervous. Hana's heart may have gotten her heart shaking for him again.

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Avsnitt 6

12 heinäkuu 20151h 3m

Seohoo learns about the chance of Lee Soeun being Won's junior at work. He now makes a request to meet Hana.

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Avsnitt 7

18 heinäkuu 20151h 4m

Hana gets some time alone to figure out herself. Seohoo feels something sweeter for Hana.

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Avsnitt 8

19 heinäkuu 20151h 1m

Won has the opportunity for a two-year trip for training. Hana hears Park Jonghoon talking about the engagement.

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Avsnitt 9

25 heinäkuu 20151h 2m

Seohoo begins to boldly express his feelings for Hana. Director Byeon Wooshik orders a review of the project.

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Avsnitt 10

26 heinäkuu 20151h 3m

Changsoo and Jeongmi's wedding after-party happens. Hana and Won get awkward, and friends suspect them.

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Avsnitt 11

1 elokuu 20151h 3m

Seohoo goes inside the house of Hana's house and kneels just to get permission from the family.

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Avsnitt 12

2 elokuu 20151h 5m

Seohoo sees Won and Hana and is anxious and angry towards Hana. She confesses a secret.

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Avsnitt 13

8 elokuu 20151h 5m

Hana confesses her doubts to friends after choosing Seohoo. Seohoo returns from the business trip.

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Avsnitt 14

9 elokuu 20151h 7m

Hana watches Seohoo's performance. She meets Won afterward. Seohoo sees Hana's empty seat.

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Avsnitt 15

15 elokuu 20151h 6m

Won leaves for his business trip in Paris as scheduled. Upon his return, he looks for a sewing box with Hana.

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Avsnitt 16

Season Finale
16 elokuu 20151h 4m

Hana and Won prepare a unique wedding ceremony that symbolizes their relationship.

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