Trevor Goddard as Mic Brumby

Episodes 42

Crimini di guerra

November 10, 199845m

Harm is sent to Washington, D.C., to join a committee formed to judge the validity of a shocking television report -- that U.S. forces used sarin gas on fellow Americans during the Gulf War. What he uncovers, though, is so unexpected that he can't present it without testimony from a key witness, Sgt. Morrison, who was actually on the mission in question in the Gulf, but has been missing ever since.

Meanwhile, Mac is caught off guard when an old flame, Christopher Ragle suddenly reappears in her life.

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Lo Stato contro Mac

November 17, 199845m

Mac is arrested and placed on trial for a major felony, along with her former commanding officer and mentor, Col. John Farrow. Conviction could result in long prison terms.

Harm volunteers to defend her, but his efforts are thwarted by Farrow's defense attorney, JAG exchange officer, Australian Navy Commander Mic Brumby. Harm feels that neither defendant has come clean with the truth and he begins to search for evidence which is not forthcoming from either one. Ultimately, he learns that Mac and Farrow have each been trying to protect the other. The key witness in the case turns out to be a major surprise to both defendants.

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L'aereo spia

November 24, 199845m

Harm and Mac's original mission is to represent a Navy flier whose Stealth jet is thought to have crashed in Iran due to a mechanical failure. But when the pilot slips Harm a message indicating that the $80 million plane didn't crash and is hidden, the assignment becomes nearly impossible: get the pilot -- and the costly aircraft -- back to the U.S. without letting the Iranians know that the plane is intact.

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Giustizia sommaria

January 12, 199945m

Harm and Mac are assigned to prosecute three sailors charged with the vicious beating of a man they say raped a fellow shipmate. The rape victim, Petty Officer Lopez, tells Mac that, after an evening of drinking with her three male shipmates, she found herself alone at the bar where they ditched her as part of an initiation into their team. The next morning when she awakened in her car, she realized that she had been raped. When the shipmates heard Lopez's story, they exacted revenge on the man they thought attacked her -- the bar owner. But as Harm and Mac wear down the testimony of the three sailors, a very different story about what happened that evening begins to emerge.

This episode starts with tying up the loose end of Mac being charged in an Article 32 hearing for perjury (People vs. Mac). She is acquitted, thanks to fancy legal-speak from Harm - although she does not have to face a court-martial, she does end being sent up on an Admiral's Mast, which just might be worse.

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La scelta

January 13, 199945m

When three U.N. peacekeepers are taken hostage in Kosovo, a SEAL team is sent in to rescue them before the end of a 24-hour deadline set by the terrorists. But when heavy ground fog delays the SEAL team by 30 minutes, the hostages are found dead and the team is blamed for their deaths. Mac and Bud begin to defend the team only to have Bud removed because of the defendants' lack of confidence in his legal expertise. Meanwhile, Admiral Chegwidden spends his vacation acting as technical advisor on a movie about the Navy and runs afoul of the Hollywood types who hired him.

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Immagini riflesse

May 4, 199945m

Harm fears he's losing his mind when he begins to see and hear his deceased father. Worried that he may be going insane, Harm finally confers with his Navy psychiatrist girlfriend who tells him she's treating a Marine officer with similar symptoms and suggests that Harm isn't experiencing anything unusual for someone who's lost a loved one under stressful circumstances. But before Harm can come to terms with the visitations, he begins to suspect that there's something more sinister involved that could cost him more than just his sanity.

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L'uomo a centro campo

May 11, 199945m

Admiral Chegwidden and Clayton Webb make an unlikely team when they join forces to save a C.I.A. agent from Italian terrorists. Webb already tried once unsuccessfully to liberate the C.I.A. agent, who was his mentor, and knows he needs backup in order to retry the mission. He approaches the Admiral, with whom he has a tenuous relationship, but who he knows credits the agent with saving his life in Vietnam. Together, Webb and Chegwidden go to Italy and put into motion a dangerous trap for the terrorists that, if it backfires, will kill all involved. Meanwhile, Harm suffers an identity crisis when his classic Corvette is stolen.

