Terrie Vincent — Associate Producer

Episodes 25


January 24, 19891h 30m

Reverend Bob Brown jogs to Dr Elly Fielding’s house for breakfast. Elly is a bag of nerves as her daughter Claire is about to start her first day at school. Publican Ernie Patchett opens his pub, Patchetts Pacific, for a busy day in preparation for the local table tennis competition. Ernie’s son Chris heads off to his building job. Sergeant George Sullivan and Constable Paul Berry are at the scene of an accident, local lad Craig Wilson has been killed by a train as he graphitized the wall of the rail track. He was protesting to save the local trees. Local legal aid Bernie Withers takes on Craig’s cause and sits himself on a tree – refusing to move. Paul’s wife, Rhonda arrives from their hometown of Ballina. Barmaid Lisa Bennett is nervous about represent Patchetts Pacific in the table tennis match. Jimmy asks Bob to take over the church when he passes on. When he returns to give Jimmy his answer, he finds him dead in one of the church pews.

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An Ounce of Prevention Part 1

January 25, 198950m

New lawyer Sarah McKillop arrives in Westside, and clashes with Elly over the rights of a pregnant girl with learning disabilities.

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An Ounce of Prevention Part 2

January 26, 198950m

Sarah struggles to settle into life in Westside. Martha and Ernie are at odds after he has a condom machine installed in the pub.

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Domestic Part 1

February 1, 198950m

Ernie's sister recovers from a mugging, but the sentence that her attacker gets angers Ernie and Chris. Amanda is getting to clingy to David and he tells Elly he wants to stay with her to give Amanda the hint. Elly refuses his plea as Claire is having problems at school due to the extravagances David has been treating her to. David is noticeably put out of place when Bob arrives in the morning for breakfast and is favourably more popular with Elly and Claire. Sarah continues to spark bad feeling and Ernie bars her from Patchetts Pacific. Elly tells David she no longer wants him in the house. When David breaks the news to Claire she and Oliver run away.

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Daffodils, Daiquiris & Downers Part 1

February 8, 198950m

Claire and her friend Oliver, both upset by parents fighting at home, decide to run away.

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Daffodils, Daiquiris & Downers Part 2

February 9, 198950m

As Bob takes Lionel Thompson to the police station he breaks free. Bob visits his mother in their bed-sit and tells her about the pills. The pills are coming from his mother Diane, and Lionel sold them to get money for food. Sarah and Rhonda wake up with terrible hangovers but a newfound friendship. Paul is amazed at how much money Rhonda spent on drink and worries about Sarah’s influence on her. George finds that Frank is wanted for stolen goods but is worried about his state of health. He calls for Elly to examine him. George wants Frank committed but Elly doesn’t agree. However when Newbridge agree that Frank should be committed Elly signs the forms and he is taken away. Diane takes an overdose when she can see no way out of her situation. Lionel finds her dead.

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Babysitting Part 1

February 15, 198950m

Diane is pronounced dead leaving Lionel in the hands of social care. Bob allows him to stay at the rectory. Martha and Rhonda’s attempts at hosting self defence classes are thwarted when Helen Kennedy, of the Parish Council, won’t allow them to use the church hall. Helen also objects to Bob taking in Lionel due to his involvement with the drugs at school. Sarah represents Brian, an actor who sustains an injury at a local shop. However Elly finds no medical evidence of injury and refuses to provide a sick certificate. Sarah feels that Elly is allowing her personal feelings about her prevent her from giving Brian and sick certificate. Elly informs Brian it wouldn’t make a difference who is lawyer is as she does not believe he has an injury. Elly catches Brian performing at the local shopping mall and takes Sarah to see him. Chris meets Leanne and takes her to lunch, she returns the favour with an expensive champagne lunch the next day.

