Épisodes 51

1ère partie : Une jeune fille se fait attaquer par des malfrats qui veulent extorquer l'argent de son père, mais Lee et son équipe interviennent.

2ème partie : Lee et son équipe ont une mission spéciale : obtenir un gâteau dont l'offre est limitée.

De plus il semblerait que Naruto recherche aussi ce gâteau.

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1ère partie : Lee est amoureux de Sakura mais s'y prend mal pour exprimer son amour et se transforme en échec.

2ème partie : Afin d'exprimer ses sentiments à Sakura, Lee décide d'écrire une lettre d'amour.

Cela semble compliqué lorsque Lee et Naruto voient Sakura avec une lettre d'amour différente dans les mains.

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1ère partie : Avec beaucoup de facilité, Neji a vaincu un ennemi redoutable, ce qui provoque de la jalousie envers Lee qui le provoque en duel.

2ème partie : Après un combat face à une ennemie, Tenten se sent peu désirée par la galanterie de ses coéquipiers et décide de mettre les choses au clair.

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1ère partie : Désireux, Gaï tente d'apprendre une technique de Taijutsu à ses élèves et décide de partir pour cela.

Le lendemain, il se retrouve en prison et l'équipe doit savoir pourquoi.

2ème partie : L'équipe de Lee assiste avec stupeur à la défaite cuisante de Gaï face à Kakashi.

Choqué par ce duel, Lee décide de suivre et de se comporter comme Kakashi.

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1ère partie : Konohamaru s'inquiète d'un éventuel examen où le Taijutsu sera de mise.

Il demande donc de l'aide à Lee.

2ème partie : Tous les jeunes ninjas passent leur visite médicale, mais Lee a un problème : il n'a pas de sous-vêtements propre.

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1ère partie : Une compétition de sport à lieu à Konoha et Lee semble déterminer à la remporter et à battre son rival Naruto.

Mais les premières épreuves se passent mal.

2ème partie : La grande finale de la compétition est arrivée, Lee va tout donner pour la gagner, mais Naruto ne se laissera pas faire.

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1ère partie : Orochimaru veut détruire Konoha à l'aide d'un jutsu de sa dernière invention.

Mais pour cela, il doit auparavant entrer dans le village, ce qui pose problème quand Lee et son équipe assure le contrôle du passage.

2ème partie : Maitre Gaï emploie une nouvelle technique : celle de la fausse lettre d'amour.

Orochimaru ne tardera pas à reproduire le même stratagème.

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1ère partie : La maladresse de Lee provoque un accident sur le monument Hokage et la statue de Tsunade se retrouve chauve.

Qui plus est, des maraudeurs en ont après le Godaime. 2ème partie : Orochimaru semble déterminer une fois de plus à détruire Konoha.

Il fait appel cette fois-ci à Manda pour l'épauler.

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1re partie : Neji agit en tant que grand frère protecteur lorsque sa cousine Hinata est en danger, au damne des péripéties de Lee. 2e partie : Hinata est toujours troublée et s'évanouit lorsque Naruto apparaît. Lee et Tenten décide de l'aider à lutter contre cette faiblesse.

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1re partie : Lee se trouve déconcerter devant l'esprit d'équipe qui subsiste entre Shikamaru et Choji. Il décide d'appliquer la même méthode avec Neji. 2e partie : L'équipe de Lee et Shikamaru se retrouve confronter dans un manoir et trouve maître Gaï inconscient au sol.

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1re partie : Lee se balade en ville dans le monde moderne avec Naruto afin de vouloir passer du temps avec Sakura. 2e partie : Les lycéens étant tous dans leur chambres, les garçons décident d'aller faire une visite dans le dortoir des filles

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1re partie : Gai et Kakashi se sentent préoccupés à l'idée que leurs élèves utilisent le Ninjutsu pour les taches du quotidien. Ils mettent donc en place un stratagème pour en éviter l'utilisation. 2e partie : Lee est déterminé à vouloir passer un moment avec Sakura sous un parapluie lorsqu'il pleut.

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Le jour tant redouté arrive lorsque l'élève dépasse le maître. De ce faite, Gaï fait passer un examen à son équipe pour savoir s'ils ont amélioré leur techniques. Seul Lee échoue son examen et maître Gaï lui accorde une semaine pour s'entraîner, auquel cas il redeviendra un simple Genin.

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1re partie : De moins en moins de jeunes s'engagent pour devenir ninja et Lee semble perturbé après avoir entendu une conversation entre son maître Gaï et d'autres ninjas. 2e partie : Avec une chaleur estivale étouffante, Gaï tombe malade après avoir sauté le petit déjeuner et se retrouve dans une état inquiétant.

