Naoki Mizutani com a Kouki Furihata (voice)

Episodis 75

Jo soc en Kuroko

8 , de 201224m

En Taiga Kagami i en Tetsuya Kuroko s'inscriuen en el club de bàsquet de l'Institut Seirin. Durant un mini partit del primer entrenament, en Kagami demostra tenir un talent innat mentre que en Kuroko no sembla tenir gaires aptituds fins que descobreixen que ell és el sisè jugador fantasma de la Generació miraculosa de l'Institut Teiko!

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Ho dic de debò

15 , de 201224m

En Kuroko es compromet a fer que en Kagami i els Seirin siguin els millors del Japó. L'entrenadora organitza un partit amistós contra l'Institut Kaijo, l'equip d'en Ryota Kise de la Generació miraculosa. En Kise es presenta a l'Institut Seirin per saludar en Kuroko, i en Kagami no se'n pot estar de desafiar-lo a un duel.

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M'estimo més no poder guanyar

22 , de 201224m

Comença el partit amistós entre l'Institut Seirin i l'Institut Kaijo. Els Kaijo estan convençuts que guanyaran però en Kagami i en Kuroko no els ho posaran fàcil. La intensitat del partit fa que en Kuroko perdi eficiència i durant un temps mort, en Kise aprofitarà per revelar el punt feble d'en Kuroko al seu equip. Mentrestant, en Kagami també creu haver descobert el punt feble d'en Kise.

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Al contraatac!

29 , de 201224m

Comença el segon quart en el partit amistós entre els Seirin i els Kaijo. Els Seirin van escurçant la diferència en el marcador. En Kuroko i en Kagami coordinen les seves jugades fent créixer les opcions d'atac, però en Kuroko rep un cop i es veu obligat a retirar-se. A la quarta part, en Kuroko es reincorpora i duu el seu equip fins l'empat però llavors, la mirada d'en Kise canvia...

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La teva manera de veure el bàsquet

6 de 201224m

El partit amistós entre els Seirin i els Kaijo finalitza amb la victòria dels Seirin. En Kise, que no havia perdut mai un partit no pot contenir les llàgrimes. En Shintaro Midorima, membre de la Generació miraculosa, ha vingut a veure el partit perquè el seu equip jugarà contra els Seirin a les eliminatòries. De camí a casa en Kuroko desapareix. Mentre tot l'equip el busca, en Kagami el troba a punt de ficar-se en un bon embolic.

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Deixa'm dir-te un parell de coses

13 de 201224m

Comença la primera ronda de les eliminatòries pel Campionat Interescolar. Per arribar a la Lliga Final no es pot perdre ni un sol partit. Els Seirin s'enfronten contra l'Acadèmia Shinkyo que ha pujat de nivell gràcies al fitxatge de Papa Mbaye Siki, un estudiant d'intercanvi del Senegal de dos metres que no està disposat a perdre.

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Veureu una cosa al·lucinant

20 de 201224m

Els Seirin s'enfronten contra els Shinkyo a la primera ronda de les eliminatòries. En Kuroko se sent ofès perquè en Papa l'ha tractat com un nen i aconsegueix amb les seves passades marcar una diferència en el marcador del primer quart. A partir del segon quart, amb l'absència d'en Kuroko, en Kagami s'encarrega d'aplacar en Papa per tal que aquests dos metres d'alçada no els impedeixin la victòria.

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Ara més que mai

27 de 201224m

Els Seiho es classifiquen per la semifinal de la fase eliminatòria del Campionat Interescolar. El seu següent rival és l'Institut Seiho, conegut per ser un dels tres Reis de Tòquio. Per en Hyuga i els altres veterans dels Seirin es tracta del rival contra el que van patir una derrota humiliant l'any anterior. Per poder superar el passat, en Kuroko i en Kagami es proposen guanyar com sigui. Però només començar el partit, la defensa implacable dels Seiho i les tècniques d'arts marcials ancestrals que han incorporat fan que sigui gairebé impossible marcar.

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Per guanyar

2 " de 201224m

Els Seirin s'enfronten contra els Seiho en el partit de la semifinal de la fase eliminatòria del Campionat Interescolar. Gràcies a les esmaixades d'en Kagami i les passades d'en Kuroko empaten el primer quart. Però davant la defensa infranquejable dels Seiho, en Kagami acaba marcant la quarta falta. Per evitar que sigui expulsat, canvien en Kagami i en Kuroko. Malgrat la difícil situació, els veterans de l'equip es comprometen a guanyar als Seiho.

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No ho permetré

10 " de 201224m

El partit de la semifinal de les eliminatòries entre els Seirin i els Seiho està a punt d'acabar. En Kuroko torna a la pista decidit a guanyar per tal de recuperar l'orgull dels veterans de l'equip. Els Seiho lluiten per mantenir el títol de Rei però finalment acaben perdent de forma dramàtica. Després d'una curta pausa comença la final entre els Seirin i els Shutoku d'en Midorima. El partit comença molt equilibrat. Qui serà el primer de marcar i prendre el control?

