Amy Carlson incarnant Alex Taylor

Épisodes 43

September Tenth

22 octobre 200144m

On September 10, 2001, Ty and Sully are in Atlantic City on the eve of Sully's wedding to Tatiana. Kim sinks deeper into depression. Bosco searches for anything to do after someone lets out the result of the Giants game he had taped to watch after shift. Jimmy keeps trying to catch up on some sleep after nursing a sick Joey.

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After Time

29 octobre 200144m

It is September 21, 2001, and the squads continue to battle through their emotions and their misgivings about their hero status, while working double shifts and spending every free moment at "the pile" searching for the missing. Kim returns to work and teams up with Doc, which allows an emotionally frayed Alex to return to paramedic duty; an exhausted Sully attempts to co-exist with his prospective in-laws while he waits for an opportunity to marry Tatiana.

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The Relay

12 novembre 200144m

After a despondent woman steps off an eight-story apartment building, the squad finds themselves in a race to transport both the woman's heart and a dying girl to a local hospital in time to save the youngster's life. The suicide hits home for Faith as she comes to grips with her own ongoing medical problems, while Doc expresses concern over the emotional effects this case will have on Kim, despite her constant reassurance that her accident was not an attempt to kill herself.

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Adam 55-3

19 novembre 200144m

Even though his co-workers want to nominate him for the "Paramedic of the Year" award, a pensive Doc is disheartened as he considers his unfulfilled life. He later teams with Kim as they try to save a heart-attack victim while fending off a woman wielding a meat cleaver. In addition, Doc tries to minister to a chronic old drunk and a teenaged girl who attempts suicide in her bathtub. Meanwhile, Faith secretly undergoes a procedure to determine if the lump in her breast is cancerous, leaving an unsuspecting Bosco assigned to a nervous rookie cop; Kim reluctantly consults a lawyer about Jimmy's intention to claim custody of Joey.

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He Said, She Said

26 novembre 200144m

During a sweep for prostitutes, Faith and Bosco tragically misjudge a sexual encounter between a young woman and a man in a car to be consensual; the situation spirals out of control when the girl later claims she was sexually assaulted while the cops laughed it off; Carlos considers a willing Ty as a potential roommate candidate.

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Childhood Memories

3 décembre 200144m

Bosco runs from the present and his past when he is wrongly suspected of murdering a sexual assault suspect. As Faith tries to gather evidence to clear him, Bosco turns to his dysfunctional family, including his alcoholic mother, drug-addicted brother and estranged, abusive father. An emotionally rattled Kim virtually kidnaps Joey from Jimmy while Carlos actively solicits Ty to be his new roommate.

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Act Brave

10 décembre 200144m

No one can find Bosco after a sexual assault suspect is found dead. While Bosco spends time with family, Yokas, Ty and Sully try to clear him as a murder suspect. Still locked in a custody battle over Joey, Jimmy and Kim meet with a court-appointed evaluator and plead their cases. Alex tries to stay busy to avoid dealing with her feelings about her father's death.

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Sex, Lies & Videotape

7 janvier 200244m

Kim and Jimmy are having a custody battle over Joey. Boscoe and Faith are on a call of a possible terrorist threat, that ends up being an explosive event. Alex risks herself to save a little girl and is punished by Doc for it.

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14 janvier 200244m

Doc is up for paramedic of the year and is being followed by a film crew. Doc may have made a medical mistake when treating a patient. Faith recovering from cancer treatment and on the job fails to back up Boscoe while chasing a suspect.

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Old Dogs, New Tricks

21 janvier 200244m

After seeing his young son Joey fall and break his arm in a playground accident, Jimmy fights through a burning apartment building to save a frightened boy of Joey's age. Meanwhile, a guilt-ridden Doc can't stay away from a recuperating teenager, Ryan Buckley, who was accidentally paralyzed while under Doc's care. Taylor is annoyed by a new probationary firefighter, Ken Prescott. Bosco and Yokas search for a drug addict who murdered his girlfriend.

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The Long Guns

28 janvier 200244m

Carlos has a life-changing experience in the hospital after he falls down the fire pole. Tatiana leaves her mother-in-law alone in the house for a moment, with disastrous results.

