The Tribe (1999)
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Jennyfer Jewell as Ellie
Episodes 208
Episode 10
Tai-San has woken from her coma, but is suffering from amnesia. Still distraught, Trudy is outraged by the warm welcome Patsy receives when she returns to the Mall, and the video Jack and Ellie discovered proves to be highly significant.
Read MoreEpisode 11
Bray finds it difficult to deal with Tai-San's decision to tell him the formula, Jack and Ellie investigate the theory that the Virus came space, while Danni creates a Bill of Rights just as the Chosen invade Alice's farm.
Read MoreEpisode 12
After being confronted by the Chosen at the farm, Dal arrives to tell the tribe about them and they deduce that the Chosen stole Brady. Salene's frustration at Ryan's aloofness sends her off the rails, while Jack makes a shocking discovery.
Read MoreEpisode 13
In order to get the Guardian on her side, Ebony tricks Trudy into following her to the Chosen's lair. Jack and Ellie try to find the missing videotape and theorize about the Virus, while Salene and Ryan continue to butt heads.
Read MoreEpisode 14
With Ebony's fate in Trudy's hands, the pair reminisce about their lives with Bray and Martin before the Virus.
Read MoreEpisode 15
The tribe discovers Trudy is missing and Tai-San suggests the Chosen as culprits. Jack and Ellie have trouble expressing their feelings for each other. Meanwhile, at the Chosen's lair, Trudy and Ebony hatch an escape plan.
Read MoreEpisode 16
Ebony makes Bray a proposition, while Trudy is forced to join the Chosen. Will she ever see her friends again?
Read MoreEpisode 17
Reeling from his loss, Bray lashes out at Lex, who he blames for Trudy's disappearance. KC, Patsy and Cloe go trading, Ellie tries to smooth things over with Jack, while Ebony resorts to blackmail to get what she wants.
Read MoreEpisode 18
Ebony is irritating everyone with her newfound authority, while Lex finds himself unneeded and unwanted. Jack and Ellie continue to blow hot and cold for each other and Ryan tells Salene about his life with Lex before the Virus.
Read MoreEpisode 19
The tribe is occupied with the tribal leader gathering which they are arranging at the Mall, and Danni is confident about her Bill of Rights. Jack is jealous of Dal and Ellie's newfound closeness, while Ebony hatches a deadly scheme.
Read MoreEpisode 20
A deflated tribe buries Bob, with Tai-San convinced someone tried to poison her and the finger pointed at an unlikely person. Jack and Ellie begin work on the news sheet, while Salene tries to help Lex.
Read MoreEpisode 21
Lex's actions have severe consequences for him, while Ebony's questions at Danni's trial lead to a startling revelation.
Read MoreEpisode 22
Danni's trial reaches its conclusion, prompting more questions than answers. Jack's jealousy about Ellie and Dal continues, Bray tries to make amends with Tai-San and Ebony's scheming intensifies.
Read MoreEpisode 23
The tribe host a trading market. Danni worries that Jack and Ellie will find information related to her father's work, while Patsy and Cloe get a new dog, and Lex meets his match.
Read MoreEpisode 24
Danni's secret is out, with Bray's authority called into question. Spotting an advantage, Ebony plots to take over the tribe, while Lex finds himself double crossed.
Read MoreEpisode 25
Ellie is frustrated by the tribe's refusal to print the truth about the Virus in the news sheet, while Danni is enjoying her new job as Judge, and Spike is back, looking for revenge.
Read MoreEpisode 26
Dal is frustrated with his work party, who believe that the Virus is gone. Ebony is Spike's prisoner, Jack and Ellie are in romantic bliss, while Ryan proves to be a successful teacher.
Read MoreEpisode 27
Tai-San has a dream about Ebony being imprisoned, but finds it difficult to convince the others that she is in danger. Ebony herself continues to have flashbacks about Zoot, and Patsy and Cloe decide to find boyfriends.
Read MoreEpisode 28
The tribe find that they are no longer trusted, with the other tribes turning against them. Ebony is an emotional wreck after her ordeal with Spike, and Dal finds himself the object of Patsy and Cloe's affections.
Read MoreEpisode 29
The Mall Rats are pleased to be trading and working with the other tribes again, Patsy and Cloe continue their pursuit of Dal, while Tai-San tries to help Ebony recover.
Read MoreEpisode 30
Ellie is determined to print everything the tribe knows about the Virus in the news sheet, Salene is frustrated by Ryan and his pressuring her to start a family, and Lex's incompetence costs the tribe dearly.
Read MoreEpisode 31
The Mall Rats host a dance party for all the tribes. Salene is still angry with Ryan, Alice tries to impress Lex, and Ebony is determined to bring the token thief to justice.
