Frank Lupo — Produtor(a)

Episódios 152

Gnadenlose Jagd

18 setembro 19841h

Former NFL player Fred Dryer is Det.Sgt. Rick Hunter, a mobster's son turned cop, cut in the ""Dirty Harry"" mold. Hassled by his by-the-book captain (played by Michael Cavanaugh in the opener), Hunter enlists another maverick, brassy Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall to set a trap for a brutal murderer.

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Er war der Erste

28 setembro 19841h

Dee Dee McCall wird von Marilyn, der Exfrau ihres ehemaligen Partners Trankus, um Hilfe gebeten. Gus Trankus hat seinen Job verloren und ist endgültig auf die schiefe Bahn geraten. Hunter findet heraus, dass Trankus einen Mord begehen will.

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The Hot Grounder

5 outubro 19841h

The Police Commissioner is the main suspect in the murder of his wife.

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Wie in einem Western

26 outubro 19841h

Hunter und Dee Dee McCall sind mit dem Ganoven Wally Wallerstein auf dem Weg nach Los Angeles. Unterwegs haben sie eine Panne und geraten in die Klauen eines frustrierten Sheriffs. Wally wird Opfer eines mörderischen Plans.

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2 novembro 19841h

A gangster was killed. Now Terwilliger believes that it was a burglar who did but Hunter finds a few loose ends. Now the eldest son, Nick, who is a carouser fears what will happen if the girl whom he came home with the night his father was killed is found. Hunter and McCall eventually learn about her and find her she tells them that when they arrived at the house his father was upset with him and a fight broke out and then she heard the shot then the alarm. Which leads them to think that maybe Nick was the one who killed his father. However, the captain doesn't think that she's a credible witness, because she was drunk and was going to go bed with him. When she calls Nick demanding some hush money they agree to meet when Nick arrives someone shoots him and Hunter finds that he was going to pay her. Hunter then realizes that it was the other son, Billy who did it. He finds the girl with at the hospital and holds her hostage when Hunter arrives and manages to shoot him.

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Ruffy's Tauben

9 novembro 19841h

Pete, der alte Taubenzüchter, gerät in Abhängigkeit von Drogenhändlern. Die Männer zwingen ihn, die Tiere für den Schmuggel einzusetzen. Schließlich töten sie ihn. Hunter und McCall stehen vor dem fast unlösbaren Problem.

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Pen Pals

16 novembro 19841h

When a kid dies from smoking a joint laced with PCP, Hunter tracks down the slime-ball responsible. Hunter is then for murder. Dee Dee has to deal with a new partner and try to prove Hunter's innocence. Meanwhile, Hunter has to survive the attempts by the Hammer and his three lackeys to kill him.

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Immer einen Schritt voraus

30 novembro 19841h

Hunter und McCall haben es mit einem Kopfgeldjäger zu tun. Der ist bekannt dafür, seine Opfer tot der Justiz zu übergeben. Jetzt sucht er zwei Räuber, die 130.000 Dollar erbeutet haben. Einen erledigt er sofort.

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High Bleacher Man

7 dezembro 19841h

Hunter and McCall arrest a man named Gavin, who is a street thug. They are then shocked to learn that the D.A. has made a deal with him. It seems that Gavin can link crime boss Nate Demarest to four murders. And Hunter is not pleased with it, cause if they let Gavin go, he will kill someone eventually. After an attempt is made on Gavin, Hunter suggests that they limit the knowledge of Gavin's whereabouts to just two people, and Gavin says that he wants Hunter and McCall to be those two. Cause he knows that they only way Hunter can prove that he didn't sell Gavin out, is to take a bullet for him. And it is while they are protecting Gavin that McCall recalls an old case wherein she and her partner were investigating Demarest for murdering an undercover Fed. McCall begins by talking to the man's wife and tells about a girl named Crissy who worked for Demarest, whom her husband took an interest in. Hunter then goes to talk to a man who once worked for Demarest, Whitey McPhee. And when he g

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Der Video-Killer

4 janeiro 19851h

Ein geheimnisvoller Polizistenmörder sorgt in Los Angeles für Schlagzeilen. Hunter und Dee Dee konzentrieren sich bei ihren Nachforschungen auf eine Bar, in der ein gefährliches Videospiel gespielt wird.

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Der Fanatiker

11 janeiro 19851h

In Los Angeles häufen sich Morde an Männern, die auf Bewährung entlassen wurden. McCall wird auf den mysteriösen Killer angesetzt. Hunter kann sie überreden, den Fall mit ihm gemeinsam zu lösen.

