Afleveringen 65


Der erste Schlag

14 april 198630m

General Warhawk hat seine Männer geschickt, um das kleine Land Tierra Libre zu übernehmen. Kat ist bereits verkleidet da und stoppt die Männer vorübergehend. Colonel Trautman findet Rambo und schickt ihn auf eine Mission, um Tierra Libre zu retten. Rambo beauftragt seinen Freund Turbo, der ihn auf der Mission begleitet. Warhawks Männer haben die Brücke übernommen, die ins Land führt. Rambo klettert mit Pfeil und Bogen auf die Brücke und legt eine Bombe ab, die die Brücke Minuten später explodieren lässt. Doch nach der Explosion wird Rambo von Havok gefangen und gefangen genommen. Sie hängen Rambo an einen Baum, aber er kann entkommen und rennt in den Dschungel. Rambo nutzt das Dschungelgestrüpp zu seinem Vorteil und versteckt sich auf der Lauer, bis er herausspringen und die ahnungslosen Feinde schnappen kann.

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Engel der Zerstörung

15 april 198630m

Warhawk versucht immer noch, in die Stadt Tierra Libre einzudringen. Havok benutzt seine Panzer, um die Mauer zu sprengen, die die Stadt bewacht. Irgendwann fängt Rambo eine scharfe Granate und wirft sie auf Havok zurück. Rambo zwingt Havoks Männer erneut erfolgreich zum Rückzug. Zurück im Camp trifft Rambo auf einen Jungen, der Soldat werden und wie Rambo kämpfen möchte. Rambo gibt dem Jungen eine Medaille und sagt ihm, dass er seinen Ältesten gehorcht. Inzwischen hat Washington ein neues Kanonenboot geschaffen, um die Kriegsverteidigung zu beschleunigen. Sie glauben, dass ihr neues Flugzeug Rambos Hilfe unnötig machen wird. Ein Spion von General Warhawk belauscht die Pläne und Warhawk beschließt, das Flugzeug für sich selbst zu stehlen. SAVAGE schickt ein kleines Flugzeug zur Landung auf dem neuen Luftschiff, damit sie einbrechen und die Kontrolle übernehmen können.

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Kampfplatz Bronx

16 april 198630m

Der Präsident von Tierra Libre wird zu einer Dringlichkeitssitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats nach New York geflogen, wo er um Hilfe bei der Sicherung des Friedens für sein Land bittet. Leider warten die Männer von General Warhawk am Flughafen auf sie und greifen das Flugzeug des Präsidenten an, als er zur Landung ankommt. Rambo folgt dicht dahinter. Warhawks Männer treffen Rambos Flugzeug und er ist gezwungen, mit einem Raketenwerfer mit dem Fallschirm abzuspringen. Rambo ist in der Lage, den Lastwagen, von dem aus sie operierten, in die Luft zu sprengen und die Explosion eines Tankwagens zu stoppen. Später, während der Präsident von Tierra Libre mit dem Sicherheitsrat spricht, stürmen Warhawks Männer auf Motorrädern herein und beginnen Ärger. Sie entführen die Tochter des Präsidenten, Estrella, und ziehen zurück in ihr Versteck.

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Hebt die Yamato

17 april 198630m

Warhawk's men raise Yamato, an actual sunken Japanese WWII battleship and one of the two most powerfully battleships ever constructed. Rambo, Hayes and master of disguise Taylor must stop him before he reaches Tierra Libre.

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Die Invasion von Tierra Libre

18 april 198630m

General Warhawk and his men kidnap Colonel Trautman and begin their invasion of Tierra Libre. Soon, Rambo, Hayes, Taylor and a handful of Tierra Libre soldiers are the only resistance left. However, Rambo counts as the army of one.

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Die Todesinsel

15 september 198630m

General Warhawk is in Chicago to rob a money shipment to the federal reserve bank. Rambo, suspicious that the backup troops are late, learns that those troops have been replaced by Warhawk's men...

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Ärger in Tibet

16 september 198630m

General Warhawk and Sergeant Havoc capture a young monk who would become the next Dalai Lama and gains control of a small village in Tibet.

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Die Bombe unterm weissen Haus

17 september 198630m

Rambo und die Macht der Freiheit reisen nach S.A.V.A.G.E. Island in diesem ersten aufregenden Abenteuer, um General Warhawks Plan zu stoppen, eine Rakete für den internationalen Terrorismus einzusetzen.