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Babysitting Part 2

February 16, 198950m

Bob enrols Lionel back in to school. However on his first day he holds a knife up to the two boys he gave drugs to when they make a comment about his Mum. Bob opens up about his own past where he made a gun to protect himself, which led to his friend being hurt. Helen Kennedy holds a meeting with the Parish Council who order Bob to have Lionel move out of the house within two weeks. Youth worker and Bob’s friend Peter Lewis offers to take in Lionel to live with his family. Lisa undertakes work experience at an upmarket restaurant and attempts to flirt with the head chef Geoffrey. Meanwhile Chris receives a red rose from Leanne. Lisa witnesses Leanne having dinner with two separate men over two nights whilst she is working at the restaurant. Rhonda has to find someone else to babysit Claire when Paul wants to take her out to dinner. Rhonda asks Sarah which doesn’t go very well when Sarah and Claire do not get on very well.

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Babysitting Part 3

February 22, 198950m

Bob struggles to know how to handle Lionels disclosure. When Helen Kennedy learns of the reason why Lionel left she involved the police. George and Paul take over and talk to Lionel before taking a statement from Peter. Bob however isn’t sure Lionel is telling the truth. Claire is worried that Elly doesn’t have any friends. Talk diverts to Claire’s friends and she asks Elly if she can invite a friend for dinner. Whilst Elly prepares a meal for 6 year olds, Claire has invited Sarah. Chris falls deeper for Leanne leading Lisa to tell him that she has thinks there is something weird about Leanne. Martha and Rhonda give Annie some advice when starts her periods.

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Babysitting Part 4

February 23, 198950m

Lionel confesses that his accusation towards Peter was a lie. He wanted to stay with Bob and thought his account would allow this to happen. Helen Kennedy has to accept she has made bad choices of judgement where Lionel and Peter are concerned. Annie changes her appearance to suit what she thinks men want, however soon decides she’s just going to be her: Chris attempts to get to know Leanne better but is frustrated when she has to leave for work. Leanne confesses to Chris that she is a sex worker, leading their short lived relationship to come to an end. Lisa tells Chris she tried to tell him but couldn’t. Bob says goodbye to Lionel who goes to stay in a children’s home.

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Loyalties Part 1

March 1, 198950m

George meets up with his former police colleague Nev Cook. Nev joins Paul when he attends a domestic incident close by. Nev buys some drinks from the pub before heading to celebrate his retirement. He crashes into a baby in its pram before driving away. The residents of Westside try to save the babies life whilst trying to find the culprit. Nev confesses to George it was he who was driving and asks that he help him out. The conflict causes George to turn to alcohol. Sarah and Lisa help Queenie, a homeless resident of Westside, when the Ernie removes the park bench from outside the pub she has slept on for a while. Meanwhile Elly begins to feel torn over being a working mother.

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Loyalties Part 2

March 2, 198950m

Sarah and Lisa continue to help Queenie. She speaks about her four children and how she doesn’t hear from any of them anymore. For that reason she doesn’t want a house as there’s no point with no one in it. Sarah and Lisa find her sheltered accommodation which Queenie sabotages. The mayor later comes to her rescue and buys her a new bench which resides outside Patchetts Pacific. Paul works out that Nev was the driver responsible for the hit and run. He confronts Nev who tells him he converted for George early in his career when George was drunk on the job and a child died. When the baby from the hit and run passes away, George tells Nev he can’t cover for him any longer. Ernie hosts dinner for the Mayor in order for Pachetts Pacific to host the council lunches. George tells Martha how important she is to him.

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Dreaming Part 1

March 8, 198950m

Chris is annoyed when he is overlooked for the lifeguard job, by Colin, someone who evidentially can’t swim and who the boss has a vested interest in. Lisa advises Colin to talk to Sarah about the unhealthy advances from his boss. When Colin steps down, Chris is given the job. Bob is interviewed by Jackie, a sociology student. He takes a phonecall from a young mother who is threatening to kill both herself and the baby after she has been evicted by her landlord. With the help of Jackie, Bob and George find her in time. Bob walks Jackie home and there is clearly and attraction between them. Paul and Rhonda have their hopes dashed when they attend an auction. They discuss whether moving out of the city is a better option for them.

