Perfect Couples (2010)

TV-PG Comedy
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Perfect Couples is an American comedy television series that was originally broadcast by NBC. The half-hour romantic comedy was co-created by Jon Pollack and Scott Silveri and produced by Universal Media Studios. A sneak preview of the series aired on December 20, 2010, and officially premiered on January 20, 2011, as a midseason replacement for the 2010–11 television season. The show was filmed in Los Angeles.

On April 14, 2011, the show was replaced in its timeslot with The Paul Reiser Show which was cancelled 11 days later on April 25th after only two episodes. NBC officially canceled Perfect Couples on May 13, 2011.

  1. Scott Silveri


  2. Jon Pollack


Series Cast

  1. Kyle Bornheimer as Dave

    Kyle Bornheimer


    13 Episodes

  2. Christine Woods as Julia

    Christine Woods


    13 Episodes

  3. David Walton as Vance

    David Walton


    13 Episodes

  4. Mary Elizabeth Ellis as Amy

    Mary Elizabeth Ellis


    13 Episodes

  5. Hayes MacArthur as Rex

    Hayes MacArthur


    13 Episodes

  6. Olivia Munn as Leigh

    Olivia Munn


    13 Episodes

  7. Nicolette Robinson as Isabella

    Nicolette Robinson


    5 Episodes

  8. Jeff Witzke as Terry

    Jeff Witzke


    2 Episodes

  9. Kether Donohue as Dottie

    Kether Donohue


    2 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2010 • 13 Episodes

Season 1 of Perfect Couples premiered on December 20, 2010.

Perfect Daughter

(1x13, June 20, 2011) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Perfect Couples
Perfect Couples


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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