I just watched the 3 DVD set. It covers the years 1969-74. Since I was only 2 in '69, I was thrilled to see the very first episode, as well as segments I have not seen in ages. I felt like a preschooler again as waves of nostalgia hit me. I never knew Charlotte Rae of "Facts of Life" fame once played a postal worker on the show. Her name was Molly and she had eyes for Bob.
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Reply by genplant29
on February 21, 2023 at 12:27 PM
I haven't watched any SS episodes, or parts thereof, since probably sometime during the late 1970s. If watched by kids of today, do you think the '69-'74 episodes continue to hold their original magic and appeal, that a present-day child would readily get in to, or do they now seem overly dated and clunky?
Reply by Butterflygal
on February 22, 2023 at 1:53 PM
That is a good question. Whether it would appeal to today's children, it's hard to tell. Yes the clips look dated obviously, but I think it might appeal to some. I also have a Mister Rogers DVD set that covers from 1979-2000. Obviously I was older during those years, but they are fun to watch. I really want to see the shows from maybe 1968, when it premiered to the early 70's.
Reply by genplant29
on February 22, 2023 at 4:04 PM
I was surprised years ago that little kids in my family were absolutely crazy about my DVD of Betty Boop cartoons from the early 1930s, and wanted to watch them over and over.
Reply by bratface
on February 22, 2023 at 5:38 PM