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Fluch der Tempelruinen

18 september 198630m

Under the orders of General Warhawk, Sergeant Havoc, Gripper, Nomad and an ally named Bashir take advantage of three countries by passing off fake curses in S.A.V.A.G.E.'s plot to steal the artifacts in the ruins.

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Eine Entführung im Sarg

19 september 198630m

Nobel Prize_winning physicist Herbert Kengsington is kidnapped by the Count (a descendant of Vlad III the Impaler) and plans to hand him over to S.A.V.A.G.E. in the Moldavian Mountains.

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Gefahr in der Unterwelt

22 september 198630m

Mad Dog sneaks beneath the Special Forces building through the sewers and deploys a time bomb. In the sewers they capture a utility worker and former war buddy of Rambo nicknamed Wrongway...

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Der Kult der Kobra

23 september 198630m

General Warhawk teams up with the Cult of the Cobra and its leader Rama to halt the food shipments to the Indian Province of Asam in a plot to force the people of Asam to make him their dictator.

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Angriff auf Las Vegas

24 september 198630m

General Warhawk plans to blow up Boulder Dam as a diversion so that he can rob the casino money in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is up to Rambo, Kat, and Turbo to stop General Warhawk.

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Acra - Stadt der Schätze

25 september 198630m

Warhawk's men invade the lost city of Arca in India. He rounds up the local Bindu people and forces them to dig for the fabled gold under an ancient temple. Chad, the Bindu chief's son, escapes and joins Rambo's team...

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Die Kanone im Suez Kanal

26 september 198630m

Threatening to blow up all shipping on the Suez Canal, General Warhawk demands a $100 million ransom. He starts with a relief ship on which Nomad planted explosives. Rambo's team is sent to stop him.

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Die Terrorwelle

6 oktober 198630m

General Warhawk and the evil forces of S.A.V.A.G.E. hold children hostage in the Statue of Liberty for a fifty million dollar ransom and it's up to John J. Rambo to head the rescue mission and conquer the sadistic thugs.

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Superjagdbomber XK7

7 oktober 198630m

A powerful new aircraft, the XK-7, has been developed by the air force. It's stolen by a renegade Special Forces operative and sold to General Warhawk, who uses the plane to capture the world's largest diamond mine...

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Die Zerstörung von Delgado

8 oktober 198630m

Disaster relief supplies bound for the earthquake-stricken South American country of Delgado are not being received. Rambo's team is sent to investigate, discovering that General Warhawk's men are hijacking the valuable...

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Der schwarze Drache Ninja Killers

9 oktober 198630m

Rambo's team is attending the launch ceremony for a powerful new nuclear submarine, the USS Typhoon. A skydiver who is to deliver the ceremonial bottle of champagne is replaced by Sgt. Havoc...

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Das geklaute Boot

10 oktober 198630m

While General Warhawk is attacking a foreign base with commandos from submarines, Nomad leads a supporting ground force. But the mission had been a trap set by Rambo's team and many of Warhawk's troops were captured...

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Microben aus dem All

13 oktober 198630m

In the episode ""Reign of the Boy King,"" General Warhawk kidnaps the spoiled boy king of Morovia and sets up a puppet government with the evil Black Duke. It's up to John J. Rambo to rescue the captured king.

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Rambo and the White Rhino

14 oktober 198630m

Two African tribes are on the brink of war, thanks to Warhawk. His men have stolen the sacred white rhino from one tribe, causing them to blame the neighboring tribe. Warhawk is using the resulting war to distract the tribes long enough to steal their natural resources. Rambo comes in to save the white rhino and stop the war.

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Pirate Peril

15 oktober 198630m

General Warhawk and his ally Admiral Nomak team up with Captain Scar and his pirates in a plot to raise the sunken Liberte submarine off the coast of Hong Kong.

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Mephisto's Magic

16 oktober 198630m

When Rambo and his team stop General Warhawk's plot to steal the Liberty Bell, General Stedring insists to Colonel Trautman that his army be used next time.

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The Halley Microbe

17 oktober 198630m

Kat's scientific brother is investigating the ion trail left by Halley's Comet and a space probe sent to gather samples left by the comet is targeted by General Warhawk and Black Dragon.

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Death Merchant

20 oktober 198630m

Rambo's team attacks the Death Merchant's compound and captures him. As they escort him to prison via train, General Warhawk's men stop the train and detach the passenger part of the train, send it rolling away...

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Return of the Count

21 oktober 198630m

On Halloween, the Count returns and captures a boy named Danny. Even when Rambo escapes his trap and rescues Danny, he discovers that the Count is collaborating with General Warhawk to capture the President of the United States.