Read MoreEpisode 32
The Mall Rats encounter revolt from other tribes, who are tired of working and threaten strike. Ebony opens her heart to Bray, but he only has eyes for Danni. Ryan stupidly makes Lex fall off the wagon, and there is an unexpected return.
Read MoreEpisode 33
The tribe is astounded by the return of Trudy, who remains cagey about the details of her escape. Most wonder whether the Chosen will come for her, whereas Ebony sees it as an opportunity to exert power.
Read MoreEpisode 34
Alice lies trapped in the farmhouse, Ebony continues to throw her weight around, and Ryan tries in vain to make up with Salene.
Read MoreEpisode 35
Bray and Danni prepare for the tribal forum, Alice encourages Lex to improve himself and Trudy forgives Patsy her mistake, but arouses Salene's suspicions in the process.
Read MoreEpisode 36
Salene feels guilty about not apologizing to Ryan before he went story hunting with Ellie. Meanwhile, Alice falls further for Lex, Trudy's behavior becomes more erratic, and Ebony decides to move out of the Mall.
Read MoreEpisode 37
Bray is confident the Mall Rats can bring peace to the City, but only if they allow Billy-Boy, the leader of the Jackals, to trade at market. Alice makes a move on Lex, Ryan decides to move on, and Jack is given a special assignment.
Read MoreEpisode 38
Salene finds Ryan just in time, and Jack's spying gets off to a bad start when he is almost caught by Ebony. Cloe's suspicions about Trudy grow, while Tai-San's interference in Lex and Alice's relationship only complicates things further.
Read MoreEpisode 39
Trudy reveals a twisted side by sending Cloe a demented gift, Tai-San is conflicted in her feelings for Lex, with both trying to let Alice down gently, while Ellie finally hears news of the Chosen.
Read MoreEpisode 40
The tribe is overjoyed by the news that the Chosen have been defeated. KC gets his rat race after all, but he may not have the sure fire winner, while Jack has enlisted Dal to help him spy on Ebony at the hotel.
Read MoreEpisode 41
Lex is ill the morning after his meal at Trudy's, arousing Tai-San's suspicions. Ryan proposes to Salene and Ebony hosts a pool party. Meanwhile, Wolf passes Trudy's message on to the Guardian, who plans terror for the City.
Read MoreEpisode 42
The Chosen continue to kidnap people all over the City, with a little boy alerting Ellie to the threat. Tai-San ends her secret romance with Lex, Trudy loses her temper with Cloe, and a troubled Salene seeks comfort away from Ryan.
Read MoreEpisode 43
Salene is left heartbroken and despondent, Lex breaks the news about his secret relationship to Alice, but neglects to tell her that the object of his affection is Tai-San, and more about Trudy's motives is revealed.
Read MoreEpisode 44
The Chosen prepare for their final assault on the City by targeting Ebony, Dal opens his heart to Ellie, Bray goes in search of Salene, and Alice incorrectly guesses the identity of Lex's mystery lover.
Read MoreEpisode 45
Ebony vows to clear her name, the Jackals disrupt trading at market, Alice gets herself into trouble, and Salene finds help from an unlikely source.
Read MoreEpisode 46
The Mall Rats are worried when the market is abandoned by the other tribes, Alice continues spying for Ebony, Salene brings May back to the Mall with her, and Lex finds himself accused of murder.
Read MoreEpisode 47
Trudy successfully manages to deflect suspicion away from herself, Ebony continues the search for the traitor in her outfit, and Lex has a question for Tai-San.
Read MoreEpisode 48
It is the day of Ryan and Salene and Lex and Tai-San's double wedding, and the Chosen have plans for Ebony and the rest of the Mall Rats.
Read MoreEpisode 49
With Ebony missing and presumed dead, Patsy is racked with guilt. Salene has regrets about her wedding, and Alice finds herself a prisoner of the Chosen.
Read MoreEpisode 50
Ebony demands that Patsy tell her everything she knows, Cloe discovers another of Trudy's secrets, while Bray, Danni, Lex and Ryan find themselves in mortal danger.
Read MoreEpisode 51
Danni and the other tribe leaders are prisoners of the Chosen, and the Mall is invaded.
Read MoreEpisode 52
With the rest of the tribe imprisoned in the hotel, Bray, Lex, Ryan and Jack plan to break them out and save the City from destruction.
Read MoreEpisode 10
With the attack bungled, Bray and the others retreat, while Trudy finds herself under suspicion of helping arrange it. Alice and Ellie recruit another member of the tribe to spy for the Mall Rats, and May's fear leads her to foolishness.
