瀬戸麻沙美 as Shoko Sashinami (voice)

Episodes 24

Des lycéens révolutionnaires

April 12, 201324m

À bord du module 77 du JIOR Sphere 01, Haruto Tokishima perd un concours de restauration face à Shōko Sashinami pour l'utilisation de leur terrain d'école alors qu'à leur insu, cinq agents dorsiens infiltrés infiltrent le lycée Sakimori. Quelque temps plus tard, alors que les agents explorent l'école pour une destination, l'un d'eux a une brève altercation avec Haruto sur leurs différentes visions du monde. Ensuite, les agents dorssiens s'infiltrent et tuent les scientifiques dans un laboratoire secret sous l'école bien qu'un scientifique blessé éjecte leur cible principale, un mecha géant appelé Valvrave 01 à la surface de l'école.

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Au-delà de 666

April 19, 201324m

Kyūma Inuzuka, Aina Sakurai et Saki Rukino arrivent à l'emplacement de Valvrave pour trouver un Haruto et un L-elf inconscients. Alors que les autres agents dorssiens arrivent, L-elf trahit apparemment ses camarades et aide les étudiants à fuir. Ensuite, alors que les forces dorssiennes occupent le module 77, Haruto convainc ses amis qu'il avait en quelque sorte possédé le corps de L-elf et a repris plus tard le Valvrave, tout en réussissant également à retourner dans son propre corps avec l'aide de Saki. Alors que le Valvrave s'active et attaque le vaisseau Dorssian à proximité, il se retrouve projeté à l'extérieur du module dans l'espace. A-drei et Q-vier utilisent alors Dorssia Ideal Mechs pour attaquer le Valvrave 01 tout en croyant que L-elf les a trahis.

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La prédiction de L-elf

April 26, 201324m

Les forces ARUS appréhendent L-elf alors qu'il transmet une étrange chaîne de mots à Haruto. Alors que les forces de l'ARUS et le sénateur Figaro apportent un soulagement aux étudiants de l'Académie Sakimori, Haruto et ses amis essaient et échouent à déduire la nature de ses nouvelles capacités. Par la suite, Figaro envoie un mot pour rencontrer Haruto et l'exhorte à devenir un symbole d'espoir dans la guerre contre Dorssia. Pendant ce temps, alors que L-elf s'échappe de sa captivité, Cain envoie A-drei, X-eins, H-neun et Q-vier dans une autre tentative pour reprendre le module 77.

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Valvrave prisonnier

May 3, 201324m

Le président Jeffrey Anderson et le sénat de l'ARUS votent pour obtenir l'arme JIOR Valvrave pour les aider dans leur campagne contre Dorssia. Pendant ce temps, après avoir rejeté le contrat de L-elf, Haruto ne parvient pas à empêcher Figaro d'expérimenter l'unité 01, entraînant la mort d'un pilote ARUS. La flotte dorssienne effectue alors une première frappe contre le module 77 qui incite Figaro à donner la priorité à sa sécurité par rapport aux étudiants de Sakimori dans une transmission interceptée par Shōko et Akira Renbōkoji. Shōko utilise alors des moyens drastiques pour informer le Conseil étudiant de la trahison de Figaro et tandis que Takahi Ninomiya distrait les représentants de l'ARUS, Shōko, Kyūma et Yūsuke Otamaya sauvent Haruto. Alors que Figaro tente de partir, Haruto apparaît alors et révèle ses véritables intentions au corps étudiant mécréant. Ayant perdu patience, Figaro commence à tirer sur les étudiants jusqu'à ce que Haruto l'arrête avec l'unité 01.

