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Maison close (2010)

TV-MA Drama
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Paris, 1871. This is a story of the women trapped in a luxury brothel, 'Paradise'. The very young Rose came to Paris in search of her mother, former prostitute. She is trapped and forced to enroll in Paradise. Vera is 35 years. She knows that the end of her career as a prostitute is near. She is betting everything on the Baron Du Plessis, her main client, and the only one able to redeem her debt. Hortense is the owner of Paradise. She must take care of her girls and resist pressure from a suburban thug who is charging her money.

  1. Jacques Ouaniche


Series Cast

  1. Anne Charrier as Véra

    Anne Charrier


    16 Episodes

  2. Clémence Bretécher as Valentine

    Clémence Bretécher


    16 Episodes

  3. Valérie Karsenti as Hortense Gaillac

    Valérie Karsenti

    Hortense Gaillac

    16 Episodes

  4. Jemima West as Rose

    Jemima West


    16 Episodes

  5. Deborah Grall as Bertha

    Deborah Grall


    16 Episodes

  6. Blandine Bellavoir as Angèle

    Blandine Bellavoir


    16 Episodes

  7. Catherine Hosmalin as Marguerite Fourchon

    Catherine Hosmalin

    Marguerite Fourchon

    16 Episodes

  8. Nicolas Briançon as Pierre Gaillac

    Nicolas Briançon

    Pierre Gaillac

    16 Episodes

  9. Elsa Catarina


    16 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2


2013 • 8 Episodes

Season 2 of Maison close premiered on February 4, 2013.

Episode 8

(2x8, February 25, 2013) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Maison close
Maison close


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language French


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