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Der Racheengel

18 janeiro 19851h

Hunter und McCall scheinen diesmal an einem unlösbaren Fall zu arbeiten. Jedoch nur, bis sich der eigentlich Schuldige selbst ins Spiel bringt: ein Besessener, der auf seine Weise für Gerechtigkeit sorgt. Aber er hat Hunter und seine Partnerin unterschätzt.

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Die Kokain-Königin – Teil 1

23 março 19851h

Sally, als „Schneekönigin“ bekannt, wird dringend von Sergeant Molinas gesucht. Der Grund: Sie ist Zeugin eines Mordes, den Molina begangen hat. Zur selben Zeit versuchen Hunter und McCall, den Drogenboss Terranova zu überführen.

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Die Kokain-Königin - Teil 2

30 março 19851h

Sally, als „Schneekönigin“ bekannt, wird dringend von Sergeant Molinas gesucht. Der Grund: Sie ist Zeugin eines Mordes, den Molina begangen hat. Zur selben Zeit versuchen Hunter und McCall, den Drogenboss Terranova zu überführen.

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Besuch aus Hawaii

6 abril 19851h

Ein Drogendealer wurde ermordet. Hunter und McCall finden heraus, dass die Dealer von Los Angeles Ärger mit ihrem Hauptlieferanten haben. Der hat nämlich einen „Beach Boy“ ausgesandt, um sich mit Mord und Terror Respekt zu verschaffen.

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13 abril 19851h

Hunter and McCall disobey orders and investigate a possible connection between two homicides instead of chasing muggers.

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Rote Perücke - lila Kreis

20 abril 19851h

Hunters Exfreundin Christina verdächtigt ihren Mann der Untreue. Als sie Zeugin eines Mordes wird, schaltet sie Hunter ein. Es folgt eine Serie von Morden, bei denen immer die gleichen Zeichen hinterlassen werden. Hunter fürchtet, dass ein Profikiller am Werk ist.

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Fire Man

4 maio 19851h

Hunter and McCall are brought in to help solve an arson/murder case. Someone has been setting fires to empty warehouses all over the city.

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Season Finale
11 maio 19851h

Hunter,and McCall investigate the mysterious Sniper shootings of blond women.Meanwhie,the Police Department personnel is being audited by a most efficient IRS Agent.

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Case X

21 setembro 19851h

A modeling agent is a front for a photographer's personal pornography ring, and when the female porn stars start turning up dead, McCall goes undercover.

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Night of the Dragons

28 setembro 19851h

Hunter and McCall witness a shooting in Chinatown and follow up on their off time, but the officer-in-charge resents their meddling.

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The Biggest Man in Town

5 outubro 19851h

The murder looks like a professional execution. But why would a small time accountant be killed when he is eighty miles from home and using an alias? For Hunter and Dee Dee the only clue is to go to the source - a small, wealthy resort community that is controlled by one man. Hunter can feel this guy is responsible but proving it is a deadly proposition

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Reichtum kann töten

19 outubro 19851h

Bei einem Mordanschlag wird der Millionär Ralph Flagg lebensgefährlich verletzt. Seine zunächst verdächtigte Frau wird freigesprochen. Da verunglückt auch sie. Schließlich fällt der Verdacht auf den Geliebten der Tochter.

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Killer in a Halloween Mask

26 outubro 19851h

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Rape and Revenge (1)

2 novembro 19851h

McCall is raped and beaten by a diplomat who has a strange opinion of the way to treat women. Hunter is angry, but can do nothing when the culprit claims diplomatic immunity. McCall is appalled to find that the man's father shares his attitude toward women.

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Rape and Revenge (2)

9 novembro 19851h

Hunter ends up in San Pablo wanting to shoot Raul Mariano, the man who raped McCall and shot Hunter. McCall comes and tries to stop Hunter from killing Mariano. She fails, and Hunter shoots Mariano four times. After, Hunter and McCall must escape from an army that is trying to kill them

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Das Millionen-Dollar-Ding

16 novembro 19851h

Ein Raubüberfall eskaliert und mehrere Menschen kommen dabei ums Leben. Hunter und MacCall können die Täter in einem gestohlenen Fahrzeug stellen. Als die Besitzerin den Wagen wenig später bei der Polizei abholt, findet sie darin die Beute.