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Cold Front

4 février 200244m

Bosco tries to protect an old ESU sharp shooter from spiraling out of control. Faith contemplates taking the sergeant's exam. Davis and Taylor have a steamy affair. Doc feels the guilt over a mistake that made a boy a paraplegic.

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Superheroes (1)

25 février 200244m

Feeling betrayed, Doc angrily confronts his former friend, Jerry Mankowitz, an attorney's investigator who tricked him into confiding vital information about a pending malpractice suit.

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Superheroes (2)

4 mars 200244m

The police officers sort through the carnage and count their dead in the wake of a shootout between rival gangs. While Faith tries to interrogate Fyodor Chevchenko, a ruthless Russian mob boss, Sully worries about the severely wounded Ty and regrets causing the incident. Tatiana chastises Sully for hassling her injured son. Faith worries about Gusler, her ineffective, frightened rookie partner and a weary Doc gets some unexpected, good news about his medical malpractice suit.

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Thicker Than Water

1 avril 200244m

During the investigation of the gang shootout, the police officers are questioned and presented with evidence that suggests that Ross was killed by friendly fire; Carlos learns that Vangie is dead and that he is the father of the baby her sister leaves at the firehouse; on the first anniversary of Bobby's death, Kim quarrels with Jimmy over her visitation with Joey and confronts a female gang during a call; and Doc is visited by the father of a former patient whose debilitating injury may have been caused by Doc's error during treatment.

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8 avril 200244m

Bosco starts having panic attacks and goes to see a therapist, but it doesn’t work and later he turns to the only person who’ll listen. Carlos is discovering the trials of single parenthood and starts thinking about adoption. Faith is studying for the Sergeant's exam. However, her concerns about Bosco’s mental and emotional health cause her to fail, and this angers Fred, and he storms out of the house. But later, he sees Faith comforting a sobbing and weeping Bosco after Bosco admits that he couldn’t go back to the World Trade Center towers after they fell down.

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The Unforgiven

15 avril 200244m

Tatiana is still missing, and Sully continues to search for her while grieving her loss. When he comes upon the body of a six-year-old girl in a box on a curb, he becomes strangely unnerved. Haunted by this sight and by thoughts of the mistakes he has made recently, Sully takes the rest of the day off sick and winds up in a local restaurant where he finds his parish priest. They ruminate on the nature of guilt, absolution, forgiveness, faith, and the intercession of God as they recall the fate of another man who also made mistakes and tried to fix them, and whose life ended tragically at Sully's hand. Sully finally comes to a place where he can forgive himself and go on with life. He seeks out Davis to once again beg his forgiveness and reaffirm their connection to each other.

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The Greater Good

22 avril 200244m

Hopelessly in love with Kylie and concerned that she will lose her Filipina heritage if she is adopted by a white couple, Carlos considers raising her until he realizes that the couple can give her the sister, the grandparents, and the extended family that he cannot. Kim's preoccupation with her new PDA drives Alex crazy until they are able to use it to save a very sick man, thus redeeming themselves in the eyes of a hypercritical Dr. Peterson. Faith and Fred are still on uneven ground about the Sergeant's exam. In an effort to shake Chevchenko's tree, Faith and Sully execute a clever plan to disrupt the Russian's bookmaking operation which also opens the door to the possibility of the still-missing Tatiana's return. Bosco is cleared for duty, and he and Faith agree to be partners again as soon as he returns.

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Unleashed (II)

29 avril 200244m

When a doctor comes to New York to search for the missing daughter of her drug-addicted sister, Faith and Bosco focus their attention on the child's stepfather, a New Jersey cop, after they discover that the girl was taken by a man in uniform; Tatiana returns home; Jimmy spends some quality time with Joey.

The crossover starts on ER S08E19 Brothers and Sisters

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Two Hundred and Thirty-Three Days

6 mai 200244m

Rescuers find the body of Alex's father, and he is given a hero's burial; Faith and Bosco tail a convicted rapist released on appeal, certain that he will rape again; dissatisfied by Tatiana's explanation of her whereabouts the eight weeks she was missing, Sully investigates further and uncovers some astonishing and heartbreaking facts about his wife; after Chevchenko threatens to kill him if he doesn't roll over on Faith and Sully, Frankie tells Swersky that the raid on Chevchenko's numbers business was a hummer bust, leading Chevchenko to threaten a lawsuit and have another angry confrontation with Sully.