Read MoreEpisode 11
Patsy and Cloe continue spying for the Mall Rats, and May secretly works for the Guardian, leading Bray, Lex, Ebony, Dal and Amber into a trap which has deadly consequences.
Read MoreEpisode 12
A distraught Amber and the others bury Dal, May continues her work for the Guardian, and Ebony tries to use Pride to break up Bray and Amber for good.
Read MoreEpisode 13
Cloe has been caught spying and sent to work in the mines, leaving Patsy worried about what could happen to her. Tai-San finds herself the object of the Guardian's attentions, and Alice and Ellie play with fire.
Read MoreEpisode 14
Salene and Ryan grow further apart, May's meddling makes Trudy become suspicious of Tai-San, while Ellie's rule breaking almost lands her in deep trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 15
Trudy's attempt to seduce the Guardian fails, compromising her position as Supreme Mother. Lex is determined to visit the Mall and see Tai-San again, while KC decides to leave the tribe and take his chances outside.
Read MoreEpisode 16
Trudy has been sentenced to death, and Bray's suggestion to help her is rejected by Lex and Ebony. To save Trudy, the Mall Rats make an uneasy pact with Lt Luke, while Ryan gives Salene an ultimatum.
Read MoreEpisode 17
Trudy is with Bray and the others, much to the displeasure of Lex and Ebony, who want to use her to send a message to the Chosen, but Bray has other ideas. Back at the Mall, KC lands himself in hot water.
Read MoreEpisode 18
The Guardian decides to have Trudy's name blackened across the City, May's negligence leads to trouble, Alice convinces Ellie to try and charm Luke, and Pride's kindness could be his undoing.
Read MoreEpisode 19
Pride is a prisoner, the Guardian is afraid of losing his grip on power, KC gets on the wrong side of Lt Luke, and the Mall Rats are further depleted by Patsy's being sent to the mines.
Read MoreEpisode 20
Tai-San worms her way further into the Guardian's world, while Salene is conflicted about her membership of the Chosen. May becomes a spy in Patsy's place, Ellie and Lt Luke grow closer, and Ryan's anger boils over.
Read MoreEpisode 21
Salene is devastated after Ryan is taken away, while Ned's attempt to sell Pride to the Chosen backfires. Tai-San continues to tempt the Guardian, and Bray, Lex and Ebony's search for the fuel dump goes horribly wrong.
Read MoreEpisode 22
Bray, Lex and Ebony celebrate their victory against the Chosen, while Salene's loneliness sees her turn to an unlikely source. Ned irritates Alice, KC's scamming catches up with him, and Tai-San is taken aback by the Guardian's proposal.
Read MoreEpisode 23
Bray, Lex and Ebony stumble upon a group of pregnant girls who lead them to a propaganda puppet show put on by the Chosen, which they infiltrate. Tai-San is conflicted about the Guardian's offer, and Tally proves a handful for KC.
Read MoreEpisode 24
Bray, Lex and Ebony hear word of the coronation of the new Supreme Mother, and see it as the perfect opportunity to strike, while Salene feels increasingly isolated, and Ellie opens her heart to Lt Luke.
Read MoreEpisode 25
Lex is enraged at Tai-San's behavior, while back at the Mall, Tai-San herself begins to question her decision. Alice is full of guilt about Salene's accident and Ellie avoids Lt Luke.
Read MoreEpisode 26
Tai-San tries to convince Lex of her love, while Salene is distraught by the loss of her baby. May and Pride grow closer, and Bray decides against assassinating the Guardian, but someone else has other ideas.
Read MoreEpisode 27
Tai-San has a disturbing nightmare about the coronation ceremony, and Bray is exasperated by Lex's actions, which may make her nightmare a reality. Bray goes to stop him, but Ebony has other ideas.
Read MoreEpisode 28
Lex is in shock about what he has done, while at the Mall, unbeknownst to him, Tai-San is well and recovering. Lt Luke gets on the wrong side of the Guardian and Pride hatches a plan with May.
Read MoreEpisode 29
Lt Luke and Salene find themselves on trial for allegedly helping the rebels kidnap Brady. Meanwhile, Brady is back with Trudy, who Lex and Ebony do not make feel welcome, and Amber has news for Bray.
Read MoreEpisode 30
With the Praetorian Guards in control of the City, the Guardian is increasingly unhinged. Alice tries to rally what is left of the Mall Rats, while Trudy helps the rebels, and Amber gives Bray the silent treatment.
Read MoreEpisode 31
The City is in turmoil, with gang fighting widespread. Tai-San is concerned about the Guardian, who has begin to hallucinate about Zoot. Alice and Ned try to find an escape route out of the Mall, while Pride is in demand.