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Parti, partenze, tormenti d'amore

May 18, 199945m

With Harm's eyesight fixed, Harm decides to go ahead and submit a request to be transferred to a fighter squadron. When Lt.Cmdr Parker finds his written request, she is upset at the prospect of Harm being gone for months at a time.

Afterwards, Harm goes over to Mac's apartment who has Chloe spending the night with Mac before she is reunited with her real father. Harm informs Mac of the eye surgery and his plans. Mac is equally upset at the prospect of losing Harm. Mic shows up at Mac's apartment after Harm leaves attempting to court Mac's feelings. After Mic leaves, Chloe tells Mac that Brumby and Harm have a crush on her and begins teasing Mac: ""Harm & Mac, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.""

Admiral Chegwidden passes Harm's request to be transferred onto the SecNav. Not willing to do any favors for Harm, the SecNav is reluctant to intervene.

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Season Finale
May 25, 199945m

As Harm considers his future at JAG, he learns that Charlie Lynch -- the ex-Navyman responsible for the murder of Annie, the abused child whose death still haunts Harm -- has resurfaced, placing the little girl's twin sister, Dar-lin, in danger. Putting his career decision on hold until he closes the chapter on Lynch, Harm tracks him to a shipyard where the vicious killer is holding Dar-lin hostage. Overflowing with anger against all Lynch's grisly acts of murder, Harm finds himself in an intense stand-off with him that will leave only one man standing.

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Il migliore

September 21, 199945m

While patrolling the Mediterranean near Yugoslavia and against the orders of Harm, his division commander, Lt. Buxton fires on what he believes is a Serbian armored car about to attack Kosovar refugees. As Buxton and his pals are celebrating his victory back aboard the aircraft carrier, however, the grave news arrives: those ""Serbs"" Buxton attacked and killed were, in fact, Russian peacekeepers, and Buxton made the mistake while under Harm's command.

Mac prosecutes what appears to be an open-and-shut case of a Marine weapons expert accused of reckless endangerment.

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Errore fatale

September 28, 199945m

Unexpectedly, the wily Buxton demands that Harm and Brumby be his lawyers, thereby preventing Harm from testifying against him and forcing the two adversarial lawyers to work together. The contentious trial continues with Mac and Roberts prosecuting, and the pressure is enormous as the U.S. Navy and the Russian government vigilantly follow the trial to ensure that its own agendas are met. Meanwhile, the Navy has its own special plans for the troublesome Buxton.

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Il ritorno

October 12, 199945m

Admiral Chegwidden welcomes Harm back to JAG by assigning him a tricky case - defending the son of the Secretary of Navy. Harm takes the case when Lt. Nelson, the son of the Secretary of the Navy, is accused by Cmdr. Burke of disobeying an order at sea, an act worthy of a court martial.

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Il testimone scomparso

October 19, 199945m

The key eyewitness in an attempted rape trial, a decorated Marine corporal, suddenly goes AWOL after he is asked to testify. Harm and Bud follow his trail, and they begin to uncover disturbing facts about the corporal's past that explain why he needs to stay out of the limelight.

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Il temerario

November 9, 199945m

As lowest ranking lawyer at JAG, Bud is assigned to accompany Raglan, a former special Forces operative who is hired by the Pentagon to test security at military bases. Raglan's current mission is to test the security around a U.S. nuclear attack submarine. But when Raglan goes too far and hijacks the sub with Bud on board, Harm is called in to chase the sub down by second guessing his old friend. The cat and mouse game becomes deadly, though, when it appears that Raglan has switched sides, demanding millions of dollars in ransom or he'll take aim on a U.S. target.

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La moglie del colonnello

November 16, 199945m

Harm and Mac are sent to Panama to investigate the wife of a Marine officer, Olivia Dunston, suspected of smuggling drugs into the U.S. When faced with the evidence, Olivia feebly denies the allegations, leaving Mac thinking that she's guilty of the charges.

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Oltraggio al Presidente

November 23, 199945m

Harm faces a court-martial when a letter critical of the President appears on the Op-Ed page of a newspaper and is traced to his computer.

As an investigation threatens Harm's promotion as well as his entire career, a well-known conservative organization offers to represent him and Harm accepts. The key to Harm's defense is to find the actual letter-writer, so Bud digs through Harm's old case files searching for those with an axe to grind.

