Episodios 130


Oh ! Je rapetisse

4 de abril do 198310m

C'est la première fois que madame Pepperpote rapetisse mystérieusement. Bien qu'elle soit de la taille d'une petite cuillère, elle essaye tout de même de faire la lessive. Soudain, il commence à pleuvoir ! Elle découvre que, quand elle est petite, elle a le prodigieux pouvoir de parler aux animaux...

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Le chapeau perdu

5 de abril do 198310m

Au cours d'une partie de cache-cache avec des enfants, madame Pepperpote rapetisse. Ses amis, les animaux de la forêt, viennent à son secours. Elle trouve incidemment le vieux chapeau préféré de monsieur Pepperpote...

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Les fraises

6 de abril do 198310m

Alors qu'elle cherche des fraises sauvages pour faire de la confiture, madame Pepperpote rapetisse. Poursuivie par un loup affamé, elle tombe dans une taupinière et, après diverses mésaventures, rencontre un très gros ours...

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Un joli coup de pinceau

7 de abril do 198310m

Pour faire plaisir à ses amis méticuleux, madame Pepperpote décide de repeindre leur maison. Comme d'habitude, elle rapetisse et ne pourra venir à bout de sa tâche qu'avec l'aide d'animaux qui utiliseront leurs plumes, leurs pattes et leurs queues en guise de pinceaux...

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La rencontre

8 de abril do 198310m

En cueillant des champignons pour le dîner, madame Pepperpote rencontre une charmante petite fille, douée de pouvoirs magiques et accompagnée de son ami le vison...

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Les lapins farceurs

11 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote est en retard... Elle a rendez-vous avec Lily qui a promis de l'emmener dans son jardin secret. Elle rapetisse en chemin et doit faire face à deux lapins qui la prennent pour quelque chose à manger...

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Vive les poupées

12 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote prépare des biscuits pour la kermesse du village. Lily vient lui rendre visite et juste à ce moment-là, madame Pepperpote rapetisse. Elle en oublie les biscuits qui brûlent. Puisqu'elle n'est maintenant pas plus grande qu'une poupée, elle sera elle-même le lot offert à la kermesse...

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La bonne action

13 de abril do 198310m

Alors que madame Pepperpote essaye une nouvelle recette, elle rapetisse et rencontre une famille de souris. L'une de ces petites créatures s'est fait prendre la queue dans un piège que monsieur Pepperpote a posé. Madame Pepperpote l'aide à s'en échapper, mais la victime lui tient quand même rigueur de la vilénie, jusqu'à ce que notre héroïne prouve sa bonne volonté...

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La tête en l'air

14 de abril do 198310m

Buck part à l'école en oubliant son livre de sciences. Madame Pepperpote décide de lui apporter...

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La garde d'enfants

15 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote garde Robert, le bébé de Marie pendant que celle-ci emmène sa mère chez le docteur. Mais Robert fait beaucoup de bêtises et Madame Pepperpote, qui a encore rapetissé, a bien du mal à s'en occuper...

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L'anniversaire de Lily

18 de abril do 198310m

When blue flowers bloom in the forest, it's Ruuri's birthday. Today Aunt Spoon decided to have a party at her house. Suddenly, she became a small aunt again. She can't help but become small. She asked the Bjornhalken family in the basement to help, and decided to help decorate and cook the party.

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19 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote avise le grand renard de ne jamais revenir voler ses poules. Mais le loup ne tient pas compte de l'avertissement... En le poursuivant, madame Pepperpote va tomber dans l'eau...

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Le marc de café

20 de abril do 198310m

Grâce à ses connaissances de voyante, madame Pepperpote a le sentiment que quelqu'un va être blessé. Elle se rend bientôt compte que tous les animaux de la maison ont de justesse échappé à un accident...

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Madame Pepperpote joue de l'orgue

21 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote est impatiente d'écouter une dame du village jouer de l'orgue. Mais auparavant, notre héroïne rapetisse...

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Au voleur

22 de abril do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote remarque que son fromage, sa confiture et ses biscuits disparaissent souvent. Qui soupçonner ?

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Un trésor utile

25 de abril do 198310m

La famille souris montre à madame Pepperpote leur bien le plus précieux : un poil de moustache de baleine...

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Le monstre

26 de abril do 198310m

Tout le village est en émoi : on rapporte qu'un monstre étrange hante la forêt près du village. Madame Pepperpote veut découvrir la vérité. Elle mène son enquête et découvre des choses bizarres à ce sujet...

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27 de abril do 198310m

Trois garçonnets trouvent un œuf. Lorsqu'il éclot, ils s'aperçoivent que c'est un bébé-cigogne. Madame Pepperpote part à la recherche de ses parents...