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Dreaming Part 2

March 9, 198950m

Bob has dinner with Jackie and her husband. During which a business contact pushes Bob’s views to the limit. However it only seems to attract Jackie to him further. George and Paul are later called to the house when Jackie and have a heated argument. George is unhappy to learn that Paul is considering leaving Westside. But Paul feels he and Rhonda may never progress and achieve their dreams on his wage. Sarah gets to know Colin and he mistakes his friendly gestures for flirtation. Jackie runs to Bobs house after an argument with Craig but he turns down her advances.

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Waking Up Part 1

March 15, 198950m

Jackie finds out she’s pregnant and continues to confide in Bob. Elly puts two and two together and realised there is an attraction between Bob and Jackie. She tells Bob he should step back from Jackie on a professional level. Singer Sandra Watson AKA Casey Watts returns to town but is undercover and asks Lisa, Chris and Ernie to hide her from her manager. Rhonda starts teaching English to Italian man Enzo. However he strikes up a relationship with Ernie’s sister Lilian. Jackie arrives at Bob’s house and asks if she can stay. She says they could spend the night together with no one knowing; Bob says no.

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Waking Up Part 2

March 16, 198950m

Jackie tells Craig she’s pregnant. She thanks Bob for his support and friendship and apologies for crossing the line. Sandra spends time with Lisa and Chris who spend time reminiscing about their childhoods. Sandra performs at Patchetts Pacific however the crowd do not appreciate her gritty song which is far removed from her bubblegum pop image. Bob tells Elly he will be staying away from women moving forward. She sabotages his interview for a new housemate when she becomes jealous. During another argument, Craig tells Jackie she can’t go through with the pregnancy. She stabs him and continues to cook dinner whilst he sits bleeding. Craig calls for help and Elly and George arrive. Jackie is asked to come to the station and runs back into the house before George can get her. Bob manages to get into the house and talk Jackie down.

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The Big Day Part 1

March 22, 198950m

Sarah can’t remember her night out when she mixes alcohol with antihistamine. Bin helps her piece her evening together and it transpires she was taken in by Mormons. Enzo proposes to Lillian and she accepts. Local resident Lucky is wrongly accused of stealing bikes, however Sarah finds holes in George’s case. Whilst waving hello to Lucky, Elly loses concentration and crashes her car. She leaves a note for the driver however he does not take it well. It’s Martha’s birthday and she plans to have dinner with her son Steven. George feels sidelined as he feels after four years together he should have been introduced to Steven. George arrives at Martha’s and tells her he wants to be a part of her life. Martha confesses that she has spilt Steven and that he consistently lets her down. Steven doesn’t arrive until 3:30am and finds George at Martha’s house. Steven is put out that Martha doesn’t let him in, after she closes the door she breaks down to George.

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The Big Day Part 2

March 23, 198950m

Bob married Lillian and Enzo in a quick ceremony when they realise each of their families have organised separate receptions to celebrate their wedding. Sarah has a day in court representing cases from the local community. The judge scorns her for being ill prepared. Elly is also in court as the driver whose car she crashed into claims more damages than what she caused. The lawyer David has organised does not arrive, and the judge forces Sarah to represent Elly. Sarah manages to force a confession from the man in question, informing he knew Elly was a Dr and hoped to get more compensation from her. Elly thanks Sarah and the frost between the two seems to be thawing.

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Rags to Riches Part 1

March 29, 198950m

George starts to feel unwell and goes to see Elly. He confesses he has been taking medication purchased from a friend to help him stop drinking. Elly informs him that taking the medication without supervision has caused his illness. He insists he no longer has a drinking problem. Elly tells George she’s always there for him if he needs to talk. Martha asks Lisa to visit Wheels, the friend of Lisa’s older brother Sonny. Wheels lost movement in his legs after an accident and is now in a wheelchair. Lisa suggests Lucky move in with Wheels as the squat he lives in. Sarah receives Wheels compensation payment of $35,000.