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Això no s'ha acabat

17 " de 201224m

A la final de les eliminatòries, els Shutoku marquen el primer punt però tot seguit en Kuroko fa una llarga passada a en Kagami i encistella. Veient el risc que suposa en Kuroko, els Shutoku canvien la posició d'en Takao perquè el marqui i així eviti les seves passades doncs resulta tenir una habilitat que fa que la tècnica de distracció d'en Kuroko no tingui efecte sobre ell.

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Què és guanyar?

24 " de 201224m

Al final del segon quart, els Shutoku tenen una avantatge de gairebé 20 punts. En Midorima demostra tenir un rang de tir que s'estén per tota la pista. En Kuroko roman a la banqueta posat que a en Takao no li fa efecte la seva tècnica de distracció. En Kagami s'adona que no pot dependre d'en Kuroko i els veterans de l'equip per guanyar i comença a explotar al màxim les seves habilitats innates duent el pes del partit.

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Jo també confiava en tu

1 g de 201224m

Comença l'últim quart de la final de les eliminatòries entre els Seirin i els Shutoku. En Kuroko torna a la pista amb un estricte marcatge d'en Takao. Però en Kuroko té una idea per desfer-se d'ell. Mentrestant, en Kagami s'està quedant sense energia i el número de salts que li queden per fer és limitat. Els dos equips arribaran als últims segons del partit molt renyits i tot dependrà d'una única cistella.

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Són clavats

8 g de 201224m

Després d'una dura batalla, els Seirin guanyen als Shutoku i es classifiquen per la Lliga Final de les eliminatòries pel Campionat Interescolar. Els Seirin continuen entrenant. En un dels entrenament que fan a la piscina, apareix la Momoi, l'ajudant de l'equip de l'Acadèmia Tôô on juga l'Aomine, un altre membre de la Generació miraculosa amb qui s'hauran d'enfrontar a la Lliga Final. Mentrestant, l'Aomine es presentarà davant d'en Kagami per posar-lo a prova.

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No em facis riure

15 g de 201224m

A punt de començar el primer partir de la Lliga Final, l'Aomine decideix passar de l'entrenament. En Kagami, que ha perdut en un u contra u amb l'Aomine, sent per boca d'en Kuroko que a l'Aomine li agradava jugar a bàsquet més que ningú però com això va anar canviant degut al seu gran talent. Llavors en Kagami promet derrotar-lo per tal d'obrir-li els ulls. El partit comença i l'Aomine no apareix...

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Va, juguem

22 g de 201224m

El partit dels Tôô i els Seirin comença sense l'Aomine. Tot i l'absència de l'Aomine, els Tôô demostren un gran nivell jugant de forma individual, gran part gràcies a les indicacions de la Momoi que s'ha encarregat d'obtenir gran quantitat d'informació dels jugadors del Seirin i és capaç de predir els seus moviments, de tots, menys d'en Kuroko que resulta imprevisible.

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Sou tots uns estrafolaris

29 g de 201224m

A punt d'acabar el segon quart, amb deu punts de diferència en el marcador a favor dels Tôô, arriba l'Aomine que s'incorpora al partit enfrontant-se contra en Kuroko i en Kagami. Després de la mitja part, els Seirin decideixen fer descansar en Kuroko i en Kagami ha d'enfrontar-se sol contra l'Aomine que ha començat la segona part disposat a jugar de debò.

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No em penso rendir

5 e de 201224m

L'estil de bàsquet de carrer de l'Aomine, lliure i imprevisible, desconcerta els Seirin. Les seves jugades imparables fins i tot per en Kagami fan que la diferència en el marcador sigui cada cop més gran i els Seirin decideixen treure en Kuroko a la pista però les seves passades són interceptades per l'Aomine, doncs ningú millor que ell coneix la seva manera de jugar a bàsquet.

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Un nou repte

19 e de 201224m

Els Seirin pateixen una gran derrota contra els Tôô. La lesió d'en Kagami l'impedeix jugar els dos partits restants i en Kuroko perd efectivitat. Finalment, els Seirin queden eliminats de la Lliga Final i es queden sense opcions de participar al Campionat Interescolar. Però els Seirin comencen a preparar-se pel seu següent objectiu, la Copa d'Hivern. I llavors, apareix en Kiyoshi, el fundador dels Seirin i l'as de l'equip.

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No diguis què vols

19 e de 201224m

Només arribar, en Kiyoshi desafia a un u contra u a en Kagami en el que es juguen la titularitat. En un partit amistós, en Kiyoshi insisteix en fer jugar només els membres de primer curs. El seu objectiu no és tant fer veure en Kagami que tot sol no pot guanyar, sinó fer conèixer els límits del seu estil de joc en Kuroko.