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28 de abril do 198310m

Le sapin sur lequel vit la famille Écureuil va être coupé par un dénommé Carl Bacon. Madame Pepperpote va faire tout son possible pour l'en empêcher...

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Le concours de beauté

29 de abril do 198310m

Un concours de beauté est organisé. Toutes les corneilles s'y préparent. Elles demandent à madame Pepperpote de fabriquer leurs costumes. Mais madame Pepperpote souhaite aussi concourir...

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L'anniversaire de mariage

23 de maio do 198310m

Les Helkens célèbrent leur anniversaire de mariage en compagnie de tous leurs enfants. Pour cette occasion, madame Pepperpote anime la fête avec sa boîte à musique...

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Vive les pompiers

24 de maio do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote se promène dans la forêt. Elle rapetisse et fait la connaissance d'un couple de castors qui vient de se marier...

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Le bal

25 de maio do 198310m

Un voisin, Carl Bacon, préfère rester chez lui plutôt que d'accompagner sa femme au bal. Chaque fois, il prétend qu'il a une entorse. Madame Pepperpote va essayer de le convaincre...

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Le procès

26 de maio do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote a été capturée par une araignée. Elle est envoyée au tribunal des insectes pour se faire juger des crimes qu'elle a commis contre eux...

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Les lapins posent un lapin

27 de maio do 198310m

Par une nuit venteuse, Lily se rend chez madame Pepperpote pour lui demander de cacher trois bébés lapins pendant un certain temps...

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Le chat sauvage

30 de maio do 198310m

Lily et son chat Noubarde viennent chercher madame Pepperpote pour une promenade en forêt, mais Noubarde chat sauvage, espiègle, jette le trouble chez les animaux de la forêt... Madame Pepperpote essaie d'arranger les choses...

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La partie de cache-cache

31 de maio do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote invite toutes ses amies à une fête. Au moment où tout est prêt, Madame Pepperpote rapetisse et va être le témoin d'une partie de cache-cache très originale....

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Marins d'eau douce

1 de xuño do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote enseigne aux enfants de monsieur Halken tout ce que l'on doit savoir sur la mer...

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Allo la météo

2 de xuño do 198310m

Les habitants du village ont des opinions différentes lorsqu'ils prévoient le temps. Certains pensent qu'il fera beau, d'autres pensent le contraire. Madame Pepperpote rapetisse pour demander aux animaux leur avis...

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Le monstre du lac

3 de xuño do 198310m

Les habitants du village s'amusent sur le lac avec leurs radeaux. Pendant que les adultes font une course, le radeau des enfants est pris dans un courant rapide. Madame Pepperpote demande à Curpo, le monstre du lac, de leur porter secours...

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Madame Pepperpote postière

6 de xuño do 198310m

Aunt Spoon decides to go deliver Bjornhalken's letter to the forest mouse. She is an old lady who fell into a hole on the way. Water drips around her, and danger approaches. At that moment, the baby mice of the forest pass by and try to help her.

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Une drôle d'invention

7 de xuño do 198310m

C'est jour de lessive pour madame Pepperpote... Mais bientôt la quiétude de notre gentille amie va être troublée par des voleurs de pommes...

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La vengeance

8 de xuño do 198310m

Buck, malade, a dû accepter la piqûre du docteur Lapin. Il est bien décidé à appliquer le même traitement au docteur Lapin et demande à Andy de l'aider à se venger...

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La malédiction du hibou

9 de xuño do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote revient du marché et traverse la forêt. Elle est prise par maman Hibou pour un oisillon tombé d'un arbre. Malgré ses cris de protestations, maman Hibou l'emporte dans son nid...

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La petite fée

10 de xuño do 198310m

Sur la colline, madame Pepperpote et Lily jouent avec une marionnette faite avec des pommes de pin. Buck, Andy et leurs amis viennent ramasser des pommes de pin et découvrent émerveillés la jolie Lily...

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Lily la mystérieuse

13 de xuño do 198310m

Les enfants essayent par tous les moyens de retrouver l'insaisissable Lily...

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Les grenouilles sauteuses

14 de xuño do 198310m

Pour le concours de saut, la tortue et ses petits amis entraînent leurs grenouilles sauteuses. Madame Pepperpote voudrait bien gagner ce concours.

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Le petit neveu

15 de xuño do 198310m

Aunt Spoon's nephew Alf comes to her house. Alf is a sailor. It's been a while since they last met, so the host and Alf guzzled down some drinks. The husband is asleep and Alf is in a good mood. When Aunt Spoon tried to pick up the sake bottle from the table, she shrank again. Alf saw this...

