Episodes 26


La nuit éternelle

December 1, 198824m

1er janvier 796 S.C. / 487 I.C. : dans le système stellaire Astarte, une flotte de 20 000 vaisseaux spatiaux impériaux sous le commandement de Reinhard von Lohengramm est sur le point d'être acculée par trois flottes de l'Alliance de 13 000 vaisseaux chacune. Contre l'avis de ses subordonnés, Reinhard décide de frapper en premier afin de vaincre chaque flotte avant qu'elle ne puisse se rejoindre. Les commandants alliés, se fiant à une cote globale de 2 à 1, ne s'y attendent pas et réfutent les conseils de Yang Wen-li de regrouper rapidement leurs forces.

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La bataille d'Astarte

December 1, 198824m

Après la destruction des 4ème et 6ème flottes, la flotte de Reinhard engage la 2ème flotte. Quand son commandant est blessé, Yang prend le commandement et parvient à échapper à une destruction totale. Dans Phezzan, Adrian Rubinsky, administrateur de la planète, et Nikola Boltik, son principal conseiller, font des commentaires sur la bataille et notent qu'elle ne changera rien à la situation stratégique.

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La naissance de la treizième flotte

December 1, 198824m

A Heinessen (capitale de l'Alliance des planètes libres), se tient un mémorial pour les soldats morts à la bataille d'Astarte. Le discours belliciste de Job Trüniht, secrétaire à la Défense, est interrompu par Jessica Edwards, dont le fiancé a été tué dans la bataille : elle lui demande pourquoi les partisans de la guerre sacrifient toujours la vie des autres en se cachant dans des endroits plus sûrs. En rentrant chez elle, elle est attaquée par des membres du Patriotic Knights Corps (P.K.C.), une organisation nationaliste secrètement dirigée par Trüniht. Elle est sauvée par ses amis Yang et Dusty Attenborough et échappe de justesse à la mort. Le lendemain, Yang est promu vice-amiral au commandement de la 13e flotte nouvellement formée. Sa mission : prendre la forteresse d'Iserlohn, une station spatiale puissante qui a repoussé toutes les attaques.

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Le crépuscule de l'Empire

December 1, 198824m

A Odin (planète capitale de l'Empire galactique), Reinhard est promu amiral impérial après sa victoire à Astarte. Avec son ami Siegfried Kircheis, il rend visite à sa sœur aînée Annerose, la favorite de l'Empereur. Lors d'un flashback, Kircheis se souvient comment lui et Reinhard sont devenus amis, comment Annerose a été emmenée loin de chez elle pour devenir la préférée de l'Empereur et comment ils en sont venus à détester les grands nobles et la dynastie Goldenbaum.

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La rébellion de Castrop

January 1, 198924m

Une nouvelle amirauté est créée pour Reinhard. Il choisit des roturiers et des petits nobles pour commander ses flottes : August Samuel Wahlen, Cornelius Lutz, Karl Gustav Kempf, Fritz Josef Bittenfeld, Ernest Mecklinger, Wolfgang Mittermeyer et Oskar von Reuenthal. Maximilien von Kastrop s'est rebellé contre l'Empire. Il se croit en sécurité grâce au "Collier Artémis", un système de satellites puissamment armés, construit avec l'aide de Phezzan. Reinhard envoie une flotte sous le commandement de Kircheis pour mettre fin à la rébellion. Il parvient à détruire le collier. Kastrop est tué par ses serviteurs et est la seule victime de l'opération.

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Les chevaliers de la rose

January 1, 198924m

Yang décide de prendre Iserlohn par ruse. Les Rosen Ritter (Chevaliers de la rose), une unité de combat terrestre composée d'exilés impériaux, se feront passer pour un équipage impérial et infiltreront la forteresse. Le personnel de Yang est présenté : Murai, Patrichev, Fischer (un maître des manœuvres de la flotte) et Frederica Greenhill, fille de l'amiral Dwight Greenhill. La flotte d'Iserlohn est attirée loin de la forteresse par des leurres. Lorsqu'un vaisseau spatial impérial endommagé demande de l'aide, le commandant d'Iserlohn, qui ne sait pas où se trouve sa flotte à cause du brouillage radar, l'autorise à accoster...

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Crew 6

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Written by: Hiroshi Toda

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L'invasion d'Iserlohn

January 1, 198924m

14 mai 796 S.C. / 487 I.C. : un faux vaisseau spatial impérial accoste à Iserlohn. Walter von Schenkopp, commandant du Rosen Ritter, prétend avoir des informations importantes et prend le contrôle du centre de commandement. La flotte de l'Iserlohn revient, pour être détruite par l'arme principale de la forteresse, le "Marteau de Thor". La chute d'Iserlohn change radicalement l'équilibre stratégique : Yang espère que cela mènera à un traité de paix. De retour à Heinessen, il veut démissionner, mais il est promu vice-amiral.