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Der Fenstersturz

23 novembro 19851h

Hunter und McCall geht endlich der Gangster Fabro in die Falle. Im Rahmen der Kronzeugenregelung soll er gegen Senator Warren Hayword aussagen. Der hatte einst Fabro einen Mordauftrag erteilt. Hunter und McCall müssen den Killer schützen.

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Waiting for Mr. Wrong

7 dezembro 19851h

A flashy yet deadly jewelry store robbery leaves Hunter and McCall with a dead body and a cold trail. When Angelita, a beautiful young model who is their only connection to one of the killers, boards a train to San Diego, Hunter is right behind her. But her surveillance accidentally becomes contact and contact turns to passion. Is she an innocent victim of a ruthless killer, or is she just as deadly? Rick must make a decision and the wrong decision could be a killer.

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Die Quittung

14 dezembro 19851h

Angeführt von Sergeant Sigerson unternimmt eine Gruppe von Polizisten nächtliche Raubzüge. Als ein Unbeteiligter dabei ums Leben kommt, befasst sich Hunter mit dem Fall. Indessen gerät sein Freund Charley in Verdacht, seine Frau ermordet zu haben.

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Blow Up

4 janeiro 19861h

Someone bombs the angel on a grave and Hunter thinks it was done by a man he arrested a long time ago.

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War Zone

11 janeiro 19861h

A hooker's murder and a pharmaceutical theft are connected.

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Verbrannt zur Unkenntlichkeit

18 janeiro 19861h

Dee Dee McCall ist fest davon überzeugt, einen Mann gesehen zu haben, den alle für tot halten. Er soll Selbstmord begangen haben. Sogar seine Leiche wurde identifiziert. Zusammen mit Hunter kommt Dee Dee einem weitreichenden Komplott auf die Spur.

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Rick’s Vergeltung

1 fevereiro 19861h

Gangster Phil Draco liegt im Sterben. Er gesteht, dass er vor Jahren Hunters Vater ermordet hat. Zusammen mit Dee Dee rollt Hunter den alten Fall wieder auf. Er nimmt den ehemaligen Partner seines Vaters, Vinnie Brokaw, ins Visier.

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Fagin 1986

8 fevereiro 19861h

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36 Stunden Terror

15 fevereiro 19861h

Bei einem Bombenattentat stirbt der Chauffeur einer Botschaft. Hunter und Dee Dee bekommen Verstärkung vom FBI. Denn allem Anschein nach war die Tat politisch motiviert. Sehr schnell aber kommen Hunter daran Zweifel.

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Death Machine

11 março 19861h

A couple of young punks rip off the house of Lucky Lacy, an underworld jewelry connection, and get away with $2,000,000 in jewels. But when Lacy hires Lincoln, a huge punk killer to find them, dead bodies start piling up and Hunter and McCall are up against their biggest foe yet!

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Sterben für Michael Varn

25 março 19861h

Nikki Richmond ist ermordet worden. Es gibt zwei Verdächtige: ihren Freund und einen Unbekannten, der sie aushielt. Hunter konzentriert sich auf den zweiten, Michael Varn. Nach einigen Anschlägen verdichten sich seine Vermutungen.

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Eine Tote sieht fern - Teil 1

1 abril 19861h

She is exquisitely beautiful with perfect features. She is sitting in Hunter's chair waiting for him to come home. She is also dead! A clean professional hit in an adult motel throws Rick and Dee Dee into a case that includes Russian and Federal Agents, espionage, and a strangely intriguing, nameless beauty who is the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle that won't come together

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Eine Tote sieht fern - Teil 2

8 abril 19861h

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Typhoons Rückkehr

6 maio 19861h

Jerome Typhoon Thompson a once famous Middle-weight prizefighter is realeased from Prison after serving 5-years of a life sentence.He was convicted of murdering his manager,a charge that he says is false.Because of good behavior he was paroled.Once outside he is greetd by Hunter,who warns Typhoon not to seek revenge on those he feels had set him up.However Typhoon will not listen.He immediatly looks around,hoping to get information on the people that he knows are responsible for his imprisonment.His quest gets the attention of two people on motocycles who try to kill him .Foretunatly Hunter,and McCall were there(they were keeping surveillance on Typhoon)they arrested the would be killers.Hunter who earlier thought Typhoon was guilty isn't so sure now.He,and McCall will continue their investigation until something comes out .

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Der Skid Row-Jäger

Season Finale
20 maio 19861h

A series of murders on skid row smash across the headlines. But when Hunter and McCall dig into the case, they discover a witness who swears the killer is a reporter covering the story

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Im Visier der Kamera

27 setembro 19861h

A TV reporter accuses Hunter of unjustly firing his weapon . Capt. Wyler is promoted to Deputy Chief.

