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ECW was a professional wrestling television program for WWE, based on the independent Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion that lasted from 1992 to 2001. The show's name also referred to the ECW brand, in which WWE employees were assigned to work and perform, complementary to WWE's other brands, Raw and SmackDown. It debuted on June 13, 2006 on Sci Fi in the United States and ran for close to four years until it aired its final episode on February 16, 2010 on the rebranded Syfy. It was replaced the following week with WWE NXT.

  1. Vince McMahon


  2. Paul Heyman


Series Cast

  1. Tony Chimel

    Tony Chimel

    50 Episodes

  2. Mike Mizanin as The Miz

    Mike Mizanin

    The Miz

    48 Episodes

  3. John Hennigan as John Morrison

    John Hennigan

    John Morrison

    47 Episodes

  4. Mark Henry as Mark Henry

    Mark Henry

    Mark Henry

    34 Episodes

  5. Chavo Guerrero Jr. as Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Chavo Guerrero

    30 Episodes

  6. Phil Brooks as CM Punk

    Phil Brooks

    CM Punk

    26 Episodes

  7. Dylan Postl as Hornswoggle

    Dylan Postl


    26 Episodes

  8. Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah as Kofi Kingston

    Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah

    Kofi Kingston

    25 Episodes

  9. Matthew Hardy as Matt Hardy

    Matthew Hardy

    Matt Hardy

    25 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 5

2010 • 7 Episodes

The end of Extreme

An Extreme Farewell

(5x7, February 16, 2010) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from Syfy...

Type Scripted

Original Language English


Content Score 


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