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De froids yeux artificiels amovibles

January 1, 198924m

Paul von Oberstein, chef d'état-major de la flotte d'Iserlohn, est en difficulté. Il a vu le plan de Yang, mais son commandant ne l'a pas écouté, et il s'est enfui avant la destruction de la flotte. Les trois chefs de la flotte impériale démissionnent, mais veulent le rendre responsable de la défaite. Oberstein rencontre Reinhard et explique comment, comme lui, il déteste les grands nobles et la dynastie Goldenbaum, et offre son aide. Reinhard accepte et obtient son pardon en conseillant à l'Empereur de refuser la démission des chefs.

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L'incident Klopstock

February 1, 198924m

Il y a trente ans, le marquis Klopstock a été exilé de la cour impériale. Il demande au prince Braunschweig, gendre de l'Empereur, de demander pardon en son nom. Braunschweig l'invite à l'anniversaire de sa fille. Le but réel de Klopstock est d'apporter une bombe pour tuer l'Empereur, qui sera là. A la fête, Reinhard se heurte au baron Flegel. La bombe est enlevée par accident et fait peu de dégâts. Klopstock se suicide et l'incident est gardé secret.

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Le combat de Jessica

February 1, 198924m

Yang est envoyé à Thernussen (la deuxième plus grande ville de Heinessen) avec son pupille, Julian Minci, pour assister à une cérémonie à l'Académie militaire. Il rencontre Jessica Edwards, qui fait campagne pour le candidat du Parti de la Paix aux prochaines élections. Nous apprenons que Yang, tout en étant loyal à la démocratie, n'a aucun amour pour les politiciens actuels. Le P.K.C. pose une bombe au siège du Parti de la Paix, tuant le candidat, mais leur plan se retourne contre lui lorsque Jessica, qui est le nouveau candidat du Parti de la Paix, remporte une victoire écrasante.

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La sortie d'une actrice

February 1, 198924m

Susanna von Benemünde, a former favorite of the Emperor, wants to get rid of Annerose and win back the Emperor's love. She teams up with Flegel, who hopes that a scandal involving Annerose will lead to Reinhard's downfall. Annerose is abducted: she is to be killed and found with a supposed lover from the lower class. She is rescued by Kircheis, Reuenthal, Mittermeyer and Oberstein. Benemünde is forced to commit suicide. Flegel has been smart enough to leave no proof of his involvement, but Oberstein and Reinhard suspect him anyway.

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L'invasion de l'Empire

February 1, 198924m

In the Free Planets Alliance, the capture of Iserlohn has intoxicated the public, the military and the politicians. It is possible to invade the Empire from Iserlohn, and many people think it's time to conclude the crusade against tyranny. In the High Council, Joan Lebello (Secretary of Treasure) and Hwan Lewi (Secretary of Human Resources) think it's better to sign a peace treaty because the economy in on the verge of collapsing, but the Chairman explains that they will lose the next election unless they achieve a substantial military victory, so the High Council decides to invade the Empire; only Trüniht sides with Lebello and Lewi. The invasion plan is drafted by commodore Andrew Fork, an ambitious man so sure of the righteousness of the war that he discards any objections, especially those made by Yang, as siding with the enemy. The Free Planet Alliance will send a force of 8 fleets, 30 million men and 200 000 spaceships under the command of admiral Lazar Lobos, with admiral Greenhill as second-in-command. Meanwhile, in Phezzan, Rubinsky warns the Imperial High Commissioner that the Free Planets Alliance is planning a full scale invasion of the Empire.

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Quand vient la triste pluie d'automne...

March 1, 198924m

August, 22, 796 S.C. /487 I.C.: the invasion of the Empire has begun. Reinhard implements a scorched earth strategy: all food is taken from the frontier zone, so the "Liberation force" of the Free Planets Alliance will be forced to feed the inhabitants. Reinhard plans to attack the invading fleets when their supply lines will be overstretched. Commodore Ulrich Kesler carries out the orders but, in the process, has to face someone from his past.

