Kathleen Noone as Claudia Whittaker

Episodes 68

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Tödliche Diagnose

September 13, 1990

While in jail, Danny has found ""the Lord."" Upon release he moves in with a woman named Mia who is also religious. Danny keeps going to Val's on the pretext of getting his belongings. He tells Val he won't give her a divorce, as God doesn't sanction it. Greg's poisoning is affecting his liver, and the news hits the paper. His sister, Claudia Whittaker shows up, and Greg says ""I see the vultures are circling!"". Claudia's daughter Kate looks just like Mary Francis. Jeff gives Karen and Mac cell phones for protection and then experiments making a phone bomb. Karen goes to Jeff's, but he sneaks out, and then Meg calls Jeff's number thinking Karen's there. Jeff's apartment building blows up.

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Mütterliche Freundin

September 20, 1990

Jeff is presumed dead. Ann's livid that Paige's trust fund didn't go to her account, and she returns Paige's wedding gifts for money. Greg asks Paige to go away on a cruise for him. Claudia asks Greg's doctor if a six-month cruise is safe for him and the doctor says he doubts Greg will live that long. Tom comes back and confronts Greg with a gun to have his charges dropped, and tells Paige that Greg set him up. Paige is still mad. She goes to meet Greg for the cruise and asks if he's really dying, because she won't believe her good fortune until he is dead and buried. Kate gets a scholarship she was hoping for, but Claudia lies and says she didn't get it. Danny lets out all the horses at Gary's ranch. When Gary comes to the stable, Danny closes the door behind him and takes out a bat.

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Der Satan in Person

September 27, 1990

Claudia has Anne checked out and finds out she's broke. Anne decides to seduce Greg, but he never comes home. Tom stops by Greg's and sees Anne's clothes strewn about, and he assumes that they are Paige's clothes. Danny beats Gary up with a bat. Then he ties Gary up and forces him to drink alcohol. When Gary's nearly passed out, he puts him in a running car that goes off a cliff. Meanwhile, Danny's girlfriend, Kim, goes to see Val, and she kicks Danny out. Val waits up all night for Gary. She calls the police, knowing that Danny has done something to him. Val, Mac and the police find Gary's empty car. Danny is floating in a pool. Dead.

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Eine Leiche im Pool

October 18, 1990

Karen is overjoyed to find that Jeff is alive, until he locks her in the station and tries to kill her. He says Wayne was killed in his apartment, and he sent her all the letters. Dianne is there and calls the police. Jeff lies to the police, but Dianne taped the whole thing. Gary calls a frantic Val, and says the airbag saved him, but he kept passing out from the booze. He later talks to Karen, and Karen gives her famous ""Pollyanna"" speech. Paige makes up with Tom and moves in with him. Anne receives compromising photos of herself and a note demanding a million dollars. Danny is found dead and police say his fingers were broken, so they'll have to investigate. The coroner tells Val she's responsible for Danny's body and she's being charged rent until she has his body moved.

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Wer hat es getan?

October 25, 1990

The police soon realize that everyone had a motive for killing Danny, but Frank is the only one without an alibi. Karen is depressed over her attack and is afraid to leave the house. Val and Gary ask Mac and Karen to be in their wedding. Paige doesn't go to work and tries to get a new job, but isn't offered any. Linda uses Paige's absence to try to ingratiate herself to Greg. Linda's upset when she hears Greg call Paige and offer her a big promotion and raise. Kate and Greg have a nice talk, and she tells him he and Claudia are exactly alike. Anne calls her ex-lover, Marco Conti, who is rich and married, and tells him they're being blackmailed. It's actually Anne who's doing the blackmailing. Marco says he'll take care of it, and sends Nick Schillace to Knots Landing.

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Nennen Sie mich Nick!

November 1, 1990

Nick suspects Anne of the blackmailing, and says that he is going to stay with her and go wherever she goes. Anne's upset that Marco only sent $20,000 for the blackmailer. Paige is angry that everyone at the office thinks she got the promotion for sleeping with Greg. She asks Greg why he treats her like dirt. He asks Paige to marry him, but she walks out. Greg is really starting to get sick. Karen goes back to work. Diane says Karen is an egomaniac, and that she got a new job and can't wait to leave. Police find a button by the pool where Danny was killed. Ginny decides to leave. Gary tells Val that his dreams have all come true and that he can't wait to marry her. They go on a family picnic, and the twins run to Gary yelling that something has happened to Val.

