"How many failed the test?"
"Almost 40%."
"An obstacle, I know."
"More like an iceberg."
"That ratio holds, we're out 15,000 cops."
... NYPD makes fitness tests easier after increased retirements
I always thought that it was only a couple of the American cops, who were overweight and then assigned desk duty. The only one I ever saw was in the television sitcom "Mike & Molly (2010-2016)", and that was set in Chicago.
So, are that many of New York's Finest and other police officers of US cities really overweight, or is this all made up for television and movies?
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Reply by bratface
on May 15, 2024 at 11:41 PM
Don't you ever watch the news or check out the news online? I'm surprised that TPTB allow the overweight cops to continue to work the streets.