Read MoreEpisode 32
Bray is determined to attack the Mall now that the Chosen are demoralized. At the Mall, Salene opens her heart to Lt Luke, Alice and Ned find a way out, and the others are horrified to learn what the Guardian has planned for them.
Read MoreEpisode 33
With the bomb disarmed, everyone celebrates, and the Guardian is imprisoned. Alice and Ned become closer, Ellie tries to convince Lt Luke to run, and Trudy has to rescue Salene before she makes a fatal mistake.
Read MoreEpisode 34
The Mall is surrounded by the other tribes baying for blood, with only Bray and Amber to calm them down. Lex has it in for May, Alice is embarrassed about her night with Ned, Trudy helps Salene, and Lt Luke makes a decision.
Read MoreEpisode 35
Lt Luke's trial is to be held, and Bray asks Amber to be Magistrate for the City. Lex's behavior gets him in trouble, Salene is still feeling lost, Alice avoids Ned, and Jack arrives back at the Mall.
Read MoreEpisode 36
Moz continues to cause problems for the Mall Rats, who decide to hold a re-initiation ceremony for all members. Jack is saddened to hear about the deaths of his friends, and cannot abide Trudy's presence, while Ebony has plans for Luke.
Read MoreEpisode 37
Amber and Trudy have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. Meanwhile, Jack finds Ellie distant, and Tai-San's treatment of the Guardian continues to wreck her relationship with Lex.
Read MoreEpisode 38
Bray, Lex and Pride raid Moz's place, but find nothing, and she denies any knowledge of Amber and Trudy's kidnapping. Ellie's guilt grows, and May tries to help Salene. Jack misses Dal, while Lex and Tai-San are at an impasse.
Read MoreEpisode 39
The Mall Rats receive a second note, with instructions about handing over the Guardian. Bray is conflicted, and Tai-San is against it, but the others are all for it. Meanwhile, May considers moving on, and Jack tries to romance Ellie.
Read MoreEpisode 40
Bray decides against handing over the Guardian, opting to disguise himself as him at the drop off. KC, Tally and Andy hatch a plot to steal the Guardian's ring, Jack is heartbroken over Ellie, and Ebony makes a shocking discovery.
Read MoreEpisode 41
Ebony pulls a double cross on Ned, Lt Luke and Ellie make their relationship public, Andy tries to convince KC and Tally that the Guardian is faking his condition, and the situation with Amber and Trudy pushes Pride and Bray over the edge.
Read MoreEpisode 42
Bray drowns his sorrows away from the Mall, Pride has a theory about the kidnapping, Ned's behavior arouses Alice's suspicions, and the Guardian frightens Andy again.
Read MoreEpisode 43
Pony Joe and his gang find an unconscious Bray, while Lex and Pride go out looking for him. Meanwhile, Ebony grills Moz, Alice is saddened by what she finds at the farm, and Lt Luke and Ellie face more problems.
Read MoreEpisode 44
Bray is still with Moon and her gang, and Lex is reveling in his new job as Sheriff. Ebony suggests Ellie start up The Amulet again and recruits Lt Luke to invent a currency system, while Salene tames the horse KC got from Pony Joe.
Read MoreEpisode 45
Lex has trouble recruiting deputies and Ned is worried about being found out. Lt Luke is put in charge of the new currency, Andy refuses to go anywhere near the Guardian again, and May confesses her love for Pride.
Read MoreEpisode 46
The tribe is gearing up for the elections, Lex is surprised at who his new recruits are, Pride suspects Ned of the kidnapping, Ellie puts herself in danger, and Ebony speaks to the Guardian.
Read MoreEpisode 47
Ebony hands the Guardian a weapon, leading Ned into a trap. Bray is on the election trail, May tells Alice about her and Pride, and Amber and Trudy are increasingly desperate.
Read MoreEpisode 48
Alice is distraught after Ned's body is discovered, the Guardian terrorizes Amber and Trudy, while polling day arrives for the City.
Read MoreEpisode 49
Amber is plagued by nightmares about the Guardian, and Ebony is back at the hotel, throwing her weight around. Jack bumps into Cloe on the road, while the Guardian is spying on the Mall Rats.
Read MoreEpisode 50
Bray is frustrated by the lack of laws in the City, while Tai-San is to meet the Guardian to trap him, but Ebony has other ideas. May feels neglected by Pride, Jack and Cloe arrive back at the Mall, and Alice vows to find Ned's killer.
Read MoreEpisode 51
The Mall Rats prepare for their capture of the Guardian, Lt Luke is dismayed by the way Ebony is running things, Trudy and Cloe reconnect, and May is heartbroken.
Read MoreEpisode 52
The Mall Rats decide to put Ebony on trial, Alice is out for revenge, while a mysterious airplane appears in the skies above the City.
