Jessica Rose as Margaret Smith

Episodes 3


October 6, 2011

Tactical Response goes into overdrive as they desperately try and to locate Michael after his undercover buy-bust goes horribly wrong. Josh starts to crumble under the guilt of letting Michael get away while Stella is furious, realising her best friend, and once lover, may not come back alive. It's a race against time as Kerry fights political red tape and the remaining members of Tactical Response do anything they can to get one of their team back safely.

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Life Support

October 13, 2011

Senior Constable Michael Sandrelli remains in intensive care whilst Tactical Response are left to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile, Shannon lets her emotional guard down.

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October 20, 2011

Tragedy can have a profound effect on those involved. Everyone has different coping mechanisms, and Tactical Response continues to reel from a tragedy within their own ranks. Stella can barely build up strength to face the day and Christian appreciates a comforting presence from Amber. Josh, feeling responsible and immense guilt from what has happened, goes underground, deliberately avoiding contact from anyone at TR.

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