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4 outubro 19861h

A cop is murdered after making arrangements to meet with Hunter.

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Liebe, Laster, Leidenschaft

11 outubro 19861h

McCall believes a man suspected of murdering his wife is innocent.

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Die Cuba-Connection

1 novembro 19861h

Hunter witnesses the shooting of a DEA agent, but the body disappears.

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High Noon in L.A.

8 novembro 19861h

Carlos Mariano, the brother of Raul Mariano, the man who raped McCall and shot Hunter, whom Hunter would eventually kill, (see Rape and Revenge) has come to L.A. to get Hunter for killing his brother. And just like his brother, is shielded by diplomatic immunity. The State Department man warns him not to do anything, because his country is a vital ally to the U.S. Hunter tries to reason with him by saying what his brother did and that he killed his brother in self-defense but is unmoved. He eventually abducts Hunter and taunts him first, eventually Hunter gets free and only wounds him. Hunter turns him in and because of what he did, the country can have deported. At the airport, he tries to make sure that he has given up his quest for vengeance.

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Gegenseitige Beschuldigung

15 novembro 19861h

A San Francisco cop joins Hunter and McCall in investigating a case after someone attempts to shoot his son.

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Ehrliches Geständnis

22 novembro 19861h

When Jeffrey Wyatt, Robert Kephart, and Philip Epperson are involved in the drugging and rape of a young woman, Rhonda Burke, Hunter and McCall have to investigate the woman's grief-stricken older sister, who is furious when the three young men are acquited on a technicality...a young officer did not read them the Miranda warning before Jeffrey Wyatt confessed. Hunter maintains his suspicions of Sheila, even though he sympathizes with her frustration and continually advises her to plead insanity. McCall is convinced of the woman's innocence, and turns her attention to the older brother of one of the victims, David Kephart, who will be in charge of a sizable fortune with his younger half-brother Robert out of the way. When first Epperson then Kephart are shot and killed, Wyatt isn't sure who to turn to...and ends up trusting the wrong person.

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Sportys großer Coup

6 dezembro 19861h

Police informant, Sporty James, believes that he will receive a large sum of money after witnessing a murder.

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Ein blutiger Vertrag

13 dezembro 19861h

The wife of a wealthy man is kidnapped and the gardener is killed trying to save her. Hunter and McCall investigate but the husband just wants his wife back, so he agrees to pay the ransom and his wife is returned. Hunter and McCall question her but get nothing. She later meets her lover, the kidnapper. And she's despondent over the gardener. But he reminds her of why they did it--the prenup her husband that her husband made her sign. Her husband's secretary figurs out what theyn did and tries to blackmail them but he kills her. Later when she decides to come forward he tries to kill her but Hunter saves her. Later her husband tells them that he will use everything at his disposal to defend her cause he blames himself for what happened.

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Dee Dee im Club

3 janeiro 19871h

McCall's friend and the rock star ex-husband of a singer vanish.

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Bad Company

10 janeiro 19871h

A group of supremacists rob a gun shop and leave an injured partner behind. Hunter's attempt to get information from her fails.

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Das rätselhafte Photo

17 janeiro 19871h

Hunter travels to Sydney, Australia in an attempt to find clues regarding the disappearnce of an old flame three years ago.

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Mitten ins Herz

24 janeiro 19871h

While Hunter is on leave preparing to testify before a grand jury, he becomes involved with a woman who is the girlfriend of the accused.

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Nachruf auf McCall

7 fevereiro 19871h

McCall opposes the parole of an inmate who shot and killed her husband five years before. Against her judgement, he is released and she begins to tail him hoping to gather more evidence against him for a different crime that he possibly committed, but the plan backfires when she is set up similar to that of her late husband.

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Nur ein Nebenjob

14 fevereiro 19871h

McCall goes undercover as a fashion model to bust a ring of thieves hitting lonely business men in their hotels. When Sporty James shows up and inadvertantly blows McCalls cover, Hunter attempts to get there in time to keep them from getting killed.

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Die beste Freundin

21 fevereiro 19871h

Detective Sergeant Coslin is on the run after witnessing his girlfriend's murder and planting evidence of the crime in Hunter's house.

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Zeit der Angst

28 fevereiro 19871h

A fan who was convicted of attacking a pianist is released from prison and is, once again, a threat to the pianist.

