Tim Brock — Color Designer

Episodes 126

Pravidla Avengers 1/2

May 26, 201322m

Tony Stark sedí u řídícího panelu a vzpomíná na zašlou slávu Avengers. Avengers byli rozpuštěni a vše se zdá být minulostí až do doby, kdy je Captain America napaden Red Skullem. Iron Man dává dohromady členy Avengers a vyráží Captaina pomstít.

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Pravidla Avengers 2/2

May 26, 201322m

Captain America je zachráněn, ale záchranu potřebuje hlavně Iron Man, kterému Red Skull ukradl zbroj a zničil její zdroj, který drží Iron Mana při životě. Avengers se přemístí do svého sídla, kde mohou Iron Manovi pomoci. Mezitím Red Skull a Modok plánují, jak Avengers napadnout přímo v jejich sídle.

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Přízrak naděje

July 7, 201322m

Falcon se zabydluje ve věži Avengers. Během prohlídky narazí na Hawkeye, který se tváří, že ho nepoznává. Iron Man to přičte Hawkeyeovu osobitému humoru. Nicméně se zdá, že Hawkeye opravdu není ve své kůži... doslova.

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Had záhuby

July 14, 201322m

Thor se střetl s trolem Ulikem, který byl vyzbrojen duplikátem Thorova kladiva. To samotné by bylo dost zlé, ale po porážce Ulika Thor tvrdí, že příchod kladiva je počátek legendy, která končí jeho záhubou. Sám je se svým osudem srovnaný. Iron Man však chce pro záchranu přítele porazit i osud.

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Boj o krev

July 21, 201322m

Kapitán Amerika svádí bitvu proti bývalému spojenci.

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Super Adaptoid

July 28, 201322m

Avengers jsou bezmocní proti umělé inteligenci.

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August 4, 201322m

Avengers se postaví Hyperionovi, aby zachránili lidstvo.

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Molecule Kid

August 11, 201322m

Hawkeye a Black Widow se vydávají na tajnou misi.

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Hloubková nálož

September 15, 201322m

Hulk je nucen prokázat svou sílu, nebo zahynout.

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September 22, 201322m

Doktor Doom se ujímá velení nad asgardským ničitelským brněním.

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V Hulkově kůži

September 29, 201322m

Hulk je napaden Blood Brothers, kteří na něj umístí přístroj měnící gamma záření na virus. Virem se nakazí většina Avengers a mění se v Hulky. Black Widow má od Shieldu za úkol zjistit, jakou má Hulk slabinu, aby ho v případě nouze mohli zastavit. Avengers zakusí, jaké to je být v Hulkově kůži.

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Avengers: Impossible!

October 20, 201322m

Impossible Man udělá z Falcona hvězdu vlastního akčního filmu.

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V hlubině

November 17, 201322m

Iron Man a Kapitán Amerika infiltrují Kabalu

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Kdo je Hulk

November 24, 201322m

Hulk ztroskotá na Zemi se ztrátou paměti.

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Planeta Zkáza

December 8, 201322m

Thor se vrací a nachází Zemi pod nadvládou Doktora Dooma.

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Noví ničemové

February 16, 201422m

Avengers začínají zjišťovat, jak je Kabala silná.

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Jako barbaři

March 2, 201422m

Cap vyzve Tonyho, aby se jeden den obešel bez své techniky.

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Televize Mojo

March 9, 201422m

Hulk a Hawkeye se ocitnou v souboji na život a smrt.

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March 16, 201422m

Avengers riskují své životy kvůli Doktoru Doomovi.

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Den otce bohů

March 23, 201422m

Odin požaduje, aby se Thor vrátil do Asgardu.

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Lidský faktor

March 30, 201422m

Mezi Avengers a Kabalou dojde ke konfrontaci.

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Strážci a Vesmírní rytíři

April 6, 201422m

Iroman zavede Galactuse na jinou planetu.

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April 13, 201422m

Falconova maminka přijede na návštěvu a netuší, že Avengerem.

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Cirkus zločinu

May 11, 201422m

Hawkeyeova temná minulost ohrožuje Avengers.

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May 18, 201422m

Tony musí odložit osobní dilemata, aby se mohl stát vůdcem.

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Poslední souboj

Season Finale
May 25, 201422m

Iroman se spojí se zbytkem Kabaly.

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September 28, 201422m

Avengersmajíí mezi sebou nebezpečného padoucha.

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Thanos povstává

October 5, 201422m

Avengers zabrání Thanosovi získat kámen moci.

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Do Valhally a zpět

October 12, 201422m

A zase ten Loki! Kdo je silnější? Thor nebo Hulk? To chce právě zjistit bohyně Valhaly Hella, zatím co se Loki znovu pokusí dobýt Midgard...

