Epizódok 74


Herr Dr. Tenma

2004. április 6.24m

Znany neurochirurg Kenzo Tenma, mając już dość szpitalnej polityki, staje przed trudną decyzją, która niesie poważne konsekwencje.


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2004. április 13.24m

Operacja chłopca się udaje, lecz burmistrz ma mniej szczęścia. Perspektywy Tenmy w szpitalu dobiegają końca, a jego zaręczyny zostają odwołane.


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Murder Case

2004. április 20.24m

Tenma dowiaduje się o śmierci osób odpowiedzialnych za jego upadek. Choć jest głównym podejrzanym, jego kariera znów nabiera rozpędu.


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Night of the Execution

2004. április 26.24m

Lunge bezskutecznie przesłuchuje Junkersa po jego operacji. Gdy Tenmie udaje się zachęcić go do szczerości, następuje kolejne tajemnicze zabójstwo.


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The Girl From Heidelberg

2004. május 4.24m

Bystra studentka Nina Fortner zaczyna otrzymywać dziwne e-maile. Śledztwo Tenmy prowadzi go do mieszkania pewnego starca.


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Disappearance Report

2004. május 12.24m

Tenma i Maurer wspólnie próbują uchronić Ninę przed zagrożeniem, lecz ta postanawia, że spotkanie z anonimowym autorem wiadomości może przywrócić jej pamięć.


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Mansion of Tragedy

2004. május 19.24m

Tenma i Nina dokonują szokującego odkrycia w domu Fortnerów. Kiedy przybywa dwóch detektywów, by zabrać ich na posterunek, Tenma podejrzewa, że nie mówią prawdy.


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The Fugitive

2004. május 26.24m

Tenma wraca do pracy po tym, jak Nina zostawia mu notkę i znika. Inspektor Lunge odwiedza Evę, by zapytać o krawat znaleziony na miejscu zbrodni.


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The Girl and the Seasoned Soldier

2004. június 2.24m

Lunge przesłuchuje byłego żołnierza Bernhardta w temacie miejsca pobytu Tenmy. Pięć miesięcy wcześniej Tenma uczy się strzelać z broni palnej i nabiera kondycji.


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A Past Erased

2004. június 9.24m

Szukając Johana, Tenma spotyka doświadczonego włamywacza Heckela, który oferuje mu pomoc w zamian za wykonanie podejrzanego zabiegu medycznego.


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511 Kinderheim

2004. június 16.24m

Tenma odwiedza rezydencję Liebertów w Berlinie, gdzie dorastali Johan i Anna. Od jednego z miejscowych dowiaduje się, że przybyli z opuszczonego już sierocińca.


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A Little Experiment

2004. június 23.24m

Erna opowiada zaniepokojonemu Tenmie o mrocznej historii 511 Kinderheim i przeznaczeniu tego miejsca. Dieter przyjmuje w szpitalu niechcianego gościa.


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Petra and Schumann

2004. június 30.24m

Podczas podróży Tenma i Dieter trafiają do wioski, gdzie wiedza medyczna i pomocna natura Tenmy przyciągają uwagę miejscowego lekarza.


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Left Behind

2004. július 7.24m

Lunge prowadzi śledztwo w sprawie morderstwa prostytutki mającej powiązania z politykiem. Eva odwiedza go w jego biurze, by zapytać o śledztwo w sprawie Tenmy.


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Be My Baby

2004. július 14.24m

Nina idzie do baru we Frankfurcie pod przykrywką, aby spróbować znaleźć miejsce pobytu Johana. Tenma podąża za nią dzięki informacjom uzyskanym od źródła Niny.


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Wolf's Confession

2004. július 21.24m

Nina odkrywa spisek mający na celu spalenie tureckiej dzielnicy we Frankfurcie. Pojmany Tenma zostaje pobity, a Dieter dowiaduje się, że potrącił go samochód.


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2004. július 28.24m

Tenma przeciwstawia się Wolfowi i wraca do Frankfurtu, by udaremnić spisek. Nina przy użyciu broni próbuje się dowiedzieć, gdzie zostanie podłożony ogień.


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Five Sugars

2004. augusztus 4.24m

Po przesłuchaniu w sprawie pożaru Nina spotyka się ze swoim starym znajomym Rosso i wspomina czasy, kiedy pracowała w jego włoskiej restauracji.