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Eine schwere Geburt

14 março 19871h

Hunter must indentify the victim of a shooting in order to save the baby of a pregnant woman who was mistakenly shot.

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Im Kreuzfeuer

11 abril 19871h

Hunter finds that an old girlfriend is being hunted by a cocaine dealer while he is tailing a robbery and murder suspect who was released due to a lack of evidence.

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Jagd in heißer Sache - Teil 1

2 maio 19871h

McCall and an informant are shot after the informant gives her information regarding a prostitution ring being run along truck routes. Hunter is accused of murder when he travels to Mexico to meet with the pimp (part 1 of 2).

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Jagd in heißer Sache - Teil 2

9 maio 19871h

McCall and an informant are shot after the informant gives her information regarding a prostitution ring being run along truck routes. Hunter is accused of murder when he travels to Mexico to meet with the pimp (part 2 of 2).

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Kitty und Dee Dee

Season Finale
18 julho 19871h

McCall's life is saved by a mysterious gunman and Hunter is missing.

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Der Alte, der Unbekannte und der Mörder

24 setembro 19871h

When Hunter and McCall investigate the murder of an unidentified man, their interest is piqued because the victim seemingly never existed -- and the killing appears to be a professional murder.

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Der Santiago-Fall

3 outubro 19871h

After learning the circumstances leading up to the murder of a notorious Latino crime boss, Hunter and McCallface an ethical dilemma: whether to arrest the killer or let him go free.

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Die Jade-Frau

17 outubro 19871h

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Mord und Aufruhr

24 outubro 19871h

A city councilman's son is killed in a botched traffic stop and he holds the LAPD responsible, citing racism.

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Nacht in den Bergen

31 outubro 19871h

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Stadt des Lasters - Teil 1

7 novembro 19871h

Hunter and McCall investigate a series of bizarre murders, which take on the appearance of the result of a Satanic cult rite. Based on a book by Dallas Barnes.

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Stadt des Lasters - Teil 2

14 novembro 19871h

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Stadt des Lasters - Teil 3

21 novembro 19871h

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Die große Wende

28 novembro 19871h

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Die Diamantenkette

8 dezembro 19871h

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29 dezembro 19871h

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Fluch des Kokains

5 janeiro 19881h

When Hunter investigates a drug ring, his ex-partner, Frank Garriman, becomes a suspect in the murder of the dealers.

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Mordfall "Schwarze Dahlie"

12 janeiro 19881h

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Nacktszenen - Teil 1

2 fevereiro 19881h

Hunter and McCall investigate the mysterious death of a famous movie actress and encounter a surviving sister hungry for the inheritance.

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Nacktszenen - Teil 2

9 fevereiro 19881h

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Die Tote am Strand

16 fevereiro 19881h

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Die Bogota-Million

1 março 19881h

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Der Eisenmann

12 março 19881h

Hunter is assisted in a murder investigation by a sign language interpreter when the murder victim is a deaf man.

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So wie ein Bumerang

19 março 19881h

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Der vierte Mann

26 março 19881h

Years ago Hunter was part of a group who busted a drug ring. Now the sole survivor of the gang claims that some money, four million dollars was missing from what they turned in. Now internal affairs, more or less deduced that three members of the group were involved but, they believed that because four million was missing that there was a fourth member, who took part in it. Initially Hunter was under suspicion but no sufficient evidence was found. Now that the man who claimed that there was four million dollars missing is out on parole, and the three cops who were under suspicion are turning up dead. It's now being assumed that the gang member is taking them out and taking the money that they got, or the fourth man is. And again Hunter is the prime suspect.

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Die Erbschleicher

30 abril 19881h

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Die silberne Kugel

Season Finale
7 maio 19881h

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Saat des Schweigens

29 outubro 19881h

Hunter investigates the case of a teenage boy who mistakenly shot his parents during what he claimed was a home invasion.

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Adoption und Erpressung

5 novembro 19881h

Hunter and McCall enter the world of baby brokering when they find the murdered body of an expensive call girl, and a two-year-old toddler left unharmed in front of the woman's television set.

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Die Vietnam-Smaragde - Teil 1

12 novembro 19881h

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Die Vietnam-Smaragde - Teil 2

19 novembro 19881h

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Beverly West Schönheitssalon

26 novembro 19881h

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Der Fluch der bösen Tat

3 dezembro 19881h

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Die selbstlose Tat

10 dezembro 19881h

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Eine alte Rechnung

17 dezembro 19881h

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Partner ohne Alibi

7 janeiro 19891h

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Notrufzentrale - Platz 47

14 janeiro 19891h

The son of an LAPD dispatcher lands himself in hot water when he accumulates gambling debts.