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Libération du territoire envahi

March 1, 198924m

The Free Planets Alliance fleet has conquered more than 200 star systems (50 million inhabitants) without fighting. In Iserlohn, vice-admiral Alex Cazellnu drafts a supply plan, but he is worried about such a heavy burden: for him, Reinhard clearly wants the Free Planets Alliance to exhaust its resources on behalf of the liberated planets. The supply fleet is destroyed by Kircheis because Fork didn't think such an attack was possible. Yang, fearing a scorched earth policy, convinces his fellow fleet commanders to ask for a withdrawal. Riots break out on many planets because of the food shortage and the looting of the soldiers. Fork experiences a case of hysterical blindness in the face of his plan's failure. In Phezzan, Rubinsky grants a new loan to the Free Planets Alliance to maintain the balance: he hopes to economically control both the Empire and the Alliance. October, 10, 796 S.C. / 487 I.C.: Reinhard orders to launch the counterattack.

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The Free Planets Alliance fleet are attacked: the 3rd, 7th and 12th fleets are destroyed and the 5th, 8th, 9th and 10th fleets are heavily damaged; only the 13th Fleet has managed to escape without taking too much damage. Admiral Lobos orders the fleets to regroup in the Amlitzer Starzone. Reinhard orders his admirals to regroup in the same area in order to destroy the remaining fleets. The Free Planets Alliance Fleet suffer further losses during the battle of Amlitzer Starzone (October, 15, 796 S.C. / 487 I.C.).

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La nouvelle vague

March 1, 198924m

End of the battle of Amlitzer: Yang's 13th Fleet keeps the Imperial Fleet at bay, allowing admiral Bucock to withdraw the remaining fleets. After that, Yang manages to escape destruction (once again). Meanwhile, the Emperor dies without appointing an heir. Reinhard teams up with premier Lichtenlade in order to crown Erwin Josef II, one of the late emperor's three grandchildren. Prince Braunschweig and marquis Littenheim, fathers of the two others, prepare to seek revenge. Back in the Free Planets Alliance, Trüniht is appointed temporary chairman of the High Council, Bucock commander-in-chief of the Fleet, and Yang commander of Iserlohn. he takes all his staff with him, plus Attenborough and a new officer, Julian Minci, and hopes to have Alex Cazellnu appointed as commissioner of the fortress. Meanwhile, in Phezzan, Rubinsky takes his orders from the Grand Bishop of the Earth Cult.

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Avant la tempête

April 1, 198924m

Julian Minci asks Frederica Greenhill how Yang became the "Hero of El Facil": 9 years ago. The Free Planets Alliance fleet, led by Arthur Lynch, fled the approaching Imperial Fleet, leaving 3 million people behind; Yang, one of the few officers left, organized the evacuation while the Alliance Fleet was defeated. Meanwhile, in the Empire, Reinhard thinks a civil war is about to break out; in order to avoid an intervention form the Alliance, he decides to infiltrate Lynch in the Alliance to stage a military coup. The move is hidden behind an exchange of 2 million prisoners of war. End of 796 S.C. / 487 I.C.

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Le pacte secret de Lippstat

April 1, 198924m

Prince Brauschweig and marquis Littenheim team up to overthrow the young Emperor and get rid of Reinhard. Count Franz von Mariendorf wants to join the conspiracy, but his daughter, Hildegard persuade him not to do so because a new order is rising under Reinhard. She goes to Reinhard and offer her family's allegiance. The high nobles create the Lippstadt League, led by Braunschweig and Littenheim; admiral von Merkatz agrees (although reluctantly) to command their military forces. April, 6, 797 S.C. / 488 I.C.: Reinhard strikes first and manages to arrest many conspirators, but Brauschweig and Littenheim flee and regroup most of their forces in the Geiesburg Fortress.

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L'appareillage de la flotte de Yang

April 1, 198924m

Andrew Fork is released from the Hospital. Fork attempts to assassinate HQ chief Kubersly. Reinhard decides to lead the main fleet against Geiesburg while Kircheis, helped by vice-admirals Lutz and Wahlen, will take control of the other areas. Meanwhile, in the Free Planets Alliance, a military uprising begins (April 3, 797 S.C. / 488 I.C.). In Heinessen, a military coup overthrows the High Council (April, 13): the National Salvation Military Council, led by admiral Greenhill, suspends the democratic institutions. Trüniht goes into hiding. Yang decide to fight for democracy : the 13th Fleets leaves Iserlohn (April, 20) while the 11th Fleet goes out to stop it.

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Effusion de sang dans l'espace

April 1, 198924m

The Lippstadt League plans to draw Reinhard to Geiesburg in order to defeat him in a decisive battle. As a part of this plan, admiral Staaden has to lead a fleet to Odin in order to cut Reinhard's fleet from its base. Mittermeyer is sent to intercept Staaden, whose fleet is crushed during the battle of Altener and withdraws to the Rentenberg fortress. Reinhard decides to take the fortress, but the boarding parties are repelled by the garrison, led by admiral Ovlesser. An assault led by Mittermeyer and Reuenthal succeeds, and Ovlesser is taken prisoner. Reinhard wants to execute him, but Oberstein advises to send him back to Geiesburg. Ovlesser is released, but is executed by Braunschweig who thinks he was freed because he turned against him. Fear of treason spreads among the Lippstadt League.