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Le lycée Sakimori chante

May 10, 201324m

Avec leur chantage tenant les forces ARUS et Dorssian à distance, les étudiants de Sakimori profitent d'une paix hors de propos à bord du module 77, bien qu'ils ne soient pas conscients de sa consommation d'énergie dangereusement élevée. Ailleurs, Dorssian Führer Amadeus K. Dorssia rallie ses forces avec une démonstration de puissance. En explorant les profondeurs du module 77, L-elf fait une découverte lorsque le réseau électrique s'arrête en raison du système météorologique surchargé. Bien qu'il soit enfermé dans le hangar de Valvrave 01, Takumi Kibukawa explique le problème avec Yūsuke étant la seule autre personne à comprendre. Raizō traîne ensuite Yūsuke vers les hauteurs du module pour réinitialiser le système, trouvant finalement l'interrupteur lorsque ce dernier tombe à travers le sol endommagé par la bataille. Le climat froid commence également à atténuer l'esprit des filles Sakimori au point où Takahi et sa clique commencent à blâmer Shōko et Saki.

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Le retour de Saki

May 17, 201324m

Malgré la tentative d'Haruto de l'arrêter, Saki monte à bord du Valvrave Four et à sa grande surprise, elle termine avec succès sa procédure de démarrage. Observant secrètement le succès de Saki à piloter le Valvrave Four, L-elf en déduit que l'installation souterraine n'a pas été construite sous Sakimori High par hasard puisque les étudiants répondent à certaines exigences pour faire fonctionner les mechs en les comparant à la tentative ratée du soldat ARUS. Après un peu de virée en voiture, Saki se lamente sur son passé, obligeant Haruto à baisser sa garde et elle le mord, changeant leur conscience. Ensuite, Haruto (Saki) utilise le compte WIRED de Haruto pour aider à renforcer sa propre popularité en tant qu'idole. Lorsqu'elle est confrontée à Haruto, et peu après à Shōko, elle prétend que si elle n'affirme pas son statut d'idole, tout le monde l'oubliera.

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Haruto sous les décombres

May 24, 201324m

L'elf hands Shoko papers which include a plan for the military development and territorial expansion of JIOR. A-drei, Q-vier and H-neun interfere and Rukino tries to stop them. Haruto possesses L'elf to use his Valvrave.

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La princesse de lumière

May 31, 201324m

Students of Sakimori are mourning for Aina. L-elf is held prisoner by the students, and he recalls the time he first met Lieselotte. Sakimori is attacked by the Dorssians. Haruto and Saki go out to battle against them, trusting L-elf's tactical advices.

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Chien et tonnerre

June 7, 201324m

L-elf has the students perform military training and establish plans to increase the defenses of Module 77. Meanwhile, Raizo is caught once again trying to hijack one of the Valvraves and is put into prison, while Kyuma dedicates himself to training in order to avenge Aina's death. Soon after, Module 77 is once again under Dorssian attack. Haruto and Saki engage the enemies unaware that they are being drawn away from the base and giving an opening for a second invading force. With Haruto and Saki occupied fighting A-Drei's party, a shortage of power renders the module defenseless until Kyuma takes control of the blue Valvrave and starts a counterattack. However, Kyuma finds himself in a disadvantage until the yellow Valvrave, piloted by Raizo, appears to assist him and they manage to drive away the enemies.

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Le programme électoral de l'amour

June 14, 201324m

While in the holding bay, Takumi explains to L-elf the circumstances under which Sakimori High School was created, for Project VVV which is virtually a JIOR military initiative. As Module 77 continues to progress towards the moon, Haruto and co. discuss the terms of keeping their possession ability a secret while Shoko continues improving her relationships with their fellow schoolmates. At the same time, Rion announces that Module 77 will hold elections for a new Prime Minister that will handle their public affairs once they get to the moon, with herself along with Raizo and Satomi running as well. L-elf surprises Haruto by volunteering to take care of the election affairs since having an appointed leader would help meet his goals. Later on, the frequency at which the foreign gene within Haruto's system tries to take over increases, as noticed by Saki, and she opts to kill him should he resort to physically harming their fellow students.

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Le tribunal militaire

June 21, 201324m

Module 77 is headed to the Moon while the students are appointed as cabinet ministers. Akira finally speaks to Shoko and it is revealed that she is Satomi's sister. Module 77 is attacked by the Dorssians and Shoko's father is held hostage by Wartenberg.