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November 30, 199945m

Lt. Elizabeth ""Skates"" Hawkes, Harm's former RIO (radio intercept officer), comes under fire after the crash landing of a Tomcat aboard the USS Patrick Henry. The ship's captain and Skates' commanding officer both place the entire blame of the crash on her shoulders and press for her court-martial.

Barred from the initial investigation because of his relationship with Skates, Harm is finally able to help when he's called upon to defend his friend at her court-martial and employs all of his legal skills to save her military career.

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Buon Natale Harmon

December 14, 199945m

On Christmas Eve, Harm pays his annual visit to the Vietnam Memorial to honor his father who was shot down on Christmas Eve, 1969. At the memorial, Harm meets a beautiful, but mysterious woman, who claims to have known Harm, Sr. She used to be a singer in a traveling USO tour and she met Harm's father shortly before his fateful flight.

In an unusual casting twist, Harm stars as his father in this episode, and many familiar faces show up playing different roles.

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Vita o morte

January 18, 200045m

Mac deve difendere un condannato a morte per omicidio plurimo e cercare ottenere il processo di appello.

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Il disertore

February 8, 200045m

At the request of Lt. Cmdr. Brumby, Admiral Chegwidden sends Harm and Bud to Australia to represent a U.S. Naval officer, Kevin Lee, who has suddenly surfaced 28 years after being "murdered" by an Australian sailor. Lee contends that he accidentally killed his Australian nemesis years ago and, in a panic, exchanged identities with the dead man.

Now, charged with both deserting and murder, Lee is to be tried in an Australian court, pitting Harm against Brumby. Harm and Brumby are also about to go head-to-head outside the courtroom when Mac appears in Sydney and Brumby decides it's time to make her choose between him and Harm.

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February 15, 200045m

The murder/desertion trial of Kevin Lee takes a bad turn after his wife changes her testimony under cross examination.

Harm and Mic fights to win over Mac

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Orfani di guerra

February 29, 200045m

Harm and Mac are assigned to investigate charges that American GIs shot and killed civilians during the Korean War. They board a plane for Korea, along with a veteran who claims to have participated in the shootings. Korean terrorists take over the plane and insist on punishing those responsible for the alleged war crime.

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April 4, 200045m

Mac prosecutes a SEAL jumpmaster is charged with causing the drowning death of a trainee during a parachute mishap by being hung over and is defended by Bud, assisted by a new female Lieutenant who is very ambitious, wanting to be the first female JAG.

Bud & Lt. Singer discovers a safety file that is inadmissible in court that supports the prosecution's contention that the jumpmaster was impaired. The file mysteriously winds up in Mac's car and she thumbs through it. After conferring with Harm who tells her what she already knows, she burns the file. But during questioning court, Lt. Singer objects that Mac is basing her argument based on the file, which Bud reluctantly agrees. Mac is charged with prosecutorial misconduct, removed & replaced by Harm.

Having been chewed out by the Admiral, she takes some leave & heads to spend time with Mic in Australia, running into the Admiral & Dr. Walden who are taking their own weekend 'trip'.

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April 25, 200045m

Mac goes undercover to help Harm investigate charges of sexual misconduct against Chief Petty Officer Merker who is the leader of the Wiccans, a local witches coven with many Navy members. The female seaman who brought the charges claims she was seduced when she fell under the man's spell, but Merker claims the sex was consensual. The Wiccan's attorney is sharp and claims his client is the unfortunate victim. However, Mac learns that another young woman suffered the same fate. He convinces her to testify and Merker is found guilty.

Later, Mac learns that Mic Brumby was also thrown into a compromising position while undercover in the Royal Australian Navy.

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Falsi onori

May 9, 200045m

Il tenente Rivers, un Navy SEAL decorato con la medaglia d'onore, attacca il senatore Layton accusandolo di essere un falso SEAL e facendo a pugni con lui. A Mac viene affidata l'accusa mentre Harm si occuperà della difesa. Nel frattempo Rivers, che insieme a due commilitoni dà la caccia a coloro i quali sostengono di essere SEAL senza esserlo stati davvero, per scovare un assassino su commissione si finge cliente e mette una taglia sulla testa di Harm, usandolo come esca per catturare il killer. In questo scenario l'ammiraglio Chegwidden riceve la proposta per diventare giudice, lasciando così il JAG.

