Jaksot 8


Mystery of the Screaming Man

13 marraskuu 20081h

Over 100 years ago an unidentified mummy was found lying alongside some of the most famous pharaohs in Egyptian history but his face is locked in an eternal scream. What caused this man's haunting expression?

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The Scorpion King

20 marraskuu 20081h

The Scorpion King was a mythical Egyptian ruler who predated the pharaohs. Recent developments, such as the excavation of the king's tomb, have revealed surprising new details about early Egyptian civilization.

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Secrets of the Sphinx

11 joulukuu 20081h

Was the Sphinx originally built with a lion's head and later remodeled? Dr. Zahi Hawass presents the latest theories and evidence in the mystery of the Sphinx. AKA Sphinx

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The Real Cleopatra

18 joulukuu 20081h

Cleopatra has been depicted throughout history as a temptress who ruined two generals of Rome. Yet scholars now believe that the last pharaoh of Egypt in fact possessed great political ability and knowledge. Despite a lack of physical evidence of her reign, they are able to piece together the story of her rule during the dying days of Ancient Egypt. AKA Cleopatra

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The Pyramid Code

6 tammikuu 20091h

The pyramids of Egypt are the most enduring monuments of the ancient world. From underground burial chambers they developed into soaring structures that revolutionized architecture. This film reveals the name of the man who designed the very first pyramid and shows how his ideas were refined and perfected, until pyramids eventually fell out of fashion altogether.

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Secrets of the Valley of the Kings

13 tammikuu 20091h

This episode explores the Valley of the Kings, the royal necropolis of the pharaohs. A new generation of Egyptologists presents revolutionary theories on why the pharaohs abandoned the grandeur of the pyramids in favour of these secret underground tombs. AKA Valley of the Kings

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The Real Ramses

20 tammikuu 20091h

This instalment charts the life of Rameses II, the longest-lived pharaoh, who is widely regarded as Egypt’s greatest ruler. New discoveries have shed more light on the king’s successful reign, while Egyptologists continue to debate the nature of his character and achievements.

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Alexander the Great's Lost Tomb

Season Finale
27 tammikuu 20091h

Alexander the Great is one of historys greatest warrior kings, and was the leader of the most powerful nation in the ancient world. The location of his tomb has eluded archaeologists for nearly 2,000 years but new theories may help reveal its location. AKA Alexander's Tomb

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