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13 mai 200244m

When a blackout strikes the city during a heat wave, Sully prophetically warns the more optimistic Ty that trouble in the streets will swiftly ensue. After Carlos leaves the ambulance running to keep the bus cool while he and Doc are on calls, the engine catches fire and the ambulance is destroyed. A wealthy old man confined to his bed by illness offers them a large amount of money to stay with him until his daughter arrives. Doc insists that they leave to treat others more in need over the protests of Carlos. Bosco arrests a young man, Latrell Griffith, and faces a difficult decision when an immigrant shop owner shoots and wounds a teenage shoplifter. After Latrell uses his training as a medic to save the boy, a riot breaks out and Bosco, Latrell and the shoplifter barely escape. Nightfall brings more unrest as the nervous cops try to keep the peace. Faith and Fred are stuck in a elevator when the power goes out. Faith tries to calm Fred's mounting anxiety about being trapped, and is

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Lights Up

30 septembre 200244m

Bosco roams the city looking for Faith, and finally tracks her down just as Faith manages to carry Fred out of the building after rescuing him from the elevator. After they race him to to Mercy, an overwrought Faith lashes out viciously and unfairly, first at Proctor and then at Bosco. As painful as her words are to hear, Bosco realizes the truth be

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The Chosen Few

7 octobre 200244m

Bosco gets a temporary assignment working with a tough female sergeant; Fred is strangely calm in the face of the prospect of a triple bypass; Doc hears shocking news from Philadelphia; Sully learns more about Tatiana's past; Davis is forced to deal with his newfound fame.

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To Protect...

14 octobre 200244m

Yokas and Bosco try to find a missing boy whose parents think has been taken by a registered sex offender; Sully prepares to be questioned about his wife's background

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Crash and Burn

21 octobre 200244m

Doherty, riding on his motorcycle, is first to arrive at a multivehicle collision; Taylor is hit by a car; Tatiana goes to see Chevchenko, and tragedy ensues.

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Judgement Day (1)

28 octobre 200244m

Chevchenko has Tatiana's son killed; Fred comes home from the hospital; and Davis gets a job offer.

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Judgement Day (2)

28 octobre 200244m

Chevchenko has Tatiana's son killed; Fred comes home from the hospital; and Davis gets a job offer.

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11 novembre 200244m

When a fire breaks out in the supermarket where Bosco and his mother Rose are doing some late night shopping, Bosco rescues most of the shoppers but cannot save a young mother when she goes back inside to retrieve her purse. After Jimmy tells him that the fire was probably deliberately set, Bosco is convinced that he saw the arsonist in the crowd outside after the fire. Sgt. Cruz gets Bosco and Faith assigned to the Anti-Crime Unit for a few days so that they can track the guy down. At the scene of another supermarket fire the next night, Faith takes down license plate numbers, Cruz photographs the crowd and cars at the scene, and Bosco nabs the man he saw in the crowd the night before. The man turns out to be a fire buff, but Faith and Cruz's work bears fruit and they find their arsonist -- the son of Doug Maple, an NYFD arson investigator. A depressed Sully is still on leave, drinking too much, and sleeping on the couch at Ty's and Carlos' apartment; Doc connects with an attractive

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Ladies' Day

18 novembre 200244m

Emily discovers just what Faith's job entails and how much her mother loves her when they are taken hostage during a bank robbery, and Faith risks her life to save her daughter.

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Crime and Punishment (1)

2 décembre 200244m

Monty and Joy hook up. Miguel witnesses one drug dealer murder another, and becomes the dealer's next target. On his first day back at work, Sully rides with Faith, who is put off by his short fuse and bad attitude. When he leaves a prisoner unguarded and uncuffed, Faith tells him to go home because he's not ready to be back on the job. Sully gets drunk and goes to his mother's nursing home. Sobbing about Tatiana, he tries to batter down the door when the receptionist won't let him in and calls the police. After Hancock arrives on the scene, Sully mouths off to him about Nancy in front of the other officers who are there to take him home.