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Debout, debout

16 de xuño do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote va faire appel à tous ses petits amis pour réveiller monsieur Pepperpote qui a quelques difficultés à se lever tôt.

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Contre l'épervier

17 de xuño do 198310m

Little Bon, a naughty trio, made a hot air balloon. The hot air balloon with Bucket on it begins to climb into the sky. As soon as Aunt Spoon finishes drying the laundry, she shrinks into a small size and is blown away by the wind along with the laundry. Her aunt fell onto a hot air balloon with a bucket on it.

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Jour de soldes

20 de xuño do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote et Lily se rendent au village pour acheter une nouvelle robe pour Lily... C'est jour de soldes...

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La coupe de cheveux

21 de xuño do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon makes the reluctant husband sit down and gives him a haircut. Eventually, the host begins to sleep comfortably. Her aunt becomes small again. Ruuri puts Auntie in her palm and helps her. While getting a haircut, the husband dreams of when they were both young.

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Épisode inédit en France

22 de xuño do 198310m

An injured homing pigeon falls into the air. Mrs. Spoon is treating her, but it doesn't look like she'll be able to fly any time soon. At that time, Aunt Spoon became small again. The pigeon carries a letter from a young shepherd in the mountains and is about to deliver it to her lover's daughter in her village.

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Épisode inédit en France

23 de xuño do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon went to the attic and as soon as she stepped on the step stool, she became small. In the attic, Gologna chases a baby mouse, and there is a lot of slapstick action. In reality, Gologna is being teased by the little mouse. Her aunt was also involved, and there was a big commotion in the attic.

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Quand le rêve devient réalité

24 de xuño do 198310m

Aunt Spoon actually can't swim. This is a water playground for the village children. I'm having fun today too. Her aunt comes to practice secretly, but as soon as she gets into the water, she shrinks and drowns. Frogger the frog comes and teaches her how to do breaststroke and backstroke, which she is good at.

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Panique dans la ville

27 de xuño do 198310m

Dame Hermine, attirée par des gâteaux, s'est cachée dans un panier et sème la terreur dans toute la ville...

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Un marin en herbe

28 de xuño do 198310m

Aunt Spoon became small and ended up in the back of her husband's car along with her lunch. There was a baby mouse named Don. She left home because she wanted to see the sea. Her aunt decided to go to the beach with Don. When Don saw the sea for the first time, he was deeply moved.

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Le facteur est amoureux

29 de xuño do 198310m

Mrs. Vienna is playing the piano. Postman Jan thinks that his girlfriend's daughter Oririn has come home. He immediately writes a love letter to the person he admires, but he drops it. Olina the crow picks it up and delivers it to the now-shrunken aunt. Her aunt takes her letter to Mrs. Vienna's house.

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Une partie de pêche

30 de xuño do 198310m

The husband breaks his promise to go shopping with Aunt Spoon and goes fishing. The crowned lady silently delivers the lunch that her husband forgot, but she shrinks down. Her aunt slips and falls into the lake, where a large fish threatens to chase her.

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Chasse au trésor

1 de xullo do 198310m

My husband has developed a bad habit of going fishing on the way to work. Aunt Spoon decides to hide her husband's precious hair needle in a bottle. The hiding place is under a tree in the forest. She even made a map. However, the map gets blown away by the wind and goes to the naughty trio.

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Pour un péché mignon

18 de xullo do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon has a stomach ache and calls Dr. Plöysen. When her teacher came, her aunt had become small. There she puts her dog Booby in her bed to take care of her. When the teacher saw his hairy arms, he thought that his eyes were no good and became completely depressed.

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L'amour donne des ailes

19 de xullo do 198310m

Le facteur est amoureux d'Aurélie mais il ne l'a pas vue depuis un moment. Madame Pepperpote lui apprend qu'elle vit à Paris. Le facteur décide de construire un avion miniature pour lui faire parvenir un message d'amour.

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La chanson du galion

20 de xullo do 198310m

When Mrs. Spoon is cleaning up, a conch shell comes out. It suddenly becomes smaller and Bjornharken comes there. Bjornhalken wants to sing sea songs to the children, but he says he doesn't know and he's in trouble. Her aunt says this conch knows the song of the sea.

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Les aléas du progrès

21 de xullo do 198310m

Aunt Spoon goes for a drive with her husband. On the way, the car starts to malfunction and overheats. While the husband went to fetch water nearby, the car started to drive away with the girlfriend's aunt still inside. The husband also hurriedly jumped into the driver's seat. A car going down a slope. The lady suddenly became smaller.