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Va, que comencem

26 e de 201224m

Els Seirin es preparen per la Copa d'Hivern i durant les vacances d'estiu faran dues concentracions d'entrenaments. La primera de les concentracions és a la platja. Sobre la sorra, la Riko ha planejat que cadascú dels jugadors millori les seves habilitats individuals. A l'alberg coincideixen amb els membre de l'equip dels Shutoku amb qui hauran de compartir el pavelló.

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Guanyaré encara que em mori

2 n de 201224m

En els entrenaments de la concentració d'estiu, els Seirin acaben perdent els tres partits amistosos contra els Shutoku. En Kagami s'ha passat la concentració corrents sol per la platja i se sent frustrat, però la Riko li farà veure quin era el seu objectiu. Després d'un u contra u, en Midorima li donarà pistes sobre quin camí ha de segui per millorar. Finalitzada la concentració, els Seirin aniran a veure el partit del Campionat Interescolar entre els Kaijo i els Tôô.

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No soc prou madur

9 n de 201224m

El partit de quarts de final del Campionat Interescolar entre els Kaijo i els Tôô comença amb un duel entre en Kise i en Midorima, dos membres de la Generació miraculosa. Gràcies en Kise i l'ajuda del capità de l'equip, en Kasamatsu, els Kaijô s'imposen al primer quart. Però a partir del segon quart, l'Aomine comença a desplegar el seu veritable potencial...

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Esteu molt equivocats!

16 n de 201224m

Fins i tot en Kise, que té la prodigiosa habilitat de copiar les jugades que ha vist una vegada, no pot imitar l'estil únic de l'Aomine. Però per tal de vèncer els Tôô, en Kise accepta el repte de copiar-lo. Mentre la resta dels membres del seu equip intenten contenir la diferència del marcador, en Kise sembla aprendre més ràpid del que s'esperava.

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El teu bàsquet i el meu bàsquet

Final de temporada
23 n de 201224m

El partit dels quarts de final entre els Kaijo i els Tôô arriba a l'últim quart. El duel entre l'Aomine i en Kise arriba a l'últim minut de partit sense que cap dels dos faci un pas enrere. Després de veure l'espectacular partit, els membres del Seirin així com en Midorima i en Takao dels Shutoku, comencen a pensar en la Copa d'Hivern.

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I Never Thought We'd Meet Here

6 e de 201324m

Seirin's first years participate in a street basketball tournament where they meet Tatsuya Himuro and Atsushi Murasakibara from Yōsen High.

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At The Winter Cup

13 e de 201324m

The street ball game gets called off due to heavy rain. Meanwhile, Momoi reveals that Aomine did not play in the Inter-High finals due to injuries that led her to request the coach to drop him to the bench. She also revealed the reasons why Murasakibara and Seijūrō Akashi from Rakuzan High, did not play as well. Later on, Kuroko shows Momoi his newest technique which if it is refined well, no one can ever stop him.

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20 e de 201324m

The Winter Cup preliminaries gets under way, with the newly-looked Seirin taking on Josei High. This marks the official return for center, 'Iron Heart' Kiyoshi Teppei since recovering from his leg injury. Although Kagami gets less involved due to him being double teamed, with Kiyoshi's unpredictable play and rebounds being the main focuses, Seirin gets even better in terms of offense and defense. Seirin takes control of the whole match, winning it by the score of 108-61. However, the next few qualifying matches might just get tougher for Seirin.

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There is Only One Answer

27 e de 201324m

Seirin first takes on Senshinkan High, who the former has lost twice to in the past 2 years. Seirin takes the game 78-61. Shutoku also took their first game 123-51 against Kirisaki Daiichi, which the first string players did not even play, and instead are watching the Seirin game, confident of winning the next 2 games. Kiyoshi meets Hanamiya Makoto from Kirisaki Daiichi, also one of the Uncrowned Kings. In their previous match-up, Kiyoshi got injured because of Hanamiya. Seirin-Shutoku match is up next. Midorima keeps on getting blocked by Kagami. It is revealed that Midorima wants to tire Kagami by making Kagami jump to block when Midorima is about to shoot. With no score yet, who will strike first blood? Who will win the Kagami-Midorima match-up?

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I've Been Waiting For This

3 r de 201324m

Scoreline is 25-16, when Seirin is still leading. Kagami showed his improvement by power jumping twice in a row to stop Midorima's fake and shoot. To guard against the fakes, Seirin employs double teaming of Kagami and Kiyoshi against Midorima, leaving the inside wide open. Kuroko sits out because his misdirection is useless against Takao's hawk eye. The game proceeds with Seirin's fast run-and-gun gameplay to stay ahead of the game but Shutoku follows close behind. Second half starts with Seirin still leading 45-43. When the game develops into a point match and Shutoku's offense power leaves Seirin's far behind, will Kuroko be able to turn the tables with his new drive as the match goes in favour of Shūtoku?