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Eine gefährliche Verletzung

November 8, 1990

Greg gets really sick and Carlos tries to call Paige. Tom and Paige fight about her working for Greg, and she leaves. Nick makes her sleep on the sofa. Tom goes to see her at the office and tells her she's a brat and a bitch. He sees Greg and punches him. Julie has skipped school since the day Danny died, and the police think she saw something. Anne tells Nick the blackmailers called. They're to drop the money at a department store. Anne drops alarm tags into a lot of shopping bags, so all the alarms go off. Anne grabs the money and runs. Nick apologizes to Anne for suspecting her and is worried about what Marcos will do to him for losing the money. Val fell on her head, but insists she is okay. She starts acting strangely, but Gary thinks it is pre-wedding jitters.

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Das Geständnis eines Teenagers

November 15, 1990

Paige tells Mac she never loved Tom the way she loves Greg. Anne and Nick sleep together. She tells Nick that the blackmailers have called for the rest of the money and she's to meet them alone. Nick switches the briefcase with money to one with a bomb in it. Michael gives Linda an engagement ring. Julie tells the police that Danny showed up drunk when she was swimming. He slapped her and said he was going to have her arrested for trying to shoot him. Julie said she ran to the house with Danny following, and his fingers were broken as she tried to shut the sliding glass door. In pain, he staggered around and fell into the pool and drowned. The police rule Danny's death an accident. Val freaks out when Gary sees her trying on her wedding dress, and accuses him of lying to her when she shows up for the rehearsal dinner on the wrong night. She calls off the wedding.

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Eine Bombe in der Aktentasche

November 29, 1990

Gary tells Karen he's backing off from Val, the ""queen of her own drama"". Greg collapses and Paige waits with him at the hospital. Claudia tells the doctor that Greg only wants family to visit, and lies to Greg that Paige and Carlos aren't there. Claudia's mad when she finds out that Greg is leaving the ranch to Carlos and everything else to Meg. Julie's friend Jason mouths off to Frank. Nick finds the $20,000 Anne stole, and admits there is a bomb in the briefcase he gave her. Anne has hidden it at Paige's office, but Linda has taken it. Linda seduces Harvey to get him some of Paige's reports, and then accuses him of leading her on. Finding out the briefcase is Anne's, she puts it back, and tells Paige. Anne has called a bomb threat into Sumner group. Paige takes the briefcase home. Anne and Nick decide to split the million, but don't know which briefcase has the money and which has the bomb.

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Kursierende Gerüchte

December 6, 1990

Jason's father beats him. Anne and Nick take the suitcases to a luggage store and call in a bomb threat. Tom, one of the investigators, notices the suitcase is Anne's. He takes it, and with the money buys a one way ticket to Brussels. Anne and Nick go to Tom's apartment, but discover he's gone. Linda sucks up to Alex, who works for Calloway. Alex tells Calloway that Sumner Group is ripe for a takeover. Val tells Karen that Gary is messy and smells like a barn. The help tells Gary that Val left and said she'll be back when ""hell freezes over"". Kate tells the hospital that Paige is her cousin so she can see Greg. Greg is very happy to see her. Claudia finds out that a liver is going to another patient. Since she's not yet in Greg's will, Claudia tells them if Greg lives, he will donate money for a new wing, so they decide to give the liver to Greg.

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Sorgen mit der Jugend

December 13, 1990

Because Julie skipped, Frank goes to school with her and sits in on her classes. She's mortified but they make up. Jason tells Mac his father died and he lives in a foster home. Mac talks to the school who says it isn't true. Mac goes to his house and hears his father beating him. Claudia tries to keep Paige from seeing Greg, and meanwhile makes a new will for Greg with her as executor. Greg has his operation and asks Paige to marry him. She accepts. Nick and Anne get married, using Paige's name. Alex asks Linda for confidential figures, so she has him sign a contract that he'll hire her if she's fired. Gary and Karen are concerned about Val's behavior. A doctor tells them she could be having brain seizures due to her fall. Val gets her haircut, leaving the twins home alone. They climb up onto the roof to play.