Read MoreEpisode 10
The failed bomb attempt leads Ebony to investigate, and it seems Pride may have something to hide. Cloe and Dee get their own back on Ved, while Salene finally convinces the kids to reveal their names.
Read MoreEpisode 11
The investigation into the attempted bombing continues, while Pride secretly meets with other tribe leaders, and becomes increasingly cagey when questioned. Ved tries to smooth things over with Cloe, and food is frighteningly scarce.
Read MoreEpisode 12
Although Pride is under arrest for attempted murder, Ebony is not convinced and he denies any involvement. Elsewhere, fighting over food is becoming more common, and the real identity of the bomber comes as a shock.
Read MoreEpisode 13
Ellie is under arrest, with her fate left in Jay's hands. Meanwhile, Lex tries his luck with Siva, and Mouse and Charlie disappear, prompting Pride and Cloe to search for them.
Read MoreEpisode 14
The food situation is critical, with riots breaking out. Pride tries to let Salene down gently, while Siva sneaks off to see Lex, Ved tries to impress Cloe, and Charlie is missing.
Read MoreEpisode 15
The Technos' food delivery is met with mixed response, Mouse misses Charlie, Lex's toothache worsens, and Pride and Salene take a trip to the countryside.
Read MoreEpisode 16
Ebony and Jay have to convince the farmers to bring food to the City again, Dee decides to stop Lex's toothache once and for all, and Pride gets into trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 17
Lex is seriously ill, with antibiotics unavailable and Ebony's request for them denied by Ram. Pride and Salene are worried by the idea of the Technos bringing electricity back to the City, and Java's jealousy intensifies.
Read MoreEpisode 18
Ebony gives Lex the antibiotics stolen from the medicine chest by Siva, who is unaware that Ram knows what she did. Pride plans to sabotage the Technos' reconnection of the power supply, and Ved takes Cloe out on a date.
Read MoreEpisode 19
As the City celebrates the reconnection of the power supply, Pride and Jay regain consciousness, agreeing to call it quits on their rivalry. Ram gets revenge on Siva, while Mouse and Sammy's playing results in calamity.
Read MoreEpisode 20
Trudy reveals what happened to her and Amber, with her location narrowed down to a guarded building in the City. Ram plays mind games, and Salene and Pride play a prank on Mouse and Sammy.
Read MoreEpisode 21
The Mall Rats are unsure what to do with Amber and the rest of the test subjects, while Ram orders his men to retrieve them. Jay and Ram have a disagreement, Java warns Lex off Siva, and Siva plays with fire.
Read MoreEpisode 22
The Mall Rats are worried that Ebony will tell Ram about Amber and the other test subjects, while Siva fears Java will tell him about her and Lex. Meanwhile Ram pushes Ebony for an answer, and Ved and Cloe take things to the next level.
Read MoreEpisode 23
Ebony is pressured by Ram for an answer, while Jay feels threatened by him because of his own secret relationship with her. Salene is jealous over Amber and Pride's closeness, and Lex seems doomed to a dark fate.
Read MoreEpisode 24
Lex receives his punishment, Ebony reluctantly seeks Java's help in cooling Ram's affections, Ved shows Jay the program Ram has been working on, and Dee stirs things.
Read MoreEpisode 25
The City is excited about the arrival of television again in the form of CityNet, the Technos' latest advancement, but the Mall Rats are dubious. Dee tries to secure Lex's release, Pride is frustrated, and Cloe fears she may be pregnant.
Read MoreEpisode 26
Ram broadcasts Lex's fight across the City via CityNet, with an extra, deadly twist. Pride finally levels with Salene about his feelings for her, while Cloe is heartbroken over Ved.
Read MoreEpisode 27
Following his victory, Lex has a newfound popularity in the City. Amber asks Cloe to use Ved to gain information on the Technos' experiments, and Mouse and Sammy come up with a get rich quick scheme.
Read MoreEpisode 28
Sammy comes up trumps with footage of the Technos' secret experiments, and Pride's friend Patch helps the Mall Rats hijack the CityNet broadcast.
Read MoreEpisode 29
Ram sends Java to the Mall to find out where Amber is, Pride spreads word about the Technos' experimentation across the City, and Ebony's desperation makes her do something stupid.
Read MoreEpisode 30
The Mall Rats and Jay argue about how they can derail Ram's smear campaign against them, Java double crosses Ebony, and Lex's next fight pairs him with an unlikely opponent.
Read MoreEpisode 31
Riots break out as a result of Ram switching off the City's power supply, Ebony quits as City leader, Lex is a laughing stock due to his losing the fight, and Ram plays mind games with Ebony.
