Translations 11
English (en-US) |
Name |
Electromagnetic Girlfriend: Happiness Game |
Overview |
After being accused of being a molester, Juu is subjected to a series of pranks too small for the police to take seriously. Ame is convinced there is a pattern and as the pair investigate the danger and the damage to people around them increases drastically. |
Chinese (zh-TW) |
Name |
電波系彼女〜幸福的遊戲〜 |
Overview |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Name |
幸福的游戏 |
Overview |
十这次被卷入了无特定对象的恶作剧之中,在越演越烈的恶作剧令他满腔怒火,无处发洩时,他得知雨的妹妹光也受其所害,於是十终於开始寻找犯人。在雨等人的协助之下,最後他们发现了一个怪异的集团。 受到那个集团不可理喻的行动理念所摆布,十陷入了性命交关的危机!? |
Czech (cs-CZ) |
Name |
2. epizoda |
Overview |
French (fr-FR) |
Name |
Electromagnetic Girlfriend |
Overview |
Présentation des personnages principaux : Juu Juuzawa, lycéen délinquant, et Ame Ochibana, chevalier lycéen. Les meurtres se poursuivent tandis que l'on enquête sur la méthode de la folie et sur le mystère qui se cache derrière le mobile. |
German (de-DE) |
Name |
Episode 2 |
Overview |
Korean (ko-KR) |
Name |
에피소드 2 |
Overview |
Portuguese (pt-BR) |
Name |
Episódio 2 |
Overview |
Russian (ru-RU) |
Name |
Эпизод 2 |
Overview |
Spanish; Castilian (es-ES) |
Name |
Episodio 2 |
Overview |
Ukrainian (uk-UA) |
Name |
Серія 2 |
Overview |