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1re partie : L'été est là et la piscine de Konoha ouvre enfin ses portes. Cependant la piscine est vide et Kakashi étant le seul apte à la remplir est absent. Les jeunes shinobis réfléchissent comment y remédier. 2e partie : C'est la fête du Tanabata à Konoha et chacun décide de réaliser son vœu. Celui de Lee est de pouvoir passer une journée entière à la piscine avec Sakura et décide donc de s'entraîner à son rendez-vous à l'Orochi-piscine

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1re partie : L'équipe de Naruto, Lee et Shikamaru partent faire du camping à la montagne. Seulement qui va cuisiner ? Shikamaru a un plan. 2e partie : Maître Gaï s'adonne à la callisthénie. Mais personne ne semble s'intéresser à son cours. Lee et son équipe décide d'aider leur maître.

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Lee and Tenten grab the latest issue of Jump to get the scoop on the new Naruto movie! But the moment they get it, a bright light blinds them, and when it fades, everyone's personality is totally different!

The new Naruto movie is almost here and Tsunade's worried it's lacking something to make it a must-see. Tenten overhears the Hokage's concerns and works with Lee and Neji to figure out what it is missing...

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The Leaf Village is holding a fireworks show, including a contest to see which ninja can make the biggest boom. Guy-sensei orders Lee to win at any cost!

After the fireworks show, Tenten starts acting strange. Neji and Lee set her up for numerous punchlines, but she just doesn't seem to want to play the part this week...

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Team Guy and Team Kakashi head to the beach. Lee wants to scope out Sakura's "amazing" new bathing suit, but Guy-sensei makes him train instead. Can Naruto and Konohamaru help him escape Guy-sensei's clutches?

Lee wants to have fun by splitting watermelons, but Guy-sensei turns it into a training exercise. It's a race for survival to get a crack at the perfect target...

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Gaara, Kazekae of the Hidden Sand Village, is coming to visit the Leaf Village. Thinking Lee might still be mad about his past defeat at Gaara's hands, Tenten and the others try to find a way to bring them closer.

A Rock Lee impostor appears and starts causing trouble in the village. Lee's group attempt to catch him using a cross-dressing Neji as bait, but then Tenten and Neji impostors show up...

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It's a sweltering summer night, but Guy-sensei wants Lee and the boys to cool themselves off without air conditioning. Can a scary ghost story get the job done? Lee and Konohamaru set out to solve one of the “Seven Mysteries of the Leaf” - “The Tears of Mount Hokage.” What is the truth behind the otherworldly tears the 3rd Hokage's monument sheds in the dark of night?

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Lee and Naruto seek help from their friends the day before their summer homework is due. Unfortunately for them, they also seem to have forgotten all the craziness that happened over the summer...

Lee's team visits the Academy, only to find a class of lazy kids who mock Lee for working so hard. Can Lee teach them the joys of diligence?

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Ino catches Naruto and Lee trying to peep on Sakura while she's in the bath, but when she misfires with her Mind-Body Switch jutsu, Lee and Naruto end up swapping bodies!

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It's the Leaf Village culture festival, and Lee is convinced Sai wants to stand out more. Poor Sai...

The “Mr. Leaf Village” contest is just around the corner – Can Lee win a pair of ticket's to the village's swankiest restaurant

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Gaara's First Crush! / A Gift From Orochimaru!

18 septembre 201224m

When Lee notices the middle character on Gaara's forehead has changed from “Love” to “Romance,” he's convinced the Kazekage's got a crush on someone and sets out to learn their identity.

Lee gets a booby-trapped watch from Orochimaru that will explode if he stops training. Or if Neji cross-dresses. Or Tenten overreacts. How will Lee survive?!

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Lee's convinced the upcoming dodgeball tournament is going to be a silly game for kids, until a few choice words from Guy-sensei light a fire in his soul. After a fight with Orochimaru, Kabuto sets out to prove he's better than his former boss by joining Lee's group. Can he pass their tests?

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Lady Tsunade hits a lottery jackpot and promises to take Lee and the gang out for five-star sushi, but needs Kakashi and Guy's help to get out of it when she notices her ticket was off by one number. Iruka-sensei's had enough with his disobedient students, so Lee and the gang come to the Academy to put on a show.

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Naruto, Lee and the others go out hunting for matsutake mushrooms, but there are none to be found after the abnormally hot summer. Or are there? Neji's finally had enough of being forced to cross-dress for Lee's skits and turns his back on Lee...

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Gaara's on his way to the Leaf Village again, and Team Guy is scrambling to make sure he feels welcome. The girls beg Guy to train them, but their reason is not what it seems.