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I Surpassed You Long Ago

10 r de 201324m

With Kuroko on the court, Seirin's team spirit has never been higher. Using his new invisible drive he is able to successfully take on Midorima. Using the same approach on Takao, the two teams are tied after a Hyūga 3 pointer. After a fierce battle, it all comes down to 2 free throws from Kiyoshi (caused by Midorima fouling him). He scored one of his shots, but his legs didn't hold out on the second. It hits the rim of the hoop, but luckily Kagami catches the rebound. In the final seconds of the match, Kagami and Midorima are engaged in an aerial battle. Will Kagami score, or does Mimorima have enough strength to stop the dunk?

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Give Up

17 r de 201324m

Due to the rush of the matches, there is no overtime, hence the match ends with a tie at 104 apiece. On the other side, Kirisaki Daiichi defeated Senshinkhan 108-70, but it is said that the former won with unfair measures. Outside the locker room, Kagami overheard the fiery conversation between Hyuga and Kiyoshi and then at night, he asked Hyuga more about it. It was actually Kiyoshi's final chance of playing high school basketball, despite only being in his 2nd year. Flashback to 1 year ago, the story goes on about the formation of Seirin's basketball club, Hyuga's real feelings about basketball in high school and Kiyoshi's determination to set up the basketball club.

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Hyuga officially joins the basketball team, and so does Riko. They win their first matches and entered the final match against Kirisaki Daiichi and Hanamiya Makoto, a Crownless General like Kiyoshi. In one of the last plays Hanamiya purposely injures Kiyoshi's leg. Seirin lose the subsequent matches and are eliminated from the Nationals. Hyuga is determined to lead the team next year to be the best in Japan, which currently they are on course to be, and Kirisaki Daiichi is next in Seirin's way.

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I Will Defeat You!

1 " de 201324m

Up next is Seirin against Kirisaki Daiichi. As usual, Kirisaki Daiichi plays dirty, on offense and defense, trying to injure the opposing players. However, Kiyoshi still pushes on and gets his spirit really burned up, but while he's fired up Hyuga can't seem make any of his 3-pointers. Will Seirin get over this extremely rough matchup?

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It's Trust

8 " de 201324m

Seirin leads by 5 points going into the 2nd half, and Kirisaki Daiichi executes their trap, in which Hanamiya gets his steals with 100% accuracy, and Seirin just has fallen under this trap. Kuroko suggests the team to take a gamble of trust in each other in order to break free of this trap. Will Seirin get their ticket to the Winter Cup?

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Don't Be Ridiculous

15 " de 201324m

Seirin managed to break free of Kirisaki Daiichi's 'spider web'. However, the game is still not over with Hanamiya having another card up his sleeves. Will Seirin still get their berth at the Winter Cup or is it over for them?

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I Look Forward to It

22 " de 201324m

After the winter cup prelimenaries, Seirin had their rest at a hotspring. At the same time, Tōō Academy is there, it's a surprise for them that they will fight in the first round. Will Seirin be nervous or they will be filled with excitement?

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Definitely This Time

5 n de 201424m

Before the Winter Cup starts, Akashi summons the rest of the Generation of Miracles, along with Kuroko. Kagami also joins in and it is a bad first meeting between Akashi and Kagami. The highly anticipated match between Seirin and Tōō Academy starts, and who will take the advantage?

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Useless Effort

12 n de 201424m

Seirin managed to keep on pace with Tōō Academy. However, things just don't go right when Kuroko has both his moves being stopped consecutively by Aomine. How will Seirin come back to the game?

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I Think He's Extremely Happy

19 n de 201424m

Kagami managed to hold Aomine and put Seirin close to Tōō Academy. Only down by 2, Seirin seemed to be able to keep in pace. However, another crisis would soon happen. How will this hinder Seirin's chances of winning the rematch?

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We Win Now!

25 n de 201424m

Imayoshi is able to immobilise Kuroko, and Sakurai manages to stop Hyuga's Barrier Jumper, both actions being instructed by Momoi. Aomine goes past Kagami and makes a 360 spin dunk at the same time. All 5 Touou players are now able to see Kuroko. However, this actually leads to a trap set by Kuroko, when Izuki goes past Imayoshi with a Vanishing Drive, something the crowd thought only Kuroko can pull off, and scores. Hyuga also managed to bypass Sakurai with a Vanishing Drive too, and scored. The revelation of Misdirection Overflow has pulled Seirin to within single digit difference. However, Imayoshi scores a buzzer-beating 3-pointer to put Touou's lead to 11, ending the 3rd quarter. Before timeout expires, Aomine did not pay attention as the rest of the players return to the court. 4th quarter starts, and Seirin starts off with Hyuga combining his Barrier Jumper and Kuroko's Misdirection Overflow to avoid Sakurai's quick defense and scores a 3-pointer, putting the difference back to 8. The real Aomine will reveal himself soon, so how will Seirin cope with the Aomine even more stronger than they have faced in the first half?