Read MoreEpisode 32
The City has running water again, and Ram rigs the City Leader election in Salene's favor, believing her to be easy to manipulate. Ebony is heartbroken over Jay, leading her to make an important decision.
Read MoreEpisode 33
The Technos prepare their cyber cafés for use by the City's inhabitants. Ram announces his and Ebony's nuptials, with Salene roped into officiating the ceremony, while Pride's disdain for the Technos gets him into trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 34
Lex takes Siva to hide out at Alice and Ellie's farm, and asks for Ebony's help in calling off Ram's search. Meanwhile, Pride has been brainwashed into believing in CityNet and reality space, much to Salene's horror.
Read MoreEpisode 35
Lex brings Siva to live at the Mall, Ebony receives a very tempting offer, May reappears in reality space, and Jay's hopes of a brave new world are dashed.
Read MoreEpisode 36
The Mall Rats continue their work at the hospital. Mouse and Sammy get scanned, while Cloe is missing, and Siva finds it difficult to adjust to life away from the Technos.
Read MoreEpisode 37
Ram and Ved face off in a reality space battle for Cloe, Mouse's playing goes badly awry, May suffers the after effects of the game, and Pride may be unable to resist it.
Read MoreEpisode 38
Ram goes ahead with his plan to charge people to play the game, while Salene is concerned by Pride's apparent addiction to it. Mouse and Sammy join a work party to earn credits, and Jay makes an important decision.
Read MoreEpisode 39
Ebony realizes she made a foolish mistake, while gang violence in the City worsens. Pride's addiction to the game deepens, and Mouse and Sammy continue to secretly toil for their game credits.
Read MoreEpisode 40
The City is a war zone, and Salene's plan to move the medical center to the Mall means it is busier than ever. Ebony and Jay reconcile, Ram is very ill, and May appears to be as addicted to the game as Pride.
Read MoreEpisode 41
Ram is still seriously ill, with Java taking advantage of the situation. Siva encourages Lex to tell Salene about Pride's addiction, and Mouse stumbles upon May and Pride inside the game.
Read MoreEpisode 42
Ved enters reality space in a last ditch effort to save Ram, with Ebony stumbling upon their endeavor. Lex and Siva have domestic differences, and Pride and May admit their addiction to the rest of the tribe, while Mouse may need help too.
Read MoreEpisode 43
Jay is a prisoner of the Technos, and Ram has a very fiendish fate in store for him. Salene demands to know who stole her earrings, while supplies have also been going missing from the hospital store.
Read MoreEpisode 44
Jay is the most sought after person in the City, with the Mall under attack by an angry mob who believe he is being hidden there. He finds help from an unlikely source, but may not be as safe as he assumes.
Read MoreEpisode 45
Aware of Ebony's treachery, Ram is inconsolable. Pride helps Ebony and Jay escape the City, while also trying to make things up with Salene.
Read MoreEpisode 46
Ram widens the search for Ebony and Jay, and the Technos put the City under martial law. Salene and Pride continue to bicker, Siva offers to teach Mouse how to read, and Ebony and Jay stumble upon two familiar faces.
Read MoreEpisode 47
Ebony and Jay are invited to camp with the Ecos for a while, but Amber's presence makes Ebony uneasy. Sammy sneaks out to play the game, May tries to get back with Pride, and Salene reaches a decision.
Read MoreEpisode 48
The Technos roll out their latest technology in the City, and Lex spots an opportunity. Ebony is irritated by Amber and Jay's closeness, Sammy sneaks out again, and May is oblivious about Salene and Pride's relationship.
Read MoreEpisode 49
Amber, Ebony and Jay head back to the City, while Ram prepares himself for the end. Sammy tries to convince Mouse of Paradise's merits, and Pride comes clean to May about his and Salene's relationship.
Read MoreEpisode 50
Amber, Ebony and Jay reach the City, only to find it deserted. When they reach the Mall, Lex is angered by their reappearance. Salene makes her peace with May, Siva lays her cards on the table, and Patch writes a note to Dee.
Read MoreEpisode 51
Ebony is jealous of Amber, Trudy is distraught about losing Brady, Salene catches May playing the game again, and an old face from the past returns.
Read MoreEpisode 52
The Mall Rats prepare for their assault on the Technos, while Ebony is plagued by disturbing visions.
Read MoreEpisode 10
Amber and Salene head for the Ecos' place. Mega manipulates May into agreeing to spy on the Mall Rats for him, while he and Java meet in secret. Sammy and Gel upset Trudy, and Slade gets in trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 11
Amber and Salene arrive at the Ecos' place, where they hold a ceremony for Pride. Jack is horrified after his run in with "Zoot", prompting fear among the tribe, while Sammy and Mouse have a similar close encounter.