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Duchové minulosti

October 26, 201422m

Winter Soldier unese zajatého Red Skulla.

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Pod hladinou

November 2, 201422m

Hawkeye zjišťuje, že jeho špionážní schopnosti už nejsou, tak dobré.

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November 9, 201422m

Tajemný nový padouch likviduje Avengers!

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Čas nezastavíš

November 16, 201422m

Po částečném poražení Thanose a zajmutí Red Skulla, Avengers začnou hledat Kameny Nekonečna. První na seznamu je Kámen Času...

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Souboj myslí

January 25, 201522m

Kámen mysli způsobí, že si Avengers vymění mysl.

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Temní Avengers

February 1, 201522m

V alternativní realitě Avengers zjistí, že jsou padouši.

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Zkouška z dospělosti

February 8, 201522m

Thor je pozván na školní sraz do haly učení v Asgardu. Společně s Hawkeyem a Hulkem se tam vydá. Všichni se dozví zajímavou věc. Thor nedodělal Maturitu! Kdopak se tam objeví, aby mu "pomohl" ji dokončit a zároveň tak získá to, co chce?

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Bez proudu

February 15, 201522m

Falcon uvízl v říši, kde jeho technologie nefungují.

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Opojná chuť moci

February 22, 201522m

Thor a Widow plánují zbavit Zemi Kamenů nekonečna.

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Thanos nepřemožitelný

March 1, 201522m

Thanos shromáždil všech pět Kamenů nekonečna.

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Chyba v programu

April 12, 201522m

Kapitán zjistí, že před ním Iron Man skrývá tajemství o Ultronovi.

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April 19, 201522m

Ultronův návrat vede ke zničení Avengers, jak je známe.

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Malí hrdinové

April 26, 201522m

Tony a Ant-Man se spojí v boji proti MODOKovi.

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Avengers v utajení

April 28, 201522m

Kapitán se střetne s Crimson Dynamo a The Winter Guard.

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Virus - Ultron

May 10, 201522m

Kapitán a Iron Man se spojí, aby zachránili svět před Ultronem.

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May 17, 201522m

Red Skull se maskuje pomocí Dormammuových schopností.

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Nebezpečná rychlost

July 5, 201522m

Hulk bojuje se Speed Demonem ze Squadron Supreme.

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July 12, 201522m

Ant-Man bojuje s bývalým spojencem Dr. Spectrem.

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July 19, 201522m

Thor se snaží naverbovat Zardu navzdory hlubokým obavám.

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Do posledního dechu

July 26, 201522m

Týmy Avengers vs. Squadron Supreme se utkají v epické bitvě.

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Skrytý odboj

August 2, 201522m

Tým se vydává do podzemí, aby naplánoval pomstu.

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Nové hranice

September 13, 201522m

Avengers bojují proti záhadným vetřelcům.

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Svět Avengers

Season Finale
September 20, 201522m

Avengers se utkají s Thanosem

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Adapting to Change

March 13, 201622m

The Avengers learn what it's like to work as a team again as they battle a new and improved Super Adaptoid that was developed by A.I.M.'s Scientist Supreme.

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The Ultimates

March 20, 201622m

Ultron is back and plans to replace humanity with robots known as Ultimates.

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Saving Captain Rogers

March 27, 201622m

Captain America battles to rescue Winter Soldier who has been captured by Baron Zemo.

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Under Siege

April 3, 201622m

Hawkeye must defend the Avengers Tower from Baron Zemo who has taken the Masters of Evil members Beetle, Fixer, Goliath, Moonstone, and Screaming Mimi under his leadership.

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The Thunderbolts

April 10, 201622m

The Avengers fight to stop Justin Hammer’s new weapons factories, but are both helped and hindered by a mysterious new team of heroes known as the Thunderbolts.

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Thunderbolts Revealed

April 17, 201622m

When the Avengers discover that the Thunderbolts are actually the Masters of Evil, they must decide whether they can trust the villainous team to turn on their leader, Baron Zemo.

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Into the Dark Dimension

April 24, 201622m

Dr. Strange needs the Avengers' help when Dormammu steals the Eye of Agamotto.

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May 1, 201622m

Hulk is drained of his gamma radiation and stuck as Bruce Banner.

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Inhumans Among Us

July 24, 201622m

When townspeople transform into primitive creatures, the Avengers attempt to help them by putting themselves into conflict with the Inhumans.

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The Inhuman Condition

July 31, 201622m

The Avengers must team up with the Inhumans to stop their old foe, Ultron, who plans to unleash a dangerous weapon upon Earth.