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Night of the Voodoo Moon

22 oktober 198630m

Dr. Stark, studying butterflies in Haiti, sends a message that the local villagers are being frightened by voodoo. He then turns up missing. Rambo's team is sent in to investigate, arriving at an almost-empty village...

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Lagoon of Death

23 oktober 198630m

General Warhawk concocts a plan to make his men's missiles undetectable to radar by forcing Venetian monks to make ceramic nosecones. Rambo's team just happens to be vacationing in Venice doing a building renovation...

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Snow Kill

24 oktober 198630m

Colonel Trautman is in Utah testing some survival equipment in the Rockies. General Warhawk launches an invasion of the nearby town of Treetop where Trautman is captured. Rambo's team goes to investigate Trautman's...

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Terror Beneath the Sea

27 oktober 198630m

While out inspecting a base in the Arctic Circle, Colonel Trautman is told by the Eskimo's Chief Molok that a Killer whale named Korac keeps attacking their village. Colonel Trautman and a security captain are then captured by Gripper.

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Swamp Monster

28 oktober 198630m

Rambo and Turbo come to the aid of Turbo's uncle when a swamp monster terrorizes the local town. Rambo discovers that the "swamp monster" is piloted by Sergeant Havoc as part of General Warhawk's plot to build a communication center.

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Freedom Dance

29 oktober 198630m

While in England, General Warhawk steals the world's fastest race horse named Freedom Dancer who is owned by Colonel Trautman's friend Winslow.

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Texas Inferno

30 oktober 198630m

Rambo's friend, Lucky, asks for help investigating a rash of accidents occurring on his oil fields in Texas. As Rambo's team helps rebuild an oil platform one of Lucky's employees, Jake, tries to destroy...

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The Iron Mask

31 oktober 198630m

Rambo's team is in Munich attending Oktoberfest. Iron Mask locates an old warplane wrecked at the bottom of a lake for General Warhawk. The plane contains a fortune in gold. Rambo's team is notified of the news and goes...

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Children for Peace

3 november 198630m

Rambo's team is providing security for the Children's Peace Conference in Sydney. General Warhawk sends Sergeant Havoc, Gripper, Mad Dog, and Black Dragon in a plan to capture the children. After a battle, the kids vow to continue holding peace conferences until all adults start to hear their message.

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S.A.V.A.G.E. Rustlers

4 november 198630m

Mad Dog is in Wyoming rustling cattle using a helicopter. Rambo's team, partaking in a nearby rodeo, agrees to help Shane Dobbs, a rancher whose cattle are being stolen. They camp out with the herd and get attacked...

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Mind Control

5 november 198630m

S.A.V.A.G.E. brainwashes three brilliant scientists in order to obtain the plans for a special laser that will shoot down a passing satellite.

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Vote of Terror

6 november 198630m

Kai Moon's President Wang is forced by General Warhawk's men to read a letter of resignation days before his re-election. Rambo's team ends up coming to the country's aid.

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Target, Supertanker

7 november 198630m

Warhawk's men hijack a supertanker and anchor it off the coast of Hawaii. Warhawk demands a warship in exchange or he will sink the tanker and cause an ecological disaster. Rambo's team is called in...

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Enter the White Dragon

10 november 198630m

In this episode, it shows how Rambo met White Dragon at the time when General Warhawk has Black Dragon steal priceless samurai swords from Ishikawa Electronic Co.

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Skyjacked Gold

11 november 198630m

Rambo's team is protecting a government gold shipment. Gripper's men try to steal it at the airport but fail. Later, while flying the gold to the Denver mint, knockout gas appears from the ventilation system on the plane.

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Attack on El Dorado

12 november 198630m

Warhawk's men terrorize a local South American villagers and move in to steal the legendary gold of El Dorado. Rambo's team is called in to help. They meet a young boy who agrees to lead them to Warhawk's stronghold...

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The Ninja Dog

13 november 198630m

While Rambo's team provides security for Senator Thorne during his trip to Japan to meet with President Fujita, a prototype chip for an American defence project is stolen by the science team leader Dr. Hiro Gosho.

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When S.A.V.A.G.E. Stole Santa

14 november 198630m

During Christmas in Colorado, Rambo and Turbo rescue a kid when visiting Rambo's old friend Kris Kaufman who is a former rocket scientist turned toy maker for an orphanage that goes around his village on Christmas dressed as Santa Claus.

