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Nashville (2012)

TV-14 Drama
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Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business.

  1. Callie Khouri


Series Cast

  1. Hayden Panettiere as Juliette Barnes

    Hayden Panettiere

    Juliette Barnes

    124 Episodes

  2. Clare Bowen as Scarlett O'Connor

    Clare Bowen

    Scarlett O'Connor

    124 Episodes

  3. Charles Esten as Deacon Claybourne

    Charles Esten

    Deacon Claybourne

    124 Episodes

  4. Jonathan Jackson as Avery Barkley

    Jonathan Jackson

    Avery Barkley

    124 Episodes

  5. Lennon Stella as Maddie Conrad

    Lennon Stella

    Maddie Conrad

    124 Episodes

  6. Maisy Stella as Daphne Conrad

    Maisy Stella

    Daphne Conrad

    124 Episodes

  7. Sam Palladio as Gunnar Scott

    Sam Palladio

    Gunnar Scott

    124 Episodes

  8. Connie Britton as Rayna James

    Connie Britton

    Rayna James

    108 Episodes

  9. Eric Close as Teddy Conrad

    Eric Close

    Teddy Conrad

    87 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 6


2018 • 16 Episodes

Season 6 of Nashville premiered on January 4, 2018.

Beyond the Sunset

(6x16, July 26, 2018) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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