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La montée de l'hérétique

June 28, 201324m

In the year 211, Saki is telling the story of the Magius to a boy who looks like L-Elf. Back to the present, Saki calmly rejects Haruto's marriage proposal and proceeds to help the other 2 Valvraves hold off the Dorssian forces. Meanwhile, the drill that was sent into the Module is moving up through the space with the intention of releasing poison gas into the atmosphere of the Module. L-Elf receives a call from Haruto and meets up with him to try to defeat the Dorssians. Satomi calls Shoko and asks her to save his sister, Akira, who is trapped in the school. Akira, who overhears this conversation, tries to stop Shoko but to no avail. Shoko was knocked unconscious by the drill while trying to get to Akira, and this prompted Akira to face her hears of being bullied and come out into the open to save Shoko. Facing a dead end due to the damage by the drill, she almost gave up until a crack in the debris reveals Valvrave unit 6.

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A Cursed Bond

October 11, 201324m

The Chancellor of Dorssia is summoned for an audience with the Magius, where he receives unwelcome news. Meanwhile Captain Cain learns more about the Valvraves as he pilots what L-elf though was a broken unit, and Shoko faces new diplomatic challenges...

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Siblings of the Atmosphere

October 18, 201324m

After breaking through Dorssian forces, the students of New JIOR have made it far enough to begin their decent onto Earth. However an untimely mistake throws the mission into peril, and siblings Akira and Satomi Renbokoji must face their dark past.

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Return to Karlstein

October 25, 201324m

After crashing down to Earth, the students find themselves stranded in Dorssian territory, far from their targeted landing in JIOR. In order to infiltrate the enemy forces, L-elf uses his familiarity with his surroundings to devise a plan, however...

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Marie Set Free

November 1, 201324m

As Marie heals from L-elf\u2019s gunshot, it becomes quickly apparent that she has a mysterious history with Valvrave Unit 01. With A-drei leading the Dorssian troops, L-elf finds his plan compromised, and Marie wrestles with losing precious memories.

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The Rune Abyss

November 8, 201324m

After Marie pilots Unit 01, the sacrifices and consequences that come with piloting the powerful Valvrave become clear. H-neun begins to act on his suspicions of Captain Cain to protect X-eins, and Haruto must face his nightmares or give up piloting.

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A Father's Wish

November 15, 201324m

The students devise a plan to rescue the JIORans held captive in Dorssiana, and Haruto finds that he will reunite with his somewhat estranged father. As the fateful meeting draws nearer, L-elf receives intel that prompts him to stage a reunion of his own.

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Sadness is Like the Falling Snow

November 22, 201324m

L-elf is finally reunited with Lieselotte, however the students find themselves surrounded with Captain Cain having predicted their every move. Saki Rukino also finds herself cornered, and Haruto learns the surprising truth about the Magiuses.

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The Kamitsuki Exposed

November 29, 201324m

The students arrive at Module 77 to a hero's welcome, complete with in-depth press coverage! Haruto and L-elf each struggle in their own way to come to terms with recent events. Meanwhile, Shoko has been fighting as well on JIOR's political battlefield.

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The Cost of Lies

December 6, 201324m

ARUS Golden News is broadcasting the shocking events in Module 77's hangar. Dorssian chancellor declares that the residents of Module 77 are actually monsters that drain human lives. Shoko is devastated to find out that Haruto has been lying to her.

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Fist of the Moon

December 13, 201324m

Captain Cain is tasked with the extermination of the Class 7 Special Hazard Organisms. Haruto and L-elf are on a site of a gravity reactor explosion. L-elf tries to convince Haruto that he was abandoned by his friends, but they end up blaming each other.

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The Operation to Retake Module 77

December 20, 201324m

L-elf tries to infiltrate the enemy position but is caught by A-drei. A-drei wants him to help take out Captain Cain. In the meantime, Haruto comes back, but his memories are fading away as he continues to fight in order to expose the lies of the world.

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Revolution to the Future

Season Finale
December 27, 201324m

The explosive season finale of Valvrave the Liberator.

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