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17 november 198630m

Mad Dog and his gang are forcing a group of elderly people out of their homes. TD, a friend of Rambo's and grandson of one of the evictees, asks for Rambo's help. Rambo and TD confront Mad Dog and chase him away...

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18 november 198630m

General Warhawk has stolen a WWII vintage U-Boat 505 from the Museum of Science and Industry. In the submarine, there is a map showing the location of a German super-trooper developed during the war...

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Warhawk's Fortress

19 november 198630m

Security guards at a military assembly plant stop a thief from stealing the plans for some prototype combat vehicles. Rambo goes undercover to the plant to investigate. Rambo encounters three near-death accidents.

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The Konichi

20 november 198630m

Rambo's team is sent to help guard the transport of plans for a new medical laser. The plans are being shipped by train from Cleveland to St. Louis. Warhawk is suspected to try to steal the laser plans...

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Robot Raid

21 november 198630m

A girl named Jennifer (who will soon be the leader of a major defence company) is targeted by S.A.V.A.G.E. when her uncle Merick (the current president of the company) wants to stop the transition.

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Alphas, Arms, and Ambush (1)

24 november 198630m

Rambo's team is enlisted to assist General Stedring's Alpha Force guard a ship loaded with NATO military supplies bound for Europe. Meanwhile, General Warhawk's men attack and capture a remote NATO base in Norway.

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Alphas, Arms, and Ambush (2)

25 november 198630m

Continuing from the last episode, Rambo's team and the Alpha Force bail out of the helicopter that is under attack by the Black Dragon. The team is rescued and regroups in order to stop the auction of NATO supplies...

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26 november 198630m

When a plane carrying a doctor and his patient Nicky (who is in need of a kidney operation) crashes near Rambo's mountain cabin, Rambo must get them to the hospital before General Warhawk gets to them first.

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27 november 198630m

Rambo, Turbo, Kat, White Dragon, T.D. "Touchdown" Jones, and Chief end up springing to action when General Warhawk kidnaps the Vice President of the United States and half of the Cabinet when their plane ends up disappearing over the China Seas.

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Blind Luck

28 november 198630m

An aircraft carrier transporting a "secret weapon" for Colonel Trautman is attacked by General Warhawk's troops. The secret weapon is Rambo's Force of Freedom team, who fight to guide the ship out of enemy territory.

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Turbo's Dilemma

1 december 198630m

Black Dragon targets a new synthetic fuel at INT Laboratories which is guarded by Rambo, Kat, Turbo and T.D. "Touchdown" Jones. At the same time, Turbo finds out that his mother has been captured by a motorcycle gang.

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2 december 198630m

General Warhawk's men try to kidnap General Bernard, the leader of the Starfire Defence program, but their attempt is thwarted by Rambo's team. Colonel Trautman and Rambo see a corporal who looks and sounds just like...

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Just Say No

8 december 198630m

Rambo visits his old friend Chopper and learns that his teenage son is involved in a drug gang who are allied with General Warhawk in a plot to smuggle cocaine.

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Monster Island

9 december 198630m

Rambo, Kat, Turbo, T.D. "Touchdown" Jones, and Chief investigate a sea monster in the Gulf of Alaska and come across an island filled with hybrid animals.

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Quarterback Sneak

10 december 198630m

The airplane that Professor Ivanovich is on is sabotaged by Warhawk's men and forced to land in Talinia, the country from which the professor defected. The professor and his daughter, Tanya, are removed from the plane...

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Sepulcher of Power

11 december 198630m

Ancient Mayan tablets are stolen from Dr. Ramirez. The tablets are rumoured to provide the location of the Mayan sepulcher, a symbol of Mayan power. Rambo's team is sent in to prevent General Warhawk from getting...

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The Twin Within

12 december 198630m

The Black Dragon attacks the White Dragon at his home, and Rambo's team is there to guard radioactive material in a boxcar. Rambo's team repels the attack but during the struggle the Black Dragon disguises himself...

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S.A.V.A.G.E. Space

15 december 198630m

Mad Dog and his biker gang hijack the space shuttle Xenon which is also a laser-defence space station. General Warhawk plans to use Xenon to blow up satellites if his demands aren't met.

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Change of Face

17 december 198630m

Dr. Hyde creates a robot body double that can replicate anyone like Senator Thorne and the President.

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Horror of the Highlands

Season Finale
18 december 198630m

T.D. "Touchdown" Jones visits his Uncle George in Scotland. When a remote-controlled submarine version of the Loch Ness Monster operated by General Warhawk terrorizes Loch Ness, T.D. calls in the rest of the Force of Freedom.

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