Paul Salisbury — Writer

Episodes 2

Protective measures

January 1, 20231h 28m

Freddy Schenk is alarmed because an arson attack has been carried out on his daughter Sonja's restaurant. In the burned-out "magic lamp" the police find a body that has been charred beyond recognition. Freddy Schenk begins the investigation together with Max Ballauf. But first he wants to ensure that Sonja, his granddaughter Frida and Sonja's partner Karim find shelter in a police shelter. After the fire it is impossible for them to stay at home, directly above the restaurant. The KTU has not yet found any evidence at the crime scene that would indicate why the fire was started. What is clear is that the dead man appears to be the arsonist himself. However, he did not die in the fire, according to forensic pathologist Dr. Roth states...

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Episode 33

December 3, 20231h 30m

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