The New Batman Adventures (1997)
The New Batman Adventures is a continuation of the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series. Stories in this series tend to give more focus to Batman's supporting cast, which include fellow crimefighters Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl, among others. The show also features guest stars such as Supergirl, Etrigan, and The Creeper.
Series Cast
Batman / Bruce Wayne (voice)
24 Episodes
Alfred Pennyworth (voice), Alfred (voice), Alfred Pennyworth / TV Host (voice), Alfred Pennyworth / Business Man (voice)
12 Episodes
Batgirl / Barbara Gordon (voice)
9 Episodes
Nightwing / Dick Grayson (voice), Dick Grayson (voice), Mo (voice)
8 Episodes
Detective Harvey Bullock (voice)
8 Episodes
Robin / Tim Drake (voice)
7 Episodes
Commissioner Gordon (voice)
7 Episodes
Harley Quinn (voice)
6 Episodes
Jack Ryder (voice), The Creeper / Jack Ryder (voice), Dad (voice)
5 Episodes
Last Season
- Original Air Date
- Original Air Date
- Germany - 1998 (Original Air Date)
- DVD Order (DVD)
- Production Order (Production)
Status Ended
Type Scripted
Original Language English
Content Score
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