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Rags to Riches Part 2

March 30, 198950m

Lucky’s girlfriend Jill befriends Wheels when she realises how much money he has. She talks him into buying a new car worth $28,000 and soon she pushes Lucky out of the equation. Claire invites her friend James over to stay. Together they invite James father Richard over for dinner and attempt to match make him with Elly. Elly and Richard call their bluff and tell them they will soon be married. Paul and Rhonda receive a phone bill for $200 due to all the reverse phone calls Rhonda has been accepting from her mother in Balina. She buys into a DIY jewellery business to make money however soon realised she has been conned and that she only gets paid on sale of the jewellery she makes. Wheels and Jill go out and he allows her to place a bet on a horse, which he loses. Jill dumps him in the car and he is left stranded by the roadside. Wheels returns and tells Lucky, Lisa and Chris what happened. Wheels apologises to Lucky and together they take off and leave Westside in Wheels’ new car.

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The Game Part 2

April 6, 198950m

Mario receives bad comments from locals at the pub. He loses his temper and smashes a crate full of glasses before walking out. Bob attempts to talk him around however he heads out on the job with Barry. Danny is shot during the crossfire and Mario is taken back into custody. The Wildcats learn more about Mai’s past and show a better understanding as they play and win their first game. George worries that the police station may be closed due to cuts in the area.

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Betrayed Part 1

April 19, 198950m

Lisa’s Mum Margaret welcomes her boyfriend Sam Bulmer back home; her first relationship since Lisa’s Dad died. George tells Martha that he arrested Sam Bulmer for sexual assault of a 15 year old girl some years ago. The case only closed because the girl changed her story on the witness stand as her parents wished to bury the incident. Claire is still upset with David and refuses to go to the beach with him unless Elly joins them. Elly reluctantly agrees. The family day out to a beach which holds romantic memories for Elly and David brings feelings back for Elly and she asks David to stay the night. He rejects her advances and leaves. Sam goes to the pub and makes it clear to Ernie that he cheated on Margaret several times whilst he was away. Sam then reprimands Lisa, accusing her of flirting with Chris and acting like a tart. Whilst Margaret is at work, Sam goes into Lisa’s bedroom and tries to touch her.

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Betrayed Part 2

April 20, 198950m

Margaret takes out her anger over Sam’s departure in Lisa. Lisa talks to Ernie who tells her stories about how Margaret used to come into the pub when she was younger and be the life and sound of the party. He tells Lisa he was in love with Margaret for a long time. Elly finds it hard to deal with the fact David is in love with Miki and invites him out for lunch. It’s obvious through the lunch that David is besotted with Miki and nothing Elly can say or do can change how he views her. Ernie and Martha both speak to Margaret about how she is treating Lisa. Margaret accuses Lisa of flaunting herself around the house and blames Lisa for what happened. Lisa goes to the pub and asks Ernie if she can rent a room before breaking down in his arms.

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Home Sweet Home Part 1

April 26, 198950m

Lisa is still staying at the pub and doing everything she can to avoid going home and seeing Margaret. Bob is concerned when a homeless pregnant teen turns up at the rectory and runs off before he can find her some accommodation. Bob later finds her and delivers her baby. David plans to take Claire away for the weekend with Miki. Martha encourages Elly to meet Miki before the weekend. Elly invites David and Miki to dinner and spends time planning the perfect meal. Chris goes on strike causing tension between he and Ernie. Lisa tells them they are like a second family to her and she wishes they would stop arguing and appreciate eachother. David and Miki have dinner with Elly and Claire. The evening goes well however the tension is evident. David shows little awareness of how Elly feels and tells her he thinks Miki is the one for him. Claire tells Elly that she doesn’t like Miki.

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Home Sweet Home Part 2

April 27, 1989

George tells Lisa that her dog Tipsy has been biting people and will be out down if she’s not looked after better. Lisa visits Margaret and asks her to look after Tipsy but Margaret says she can’t. Lisa takes Tipsy to the police station and is devastated as she hands Tipsy over. Later on Ernie tells Lisa that Tipsy can stay at the pub. Claire doesn’t want to go away with David and Miki for the weekend. Elly calls on David for help and he tries to persuade Claire to change her mind. David tells Miki he is going to cancel their weekend and will be spending the weekend with Claire by himself. Elly intervenes and tells Claire she has to go and tells David they can’t keep allowing Claire to run their love lives. Bob and Sarah help open a homeless shelter. Martha arrives at Elly’s with a pizza, a bottle of wine and a deck of cards to stop her from feeling lonely.

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