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Monster's Abyss

2004. augusztus 11.24m

Tenma odwiedza starego przyjaciela, policyjnego psychologa Gillena, aby porozmawiać o Johanie. Atmosfera się zagęszcza, gdy Gillen zaczyna podejrzewać Tenmę o zabójstwo.


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Journey to Freiham

2004. augusztus 18.24m

W drodze do Freiham Tenma i Dieter łapią autostop. Podwozi ich starsze angielskie małżeństwo. Mąż, były policjant, nabiera podejrzeń wobec Tenmy.


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Happy Holidays

2004. augusztus 25.24m

Już na emeryturze, detektyw Muller zatrudnia śledczego, aby uzyskać najnowsze informacje o Tenmie, Ninie and Messnerze. Zwierza się też ochroniarzowi w sprawie Fortnerów.


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Lunge's Trap

2004. szeptember 1.24m

Lunge prowadzi śledztwo w sprawie zabójstwa pary w średnim wieku w Hamburgu i wykorzystuje sprawę, aby zwabić Tenmę w pułapkę.


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Eva's Confession

2004. szeptember 8.24m

Po zakrapianej nocy Eva budzi się w celi komisariatu policji i zauważa, że nie ma przy sobie torby. Wkrótce poznaje Roberta.


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Of Men and Dining

2004. szeptember 15.24m

W Fussen Tenma leczy mężczyznę, który miał kiedyś związki z podziemiem, i odkrywa, że Johan prawdopodobnie działał w jego organizacji przestępczej.


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Thursday's Boy

2004. szeptember 29.24m

Bogaty, starszy mężczyzna Schuwald zatrudnia studentów, żeby czytali mu co wieczór. Jeden z nich, Karl, zaczyna węszyć w sprawie jego podejrzanych działań.


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The Secret Woods

2004. október 6.24m

Na prośbę Schuwalda prywatny detektyw bada sprawę samobójstwa Fahrena. Karl spotyka się z Johanem i opowiada mu o swoim dzieciństwie w domach zastępczych.


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2004. október 13.24m

Richard chce odnowić więzi z rodziną i stara się odeprzeć pokusę picia. Karl musi podjąć trudne decyzje rodzinne.


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Just One Case

2004. október 20.24m

Po tym, jak Schuwald każe mu zaprzestać śledztwa w sprawie zgonu Fahrena, Richard dokonuje rewizji nierozwiązanych spraw zabójstw i zauważa, że są ze sobą powiązane.


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2004. október 27.24m

W ramach śledztwa Richard obserwuje Johana, a następnie spotyka się z dwojgiem ludzi, którzy mogą być jego rodzicami. Reichwein rozmawia o Johanie z Gillenem.


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2004. november 3.24m

Reichwein wątpi w to, co rzekomo przytrafiło się Richardowi, i rozpoczyna własne śledztwo, stawiając się w niebezpiecznym położeniu.


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In Broad Daylight

2004. november 10.24m

Dr. Tenma and Dr. Reichwen finally meet. Dr. Reichwen intends to proof Dr. Tenma's innocence in the homicides, but Dr. Tenma has other ideas.


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2004. november 17.24m

Lotte, Frank and Karl are drifting apart. Lotte meets Nina Fortner and they become friends. Dr. Tenma searches for a perfect spot to shoot Johan.


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A Child's View

2004. november 24.24m

Dieter learns of a life threatening game that children are playing. Mr. Schuwald decides to donate his whole book collection to the Munich University Library under the suggestion of Karl and Johan.


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At the Edge of Darkness

2004. december 1.24m

The 'Margot Langer' impostor tries to blackmail Johan. Dr. Tenma helps a young 'doctor' at an illegal clinic


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My Nameless Hero

2004. december 8.24m

Lunge tries to get into Dr. Tenma's mind by pretending to be him. Dr. Gillen learns something about Johan during an interview with a psychotic killer. Dr. Reichwen tries to warn the Lieberts of Johan's true nature. Dr. Tenma scouts for a perfect sniping location.


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The Monster of Chaos

2004. december 15.24m

Dr. Reichwein reveals the true nature of Johan to Mr. Schuwald. Dr. Tenma gets ready to assassinate Johan. Lunge concludes that Dr. Tenma will kill Schuwald next. Lotte confronts Nina about Johan.