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Hölle L.A. - Teil 1

4 fevereiro 19891h

Hunter and McCall track a pair of killers through a Los Angeles suburb where a crime wave and backlash vigilantism threaten to tear the community apart.

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Hölle L.A. - Teil 2

11 fevereiro 19891h

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Hölle L.A. - Teil 3

18 fevereiro 19891h

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Erinnern Sie sich, Rachel

25 fevereiro 19891h

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Die Identität des Informanten

18 março 19891h

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Opfer der Rivalen

1 abril 19891h

Hunter and McCall follow the trail of revenge and fraud while investigating the murder of a thoroughbred racehorse.

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McCall in Bedrängnis

8 abril 19891h

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Pedros unnatürlicher Tod

15 abril 19891h

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Benny, der Kampf und die Ehre

29 abril 19891h

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Kent und die Prostitution

6 maio 19891h

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Das Informanten-Puzzle

13 maio 19891h

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Der Fluch der Masken

Season Finale
21 maio 19891h

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Der Mörder ist auf Sendung

14 outubro 19891h

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Teufelskreis und Attentat

21 outubro 19891h

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Makler des Bösen

28 outubro 19891h

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Ein Mädchen namens Hunter

4 novembro 19891h

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Legion der Angst - Teil 1

11 novembro 19891h

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Legion der Angst - Teil 2

18 novembro 19891h

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Ricks Sohn heißt Ben

25 novembro 19891h

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Jack ist nicht Billy

2 dezembro 19891h

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Elf Opfer und zwei Mörder

9 dezembro 19891h

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Der hilflose Bruder

6 janeiro 19901h

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Der Arzt des Todes

13 janeiro 19901h

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Die Laurie und Eddie Story

27 janeiro 19901h

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Das Schicksal der Scarlattis

3 fevereiro 19901h

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Das Gift und die Schuld

10 fevereiro 19901h

Hunter and McCall investigate the illegal disposal of poisonous gas that kills a young boy.

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Die Lust auf Kaffee

24 fevereiro 19901h

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War sie eine Hure?

3 março 19901h

A Scotland Yard inspector comes to town when the murder of a british prostitute resembles a string of similar murders in the U.K.

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Die versiegelten Akten

17 março 19901h

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Seines Bruders Ehre

31 março 19901h

McCall & her boyfriend, a judge, are held captive in his house by the brother of a man the judge convicted, who committed suicide in prison.

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Eine Schwäche für Banker

16 abril 19901h

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Übersinnliche Phasen

23 abril 19901h

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Dee Dee und der Partner fürs Leben - Teil 2

Season Finale
7 maio 19901h

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Die Augen des Bösen - Teil 1

19 setembro 19901h

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Die Augen des Bösen - Teil 2

26 setembro 19901h

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Wo Echos enden

3 outubro 19901h

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Codys besondere Morde

10 outubro 19901h

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Gift ist unter uns

24 outubro 19901h

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Vom Schicksal eingeholt

31 outubro 19901h

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Sammy Goodmans Liste

7 novembro 19901h

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Mord per Computer

14 novembro 19901h

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Joanne wird entwaffnet

28 novembro 19901h

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Im Interesse der Familie

5 dezembro 19901h

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12 dezembro 19901h

A falsely accused man is persuaded to sue the city---and Hunter---by a lawyer who's traveled that road before, and left casualties.

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Killer-Team - Teil 1

9 janeiro 19911h

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Killer-Team - Teil 2

9 janeiro 19911h

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Ein dreckiger Job

16 janeiro 19911h

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Frauen im Dienst

30 janeiro 19911h

Novak's reporter friend (Kelly Curtis) uses cocaine to boost the excitement of tagging along on a robbery investigation for her story on Novak. Griffin: Arlen Dean Snyder. Bell: David A. Kimball. Jordan: Joey Aresco. Hamilton: Don Fischer. Novak: Lauren Lane.

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Zwischen zwei Verbrechen

13 fevereiro 19911h

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Kann man damit leben?

20 fevereiro 19911h

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Die Falschgeldaffäre

2 março 19911h

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Mörder auf der Suche

8 março 19911h

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Die am Abgrund leben

15 março 19911h

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Königs Killer-Karriere

5 abril 19911h

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Charlie, Jake und Wanda

Season Finale
26 abril 19911h

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