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Eine Erbschaft ging verloren

December 20, 1990

Gary rescues the twins. Claudia finds out that Anne married Nick for Paige's money, and uses this to blackmail them into signing Greg's fake will. Anne's finds out there is no money left in Paige's trust. Nick has to go to Rome but tells Anne he'll be back. Linda tells Greg that Paige's Calloway report was inaccurate, so she made another one. Greg calls a meeting at his hospital room and berates Paige. Furious, she walks out. Alex tells Linda that Greg has cut his company off and is firing their management. Michael wants to get married on New Year's eve, but Linda wants to wait. Carlos brings Paige her Christmas gift from Greg - a diamond bracelet. Mac calls the police about Jason, and he is taken away. Mac later finds Jason standing in front of his house, and Mac tells Jason he doesn't have to go in.

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Ein schockierender Traum

January 3, 1991

Paige dreams she meets herself as an older woman, and is miserable because she married Greg. Greg moves his sickbed to the office. He tells Paige he had a vasectomy and wants her to sign a pre-nuptial agreement, so she calls off the wedding. Mac discovers Jason was sent home because he refused to testify against his dad. Mac and Frank go to a poetry reading at Julie's school. Jason is there, and he's sad his father didn't show up, but he's glad to see Mac. Later Jason shows up at the MacKenzie's. Anne decides to set her sites on Gary. Val goes to see the doctor, but thinks Gary paid him to say she has temporary brain damage in a plot to get the twins. Val replaces her pills with aspirin. She moves to the ranch since Gary won't let her take the twins. She gets in bed with Gary and starts to kiss him. He doesn't think it's a good idea and she goes off on him.

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Narben der Kindheit

January 10, 1991

Mac lets Jason spend the night, but says that's not a solution. Dick Lochner tells Mac that Jason's lying, and Mac goes off on him. The next night Jason sleeps in the park. Julie's teacher Charlotte calls Frank to go to an art exhibit. Not sure if it's a date, he brings Peggy. Then Charlotte asks him out for a real date. Linda is really snide to Paige. In a meeting, Linda gives a suggestion that Greg really likes. Paige is fed up with her and complains about Linda to Greg. Karen offers to ""babysit"" Val. Gary goes to the gym, and is happy to ""run into"" Anne. Karen pays for a pizza with Val's money, and finds her pills at the bottom of her purse. Karen shows them to Gary.

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Auf der Flucht vor dem Vater

January 31, 1991

Steve Brewer, a photographer, introduces himself to Kate and pretends to interview her. Linda gives Paige a report for Mrs. Richfield. Paige throws it away and has her take Mrs. Richfield's niece shopping. Linda gives a copy of her report to the niece, and Mrs. Richfield tells Greg she liked Linda's report better. Julie asks Frank to go out to dinner, so he cancels his date with Charlotte. At the restaurant Julie tells Frank she knows Charlotte goes there every Friday, so she took him there to get them together. After Val cooks the twins' hermit crabs for dinner, she agrees to go to the hospital for tests. Jason calls Mac for help. He's been beaten up and claims it happened when he hitchhiked. He asks Mac to take him home. Mac tells Jason that his father abused him too, and that he shouldn't have to live like that. Jason tells Mac to bring him somewhere else.

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Der Entführung beschuldigt

February 7, 1991

Mac and Karen go to court and ask to be Jason's foster parents, but the judge decides he should stay with his dad. Mac speeds off with Jason. He hides him in Val's house, but refuses to tell anyone where he is, so he's arrested. Frank and Charlotte go on a date. The doctor tells Gary that Val isn't responding to medication, but might get better on her own. Mrs. Richfield's niece Susie is hired at Sumner Group and does a terrible job. Susie puts through an account Linda was secretly trying to get to Paige, who then takes over the account. Steve asks Kate a lot of questions about her father and Claudia. He accidentally dings Paige's car, and Paige is furious with him and demands he fix it. Steve has a parole officer who says he needs to get a job and stay out of trouble, or he'll put him back in prison.