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I Believe in Him

1 i de 201424m

At this stage, stopping the stronger Aomine has become the priority for Seirin, if not the latter will lose the game. After slowing getting back into the game, Seirin suddenly could not stop the Aomine who has entered the Zone. However, Kagami has managed to stop Aomine and what will the battle of the aces be like?

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I Won't Lose

8 i de 201424m

An intense battle between the Aces of their teams, Aomine and Kagami, begins. Both never give in to each other and blocked the shots of each other. The other players on the court are very amazed at the battle of the Aces in the Zone, which makes their focus and reaction speed to be at their maximums. Kagami goes to drive past Aomine and scores a basket, to cut Tōō's lead to just 3, 95-98, with 41.5 seconds left. In the next possession for Tōō, Aomine found it difficult to drive past Kagami, but he quickly goes for a Formless Shot.

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Tell Me

15 i de 201424m

After the tough and close win over Tōō, the Seirin team decides to find a place to rest and rejuvenate. With no places to go due to various reasons, Kagami offers the team an invitation to his house. After a restful night for the team, they find Alexander Garcia, Kagami's master in basketball, sleeping in Kagami's house. The Seirin team, along with Alex, went to watch the Winter Cup match between Onita and Shutoku, with the latter taking the win easily, and Midorima caught Alex's attention.

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Of Course It's Not Easy

22 i de 201424m

While the match between Seirin and Nakamiya South progresses, at Touou Academy's library, Imayoshi and Susa discussed about Seirin's possibility of winning the match while studying. Seirin indeed are in a difficult situation of beating Nakamiya South. Imayoshi said that Seirin have not given their 120% like what the players did against Touou, and they may have gotten a little overconfident as they have defeated Tōō.

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First Basket!!

1 l de 201424m

Still unable to score against Murasakibara and the Yōsen team, Seirin resorted to Kuroko taking shots, and they are back on track in the game. However, Himuro has not played his ball yet, so will Seirin be prepared for it?

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It's Obvious

8 l de 201424m

Aomine thinks that Himuro is good, although the latter had never appeared in a tournament in Japan. Back to the match, Himuro executes a superb fake on Kagami, then smoothly transitions to take a jump shot, to which Kagami and Hyuga cannot react to it. Before the match, Himuro said to Murasakibara that he wants to crush Kagami, and that being brothers with him is getting in his way to be the better basketball player.

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I Don't Want to Lose

15 l de 201424m

With Murasakibara finally appearing on the offensive side, Seirin is slowly losing hope of having the chance to win against Yōsen and move onto the Finals. With the help of the Vice-captain, Fukui, Murasakibara catches the ball and dunks it, causing the hoop to break and collide with the ground, even further diminishing the hope of Seirin.

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22 l de 201424m

As the match continues in the fourth quarter, Yōsen keeps on maintaining its lead and with Kiyoshi out, the Seirin players face tough times scoring any points. Seirin starts to use the same full court 2-3 man-to-man defense like what Yosen uses, but Himuro and Murasakibara are easily able to overcome it. However, Kagami's spirit to win gets him into the Zone once again.After some time in the Zone, Seirin cuts down the lead to four points.

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Final de temporada
29 l de 201424m

In the last minute of the fourth quarter, Murasakibara enters the Zone. However, Kagami had so much spirit to win that he exceeded his limits and used meteor jam, his new shot that he can use only in the Zone. He jammed the ball in, scoring the final point. However, Atsushi still had determination and went for his shot. However, Murasakibara could not jump and Kuroko blocked his shot, handing victory over to Seirin. Murasakibara broke down after the game, revealing that he actually loves basketball, which enabled him to enter the Zone. Kuroko also tells Kagami to reconcile with Himuro, which he does.

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I'm Just Going at Full Strength

10 n de 201524m

After defeating Yōsen High, Seirin is interviewed for Basketball Monthly. After the interview Kagami heads outside to visit with his old friend, Tatsuya Himuro, and Alex, but instead of being able to resolve their differences he runs into one Shōgo Haizaki of Fukuda Sōgō Academy. He is trying to flirt with Alex, making Kagami mad, but before Kagami can act Kise arrives on the scene and reveals that Haizaki was a starter on the Generation of Miracles team before he arrived. Kagami heads back in to ask Kuroko about this news only to find out the final quarterfinal will feature a showdown between Kise and Haizaki, with the winner moving on to face Seirin in the semifinals.

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This Is Mine

17 n de 201524m

Kise and Haizaki face each other head-to-head for the right to advance to face Seirin. At first it seems that Kise and Haizaki have the same copy ability as Haizaki is able to start duplicating Kise's teammates moves. However once Kaizaki has duplicated a move, the original user seems to be unable to use it. Kuroko reveals that Haizaki uses psychological warfare against his opponents. While he copies the moves of the individual, he also alters the timing of the move. When the original user tries to do the move again, they try to do so with the new timing and ultimately fail. Kise and his teammates fall further behind as the second half begins. Can Kise find a move that Haizaki can't use and somehow manage to turn things around, or is his team headed for certain defeat?

