The Lone Ranger (1949)
The Lone Ranger is an American western television series that ran from 1949 to 1957, starring Clayton Moore with Jay Silverheels as Tonto. The live-action series initially featured Gerald Mohr as the episode narrator. Fred Foy served as both narrator and announcer of the radio series from 1948 to its finish and became announcer of the television version when story narration was dropped there. This was by far the highest-rated television program on the ABC network in the early 1950s and its first true "hit".
Series Cast
221 Episodes
The Lone Ranger
169 Episodes
The Lone Ranger, Duke
53 Episodes
Sheriff Jim Dixon, Sam Blake, Doc Andrews, Ed Bates and 7 more...
11 Episodes
Rocky Hanford, Dirk Nelson, Lew Cates, Andrew Gage and 7 more...
11 Episodes
Banty Bishop, Stage Driver Hutch, Tom Peters, Ed Dudley and 5 more...
9 Episodes
Sheriff Briggs, Sheriff Lake, Sheriff Craven, Sheriff (uncredited) and 3 more...
7 Episodes
Dan Reid
6 Episodes
Ben, Al Davis - Henchman, Mike Barty, Henchman Mace and 2 more...
6 Episodes
Last Season
Season 5
Season 5 of The Lone Ranger premiered on September 13, 1956.
Content Score
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