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Le pays de la poésie

22 de xullo do 198310m

An old horse comes to Aunt Spoon's house. Now, her aunt falls down and becomes small, and she talks to the horse. The horse says his name is Charles F. Rolls-Royce, and he has retired from his job and is now a minstrel, traveling.

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Patapouf joue les héros

15 de agosto do 198310m

A naughty trio goes to the mountains for summer part-time jobs. He says he wants to stop by Aunt Spoon's house and bring Booby along. Her aunt agrees, but she also becomes smaller and falls into the children's backpacks. Then, they end up going to the mountains together.

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Première expérience amoureuse

16 de agosto do 198310m

Gologna and the stray cat Black Jack (B.J.) start fighting on the roof over Mrs. Vienna's pet cat, Minya. Gologna is no match for B.J., who has strong arms. After a desperate struggle, he returns home with his face covered in disfigurement. Aunt Spoon decides to support Gologna.

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Pour une histoire de goût

17 de agosto do 198310m

Carrots were sent to Aunt Spoon's house. However, the husband is very picky. If he urges you to do so, he will get angry. In the evening, when Auntie was preparing dinner, the power suddenly went out. Seeing this as a chance to get her husband to eat carrots, the old lady uses various strategies to get her husband to overcome his fear of carrots.

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Demain, c'est la fête

18 de agosto do 198310m

The village costume contest is approaching. Everyone participates in their own way. This year's theme is "Prince of the Forest". The naughty trio asked Mrs. Spoon, who is good at sewing, for costumes. The husband was also secretly planning to participate.

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Le prince de la forêt

19 de agosto do 198310m

Today is the long-awaited summer solstice festival. Everyone comes up with their own ideas and challenges the "Prince of the Forest" contest. He even insisted on tipping. This is the contest venue. The audience burst into laughter at Postman Jan's Peter Pan and Mr. and Mrs. Bacon's ancient Roman style.

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La cuisine est un jeu d'enfant

22 de agosto do 198310m

Auntie Spoon and Lurie are playing with the ivy ring. The old lady becomes smaller while playing. Since she was almost ready for dinner, she decided to ask Lurie to drop her off. Luli almost collides with her husband's car on the road. The hostess panics and slams on the brakes. Lurie is disappearing like the wind.

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Une baignade improvisée

23 de agosto do 198310m

The Bjornhalken quintuplets go out to practice swimming. Mrs. Spoon is washing in the river. However, on the way, it becomes small and falls into the tray of clothes to be washed. Inside the cage were those little mice that had gotten mixed up in the laundry. Tarai is moving down the river...

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Les grenouilles font de la danse

24 de agosto do 198310m

The husband has been feeling restless since this morning. He says he's going swimming, so Mrs. Spoon goes with him. In fact, it seems that the hostess lost the pocket watch that his aunt gave him for his birthday near here.

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Un anniversaire de mariage

25 de agosto do 198310m

Today is Aunt Spoon's wedding anniversary. As soon as her aunt tried to put a knife into her cake, she shrank. The husband suddenly loses sight of the aunt, so he begins looking for her. The husband gets irritated with the lady who can hear her voice but can't see her. Lurie comes there.

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Le tribunal des corneilles

26 de agosto do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon finds an injured crow and takes care of it on the roof. But thinking that the crow child has been kidnapped, she tries to run away. Lurie uses a bee to force the window to open, allowing the baby crow to escape. Her aunt shrinks in size, and she is taken away by an adult crow.

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Épisode inédit en France

29 de agosto do 198310m

Postman Jan came to Aunt Spoon's house to deliver a letter, but the letter was missing. Apparently she nearly hit a bird on the way and lost her letter when it was thrown onto the street. Her aunt asked Yang where it was and went looking for it, but couldn't find it.

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Épisode inédit en France

30 de agosto do 198310m

Aunt Spoon and Lurie saw a shooting star shining and falling. Surprised, the aunt, Ruuri, and the children of the town rush to the forest where the shooting star fell. While chasing the old woman, she trips over a tree root and becomes smaller. The kids were making a fuss that they were aliens...

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Near Miss Pilot

31 de agosto do 198310m

A plane crash lands on a hill near Aunt Spoon's house. The aunt and her naughty trio, the Björnhalken family, are the first to arrive on the scene. What came out of the plane was a female pilot. The engine overheats, so I ask the children to bring water and the aunt to help me.

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Fly In The Sky! Par And pea

1 de setembro do 198310m

After being teased by Orina the crow for not being able to fly, the chicks Pa and Pea appeal to Aunt Spoon that they would like to try flying once. Auntie uses balloons to float Pa and Pi into the sky. However, he wants to put on wings and fly on his own...