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Don't You Get In My Way

24 n de 201524m

Haizaki's skill is not copying a move he's seen once, but to "pillage" it. Kaijo starts to be cornered as each player's signature plays are sealed away. Even Kise, who has a variety of moves thanks to his Copy skill, starts to run out of stock moves as the game progresses. Furthermore, the fierce game pace puts Kise's leg close to its limit... The groove is completely with Fukuda Sogo at an advantage, causing frustration as the Kaijo team couldn't move as they wanted. Kise finally kneels down, but at that moment, a cheer from Kuroko reaches him from the audience. Kise stands up once again as if to answer that voice and uses his new skill Perfect Copy to start the comeback run!

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I'll Take This For Now

31 n de 201524m

The final four of Winter Cup has finally been decided: Rakuzan, Shutoku, Seirin, and Kaijo. However, on the day of the semi-finals, Kuroko and Kagami both realized their basketball shoes were broken and hurriedly get on their way to buy new shoes. However, Kagami can't find shoes in his size! Thanks to Kuroko's suggestion, they seek advice from Momoi, and her reply is that he should use Aomine's shoes, as they both have the same shoe size. Of course, Aomine wasn't going to meekly hand a pair over, and they end up in a one-on-one with the shoes as the prize! Daiki quickly won but still offered the shoes to Kagami. Taiga grudgingly accepts and says that he'll take it for now but their competition isn't over yet. Taiga and Tetsuya rushed to watch the first semi-final match of the Winter Cup: Rakuzan Vs. Shutoku.

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I Know None of That

7 i de 201524m

As the second half of the match between Shutoku and Rakuzan starts, Akashi uses his eye, it is revealed that Akashi was the one who found Kuroko's talent by using his eye on him, which meant that the eye can see potential of people, but it is said that in matches the eye is completely different, it predicts the future movement of the other players, thus nullifying both offence and defense of the other team.

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I Will Offer Them

15 i de 201524m

Facing Akashi's Emperor Eye, which sees the future movements of the opponents, Shutoku looks like they had no hand to play. But the will to fight once again lights up within the eyes of the team members, and they face Rakuzan with the spirit of "unyielding tenacity"! Thanks to Midorima and Takao's trick play, they try to close the gap in one strong run, but to answer that, Akashi scores in his own goal to the shock of everyone around him. Against Shutoku, who bares their teeth without giving up until the very end, Akashi throws out words that show no mercy.

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It Makes Me Laugh

22 i de 201524m

After the match Rakuzan vs.Shutoku, Rakuzan wins with the score of 86 - 70 against Shutoku. For the Shutoku team, it is a very huge defeat that even Takao and Midorima cried after the game. Kise, Kagami and Kuroko did have some short greetings before their match. The match started, how can Seirin stop Kise's Perfect Copy?

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True Light

1 l de 201524m

The battle between Seirin and Kaijo finally begins. Seirin tries to secure their victory by striking first, but Kise unexpectedly begins using his Perfect Copy at the start of the game, demonstrating his overwhelming strength.

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Don't Underestimate Us!

8 l de 201524m

The Seirin-Kaijo game was white-hot due to the battle between their ace players. With the defense and offense reversed now, Seirin goes on the offensive. As the last one to awaken, and one with potential comparable to the Generation of Miracles, Kagami was on his way to unleashing that latent talent. Kise felt that as a threat more than anyone else. That was why he definitely didn't want to lose!!

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In Order to Win

15 l de 201524m

Kise's injury becomes worse. His coach orders him to step down the court for a while and rest until the last two minutes of the last quarter wherein he could use his Perfect Copy. Kagami's talents give way to Seirin having a 15-point gap in the lead with four minutes left in the game. Kise's frustration leads him to recover fast, determined to win the cup. Rico is surprised and realizes that Kise's Perfect Copy can now last until the end of the competition.

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This Time, For Sure

22 l de 201524m

Kise recovers and manages to fill the 15-point gap. Kaijo becomes the lead with a score of 78-77. Seirin becomes restless and their moves become stiff as Kise's fast recovery and Kaijo's persistence to win makes the crowds cheer, putting Seirin under pressure. Kuroko devises a plan that requires time for observation in order to overcome Kise's Perfect Copy.

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He is the Best Player

29 l de 201524m

Kuroko finally finds a way to stop Kise, and Seirin wins with a deciding shot made by Kuroko. The episode ends with Kuroko telling a story about his past

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A Day With Blue Skies

5 , de 201524m

Kuroko is first placed into Teiko's third string basketball team. However, after practicing everyday after school with Aomine, Akashi realised Kuroko talent as the "Phantom 6th Man." During a game between the third and second string, Kuroko proved himself and was upgraded to first string. But when he plays in a friendly game as starting player, he is so nervous he is subbed out immediately. The coaches are unsure if they should keep him on first string, but with Aomine's encouragement, they keep him on for one day. Now that Kuroko's nerves are under control, his help in the team is obvious and he is permanently placed on the first string bench.