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Battaglia di superficie

Season Finale
May 23, 200045m

Bud's underachieving brother is accused of making a mistake during a training exercise that nearly killed 15 Marines. But establishing his innocence proves to be a difficult task, thanks to the age-old tension between the Navy and the Marines.

Adm. Chegwidden frets over a speech he must give when he is to be given an award.

Mic Brumby returns unexpectantly to the States; Mac & everyone are stunned when he announces that he has resigned his Royal Australian Navy commission so that he could move to the USA and be by the "woman he loves."

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Missione in Russia 2000

October 3, 200045m

Rabb viene inviato in Russia come consulente legale per aiutare il locale governo, ma viene coinvolto dalla procura russa in un caccia a un trafficante di armi.

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October 10, 200045m

Rabb dovrà difendere il suo fratellastro, appena conosciuto dall'accusa di essere un traditore, e contemporaneamente sventare un attentato alla vita di Vladimir Putin.

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Rotta sulla Florida

October 17, 200045m

Rabb deve intervenire quando Il capitano di Marina Berroa salva una ragazza di Cuba naufraga violando il limite delle acque territoriali dello stato comunista.

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Voli a rischio

October 24, 200045m

When two Naval aviators are killed in the crash of their newly upgraded F-14 jet, Harm uncovers improprieties with both the civilian contractor and the Navy liaison.

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La principessa e il sottufficiale

November 14, 200045m

Mac is assigned to represent an Arab princess not only at an INS hearing but also before an Islamic court, when the woman elopes with a Naval Petty Officer who is accused of smuggling her into the United States.

When AJ talks to Dr. Walden about what happened to his car, she is appalled that AJ would accuse her son of impropriety & terminates their relationship. Danny Walden is quite smug to AJ that he had been able to break them up -- which will come to haunt him later. With his car still being held by the police, he is dismayed with driving a rental car.

Harriet goes into labor 4 weeks early and a seemingly positive childbirth turns sour when it is discovered that the baby's head is pressing against the umbilical cord cutting off blood supply to the baby and her doctor (Dr. Gettis) is nowhere to be found. As another doctor steps in, Harriet is wheeled to the operating room in an attempt to save the baby.

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Segreti di famiglia

December 12, 200045m

At Christmas time, while everyone else at JAG is enjoying the happy time of the season, Bud & Harriet are at little Sarah's gravesite unveiling her headstone that has just been placed. Bud vows that it just can't end like this and insists on finding out what happened. Bud & Harriet approach Mic to have him represent the Roberts in their case against Dr. Gettis. Mic warns Bud to stop, leading Bud to realize that Mic can't represent them, as his practice is representing Dr. Gettis. Harriet tries to talk Bud out of pursuing the case, but her pleas are ignored by Bud.

Mac is assigned the case by the Admiral despite Bud's plea to be the lead attorney. Even though he is ordered to stay away from the case, he nonetheless can't. Mac questions Dr. Gettis as to why he took so long to respond when Harriet labor was in trouble. Dr. Gettis claims that his pager battery had died & didn't realize he was needed until he heard the overhead page for him.

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Toccata e fuga

January 9, 200145m

Harm's former partner Kate Pike is considering transferring back to the JAG office. It becomes complicated when a former CO of Kate is being considered as the new Inspector General and Kate confides to Harm that he made unwanted sexual advances to her when she worked for him.

Lt. Singer appears at the door during Kate's conversation and soon afterward, the affair is reported by the Washington media, although Harm suspects Lt. Singer as the source, she denies she overheard anything.

Eventually, Kate decides that Washington is just not the place to work and decides to turn down the Admiral's job offer.

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February 6, 200145m

Rabb difende un marine che viene trovato accanto al corpo della moglie ferita gravemente e che sostiene di essere stato portato lì per tentare di salvarla dalla "visione" di un cappellano militare, morto in Vietnam, in odore di beatificazione.

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Bara d'acciaio

February 20, 200145m

Harm's friendship with Capt. Volkonov puts him in a precarious position when a Russian submarine blows up and the Russians claim that a U.S. submarine was responsible. It's up to Harm to convince his friend (& the world) that the accident was caused by a faulty new Russian torpedo, without divulging highly classified material.