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Balloon Race

2 de setembro do 198310m

Chip chased the balloon as it was blown away by the wind. Mrs. Spoon goes out in search of a lost chip. On the way, the old lady became smaller again. Have Orina the crow take you on a ride and look for balloons in the sky. The balloon ends up in the forest, out on the river, and finally on a cliff, and the chip is in danger...

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A gift from the careless host

5 de setembro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon's husband has been looking for something since morning. I don't know what she's looking for in an aunt... The husband gives up and goes to work. Then, when the old lady became smaller, she asked the mouse family and they rummaged through the house together. But I don't know. In the evening, the husband came back...

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Gentle Lion Tamer

6 de setembro do 198310m

A circus lion ran away in front of Aunt Spoon's house. Surprised and shrunk, the old woman hides the lion in the basement. The villagers make a fuss that the old woman was attacked by a lion.

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Love Love Ventriloquism

7 de setembro do 198310m

Gologna's love interest is Roxanne. But she won't fight me at all. Gologna complains to Aunt Spoon about her love for him. Her aunt takes Gologna to visit her girlfriend Roxanne. Gologna whispers to Roxanne just as her aunt taught her.

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snowman ski school

8 de setembro do 198310m

Chip learns how to ski from Aunt Spoon, but he doesn't get very good at it. Auntie jumps by example. She suddenly became small. Then the wolf King Joe appears. Auntie disguises herself as a snowman and forces her tip onto skis.

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Don's runaway

9 de setembro do 198310m

Don broke Father Mouse's precious pipe. After being scolded, he becomes lonely and visits Mrs. Spoon in the middle of the night. Her aunt had shrunk and fallen off the bed. Don says she wants to run away from home. Her aunt scares Don and comforts him... Before long, the two were dancing under the bright sun.

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The husband was surprised

26 de setembro do 198310m

The husband begins to think that something is wrong with Mrs. Spoon's behavior these days. She's worried, so she sneaks back into the house and peeks out the window...

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Mikkel's failure

27 de setembro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon shrank, still holding the hand mirror. She plays a prank on Olina, the crow, by telling her that this mirror will suck up anything. Mikkel, the fox who heard this, grazed the mirror. Mikkel thought of sucking King Joe into this mirror.

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Wild Cat Jack's Lullaby

28 de setembro do 198310m

When Mrs. Spoon grew small, Black Jack, the stray cat, arrived. He has found a treasure, and he wants his aunt to see it. Her aunt is carried away on B.J.'s girlfriend's back. Along the way, she encounters a lot of trouble, including falling into a river and meeting a naughty trio. The ladies finally arrived at their destination. What treasure did you see there?

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find out the secret

29 de setembro do 198310m

The husband, who witnessed Mrs. Spoon's shrinking size, decides to confirm with his own eyes whether it is true or not. Pretending to go to work, he returns home and hides in the attic to check on his girlfriend's aunt.

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Loki's Big Adventure

30 de setembro do 198310m

Lady Spoon washing in the river. As she chases the washed clothes, she becomes smaller and falls into the river. While being washed away, the old lady meets Loki the reindeer on the riverbank. Loki is still a baby reindeer, and he is depressed because he has not yet grown a full-fledged antler. What's more, they don't have the wisdom to protect themselves if they are attacked by an eagle or a wolf.

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The Husband's Sadness

3 de outubro do 198310m

Mr. and Mrs. Bacon arrive at Aunt Spoon's house and get into a big fight after blowing their carnival tickets into the wind. The aunts decided to search together. While I was looking for her, my girlfriend's aunt suddenly disappeared. The husband suddenly thought about it, and when he looked around, he found it in the grass...

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Omimai Gekitaijutsu

4 de outubro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon doesn't seem to have much energy. When Jan, the postman, tells her that her aunt is sick, she goes around the village, and people who are worried about her come to visit her. When the husband finished his work and came home, he found the old lady shrunk in her bed.

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Prøysen is a good opponent

5 de outubro do 198310m

The husband and Mr. Prøysen are rivals in fishing. The two dream of catching the largest trout in the lake, an old king. We are quarreling over space again today. In the midst of this, Mrs. Spoon becomes smaller, gets caught on a fishing hook thrown by Professor Prøysen, and is thrown into the lake.

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Welcome to Wanpaku Hut

6 de outubro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon and Lurie are invited to a secret hut in the forest built by a naughty trio. A naughty hut full of tricks such as automatic doors, automatic tables, and elevators. The old lady tries to get on the elevator, but the mechanism goes out of order and the elevator goes up and down in a big mess.