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Crime and Punishment (2)

9 décembre 200244m

Bosco is dismayed as he watches Cruz go to the extreme lengths of planting drugs, frightening children, and faking a dying declaration in their attempt to arrest the drug dealer who killed another dealer and then tried to to kill the 12 year old boy who witnessed the crime; Nancy tells Ty that she's ending her relationship with Hancock, and gives Ty the ammunition he needs to get out from under Hancock's thumb and back to duty at the 55, as well as getting Sully's suspension from duty lifted.

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Second Chances

6 janvier 200344m

Doc supervises a new paramedic on her first day; Carlos is arrested after a teenaged patient accuses him of molesting her; Bosco and Faith search for an escaped prisoner; Sully and Davis team up with fire and EMS to save construction workers when their scaffold collapses; in the aftermath of the bank robbery, Faith is troubled when Emily asks her how many people she's killed in the line of duty.

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Castles of Sand

13 janvier 200344m

Ty bails Carlos out and unsuccessfully tries to help him smooth things over with Nicole; after Bosco and Faith break up a domestic disturbance between an old friend of Faith's and her lover, Faith convinces her friend to leave the abusive relationship; Alex gets irritated when the other firefighters make fun of her brother; Sully continues to drink and have a poor attitude on the job; Jimmy is appalled when his face appears on a poster for an erectile dysfunction product, and is stunned when he discovers that the company paid the charity for whom he posed for the picture $10,000 for the right to use the picture, and that their website got 3,000 hits the first day from women wanting to know his name; when he discovers that everyone thinks that he's guilty and he's likely to lose his case, Carlos resigns in the hope that Nicole will drop the matter, and he'll be able to avoid a conviction that will end his visits with Kylie and his hopes of becoming a doctor.

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Snow Blind

27 janvier 200344m

Sully's stopped drinking, but his poor attitude remains; Carlos gives his two week notice; a blizzard blankets the city and the squads are called in early; an understaffed Doc defies orders and puts Carlos back on the street as the squads are kept busy rescuing victims of the storm; Faith's initial wariness about Emily's new boyfriend Eric turns out to be well-founded when he is brought into Mercy after an overdose of Special K, but doesn't remember where he left Emily after she also got high; Faith, Bosco, Sully, Ty, Doc and Carlos go out to search for Emily, and rush her to Mercy after she's found in critical condition; Faith and Fred blame each other for letting Emily go out with Eric.

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Collateral Damage (1)

3 février 200344m

As Faith waits for Emily to awaken from her coma, she blames everyone but her daughter for the overdose and reflects on the substance abuse problems in her family; after Cruz's sister is brought into the hospital with an overdose, Cruz gets Sully, Ty and Bosco to look the other way on any possession charges and sets off with Bosco to find the location of her supplier's meth lab, where they end up in an inferno when the dealer sets the house on fire; Kim is reluctant to give a statement in Carlos's case because she's feeling pressured to lie to save his career.

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Collateral Damage (2)

10 février 200344m

As she keeps vigil by Emily's bedside, Faith recalls her first days at the Police Academy and the beginning of her friendship with Bosco; the fire squad rescues Bosco, Maritza, and a very pregnant Linda Barnes from the inferno, but Lettie Cruz succumbs to her drug binge before they can reach her; Emily is released from the hospital and takes responsibility for her overdose; Bosco tracks down Gary Barnes with Linda's help; Maritza and Bosco's relationship goes to a new level when he attempts to comfort her on the lost of her sister; Kim finally testifies before the review board and stands up for Carlos.

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24 février 200344m

Sully hits bottom when Ty washes his hands of the partnership after Sully's drinking goes completely out of control; a thief strikes fear in the hearts of the police when he phones in false ""officer-in-need-of-assistance"" calls to cover his fur store robberies; Faith and Maritza go at it after Maritza's lonesome cowboy tactics nearly get another cop killed, and Faith is forced to shoot a perp to save Maritza's life after she goes after the perp without backup; Doc has an unpleasant encounter with Joy's father; Faith is disgusted when she finds out about Bosco and Maritza, and Maritza confirms that she put Bosco in front of a lie about a dying declaration to obtain a conviction on a drug dealer; Ty overcompensates for Sully's inattention to the job by becoming a ""supercop"" with an eye to getting a gold shield.