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A Nameless Monster

2005. január 12.24m

The episode begins with a fairy tale about a Monster without a name. Nina reads the story from the picture book and has a sense of deja vu. Johan's evil plans for the book donation ceremony is carried out. Dr. Tenma meets a big obstacle in his attempt to kill Johan.


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The Demon in My Eyes

2005. január 19.24m

Dr. Tenma has a gun pointed at Roberto, but Roberto has the rifle pointed at him. Nina, Dr.Reichwen and Dieter arrive to find the whole library in flames. People are trapped inside and the doors are all locked. Karl reads the report on his mother's life and death. Dr. Tenma tries to rescue those trapped in the building. Johan reveals the monster inside of him to Schuwald.


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The Hell in His Eyes

2005. január 26.24m

Lunge, from the BKA, learns that Johan may indeed exist. Nina goes into regressive hypnosis to learn more about the picture book and her past. Mr. Schuwald has a message for Dr. Tenma and sends Karl to Dresden to pass it to him.


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2005. február 2.24m

The episode introduces Grimmer. Grimmer is a freelance journalist doing an in-depth research into the abuses in the orphanages in East Germany. Grimmer meets with Dr. Tenma during their trip to Prague, and they become more acquainted when Tenma is faced with an immigration problem.


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Ghosts of 511

2005. február 9.24m

Grimmer stubbornly stalks Petrov for his experimental research papers chronicaling the abuses at Kinderheim 511, but he gets a surprise instead.


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The Adventures of the Magnificent Steiner

2005. február 16.24m

Grimmer has the key that Petrov gave him, and a former Czechoslovakian secret police organization wants it. Caught and tortured, Grimmer tells his abductors about 'the Magnificent Steiner'.


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Detective Suk

2005. február 23.24m

A new inspector, detective Suk is on the case of Zeman's homicide. During his investigation, he discovers that there is more to Zeman's murder than first assumed. Suk also meets a lady whom he falls head over hills for


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Double Darkness

2005. március 2.24m

After the death of his seniors, Suk is left to re-investigate case from the very beginning. He gets information from the orphans about a meeting with Grimmer. His intention to arrest Grimmer takes a different turn however when he gets deeper into the investigation. The episode also reveals that there is more to the nameless lady at the bar than she lets on.


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The Monster's Afterimage

2005. március 9.24m

Suk is put under surveillance by the new commissioner. Together with Grimmer, Suk retrieves the tape and research papers from the deposit box. But their movements is watched by various sides.


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2005. március 16.24m

Dr. Tenma learns about Suk's fugitive status from a journalist. And sets out to find him. Meanwhile, Suk and Grimmer goes into hiding, but is quickly found, surrounded and attacked by the STB. The STB's assault comes to a bloody end.


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The Door to Nightmares

2005. március 23.24m

Nina's experience in Prague is a nightmare for her. Tenma and Grimmer meets with a top man in the Czechoslovakian STB. They are offered a deal which Grimmer refuses to accept.


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The Scariest Thing

2005. március 30.24m

Johan visits Suk's mother. Tenma and Grimmer learns of his visit. They, including Col. Ranke, listen to Johan's tape. Lunge arrives in Prague for a 'holiday'. His investigation leads him to the sketches of Franz Bonaparta.


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The Cruelest Thing

2005. április 6.24m

Grimmer and Tenma tries to stop Johan from subjecting Milo, one of the orphans, to one of the most cruel fate.


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The Rose Mansion

2005. április 13.24m

Lunge investigates the secret behind the Red Rose Mansion. Tenma and Grimmer separate, but Tenma finds himself in trouble.


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The Monster's Love Letter

2005. április 20.24m

Schubert, with the help of Reichwein, re-explores his past with Karl Neumann's real mother and realizes his link to Johan. As news of Tenma's arrest spreads, various people react with shock and horror, with the exception of Eva Heinemann, who is insistent that Tenma pay dearly for rejecting her. Suk tries to leave the hospital he is in to try to help Tenma, but is stopped by the Prague Police who inform him that Grimmer has sent a note to them exonerating Suk from any involvement of the deaths of the police officers. Runge also gets news of the arrest as well, but he is more interested in the Mansion of Red Roses, where he obtains a letter possibly addressed to the twins' mother. Tenma is deported back to Dusseldorf.