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Harahara Shopping

7 de outubro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon, now smaller, fits into her husband's pocket and follows him shopping. The hostess was absorbed in the conversation, putting aside his errands. She can't sit still anymore. She slipped out of her pocket and as she wandered around, she fell into the macaroni drawer.

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Kori Gori Yurei House

10 de outubro do 198310m

A naughty trio come to explore an old house called Yuurei House. Trembling in the darkness, he begins his exploration, but suddenly the floor of the hallway falls off and he falls. At that time, there was a lot of excitement in the village because the trio had gone missing.

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Lurie's nice kick

11 de outubro do 198310m

A naughty trio is playing with a soccer ball. The ball that Capa kicked flew in an unexpected direction and hit an old lady who was hanging out clothes to dry. My girlfriend's aunt and the things she washes are a mess. Her angry aunt kicks the ball as hard as she can.

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What did you see with your mysterious glasses?

12 de outubro do 198310m

A young boy in the same class as the naughty trio always says dreamlike things. Harle has mysterious glasses, and he says that when he puts them on, he can see all kinds of strange things. The lady who was talking with Hare suddenly became smaller in front of her eyes.

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Doll maid Ruuri

13 de outubro do 198310m

The traveling puppet show has arrived. Dashimono is Little Red Riding Hood. Aunt Spoon also takes Ruuri to the village square. However, the plaza was quiet. The main character, Little Red Riding Hood, was missing, and the play could no longer be performed. When the old lady gets smaller, she decides to play the role of a doll.

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Longing wandering trip

14 de outubro do 198310m

A one-eyed field mouse flew into Mrs. Spoon's house. Goronya finds it and chases after it, including her aunt. On the other hand, Gologna is defeated. Bjornharken, who is always being mean to Goronya, is overjoyed. He invited the field mouse under the floor.

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Baby mouse battle

17 de outubro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon brought a basket from the attic. It seems she is trying to make a bedspread. Suddenly, a baby mouse jumped out and the frightened old woman shrunk in size. So she, with the help of Bjornhalken's uncle, arranges and sews her cloth together. The little mice begin playing tricks with the cloth.

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Ghost's Return

18 de outubro do 198310m

Auntie Spoon and Lurie have been busy making lots of sweets since morning. Tonight is the ghost festival. At the annual children's festival, children disguised as ghosts come to each house to receive sweets. At night, a naughty trio came right away.

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Perfect with the camera! wizard

19 de outubro do 198310m

The chimney of the furnace was clogged, so Mrs. Spoon was cleaning it completely black. So she becomes small again. The wind blows, and the lady gets blown away along with the broom. Little Bon's camera captures the scene...

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a gift that was asked for

20 de outubro do 198310m

Postman Jan comes to the naughty trio, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a box decorated with ribbons. He asks you to give this gift to Oririn, the person he admires. The three of them are invited by Odachin to take on the role, but when they see Ruuri passing by, they get excited... I gave a gift to Ruuri.

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Look for a shooting star

21 de outubro do 198310m

The children can't wait to find the beautiful shooting star stone that Ruuri has, so they go deep into the forest to find it. Aunt Spoon and Lurie are worried about the children going deep into the forest alone, so they decide to follow them.

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Mistaken message

24 de outubro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon's husband gets distracted by the noisy Tongal family in the morning and ends up hitting his head on his bicycle. At that moment, he splashes paint on the garden, turning it bright red. Sara saw this and told Netsuta, Netsuta told Mint, and Mint... Before I knew it, my husband was seriously injured in a bicycle accident.

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Fight! viking

25 de outubro do 198310m

Your husband is going to work at the Viking Museum. While her aunt wanted to go with her, she became smaller again. The husband decided to leave the aunt behind. While her aunt is furious, the Björnhalken family appears. Then, I sneaked into my husband's car...

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skating is fun

26 de outubro do 198310m

There was ice in the puddle in the garden. As Mrs. Spoon crawls through the garden, all her little mice run by. Following that, Gologna goes. It's a chase again. As soon as I tried to stop Goronya, her aunt became smaller...

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Bucket cried because of cavities

27 de outubro do 198310m

The naughty trio Bucket is crying with both cheeks splayed out. My tooth hurts, but I'm too scared to go to the dentist. Aunt Spoon decides to go with him to the dentist. On the way, her aunt became small again. Bucket is saddened by the sudden disappearance of his girlfriend's aunt, and she tries to leave.

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Pa and Pea's Big Adventure

28 de outubro do 198310m

A Tongal parent and child come to visit Mrs. Spoon, who has become smaller. He grumbles and scolds Pa and Pi with his nagging mouth. Her aunt tells Tongal, "Let cute girls travel," and she takes her chicks on a journey.