Meanwhile, Mac is sent onboard the USS Watertown to observe when the Congressional committee headed by Rep. Latham investigates as to why women are not allowed to serve aboard submarines.

Renee & Mic are left behind wondering whether their really is something between Harm & Mac.

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Il soldato Rivera

February 27, 200145m

Mack è temporaneamente a capo del JAG e dà l'ordine a Galindez di andare a prelevare direttamente il soldato ispano americano Rivera, misteriosamente accusato di diserzione, ma appartenente all'eroica divisione che combatte al bacino Chosin.

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March 13, 200145m

Harm and Mac travel to Bahrain to determine if a female Marine found aboard a terrorist boat that attacked a U.S. Naval destroyer was coerced into helping her captors or was a willing participant.

Sgt. Joan Steele, kidnapped by terrorists a month before the attack, insists that the cooperation she gave the terrorists was designed to foil their plot. Harm, who is defending her, finds her claim dubious. CIA Operative Clayton Webb asks for her help in tracking down a known terrorist who is planning to bomb another U.S. target within 48 hours, and Steele readily agrees. But then she suddenly disappears, confirming Harm's suspicions and, more importantly, leaving the target -- a busload of American children -- at risk.

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April 10, 200145m

Mack riceve un pugnale insanguinato dal carcere militare. Sopra ci sono le impronte di un marine già difeso e condannato da Harm. Potrebbe essere però opera di Palmer, un assassino che ha perseguitato a lungo Rebb.

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May 8, 200145m

Harm & Mac square off in court over a charge of illegal fraternization, but when they oral arguments become directed at each other & reflecting their own relationship, Judge Helfman recesses the court for the day with a strong admonishment to the both of them.

All the staff shows up at Admiral Chegwidden's house for Mic & Mac's engagement party. Lt. Singer shows up in a knock-out of a dress which stuns the Admiral for a moment, not used to seeing her in civilian clothes.

Bud shows up dress properly for once, but Harriet notices after arriving that he has peanut butter on his tie. Bud is mortified trying to get a tie from anyone, without much luck. Later, he is forced to remove his jacket when wine gets spilled all over him. Even more mortified, Bud feels desperately out-dressed.

Throughout the evening, Mac reminisces with the Admiral about past events involving the both of them.

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May 15, 200145m

Preparing to give a lecture about an 1842 Naval court-martial, Mac finds herself daydreaming about what actually happened.

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Alla deriva

Season Finale
May 22, 200145m

Mac becomes upset when Harm tells her at the last minute that he will not be attending her rehearsal duty in order to complete his 6-month required carrier landing qualifications. He assures her that he will be back in time for the wedding. At the church, Chloe is still wary of being friends of Mic. On board the USS Patrick Henry, Harm learns that the LSO who will be grading him thinks of him only as a "land-based Washington weenie." His fears that he won't be graded fairly are realized when he is ordered to land after his first attempt is waved off. After convincing the LSO that they were flying they way that the LSO taught them, he allows Harm to try again. After passing, he then completes his required night traps and requests to head back to Andrews AFB. With an approaching storm, all air operations are suspended, but is assured that he & Skates can be on the first Tomcat, once its forecasted to be safe. With a break in the storm, he & Skates are allowed to go.

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September 25, 200141m

Harm's chance of being rescued from the Atlantic Ocean hinges on Mac's psychic ability (first seen in Season Five's "Psychic Warrior"). However, Mac is trying to cope with her conflicting emotions for both Harm & Mic. On the edge of going unconscious from severe hypothermia, Harm's fires several warning shots which attracts the rescue helicopter. Back onboard the USS Patrick Henry, Harm's vital signs start to fade out, but Skates words help him pull through. Transferred to Bethesda Hospital, Renee learns that Harm has partial amnesia and doesn't remember them being a couple over the past year. Mac's indecision about the wedding drives Brumby back to Australia. When Harm tells Mac on the phone to come to his place so that she doesn't have to be alone, she arrives only to learn that Renee has beaten her to Harm's place with the news that her father has died. Mac ends up in the rain with no one around.

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