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The Lawyer

2005. április 27.24m

Former patients of Eisler Memorial Hospital enlist the aid of Alfred Baul, a lawyer, to represent Tenma. Baul in turn asks for the assistance of Fritz Vardemann. Vardemann visits Tenma in prison, and agrees to take on the defense, but is then called to the hospital when his wife goes into labor with their first child. When Baul visits Tenma in prison, Tenma is shocked to see that Baul is Roberto. Roberto then says that Eva Heinemann will be his next target.


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2005. május 4.24m

After hearing Roberto's threat against Eva, Tenma decides to confess to all charges against him so he can be placed in the same van transporting a prisoner to a Federal Penetentary as the prisoner is arranging for a jailbreak.


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The Escape

2005. május 11.24m

Tenma and Milch are on the run with the injured Gustav and Helene. Eva finds her life in danger when she discovers that the attorney she's supposed to meet, Mr.Baul, is none other than Roberto.


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Room 402

2005. május 18.24m

Dr. Tenma takes Verderman hostage in a desperate search for Eva. And Verderman's dark past is revealed.


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The Never-Ending Journey

2005. május 25.24m

Nina and Dieter enters the Red Rose Mansion, but Nina faints from her disturbing experience. And they end up in the care of a puppeteer name Lipsky.


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That Night

2005. június 1.24m

A flashback to Johan’s and Nina’s past, to the time before the Liebert’s homicides reveals the reason behind Johan’s killing. Police makes a startling discovery at the burnt down mansion. Tenma finally learns where Eva is. And Lunge reveals Lipsky’s true identity.


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I Hate This Job

2005. június 8.24m

Martin, a hired hand, is hired by General Wolf's ex-associates to ‘take care’ of Eva. But his emotions get in the way of his orders.


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The Man Who Saw the Devil

2005. június 15.24m

Tenma manages to find Martin. A drunken Eva spots Johan at a party. Martin receives his final orders from his boss but his feelings gets in the way. And Martin gets way over his head when he tries to investigate Johan and his disciple, and the truth about his past is revealed.


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The Man Who Knew Too Much

2005. június 22.24m

Martin’s attempt to save Eva costs him his life, his last minutes with Tenma reveals a terrible secrets about Martin’s boss, Peter Chapek and the about the experiments.


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The Door to Memories

2005. június 29.24m

Nina returns to the apartment that she lived in with her mother and Johan and encounters another memory. She then returns to Munich and Dr. Reichwein where she volunteers for hypnosis to find the truth behind these memories. After she nearly kills Dr. Gillen in a hypnotic rage, she leaves Dr. Reichwein's house to try to stop Tenma from killing her brother. Meanwhile, Suk and Vardemann team up to interview former residents of the Mansion of Red Roses to gather information on Franz Bonaparta's reading sessions with his picture books, and for Vardemann to find out more about his father's true involvement.


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A Pleasant Dinner Table

2005. július 6.24m

While trying to escape from police in Frankfurt, Tenma is hit by a van. He awakes in the Turkish Quarter of the city, the same one that he saved from The Baby's plot. The man who saved him plans to kill Petr Capek at a convention, but he fails at this task and is shot dead. Nina, in Frankfurt, sees the picture of Petr Capek and it triggers yet another memory.


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Unrelated Murders

2005. július 13.24m

Egon Weisbach was one of the first investigators in the murder of the Liebert parents. On his last day on the job before retirement, he is escorting a convicted serial murderer but wants to know why he killed someone who did not fit his modus operandi. At the same time, Dr. Gillen is interviewing several murderers wondering why they killed someone who also did not fit their usual targets. Both realize that all these criminals committed murders outside their usual scope at the request of a young man, presumably Johan.


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The Baby's Depression

2005. július 20.24m

The Baby is killed by a prostitute, and his death sends shockwaves in Petr Capek's organization. Capek becomes paranoid as to who is loyal or not and accidentally kills one of his guards. He makes it to his cottage where Johan is waiting for him.


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Johan's Footprints

2005. július 27.24m

Capek tries to berate Johan for his actions and tells him that everything should be done according to Capek's plans but Johan simply disagrees and disappears. Capek realizes his hold on his organization is crumbling and has his men pick up Nina in Frankfurt. Eva accosts the young man who was introduced to Johan, Christof Sievernich, demanding answers.