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Don't mess with things

31 de outubro do 198310m

Villagers are cutting trees in the forest. While helping Aunt Spoon, she suddenly becomes smaller. In a panic, the host hides it in a basket or puts it in his shirt pocket, but before he knows it, he drops it. In order for the husband not to be noticed, he searches for him in all his blood, but...

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It's the little mouse's way.

1 de novembro do 198310m

The Björnhalken family passes by with backpacks on their backs. Today is Viking Remembrance Day, and they are going to the monument on the other side of the hill. There are many dangers in the forest, so Auntie decides to accompany them. I managed to arrive in front of the monument, but...

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rainbow slide

2 de novembro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon goes to the forest to pick strawberries. She meets Mikkel the fox in Ameyadori's cave, and is forced to lead her to a place where there are lots of strawberries. When the old lady suddenly looked at the sky after the rain, there was a rainbow. The lady says, "There are a lot of strawberries just across the rainbow," and Mikkel says, "Then, please let me see you go across the rainbow."

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junk car racing

3 de novembro do 198310m

Today is Mr. Bjornhalken's birthday. To commemorate this, a car race is held. Even though it's a car, it's a special thing made from junk. The prize is a golden fishing hook. When Mrs. Spoon heard this, she asked to be included.

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The party is a big deal

4 de novembro do 198310m

Mrs. Vienna's party is lively, with people from all over the village gathering. Mrs. Spoon, who had become smaller on the way, finally made it to the place where she grazed people's eyes and ate the feast. She is found by Yorebine, but...

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Be careful with doodles

28 de novembro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon enjoys sketching at home. Just when I thought she was finally finished, she became smaller. Then the baby mice come and take you to the secret atelier. While everyone was having fun scribbling on stones, the host's big hand suddenly appeared...

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The targeted magic spoon

29 de novembro do 198310m

The little mice think that Aunt Spoon's pendant is a magic spoon. If you use that spoon to make Gologna smaller, it will be easy to defeat him. The baby mice shocked the old lady and made her smaller. Her aunt rolled over and the spoon came loose.

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It's boring to be alone

30 de novembro do 198310m

A box moves on the floor. When her aunt picks it up, a baby mouse named Don pops out from inside. The aunt was so surprised that she became small. Don says he will make his own room out of this box. It seems that all her brothers have made their own rooms.

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O busy apron husband

1 de decembro do 198310m

Today we are having a party at Aunt Spoon's house. However, my aunt is getting smaller. There was no other choice, so the host decided to take over. I clean a lot, and when cooking, I drop the washed vegetables and bring the pot to a boil. The husband realizes the hardships Mrs. Spoon goes through on a daily basis.

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The treasure pot that came back

2 de decembro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon runs out of pepper and goes to Sheena's house to get some. In the midst of this, Mikkel the fox entered the living room. She stuck her face in a treasured heirloom pot and couldn't get it out. Mikkel runs away.

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Bubbling Boat Play

5 de decembro do 198310m

A dusty dugout canoe came out of Aunt Spoon's storeroom. As soon as I tried to pull it out, it shrunk, rolled over, and got stuck in a hole in the bottom of the boat. Then came the naughty trio. They took out the boat, floated it on the lake, and started rowing toward the island.

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Mote dance party

6 de decembro do 198310m

Today is the Bjornhalken family dance party. Aunt Spoon waits for it to get smaller and goes to the venue under the floor. There, the aunt meets Prince Robert, a descendant of the Viking rat royal family, and he takes a liking to her. The dance begins and the two dance.

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Tongal sold

7 de decembro do 198310m

Tongal the chicken is hurt when Aunt Spoon's husband calls him useless. He runs away from home with Pa and Pi, but is caught by a passing vendor. When the old lady heard this, she immediately got on the back of her girlfriend Olina and went to rescue her.

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Mikkel wearing a collar

8 de decembro do 198310m

Mikkel the fox sneaks into the living room while Mrs. Spoon is away and plays a prank on her. Auntie comes back. In a panic, Mikkel pretends to be fur and ends up in the box. She thought that the aunt was a present from her husband, and she was deeply moved. She tries it around her neck. Suddenly, the old lady becomes smaller.

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Ruuri SOS

9 de decembro do 198310m

Lurie picked up an injured eagle chick. He goes to the rocky mountain to return it to its nest on the rocky mountain. As he climbed a steep cliff, a rock gave way and knocked him off his feet. Ruuri fell headlong, bounced off an overhanging tree branch, and was thrown onto a ledge.