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12 , de 201524m

Nijimura gives the captain position to Akashi because his father is sick. Akashi now becomes captain. The Teiko coach comes back. Midorima and Murasakibara gets into a fight, and Kuroko challenges them into a practice game. Then, Aomine and Kise get into a fight, but not a serious one. Akashi wants to get rid of Haizaki because he keeps skipping practices. Aomine plays a game, but he doesn't have fun and loses interest in basketball because he crushed the other team. Teiko goes to the National qualifiers, and Aomine meets his friend, while the face of Kuroko's friend is also revealed. Aomine ends up crushing his friend's team, and gets called a monster by his friend. Also, Kuroko's friend loses, and calls Kuroko, crying. The episode ends with Aomine sitting by the pool, a blank expression on his face.

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We Already

19 , de 201524m

The old coach advises to Aomine to keep playing basketball until he can find a worthy opponent. Teiko wins the National finals. The old coach collapses and the young one takes over coaching the team. The team individually undergoes rapid growth in power. Aomine leaves mid-practice and the coach gives him permission to skip practices, leaving Aomine in even more despair. After an act of insubordination, Akashi goes head to head with Murasakibara, and just when Akashi is about to lose, he switches personalities and crushes Murasakibara. Akashi gives the rest of the team permission to skip practice as long as they win matches. He later tells Kuroko who failed to convince Aomine that there is two of him.

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What is Victory?

26 , de 201524m

Kuroko get's knocked unconscious in the game before the grand final, in which Teiko is set to play against Kuroko's friend, Shige's team. Kuroko regains consciousness, and since he cannot play in the game, asks Akashi to make Teiko play their best. Teiko, bored by scoring quotas, decide to play a new game. Kuroko gets to the match in time to see the conclusion of the game, with Murasakibara scoring the final goal for the opposite team in order to make the score read "111, 11". Devastated, Kuroko decides to quit basketball and visits Shige's school, where he finds out Shige has transferred and is going to quit basketball. Shige's friend tells him not to quit basketball, because he thinks Kuroko can melt their hearts.

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Final Tip Off

3 de 201524m

Seirin prepare mentally for the grand final match of the Winter Cup. Kagami and Tatsuya finally properly reconcile. The teams from previous matches, including the teams of the Generation of Miracles come to watch the grand final. During the decider for 3rd place, Kise sits out of the match and Shutoku wins against Kaijo, 96 to 54, taking 3rd place. Rakuzan and Seirin warm up, and Akashi declares the winner will be Rakuzan. Furihata gives Kuroko a wristband filled with the team's thoughts. The game starts with Kagami taking the tip off. Kuroko fumbles a pass but Kagami manages to score the first goal with an impossible jump. And enters "the zone".

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Isn't It the Best?

10 de 201524m

Kagami dangerously continues using up his stamina in the zone, Riko swaps Kuroko for Mitobe so that Kagami can focus on offence. Akashi pairs up against Kagami and Akashi takes control of the game until Mitobe's defense breaks the flow. Kagami exits the zone, and Kuroko re-enters the game. Kuroko is more visible than usual, which Akashi claims is due to his learning how to dribble and shoot. Disheartened, Kuroko is taken out of the match for one side pass, then put back in for the remainder of the first quarter. The first quarter is finished with a tie, 21-21. Kuroko is set to sit out the 2nd quarter to think of a solution. Meanwhile Rakuzan's Chihiro Mayuzumi reveals his ability to misdirect just like Kuroko, but with better base attributes.

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A Miracle Will Not Happen

17 de 201524m

Kuroko observes Mayuzumi's play from the sidelines. Seirin subs in first-year Furihata to lure Rakuzan, but he quickly gets fatigued after facing Akashi. Fukuda, a first-year, takes his place. Hyuga goes up against Rakuzan's Reo Mibuchi (who Hyuga admired in middle school) in a "Battle of the shooting guards", but loses. The same happens to Kiyoshi against Eikichi Nebuya. Another first-year takes Fukuda's place. One-by-one, Rakuzan crushes Seirin's players. Akashi demonstrates that he can also make alley-oops, finishing the second quarter with Rakuzan in the lead, 62-37.

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Weight of Resolve

24 de 201524m

Rakuzan vs. Seirin enters the third quarter. Seirin, not giving up, entrusts their scorers Hyuga and Kagami with all their hope. However, even that small glimmer ...

