Epizodai 52


Reg Bugs Out

2002 sausio 830m

When Rube donates Reg's beloved T.V to the Old Bug's Home, Reg goes nuts and the Psychiatrist, Dr. Pillbug, suggests a new theory of his, that Rube and Reg should never see each other again! Reg realizes soon after Rube's departure that he can't live with him, and he can't live without him!


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Little Big Mouth

2002 sausio 1530m

After taunting him on National T.V, famous bug killer Mandible Lichter goes after Reg, but Reg isn't worried, after all, he's got a super hero on his side. A super hero who's just shed his exoskeleton! Reg does his best to nurse Rube back to health before he winds up on the menu, but if Mandible comes before Rube's ready, Reg may be toast!


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Pains, Drains, and Robomobiles

2002 sausio 2230m

When Reg gets a winning lottery ticket, he floors it to the lottery office in his 'robomobile', but when he and Rube miss the office by thousands of miles, then their only hope is to get back to Vexburg before the ticket expires, and that's not so easy with a temporarily powerless Roboroach!


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Jungle Bugs

2002 sausio 2930m

From floor scrubbers to field researchers in a snap! Reg thinks that his luck has finally changed when Sterling Uberbucks hires him and Rube to find the legendary 'Dyno-mites', a disco-like tribe of jungle bugs, and film their sacred dance ritual, but Rube and Reg must pass a series of Disco tests first.


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Fitness Bug

2002 vasario 530m

Rube decides that it's time to whip Reg into shape when he sees that Reg can't even hold the remote anymore, but Reg has no patience for the long way to health, so Rube transforms into a super-workout machine. Unfortunately, Rube falls asleep while Reg is still inside the machine, leaving Reg to end up being too fit!


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Runaway Roaches

2002 vasario 1230m

The mayor discovers Roboroach's file in the 'Fugitives from Justice file' and decides that this is her perfect chance to lock up that infernal nuisance, so she hires The Exterminator to 'take care of Roboroach.' Meanwhile Rube thinks he's getting chased all because of a bad check that Reg signed with Rube's name.


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Popsicle Pest

2002 vasario 1930m

When Rube and Reg discover a prehistoric cavebug frozen in an icecube, both of them are very excited: Rube, because he feels honoured to help the cavebug adapt to our modern ways, and Reg, because he( as Usual) wants to rake in some dough.


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Weakened Gladiators

2002 vasario 2630m

Reg insults Sterling Uberbucks' girlfriend,(who, shall we say, is just a TINY bit overweight),and Uberbucks challenges him to a gladiatorial fight to the death. With Rube's training( and a little bit of armor) Reg thinks he's a sure thing to win, but when Uberbucks says Reg gets everything if he wins, he means EVERYTHING.


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Sugar Mommy

2002 kovo 530m

Reg answers a personal ad for the widow black, and marries her!(Obviously for the money). The widow black's ex-husbands all 'mysteriously vanished right after the wedding'. Is Reg next on the menu?


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2002 kovo 1230m

Rube and Reg must go undercover to solve the case of the mysterious X-Pet who lives in the sewers, and pulls off people's heads! But is the monster really what it seems to be?


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Bed-Ridden Bug

2002 kovo 1930m

Reg fakes being seriously injured, and Rube, being the kind caring brother he is, will do anything to make his big bro better.Unfortunately, Reg sends Rube on errands for extravagant gifts, only eventually, Rube returns with a personal health-care worker, who uses some rather strange techniques.


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RoboRoach: The Movie

2002 kovo 2630m

Despite it's name, it's just another episode. When Rube lands the starring role in a movie, Reg will do anything to get rich off of him. He makes Rube download a quick acting lesson, but it turns out to be a virus! This leaves Reg to take the helm and try to save Rube's movie career!


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Two Bugs and a Baby

2002 balandžio 230m

One morning, while Rube was cooking breakfast, he cracked open an egg and BOOM! Inside was a baby! Rube decides to raise the little darling, and names her Regina, after his big bro. On Regina's first day of school, however, she eats the principal, and Rube decides it's time to return her to her rightful home.


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2002 balandžio 930m

Reg and Rube sign up to test Sterling Uberbucks' new theme park rides. Surprisingly, Reg would rather quit, then bite the bullet and get paid! Unfortunately, Rube isn't going to let Reg off his ' civic duty' hook that easily.


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Santa's Bitter Helper

2002 balandžio 1630m

Rube and Reg are surprised to see that they got everyone in Vexberg's presents for Christmas. It turns out that Reg hacked into Santa's Naughty and Nice list, because he is always on the Naughty list. So Rube and Reg must deliver all of the presents to their rightful owners before Christmas morning, and before Reg is put on the Naughty list permanently!