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There's no end to the battle

12 de decembro do 198310m

Aunt Spoon's husband plays a game of chess with Professor Plöysen. If we lose today, we will have lost ten in a row. The husband must shave off his proud beard. The husband who is the weakest chess player in the village has been whining to his girlfriend's aunt since morning. Before the main competition, I will have a practice match against an old lady...

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Tondeke wind bear

13 de decembro do 198310m

While playing with the windmill that Mrs. Spoon had made for her, Ruuri loses it from her hand. As soon as her aunt tried to catch her windmill, she became smaller. The windmill carried her away, and she flew up into the sky and got caught in the top of a fir tree.

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Leave trip

14 de decembro do 198310m

Mrs. Spoon suddenly felt the urge to travel, so she asked her husband to take the whole family on a trip. Immediately, the husband goes to the town to get gas, but the girl's aunt shrinks down in the middle of the gas, and Goronya is so excited that she sprains her leg. Booby also sticks his face into a paint can, and Tongal...

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Thank you Capa

15 de decembro do 198310m

Lou, a mink who is always with Lou Li, has become ill. It is said that as long as there is a blue flower that blooms on the cliffs of a deep mountain, the disease can be cured quickly. The naughty trio decided to go look for it. However, I couldn't find it and it was dusk. Capa has separated from everyone.

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Go for it! baby squirrel

16 de decembro do 198310m

An acorn falls onto Mrs. Spoon's head. In an instant, the old woman becomes smaller. Ron the squirrel dropped it. Ron tells his aunt that she is not good at branch-crossing or jumping. She's not good at finding nuts, and gets upset when everyone makes fun of her.

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Alone sports day

19 de decembro do 198310m

snow day. The children came to play. Mrs. Spoon goes to the basement to get some milk for a snack. On the way, he missed the stairs and fell, becoming small. To make matters worse, Parsley, who came looking for her, slams the door shut on her. The old woman was trapped in a cold basement...

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20 de decembro do 198310m

There are a lot of three-biters... I've decided! Let's get rid of them once and for all," the bee informer Apuapu hears, and tells Goronya, Booby, and Tongal about it. Panicked by this, Mitsubiki tries to somehow get her to stay at home, so he starts offering his services to his girlfriend's aunt.

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Easy seesaw game

21 de decembro do 198310m

Lurie takes Aunt Spoon to the forest. In the forest, there was a see-saw made of logs made by three naughty people. When Ruuri and her aunt were playing with it, her aunt became smaller again and was blown away by her seesaw...

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Transform! Harikiri Booby

22 de decembro do 198310m

The husband is reading a newspaper that mentions a circus dog. The husband compares Booby, who is always sleeping, and Booby is completely hurt. From that day on, Booby begins training. When Mrs. Spoon complains, he tells her that she too will join the circus and become a star.

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Naughty challenge

23 de decembro do 198310m

A naughty trio challenges their husband and Mrs. Spoon to a fishing challenge. The threesome are catching more and more fish, but the husband and the lady are completely useless. The aquatic plants that have been moving on the surface of the water have been looking suspicious...

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hungry king joe

26 de decembro do 198310m

King Joe the wolf chases prey but always fails. She tries to jump at Aunt Spoon, but she suddenly becomes smaller, so she grabs onto the air and stops moving. She wonders if her aunt has some kind of illness and if there is any medicine. Apuapu the bee will tell you about bright mushrooms, but...

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Le parapluie rose

27 de decembro do 198310m

Madame Pepperpote profite d'une petite éclaircie pour aller acheter un parapluie rose... La pluie redouble, le vent se lève... et la minuscule madame Pepperpote, accrochée à son parapluie rose, est emportée dans les airs par une bourrasque...

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Lily fait une fugue

28 de decembro do 198310m

A storm is coming. Ruuri knocks on the trees to alert the birds. The storm becomes more and more intense. Mrs. Spoon is so worried about Lurie that she can't sleep at night. Night fell and the storm subsided. But Lurie doesn't show up. The aunt becomes worried and goes to the forest.

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Viking Ship Sailing Through a Storm

29 de decembro do 198310m

On a stormy day, Mrs. Spoon, who has become smaller, goes to visit a family of mice under the floor. Then, Mr. Bjornhalken was running a high fever. Her mother, Unsent, had gone out into the storm to get herbs for fever. Her aunt and the little mice set out on a homemade Viking ship to go find it.

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Gankogo Husband Oabare

Final de tempada
30 de decembro do 198310m

The husband and Aunt Spoon go fishing with the villagers to a lake deep in the forest. A bear appears while the children and an old lady are engrossed in fishing. The frightened children ran away, and her aunt became small. When the owner arrives, he can't see her aunt, so he assumes she's been eaten and confronts the bear.

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