I'll watch a few episodes of this show every now and then (seems like there's always a marathon of these episodes on some network or another), I think it is very well-written and the acting is decent, but man . . . there's hardly an ounce of humility around that dinner table. Everyone seems to look out at the viewer, the Reagan family's chests filled with pride, thinking to themselves, "We're better than you."
There was one episode that began with a big fight between members of the NYPD and the NYFD in a hospital treatment room, and at the end of the episode Frank has a private meeting with the NYFD Chief, demanding an apology for the actions of his firefighters (it was clear that the police officers were equally guilty in the altercation). The NYFD Chief refuses, saying that he will issue a statement basically to the effect that both the NYPD and the NYFD must work together, but that he will not apologize.
Frank, clearly frustrated, pauses, does his classic nose-breathing, and then says, "Okay".
It's one of the few times on the show where I've ever seen Frank back down.
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