Jaksot 28


Beside the Iron Fan

3 heinäkuu 202224m

After their flight from the capital, Anju is poisoned, Oshtor is dead and Haku has taken his place. Now Haku must rebuild their army and protect Anju, while keep his identity secret from his friends.

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Whereabouts of Resolve

3 heinäkuu 202224m

As Kiwru and the forces of Oshtor's guard race to Ennakamuy, Haku and his new army must rush to aid them.

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Stain the Road Crimson

10 heinäkuu 202224m

Haku faces his first real test, as Dekopompo moves against Ennakamuy. He's bringing thousands of troops with him, and a familiar face as well...

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Unrequited Love

17 heinäkuu 202224m

Kuon wakes up back home in Tuskur, with no memory of how she got there. Remembering, though, won't help her save Haku.

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Opposing Pair

24 heinäkuu 202224m

Haku is visited by a mysterious merchant who claims to be sent by Kuon. And Mikazuchi, the Imperial Guard of the Left, pays a visit to Ennakamuy as well...

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Dominant Princess

31 heinäkuu 202224m

Kuon challenges Anju, who she believes to be a spoiled brat that has no right to rule Yamato.

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Speaking to a Princess

7 elokuu 202224m

Kuon does her best to batter Anju into submission so that she'll remain in Ennakamuy instead of trying to retake Yamato.

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14 elokuu 202224m

Kuon comes back to Ennakamuy, this time as the friend they all love and know.

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The One Who Bears the Flute

21 elokuu 202224m

The party travels to Rulutieh's homeland, where one member of her family doesn't want her to leave.

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Forest of Schemes

28 elokuu 202224m

The party goes to visit Nosuri's home, where one of the Eight Pillar Generals wants to ally with them.

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Proof of a Ruler

4 syyskuu 202224m

Tokifusa corners the party in the Great Canyon near Ennakamuy and tries to kill them to get back the Golden Seal.

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Flames of Dark Obsession

11 syyskuu 202224m

In their battle to liberate Nakoku, the party finds themselves against a foe they never expected to face.

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A Vow to Rebuild

18 syyskuu 202224m

With Nakoku safe, the party heads home to Ennakamuy for the next stage of the war.

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The Night Before the Final Battle

25 syyskuu 202224m

The party takes a breather before the final battle begins for control of Yamato.

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Slim Chance of Survival

2 lokakuu 202224m

As the battle with Raiko and the forces of the court begins, Haku will have to do whatever it takes to survive their onslaught.

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Legends Clash

9 lokakuu 202224m

Haku battles Mikazuchi as their armies clash on the plains before the capital city.

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The Price of Resolve

16 lokakuu 202224m

The battle between Haku and the court's forces comes to a shocking conclusion.

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With a Great Wish in One's Heart

23 lokakuu 202224m

The Yamato civil war comes to an end as Raiko makes one last stand.

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The Role Left to Me

30 lokakuu 202224m

With the civil war over, Haku is tasked with setting out on a new journey.

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To Tuskur

6 marraskuu 202224m

Haku heads to Tuskur, where he meets the princess of the kingdom.

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Humanity's Heir

13 marraskuu 202224m

The truth behind the Master Key is revealed.

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The Door to Wisdom

20 marraskuu 202224m

Woshis steals the Master Key and attempts to use it for his own ends.

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In the Land of Awakenings

27 marraskuu 202224m

Woshis's drive to attain ultimate wisdom comes at a terrible price for the whole world.

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A Voice from the Abyss

4 joulukuu 202224m

Haku races to stop eternal winter from befalling on the world just as a new threat arises.

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Twisted Onkami

11 joulukuu 202224m

An unexpected ally appears to save Haku and his friends from the Noroi.

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The End of a Wish

18 joulukuu 202224m

Woshis makes a last attempt to grab power and end the world.

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Start of a Myth

25 joulukuu 202224m

Haku is forced to make a final decision as Woshis clings to power.

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Mask of Truth

Season Finale
25 joulukuu 202224m

Haku is gone, and his friends go to search for him.

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