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Schenkopp takes control of the rebel planets on behalf of the Yang fleet. The National Salvation Military Council sends commodore Bagdashu to Yang to pose as a traitor to the coup in order to kill him, but Schenkopp manages to take him away. Yang's 13th Fleet meets the 11th Fleet in the Doria star system; the 11th Fleet is destroyed because its commanders turn down Yang's proposal of surrender. After the battle, Bagdashu decides to join Yang because his victory is certain. Meanwhile, in Heinessen, a peaceful gathering against the coup is held in a stadium. When the army tries to scatter it, it turns into a riot, and thousands are killed, including Jessica Edwards.

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Courage et Loyauté

May 1, 198924m

Littenheim leaves Geiesburg with his fleet to recover the territories conquered by Kircheis. Because of its lack of discipline and overconfidence of its commanders, the Littenheim Fleet is defeated; while running away, Littenheim's spaceship opens fire on allies who are in the way. In the Garmisch fortress, Littenheim is killed by his men, enraged by such an attitude. Meanwhile, Reinhard's fleet arrives in the area of Geiesburg. The Lippstadt Fleet attacks him but is utterly beaten and barely avoids complete destruction thanks to admiral Merkatz.

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La chute des Goldenbaum

May 1, 198924m

And uprising takes place in Westerland, one of Braunschweig's territories. He decides to kill all the inhabitants by a nuclear strike. Reinhard hears about the plan and wants to send a fleet to stop it, but Oberstein thinks it's better to let it happen, record it and use this monstruous act as a propaganda tool against the high nobles. Reinhard is against it, but Oberstein's plan succeeds because he lied about the time of the strike. The images are nevertheless broadcasted in all the Empire: Reinhard becomes the hero of the commoners and, even in Geiesburg, many think its time to get rid of the high nobles. The Lippstadt Fleet makes a last sortie, but is defeated; baron Flegel is killed by his men when he wants to make a suicide attack, and his crew flees to Phezzan. Merkatz, too proud to surrender, decides to kill himself, but Bernhard von Schneider advises him to take refuge in Iserlohn. Braunschweig is forced to commit suicide by Ansbach, his chief retained, who promises to avenge him. September 797 S.C. / 488 I.C.: fall of the Geiesburg fortress and end of the Lippstadt League.

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Qui profite de la victoire ?

May 1, 198924m

After Yang's victory, the National Salvation Military Council loses its supporters and only controls Heinessen, well protected by the Artemis Necklace. Yang decides to use propaganda and asks Bagdashu to publicly admit that the Empire is behind the coup. Bagdashu's speech is widely broadcasted in Heinessen. The leaders of the coup are astonished, but Lynch, who helped them, says that's the truth. Meanwhile, Yang manages to destroy the Artemis Necklace. Hopeless, the leaders of the National Salvation Military Council decide to surrender, but to destroy all evidence of the Empire's involvement. Admiral Greenill and Lynch are killed in the ensuing gunfight. Democracy is restored. Trüniht, hidden by members of the Earth Cult, comes back to power.

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La veille du destin

June 1, 198924m

Kircheis arrives at Geiesburg. He has an argument with Reinhard about the handling of the Westerland events. Reinhard assumes full responsibility for Oberstein's actions. A message is sent from Odin: Lichtenlade is plotting to get rid of Reinhard. Reinhard receives some rebel commanders. Adalbert von Fahrenheit joins Reinhard's team. Ansbach comes in with Braunschweig's coffin, but takes out a weapon and aims at Reinhard...

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Adieu, jours lointain

Season Finale
June 1, 198924m

Ansbach misses; Oberstein protects Reinhard with his body while Kircheis grabs the weapons, but is killed in the process. Reinhard is devastated by his friend's death and is unable to make any decisions for several days. His admirals go back to Odin, arrest Lichtenlade for the murder attempt on Reinhard. Reinhard finally recovers and speaks to Annerose, who decides to retire to a small cottage; Reinhard feels left alone. Meanwhile, in Phezzan, Rubinsky decides to change his strategy, since the balance of power cannot be maintained: Phezzan will support the Empire. He sends Boltik as Phezzan's ambassador to Odin and replaces him with Rupert Kesselring.

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