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The Kids Are Alright

August 7, 201622m

Captain America and Iron Man must partner with new and young Inhumans - Inferno and Ms. Marvel - to stop another Inhuman, The Ghost, from stealing Friday.

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The Conqueror

August 14, 201622m

The Avengers try to stop AIM from stealing high-tech weapons from the future, which attracts the attention of the 30th Century warlord - Kang the Conqueror!

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Into The Future

August 21, 201622m

With the exception of Thor, the Avengers become trapped in the 30th century and must beat Kang the Conqueror to find their way back to their own time.

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Seeing Double

August 28, 201622m

Black Widow comes face-to-face with Yelena Belova, who in her determination to create the ultimate weapon turns Hulk into the Winter Hulk.

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A Friend in Need

September 10, 201622m

Thor teaches the Vision the value of friendship by taking him to Asgard where together they must fight an Ultron-controlled Destroyer.

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Captain Marvel

September 18, 201622m

The Avengers join Captain Marvel in a fight to stop a powerful sentient spaceship from destroying Earth.

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Panther's Rage

September 25, 201622m

Speaking before The General Assembly of The United Nations, Black Panther is targeted by Crossbones... and has issue with Captain America's possession of vibranium!

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Ant-Man Makes It Big

October 2, 201622m

On the set of a superhero motion picture, the Avengers team up with Ant-Man to stop the madman Egghead from destroying Los Angeles.

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The House of Zemo

October 9, 201622m

Baron Zemo returns to target the Avengers alongside his father, whom he's brought back from the 1940s.

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November 6, 201622m

The President has signed the New Powers Act in response to the Terrigen Fog creating new Inhumans and Truman Marsh is assigned to be the Avengers liaison to the government. Meanwhile, scientists backed by HYDRA enter a gamma storm with a stolen spaceship and are transformed into the U-Foes where they plan to take over HYDRA when Baron Strucker hasn't returned.

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Building the Perfect Weapon

November 13, 201622m

Following Truman Marsh replacing Hulk with Red Hulk, the Avengers must stop Leader from building and unleashing his secret weapon.

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World War Hulk

November 20, 201622m

The Avengers must stop an out-of-control Red Hulk as he threatens to destroy an entire town.

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Civil War (1): The Fall of Attilan

May 15, 201722m

The Avengers must stop Maximus from wreaking havoc in Attilan and causing its citizens to lose control of their powers.

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Civil War (2): The Mighty Avengers

May 16, 201722m

With the Avengers disbanded, a new team - the Mighty Avengers - steps in to take their place.

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Civil War (3): The Drums of War

May 17, 201722m

When the Inhumans are mind-controlled into attacking innocent humans, the Avengers must find a way to override their control and end the war.

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Civil War (4): Avengers Revolution

Season Finale
May 18, 201722m

The Avengers, old and new, must find a way to free the Inhumans and the world from Ultron's control.

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Avengers No More (1)

June 17, 201722m

The team battles against The Leader and his new cabal.

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Avengers No More (2)

June 17, 201722m

Black Panther must assemble a new team of Avengers.

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The Sleeper Awakens

June 24, 201722m

Red Skull loses control of his doomsday sleeper robots and it's up to the new Avengers to stop them.

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Prison Break

August 26, 201722m

It's up to Captain Marvel to stop Crimson Widow, Typhoid Mary and Zarda from breaking out of the vault.

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The Incredible Herc

August 26, 201722m

Hercules joins the new Avengers but he hasn't told the truth about why he's in New York City.

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Show Your Work

September 8, 201722m

The new Avengers form an unlikely alliance with Taskmaster to stop MODOK from destroying the earth.

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September 26, 201722m

Baron Zemo is out to obtain a mysterious object from Wakanda. It's up to Black Panther and Ant-Man to stop him.

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Why I Hate Halloween

October 8, 201722m

The Avengers must protect a Hydra scientist from the vengeful forces of Dracula and his vampires.

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The Once and Future Kang

October 15, 201722m

Vision and Wasp head to the future to save Falcon, who has joined forces with Kang the Conqueror.

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Dimension Z

October 22, 201722m

Ant-Man travels to another dimension to rescue Black Widow, Captain America, and Hawkeye from Arnim Zola.

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The Most Dangerous Hunt

October 22, 201722m

In the Asgardian wilderness, Black Panther and Hulk find themselves chained together and on the run from Skurge.

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Under the Spell of the Enchantress

October 29, 201722m

Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel travel to an icy asteroid to rescue Thor from the Enchantress.

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The Return

November 7, 201722m

The Avengers discover the Earth has been taken over by Loki.