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2002 balandžio 2330m

Rube and Reg get flushed down the toilet and into the sewer, where they must survive without Rube's now water-logged circuits. Reg decides that the two of them should split up, and while Rube is thriving, Reg is barely surviving.


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2002 balandžio 3030m

Reg re-opens a deserted beach, hoping to cash in on the tourism. He hires Rube to be the lifeguard, and to protect the beachgoers from Jowls, the great white Catfish. Unfortunately, The sun, surf, and lack of sleep are too much for poor Rube, and it's up to Reg to save the beach, oh, and himself too!


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Sins of the Teacher

2002 gegužės 730m

It's Rube's birthday, and what could be a better present than your old psychotic schoolteacher breaking out of prison? Reg and Rube try to run, but they can't escape from Miss Conduct, AKA the Disciplinarian!


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Rube Awakenings

2002 gegužės 1430m

Reg has found the perfect job- being an air-traffic controller! What could suit Reg more than staring at a screen all day? Unfortunately, he falls asleep on the job, and it's all up to Rube to save his big brother's career, not to mention Vexberg's skies!


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Battling For Uberbucks

2002 gegužės 2130m

Rube and Reg are chosen for Sterling Uberbucks' hit t.v. show- "Extermination!" Rube and Reg must struggle to survive in the most deadly climate of all- A human kitchen!


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Bug Tusslers

2002 gegužės 2830m

Rube accidentally becomes a great bug Tussler


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Death of a Salesbug

2002 birželio 430m

Reg has a sure-fire cure for his poverty, a new invention- " Miracle- Glo- Elixir", only problem with selling it is, that nobody wants to buy it! That is, until Reg does a demonstration....


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Revenge of the Fleabrain

2002 birželio 1130m

Rube and Reg, once again, have new careers- this time as copybugs(And lunch-order-takers)at "The Vexberg Daily Dirt" Newspaper office. Rube himself gets a crush on the cunning reporter, Lotus Lane, but she gets kidnapped by the evil Heirf Leabrain (Heir Fleabrain to the public). Rube wants to help Lotus Lane, but he's just so shy around her that he can't concentrate. Concentration isn't his biggest issue when Fleabrain uses Rube's one weakness against him- Craptonite.


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Ghost Bunglers

2002 birželio 1830m

An old widow, Mrs. Vanderlick(hic) has a serious medical condition- she hiccups constantly! Much to her dismay, she runs out of medicine, and hires our heros to get a bottle from her dead sisters' house. What she forgot to tell them is that the house is haunted!


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Mite Makes Wrong

2002 birželio 2530m

The once-famous superhero "Megamite" returns to Vexberg and Rube becomes his personal lackey!Rejecting his sidekick status to Rube, Reg goes ofto prove that Megamite is a fraud!


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Good Deed Day

2002 liepos 230m

Rube tries to convince Reg to give up his greedy ways by participating in Good-Deed-Day's Good-Deed Doing. Reg finally decides to participate, but only after he finds out about the prize for the most good deeds done!


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The Flying Roachinis

2002 liepos 930m

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2002 liepos 1630m

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Political Partying

2002 liepos 2330m

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Bugfoot Fetish

2002 liepos 3030m

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Bugs With Gas

2002 rugpjūčio 630m

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2002 rugpjūčio 1330m

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Vexburg 500

2002 rugpjūčio 2030m

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Guilty Please

2002 rugpjūčio 2730m

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Family Feud

2002 rugsėjo 330m

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Robo Reg

2002 rugsėjo 1030m

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Under The Rainbow

2002 rugsėjo 1730m

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Bed Bug Walking

2002 rugsėjo 2430m

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2002 spalio 130m

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Delivery Bugs

2002 spalio 830m

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Jockey Shorts

2002 spalio 1530m

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The RoboRoach Show

2002 spalio 2230m

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The Big Bug Sleep

2002 spalio 2930m

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Prehistoric Pest

2002 lapkričio 530m

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Ruby's Slippers

2002 lapkričio 1230m

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The President's Brain Is Missing

2002 lapkričio 1930m

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Club Dead

2002 lapkričio 2630m

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Omega Mites

2002 gruodžio 330m

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The Great Reginini

2002 gruodžio 1030m

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Dustmites Come Home

2002 gruodžio 1730m

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The High Cost Of Laughing

2002 gruodžio 2430m

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Loco Hero

Season Finale
2002 gruodžio 3130m

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