Stáb 15

Rendezte: Kojiro Tsuruoka

Írta: Masahiro Hayashi

Vendégszereplők 13 Összes szereplő és stábtag

  1. Mami Koyama

    Eva (voice)

  2. Mamiko Noto

    Nina (voice)

  3. Nobuo Tanaka

    Petr Capek (voice)

  4. Masashi Hironaka

    Christof (voice)

  5. Koji Yada

    Mustafa (voice)

  6. Mami Matsui

    Sumer (voice)

  7. Mami Horikoshi

    Muin (voice)

  8. Akiko Takeguchi

    Suleiman (voice)

  9. Yuuko Sasamoto

    Thun (voice)

  10. Saburo Kamei

    Inspector (voice)

  11. Ken Narita

    Criminal A (voice)

  12. Eiji Hanawa

    Criminal B (voice)

  13. Yasushi Miyabayashi

    Bodyguard (voice)

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Welcome Home

2005. augusztus 3.24m

Capek reveals to Nina that her and her twin brother Johan are the products of a eugenics experiment designed to breed "the perfect children". Tenma has wounded Christof and is driving him and Eva to the hospital while demanding answers on Petr Capek. While Eva makes a phone call at a payphone, Tenma sneaks away.


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I'm Back

2005. augusztus 10.24m

Nina confronts Johan who presents her with a story on what happened when many people were poisoned at the Mansion of Red Roses. Nina realizes that she was the one who witnessed these deaths, the shock of this revelation nearly drives her to suicide, but she is saved by Tenma. Capek is gunned down by members of his organization when they find out about the guard that Capek killed.


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2005. augusztus 17.24m

With a postcard obtained by Lipsky, Lunge arrives in Ruhenheim. There he meets up with Grimmer, whose research has led him to this town as well. A working-class couple in this town realize they win the lottery and fearing that everyone else wants to kill them, the husband buys an arsenal of weapons.


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The Peaceful House

2005. augusztus 24.24m

Lunge and Grimmer conclude something terrible is happening in Ruhenheim when random gunshots ring out, people are either murdered or disappearing, and any links out of town is flooded by torrential rain. As Nina recovers in a nearby hospital, Tenma, using a lead from Capek, travels to Prague and meets with Lipsky and determines that Johan is in Ruhenheim.


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The Town Massacre

2005. augusztus 31.24m

As time passes, more people in Ruhenheim are being shot dead by mysterious people and each other. Both Grimmer and Lunge determine that the owner of a local hotel is Klaus Poppe, also known as Franz Bonaparta. After subduing a man who was giving weapons to everyone in the town, they obtain information that one of the ringleaders is in a second hotel.


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The Wrath of the Magnificent Steiner

2005. szeptember 7.24m

Tenma runs into Lunge, the latter apologizing for his previous accusations against Tenma. Nina and Dr. Gillen rush to Ruhenheim. After the winning lottery couple is wounded in an attack on Bonaparta's hotel, Grimmer rushes out to the streets to reason with the unknown assailants.


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A Nameless Man

2005. szeptember 14.24m

Lunge confronts Roberto, one of the ringleaders, in a hotel room. Both are subsequently wounded in the fight. Nina and Gillen arrive in Ruhenheim where they find a house containing drawings of the two twins by Bonaparta. This triggers a final memory and the secret to Johan's madness and motives, his quest for true solitude, as well as forgiveness for his actions. Bonaparta accompanies Tenma on his quest to find and kill Johan.


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Scenery for a Doomsday

2005. szeptember 21.24m

Bonaparta attempts to shoot Johan dead, but is gunned down by Roberto, who dies of his own injuries soon afterwards. With the massacre now over, authorities rush into the town and attempt to determine what happened. Just as an officer is about to arrest Dr. Tenma, an ambulance worker arrives asking for Tenma's assistance.


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The Real Monster

Évad befejezés
2005. szeptember 28.24m

It has been some time since the tragic blood battle, and everyone is working hard to put their lives back to normal. Tenma finally locates a woman he has been searching for, and she reveals some startling information.


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Tévéepizód oldalakon

(jobbra nyíl) ugrás a következő részre
(balra nyíl) vissza az előző részre

Minden kép oldalon

a kép hozzáadása ablak megnyitása

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t fordítás választó megnyitása
ctrl+ s submit form

On discussion pages

n create new discussion
w toggle watching status
p toggle public/private
c toggle close/open
a open activity
r reply to discussion
l ugrás az utolsó válaszhoz
ctrl+ enter submit your message
(jobbra nyíl) következő oldal
(balra nyíl) előző oldal


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