Read MoreEpisode 12
Amber and Salene head home, while Trudy and Jay agree to keep their relationship secret. Mouse and Sammy tell Jack of their encounter with "Zoot", leading to a discovery. Mega and Java plot their next move, and Slade encourages Ram to walk.
Read MoreEpisode 13
The Mall Rats meet with Ebony and her followers, Amber and Salene arrive back in the City, Lex goes on the hunt, May continues her spying, and Ram makes a breakthrough.
Read MoreEpisode 14
Lex reveals Ram's real identity to Ruby, Trudy worries about Amber's reaction to her and Jay's relationship, and Ellie, suffering from amnesia, reappears in the City, only to be taken prisoner by the Zootists.
Read MoreEpisode 15
Ebony continues to be manipulated by Java and Mega, with Siva unsure of the damage being done to her sister. Trudy worries about Jay's feelings for her, and Lex tries to convince Ruby to free him.
Read MoreEpisode 16
Lex narrowly avoids death, Amber finds out about Trudy and Jay, Java tries to manipulate Ellie, and Slade spies on Ebony.
Read MoreEpisode 17
The Zootists prepare for the "return" of Zoot, with the tribe making a breakthrough as to how his reappearance will be engineered, while Java continues to use Ellie, sending her back to the Mall with a deadly package in tow.
Read MoreEpisode 18
The explosion has left the Mall Rats shaken, and they decide to send Amber to try and talk some sense into the other tribes. Meanwhile, Siva makes a last ditch appeal to Ebony, and Mega becomes frustrated with Darryl.
Read MoreEpisode 19
Lex and Ram narrowly escape an angry mob, while back at the Mall, Amber is injured and the tribe is worried about the anarchy outside. Mega encourages Java to increase Ebony's dose of Paradise, and Slade finds Darryl.
Read MoreEpisode 20
Amber is seriously ill, with Jay's attentions towards her an annoyance to Trudy. Java threatens Siva with retribution if she continues to hinder her plans, and May almost comes clean to Salene, but her malice gets the better of her.
Read MoreEpisode 21
Jay is worried by Mega's deception, while Mega himself plans a mass bar coding of everyone in the City. Salene's dependence on alcohol becomes a cause for concern, while Slade let's Ram in on a secret.
Read MoreEpisode 22
Amber is angered by Mega's creation of work details, Ebony finds things unraveling around her, Sammy inadvertently ends up alone in Zootist territory, and Slade meets Siva in secret.
Read MoreEpisode 23
Amber experiences a work party firsthand, Lex is a prisoner of the Zootists, Siva tries to convince Ebony of Java's deceit, and Ellie suspects Gel may be the spy.
Read MoreEpisode 24
Lex and Siva find themselves imprisoned together, Amber confronts Mega about the ill treatment received by the work parties, and Ebony plays mind games with Java.
Read MoreEpisode 25
Amber meets Ebony as arranged, Lex and Siva head to Liberty, Jack and Ellie follow May to her secret rendezvous with Mega, and Salene's alcoholism escalates.
Read MoreEpisode 26
The Mall Rats try to convince May to lure Mega into a trap, Slade takes Ebony to meet a familiar face, Ruby snoops on Ram, and Mouse sneaks out of the Mall to head to the Eco tribe.
Read MoreEpisode 27
The Mall Rats try to decide what to do about Mega, while Mega himself blocks Jack's access to his secret files. Meanwhile, Ram continues his study of Slade's brain and Salene's paranoia almost leads to trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 28
Ebony plays mind games with the now imprisoned Java, Jay is conflicted about the Mall Rats' plan for Mega, Salene and Mouse are asked to join the Ecos, Slade takes Darryl to Liberty, and May is voted out of the tribe.
Read MoreEpisode 29
Mega implements his strategies on the City, while Ebony plans her attack against him. The Mall Rats are sent the very best food as part of their deal with Mega, whereas May has to fend for herself, and Lex finds a new get rich quick scheme.
Read MoreEpisode 30
Amber refuses Mega's offer to be President of the City, while Siva and Ruby find out about Lex's scheme. Ebony carries on with her attacks on the Technos, and Trudy and Jay continue to bicker.
Read MoreEpisode 31
Mega broadcasts Ebony's attack on CityNet in an attempt to turn the City against her, while she plots her next move against him. Lex's latest scheme lands him in trouble with Ruby, Java breaks free, and Salene becomes seriously ill.
Read MoreEpisode 32
Jay is tortured with nightmarish visions in reality space, while Amber enlists Jack to help deceive Mega. Lex's business venture pays off greatly, Java seeks out Ebony, and Salene is in mortal danger, with only May for help.