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Letting Go

17 mars 200344m

Faith rebuffs Bosco's attempt to apologize for lying to her; the fire squad extricates a driver impaled after crashing into a store; after Doc makes an impassioned defense of Carlos before the review board, a re-energized Carlos goes back out on the street; Sully's job performance continues to decline as he neglects to keep an eye on a woman he was supposed to be guarding, and she snatches her critically ill baby from Mercy's E.R.; after they discover that the woman is mentally ill, Ty takes a multi-story tumble while trying to prevent her from jumping off a roof with the baby; Faith is stunned when an initially reluctant Emily is eager to continue visiting a drug counselor; Ty catches Sully drinking in the R.M.P. and seeks advice from a union rep; Carlos loses his job as part of the department's settlement with the West family.

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Last Call

31 mars 200344m

In a last-ditch effort to save Sully's life, job, and pension by getting him dried out, Ty and Bosco kidnap him and bring him to a cabin deep in the woods where he hallucinates about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Tatiana, Chevchenko and Ty's father, and his subsequent descent into alcoholism.

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Everybody Lies

7 avril 200344m

Sully is sober and back on the job; Faith continues to keep a close watch on Emily; a mutual attraction springs up between Kim and a reporter; Faith and Bosco pursue a man after he steals a bag of money from an overturned armored car involved in a fatal accident; Faith is unable to dissuade Bosco from wanting to hide the cash after the robber drops it, rather than carrying such a heavy load during a foot chase, and is proved right when they return later to retrieve the bag and find that it's been stolen yet again; faced with disciplinary action and investigations by the Major Case Squad and IAB, they pound the pavement trying to find the second perp and discover that the accident with the armored car had been staged by one of the guards and his girlfriend; Maritza ends up stealing the first perp's collar from Faith, which further erodes their relationship; Bosco is jealous when the Major Case Squad detective running the investigation turns out to be Maritza's former boyfriend; as Doc and Kim rush Nicole West to Mercy after a suicide attempt, she tells Kim that her stepfather Anthony has been molesting her; when Nicole's mother refuses to believe that her husband has done anything wrong, Kim implores Melinda to see that her daughter is crying out for help with repeated suicide attempts; after Nicole convinces Melinda that Anthony is guilty and reveals that her accusations against Carlos were false, Melinda apologizes and withdraws her complaint against Carlos and the city; still at odds over trust and honesty issues, Faith and Bosco trade painfully honest barbs and decide to split up; Carlos is elated when Ty tells him he's being reinstated.

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In Confidence

14 avril 200344m

Kim is invited to a party by Noble. Noble is arrested through an undercover operation. He becomes an informant and helps Cruz and Bosco bust a Meth ring. Faith officially requests a new partner. Emily and Faith face off about Eric.

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Closing In

21 avril 200344m

Cruz's desire to find the ring leader of the Meth ring puts Bosco in a uncomfotable position. Faith tries to improve her relationship with Emily and also gets a new partner, Sasha, at work. Noble is released and sets up a new date with Kim.

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The Price of Nobility

28 avril 200344m

Maritza's reckless pursuit of Buford triggers a horrific car accident that leads to multiple injuries to motorists, and triggers an explosion that severely injures Lt. Johnson and kills Alex Taylor; Doc and Kim get to the top of the promotion list; Maritza hangs Bosco and Nunez out to dry over the murder Noble committed; Doc's overwhelming guilt and grief over Alex's death leads him to a career decision; Maritza discovers that Faith has agreed to help Bosco clear Nunez by getting Noble's gun, and goes to Noble's place to intercept her, followed by Bosco and Noble; when Bosco insists on arresting Noble and Faith refuses to turn over the gun, Maritza draws on Faith, Bosco and Faith draw on Maritza, and three shots ring out.

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