Über The Mentalist diskutieren

Immature show which I have a very low tolerance for, also some really flaky acting. But mostly I thought it was stupid. And formulaic. I only saw 2 episodes yet I already know the million others will all be the same, superboy mindreader will solve every case by touching peoples legs and the rest of team dimwit will fumble around doing nothing while acting badly. Throw in some lame love/relationship drama and I bet I predicted this show better than superboy mindreader himself.

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I don't think _procedural _ is even a legitimate formula these days, when there is much higher quality stuff out there to spend time on, like People vs Oj, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc. Never seen any of the CSI's because I figured they would be trashy. It was one of the things that bugged me about The X Files too, someone dies, Mulder: "Sounds like aliens or a supernatural shapeshifter"... Skully: "There HAS to be a logical explanation for this!" Turns out it was an alien shapeshifter. EVERY. EPISODE. It was ok in the 90s I guess but I expect better now. I also dislike all the smirking and light hearted shenanigans in stuff like this. Someone DIED. Is this a detective drama or The A Team? Make your minds up.

If you quit after 2 episodes... well too bad for you. You missed a beautiful crime TV series, written with intelligence and humanity. Not silly but done and built with intelligence in the plot and dialogues.

@microscope said:

I don't think _procedural _ is even a legitimate formula these days, when there is much higher quality stuff out there to spend time on, like People vs Oj, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc. Never seen any of the CSI's because I figured they would be trashy. It was one of the things that bugged me about The X Files too, someone dies, Mulder: "Sounds like aliens or a supernatural shapeshifter"... Skully: "There HAS to be a logical explanation for this!" Turns out it was an alien shapeshifter. EVERY. EPISODE. It was ok in the 90s I guess but I expect better now. I also dislike all the smirking and light hearted shenanigans in stuff like this. Someone DIED. Is this a detective drama or The A Team? Make your minds up.

I wouldn't exactly call 70 out of 218 every episode. Out of 218 episodes, only 70 (about 32%) were about the 'Alien Mythology arc'!

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