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In My Own Way, I'm Desperate

31 de 201524m

Izuki manages to interfere with Rakuzan's Kitari Hayama's five-finger-dribble offense, by predicting future moves and coordinating with Kuroko and Kagami. Kagami remains in the zone. Koganei faces Reo, and although Koganei doesn't manage to defeat him, Hyuga comes to understand how to beat Reo's three specialty shots (Heaven, Earth, Void).

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A Warning

7 " de 201524m

Hyuga rejoins the match in fourth quarter and scores the first three, flourishing under the pressure and having worked out how to tell the difference between Mibuchi Reo's three shots, and the secret of "Void". Despite Kiyoshi's knee injury bothering him, he pushes back against his opponent Eikichi Nebuya. Akashi relieves control of the ball against Kagami who is going even deeper in the zone. However, Akashi has learnt how to enter the zone at will, reserving it for when Rakuzan is in trouble. His trigger being when he decides to abandon the rest of the team and use his own strength to win. Akashi enters the zone and scores on his own. Seirin calls a timeout with Rakuzan in the lead, 90-78. Seirin puts their faith in Kagami. In the audience, Aomine mentions that he suspects there is a greater zone within the zone. And that Kagami may need to open this second "door" to be able to beat Akashi.

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Why Don't We Give Up?

14 " de 201524m

Faced by Akashi's huge zone of defence, Kagami despairs, having reached the bottom of the zone, but seeing no way to open the "door". Kuroko suggests they give up relying solely on Kagami for now, and offers to take some of the burden. By watching and predicting Kagami's movement, Kuroko becomes Kagami's "eye" and is able to intercept Akashi. Although stunned, Akashi catches up and attempts to stop Kagami, but is intercepted again by Kuroko. One last time, Akashi attempts to intercept Kagami's dunk, but Kagami, with his teammates supporting him, manages to crack open the "door" within the zone and scores. Akashi misses a goal, and has fallen out of the Zone. A voice inside Akashi starts telling him to give-up. Rakuzan calls a time out with 5 minutes left in the game, and the score 92-90. Just as Rakuzan's coach is about to sub Akashi out, Mayuzumi chastises Akashi, asking rhetorically "Who are you?", which triggers an internal dialogue with his other self. Akashi strove for victory in order to keep his team together and in his weakness he created his other self. But then he started playing for victory itself, forgetting why. Now, his two selves appear to merge, or perhaps switch places, and, echoing his words to Kuroko in middle school, aloud he declares himself "Akashi Seijuro".

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So It Was You

21 " de 201524m

Akashi starts supporting the team by setting up perfect opportunities which also boosts their morale. The watching members of the Generation of Miracles recognise Akashi's old self. Seirin still manage to score, but Akashi enters the zone again and Akashi's support draws out his team members' potentials, making them enter an imperfect version of the zone, possible because they are members of the "Uncrowned Kings". Kagami is the only one who can stand against them, but reaches his physical limits, and exits the zone. The rest of Seirin are also exhausted and Seirin has no more time outs left. Suddenly, Kuroko's friend, Ogiwara, cheers from the audience, bringing Kuroko to tears. Aomine, Kise, Midorima and other past opponents adds their cheers, and the crowd starts to chant for Seirin. With the Rakuzan in the lead, 103-96 and 2 minutes left in the game, Kagami talks with the team, and manages to fully open the "door within the zone", unveiling the "True Zone", which is team play at the speed of the zone (possible because of the bond between the team members). Aomine realises that the person in front of the "door" is not a gatekeeper, but Kuroko, leading the way to team play. Seirin manage to score a two-pointer, but Akashi counters with a two pointer, and is not going to allow Seirin to win that easily.

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Many Times Over

Final de temporada
1 g de 201524m

With 40 seconds left in the game, Rakuzan is in the lead, 105-98. Kagami scores with 27 seconds left. With 17 seconds left, Izuki is the only one not fired up, deliberately trying to keep calm and use his head to catch Rakuzan off-guard. He predicts that Rakuzan will take a shot and steals the ball, making a perfect pass to Hyuga. Hyuga forces a foul as he scores a three and is allowed a free throw. Hyuga's shot rebounds and Kiyoshi uses his last strength to take it. With three seconds left the ball is passed to Kuroko, who goes to shoot. Akashi defends but Kuroko states "I am the shadow", and Kagami does one of his impossible jumps to dunk and Seirin win, 105-106, winning the Winter Cup. Akashi experiences his first ever loss, but is thankful to Kuroko and congratulates him with tears in his eyes. Some days later, Seirin see Kiyoshi off at the airport, as he is going overseas to get a surgery for his knee. Meanwhile 3rd years from Seirin's opponent teams are studying for college, while their teams appoint new captains and prepare for the next season of Basketball. Seirin return to school to practice but Kuroko is late. Kagami is sent to find him, and Kuroko explains that he was getting a photo from Momoi. As Kuroko and Kagami head back to practice, Kuroko's locker opens to reveal the photo- a team photo of the Generation of Miracles reunited.

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