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New Year's Resolution

December 3, 201722m

Past and present collide as Howard Stark and Peggy Carter team up with Iron Man and Captain America to save the time stream from Kang the Conqueror.

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The Eye of Agamotto (1)

January 7, 201822m

The vengeful Agamotto attacks the Avengers and attempts to take back the Eye of Agamotto!

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The Eye of Agamotto (2)

January 7, 201822m

The vengeful Agamotto attacks the Avengers and attempts to take back the Eye of Agamotto!

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January 14, 201822m

After the Avengers are transported to a strange new world, Captain America and Black Widow find Iron Man and battle the mysterious Moon Knight.

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January 14, 201822m

As they search for the Bifrost and a way to undo Battleworld, the Avengers must battle the Enchantress.

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The Immortal Weapon

January 14, 201822m

While trying to retrieve Heimdall's sword, Black Panther and Falcon team up with Iron Fist to overcome symbiote-powered Dracula and his vampires.

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The Vibranium Coast

January 14, 201822m

Ant-Man and Ms. Marvel must team up with the pirate Typhoid Mary to battle Red Skull and Crossbones

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March 4, 201822m

Black Widow and Captain Marvel must stop the now-separated Bruce Banner and Hulk from hurting each other, while fighting the evil Morgan Le Fay.

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March 4, 201822m

Hawkeye, Vision and Wasp head to the old West world of 1872 to find Doctor Strange.

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The Citadel

March 11, 201822m

Captain America and Iron Man are captured by the Beyonder and the villain team he has assembled.

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The Wastelands

March 11, 201822m

Before they can use the Bifrost to undo Battleworld, the Avengers must defeat the Beyonder's forces, Ares and an army of Ghost Riders.

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All Things Must End

Season Finale
March 11, 201822m

After Loki becomes the Sorcerer Supreme, the Avengers are the only thing standing between him and the domination of the universe.

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Shadow of Atlantis (1)

September 23, 201822m

Black Panther and the Avengers must defend New York City from an invasion of monsters.

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Shadow of Atlantis (2)

September 23, 201822m

Black Panther and the Avengers battle to stop the invasion of New York.

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Into the Deep

September 30, 201822m

Black Panther and his sister Shuri undertake a dangerous mission to sneak into the undersea kingdom of Atlantis.

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The Panther and the Wolf

October 7, 201822m

To uncover enemies within Wakanda, Black Panther and Shuri cross paths with someone from their past.

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The Zemo Sanction

October 14, 201822m

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Mists of Attilan

October 21, 201822m

Black Panther and Ms. Marvel head to the inhuman city of Attilan on a secret mission.

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T'Challa Royale

October 28, 201822m

Black Panther finds himself trapped on a tropical island, hunted by Kraven the Hunter.

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The Night Has Wings

November 4, 201822m

Black Panther travels to a rural village in Wakanda to investigate a series of mysterious monster attacks.

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Mask of the Panther

November 11, 201822m

Black Panther discovers a relic of ancient Wakanda that helps him continue his quest for answers.

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The Good Son

November 18, 201822m

The key to Black Panther's quest is stolen and he must recover it before it leaves Wakanda.

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The Lost Temple

November 25, 201822m

Black Panther and his allies finally discover the artifact they have been searching for.

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Descent of the Shadow

December 2, 201822m

Black Panther and the Avengers work together to protect New York City from a new threat.

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The Last Avenger

December 2, 201822m

All on his own, Black Panther must safeguard a dangerous weapon from all who might try to stop him.

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The Vibranium Curtain (1)

January 6, 201922m

Black Panther devises a plan to get the information he needs, but he isn't the only one with a plan.

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The Vibranium Curtain (2)

January 6, 201922m

Captured by his enemies, Black Panther discovers an unlikely ally.

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January 13, 201922m

Black Panther uncovers secrets about his grandfather, T’Chanda.

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January 20, 201922m

Black Panther discovers secrets about his ancestor, Yemandi.

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January 27, 201922m

Black Panther discovers secrets about his ancestor, Bashenga, the founder of Wakanda.

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King Breaker (1)

February 3, 201922m

Black Panther must go behind enemy lines to save his foes from an even bigger threat.

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King Breaker (2)

February 10, 201922m

With an attack coming from multiple sides, Black Panther turns to help from an unlikely source.

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February 17, 201922m

Black Panther explores a secret enemy facility with a nefarious past.

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Atlantis Attacks

February 24, 201922m

All of Black Panther's efforts to protect Wakanda are thrown into jeopardy by a new foe.

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House of M

Season Finale
March 3, 201922m

The past actions of Black Panther and the Avengers come back to haunt them.

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