Read MoreEpisode 33
Mega commands Java to find Ebony and Jay, and she stops by the Mall to demand answers. Lex plans to visit the City for Ram, Ruby takes pity on a young girl, and Salene begins to recover from her illness.
Read MoreEpisode 34
Lex heads to the City, unaware that Ram and Slade are double crossing him, while Jay heads to Liberty. Salene and May try to get back into the safe zone, Ruby is jealous of Ebony, and Java receives a message.
Read MoreEpisode 35
Lex returns to the Mall, and is soon followed by Salene and May. Jay arrives in Liberty in search of Ebony, Mega offers Jack a job, Gel's attempt at romance fails, and Java receives another message.
Read MoreEpisode 36
Jay asks for Ebony's help in the fight against Mega, while Jack tries to avoid revealing the details of his new job. Java wonders about Ram's fate, and Lex flies off the handle when he learns of May's treachery.
Read MoreEpisode 37
Lex pressures Jack about acquiring the piece of software he needs for Ram, while Mega pushes Amber to publicly endorse the punishment program. Java receives a mysterious invitation, and Ruby attempts to make Ebony jealous.
Read MoreEpisode 38
Those in Liberty are shocked by Java's arrival in town, and she immediately challenges Ebony to a final battle. Jack and Ellie are at loggerheads over the punishment program, and Salene starts drinking again.
Read MoreEpisode 39
The devastated group at Liberty bury Java and Siva, with Lex angry at Ebony and Ram inconsolable. May confronts Salene about her drinking, Jack and Ellie fight, and Sammy risks breaking the law in an effort to impress Gel.
Read MoreEpisode 40
Ellie's short temper lands her in trouble with Mega, Jay is conflicted in his feelings for Trudy, and Ruby's jealousy about Slade and Ebony's relationship intensifies.
Read MoreEpisode 41
Having fooled Mega with their act, the rebels plot their next move. Lex puts his foot in it, Ruby is left heartbroken when she finds Ebony and Slade together, and Trudy misses Jay.
Read MoreEpisode 42
The Mall Rats rescue Jay, while Ebony attacks Mega in the name of Java and Siva, and Darryl feels the City. Trudy finds out about Amber and Jay and puts herself in danger, and Salene learns of May's feelings for her.
Read MoreEpisode 43
Mega tries to manipulate Trudy, and Ebony and Slade continue their attacks on the food stores. Salene and May evade Gel's questions about the love letter, with May heartbroken, while Ram is paranoid about being spied on.
Read MoreEpisode 44
Lex helps Jack, who is now the most wanted person in the City, escape it. Mega continues his manipulation of Trudy, and May's sadness over Salene makes her leave the Mall for good.
Read MoreEpisode 45
Amber and Jay are Mega's prisoners, Salene seeks refuge in alcohol again, and Ruby drops a bombshell on Ebony. Meanwhile, Gel makes her peace with Sammy, and Ellie goes after May.
Read MoreEpisode 46
Jay is forced to confess his guilt via a CityNet broadcast, while Trudy learns of Mega's deception. Ram tells Ruby the truth about Slade's illness, and May tries to get Salene to stop drinking, but it only leads to more trouble.
Read MoreEpisode 47
The group at Liberty ponder their next move, and Mega has a dark punishment for Amber and Jay. Back at the Mall, Trudy is guilt ridden over her unwitting role in the pair's capture, while on an unknown island, a caged Alice is joined by KC.
Read MoreEpisode 48
The rebels begin their attack on the City, while back at the Mall, the tribe have to deal with Jay's memory loss. Meanwhile, Jack is suspicious of Ram, and in their cage on the island, Alice and KC are joined by an old enemy.
Read MoreEpisode 49
The rebels celebrate their victory, while Ebony is left reeling by Slade's revelation about Mega. Amber is frustrated by Jay's memory loss, Ram reclaims the Technos headquarters, and Lottie comes up with a get rich quick scheme.
Read MoreEpisode 50
The Mall Rats organize a party to celebrate their victory, but it is spoiled when Lex allows Mega to escape. Meanwhile, Amber and Jay become worried by Ram's computer Zoot, and Gel dresses to impress Lex.
Read MoreEpisode 51
The City has no power or water, and Ram scrambles to bring the computer Zoot back under control. Mega tries to make a deal with Lex, the Guardian recognizes Alice and KC, and May gets Ruby a pregnancy test.
Read MoreEpisode 52
The Mall Rats mobilize, determined to save as many people from the new virus as possible. Ebony resorts to desperate measures, Lottie's thieving lands her in trouble, and the tribe acquire a boat to flee the City.
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