Bill Conklin as

Episodes 2


February 15, 19751h

A young OD victim is brought into the ER. A man fakes back pain to get a free ride to the hospital. John gets peeved at all the frivolous calls the squad goes on while real emergency victims need help. A man is shocked after kicking in his TV screen. The ambulance carrying the paramedics and a heart attack victim is involved in a traffic accident.

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The Indirect Method

October 18, 19751h

Station 51 receives a new trainee: Karen Overstreet, who is determined to prove a woman can do the paramedic's job. A man tries to gas himself, and then changes his mind. During a house fire, Roy tries to save an invalid, and nearly dies when broken wires send electricity through his body. Fortunately for him, trainee Overstreet knows how to use a defibrillator!

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