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Moscow, 1977. Two 'PONIES' ('persons of no interest' in intelligence speak) work anonymously as secretaries in the American Embassy. That is until their husbands are killed under mysterious circumstances in the USSR, and the pair become CIA operatives. Bea is an over-educated, Russian-speaking child of Soviet immigrants. Her cohort, Twila, is a small-town girl who is as abrasive as she is fearless. Together, they work to uncover a vast Cold War conspiracy and solve the mystery that made them widows in the first place.

  1. Susanna Fogel


  2. David Iserson


Series Cast

  1. Emilia Clarke as Bea

    Emilia Clarke


    0 Episodes

  2. Haley Lu Richardson as Twila

    Haley Lu Richardson


    0 Episodes

  3. Adrian Lester as Dane

    Adrian Lester


    0 Episodes

  4. Artjom Gilz as Andrei

    Artjom Gilz


    0 Episodes

  5. Nicholas Podany as Ray

    Nicholas Podany


    0 Episodes

  6. Petro Ninovskyi as Sasha

    Petro Ninovskyi


    0 Episodes

  7. Vic Michaelis as Cheryl

    Vic Michaelis


    0 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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