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With a lot of ninjas getting injured do to carelessness, Lady Tsunade sets out to teach her charges the importance of safety. Lady Tsunade puts Lee and the gang in charge of the village Halloween celebration, but Deidara and Tobi are on hand to show them what real terror is all about.

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Équipe technique 15

Une réalisation de : Naoki Horiuchi

Un scénario de : Yuka Miyata

Vedettes invitées 0 Distribution des rôles et équipe technique au complet

Aucune vedette invitée n'a été ajoutée à cette fiche.

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Guy-sensei gives the gang a rare break, but will it end up being broken by Orochimaru's "Orochi Hot Springs" trap? Orochimaru realizes his birthday, October 27th, came and went without anyone noticing and he wants Lee to suffer the same anguish.

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Sakura's My Nurse! / One Vote for Rock Lee!

6 novembre 201224m

Lee fakes being sick so that Sakura will nurse him, only to find that his rival in love is using the same tactic. Sasuke won the last popularity contest, while Lee wasn't even ranked. Can the show's main character find a way to steal 1st place?

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When Orochimaru's poison leaves Guy-sensei completely bald, it's up to Lee and the gang to find him the right wig. Our beloved narrator comes down with a bad cold, and much to Tenten and Neji's chagrin, Lee's his temporary replacement.

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When Naruto's favorite ramen stand, Ichiraku, meets hard financial times, Lee tries to help the restaurant revamp its image. Worried about Lee's feverish training pace, Tenten and Neji try to get their hard working teammate to actually use his vacation time to rest.

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Owing them all many debts of gratitude, Lee tries to bond with the many summoned ninja animals of his comrades. With so many romantic holidays happening in winter, Hinata aims to grow a little closer to Naruto before autumn is over.

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An encounter with the Sand siblings turns ugly when Temari insults Tenten, igniting the Leaf ninja's desire for a Chuunin Exam rematch. Orochimaru begins to long for a normal life after being barred from entering a family-oriented shopping market.

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When Tsunade leaves on a diplomatic mission to a neighboring village, she leaves the only shinobi who wasn't busy in charge - Guy. Team Guy is assigned to go on patrol with Shikamaru's team, and the genius ninja hopes to pick the lease troublesome route.

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Lee's team stumbles upon Akatsuki's hidden base, and Deidara is determined to chase them out before the rest of his teammates learn about his history with the hard-working ninja and his pals.

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The Hidden Leaf Village holds a big Christmas party, but with so many ninjas competing for one another's affections, will the Secret Santa turn into a battle for survival? It's time for the yearly cleanup, and in his zeal to finish quickly and ask Sakura on a date, Lee accidentally throws away something very important…

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Lee and the gang catch the adults in a game tournament, and the grand prize is not having to give their pupils a New Year's gift! Neji decides to observe Naruto and determine once and for all if the orange ninja is worthy of Hinata's affections.

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Trapped by Orochimaru's blizzard, Lee and the gang fight to stay warm.

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Shino's bugs refuse to leave his body because the weather's too cold, so Lee and his pals help him search for replacements. A maiden's battle…the floor of a department store sale.

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When the team gets assigned to infiltrate an illegal chakra-trading ring, Lee goes to Sai for advice on how to blend in with the crowd. A nefarious neer-do-well keeps leaving the village bathrooms a filthy disgusting mess, so Tsunade appoints Lee's team as guards...

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Lee's team gets to play the ogres for the annual Setsubun festival, but Orochimaru schemes to ruin the fun.

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When the freezing cold leaves Lady Tsunade feeling down, the village organizes a snow sculpting contest to cheer her up. It's Valentine's Day, and Lee would give anything for a girl to give him some chocolates.

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Jiraiya trains Lee, Naruto, and Konohamaru. Tsunade takes Sakura and the girls to the hot springs. Chaos ensues.

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Dogs need Dog Friends / It's HIM!

26 février 201324m

Kiba enlists Hinata and the girls to find Akamaru some canine companions. Lee and his team run into Sasuke on their way back from a mission, and Lee takes it upon himself to bring the rogue ninja back home.

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Lee, Tenten, and Sai, led by Captain Yamato, embark on a mission to recover a stolen scroll. Orochimaru creates a virus that turns humans into Oro-Zombies, and it's up to Lee to stop him.

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It's the day before White Day, and a sinister trio of villains has ruined the village supply of sweets. It's been quite a few days since the Leaf Doll's Festival ended, but some prankster keeps putting the dolls back out every night.

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Lee wants be an adult like his sensei, and he gets the chance when Guy turns into a baby after drinking a youth-restoring potion.

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The Final Battle / Our Final Mission is S-Ranked!

26 mars 201324m

The final battle against Sasuke is now. Lady Tsunade tasks Lee's team with an S-Ranked mission: Prepare a cherry blossom viewing party.

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