Sydney Mitchel — Writer

Episodes 4


March 5, 201945m

After an elusive terrorist with a personal vendetta against Hannah resurfaces, she is placed in protective custody with her family while the NCIS team searches for the suspect’s whereabouts.

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Waiting for Monroe

February 23, 202045m

The team must track down a mysterious female assassin responsible for murders in Athens, Rome and London. Also, Wade's son begs her to allow him to go on a police ride-along for an article he's writing on a youth outreach program at the NOPD.

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April 12, 202045m

When Sebastian is injured while unsuccessfully trying to prevent a kidnapping, NCIS races to find the missing woman and her abductors; the team gets a peek into Agent Carter's personal life.

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Leda and the Swan (2)

February 14, 202145m

As Pride and the team continue the investigation of an Officer's assault and the murder of her therapist, NCIS zeroes in on a prime suspect who's been working the system for years. Also, Carter and his mother talk about how they'll move forward after a past mistake, and Sebastian begins a promising new relationship.

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