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Krankhafte Eifersucht

February 14, 1991

Claudia tells Paige about Anne's fake marriage to get her trust fund. Anne goes to the ranch to get a puppy, and is bored when Gary goes on and on about Val. Paige kicks Anne out. Nick finds Anne. He calls her Betty, and tells her to call him Dimitri. Steve tells Claudia he is her son and wants to know why she gave him away. She throws him out. Mack is jailed for hiding Jason, so Gary agrees to help. Val comes home as Gary is there to get Jason, and thinks Gary is hiding a woman there. Val questions the twins, who tell her about Anne. Jason's uncles go to the MacKenzie's where Paige is babysitting. They demand to know where Jason is. One uncle punches Paige, so Jason runs out of Val's to help her. His uncles force Jason into their truck and speed off.

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Ich bin Dimitri

February 21, 1991

Mac is out of jail, and Jason's returned to his father, who promises to be nice but continues to be as abusive as ever. Jason leaves and his dad follows. Nick tells Anne he was traveling with a rich woman named Betty, and she was supposed to pick something up from her relatives. Anne pretends to be Betty, and the relatives give her a doll. Kate learns Steve is her brother. Linda blows off Michael to flirt with Greg. Val overhears Gary trying to have her committed, and leaves.

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Hund gesucht!

February 28, 1991

Jason is unconscious in the hospital, and his dad is put in jail. Mac stays with him. Linda sleeps with Greg and breaks off her engagement to Michael. Claudia refuses to tell Steve or Kate who Steve's father is. Anne and Nick try to find out if the doll is worth something or if something's hidden in it. The dog rips the doll apart. Val comes by and yells at Anne to stay away from Gary. Seeing the dog, she takes it. Then a man breaks in and demands a vial that was hidden in the doll. Paige comes in with security to kick Anne and Nick out, and the man is arrested. Anne and Nick determine that the dog ate the vial, so they break into Gary's barn, but all the puppies look alike.

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Geduld zahlt sich aus

March 7, 1991

Val decides to go back to the hospital for further testing. Anne and Nick finally locate the capsule, and it has a microfiche map in it. Two different parties want it, so they make a copy and sell it to both, for a total of $550,000. They rent Tom's apartment. Charlotte tells Frank she doesn't want a serious relationship with him, so he goes on a series of disastrous dates. Claudia makes up a story about who Steve's father is, but he doesn't buy it. Linda jumps the gun on a project of Paige's, and Greg reams her out but she decides to still sleep with him. Mac finds out he will be disbarred for hiding Jason. Jason moves into the MacKenzies, and tries to be really perfect and helpful. Mac tells him to just relax and he himself.

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Ein Sohn mehr

March 28, 1991

Jason is to have a goodbye dinner with his dad, but his father doesn't show up. Finding out their money is counterfeit, Anne and Nick decide to get real jobs, but both are inept and are fired on their first day. Anne decides to blackmail Claudia because she knows who Steve's father is. Kate is shocked to learn Steve was in prison. Kate asks Greg to hire Steve. Mort assigns Steve to be Paige's assistant. She's furious, and has hated him ever since he dinged her car. Greg and Steve meet and immediately argue, but Greg likes him. Paige and Steve get stuck in an elevator for several hours and they argue. When they're finally freed, Paige goes into Greg's office, only to find him with Linda.

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Der wahre Held

April 4, 1991

Doctors discover that Val has a rare virus that is causing her strange behavior, but it's curable. Greg offers Claudia a job as head of his foundation. Mrs. Richfield wants Linda to work on her account with Paige. Paige places a sexy ad on a phone date line and gives Linda's phone number. Steve tells Kate his parents were forced out of their logging business by a big logging company, and his father was killed, and his mother died 6 months later. He said he got drunk and beat up the company representative, and that's why he was in jail. Steve finds out Greg owns the logging company. Jason's paper on an American Hero has won a regional contest, and the final prize is a year abroad in Sweden. Jason doesn't want to read the paper, because it's about his father. At the ceremony Jason changes his essay to be about Mac. Michele Lee sings as several clips of Steve Shaw are shown.

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Wo ein Wille, da ist ein Weg

April 11, 1991

Linda's mom Doris is in town, so Linda misses her meeting with Mrs. Richfield to meet her at the airport. Doris is really bitchy to Linda, and decides to fly home rather than stay with her. Greg takes both Paige and Linda off the Richfield account. Paige and Linda continue to argue and insult one another. Val is cured, and Gary suggests they get remarried. Karen throws a barbecue, and while playing with the twin, Gary bumps into Kate, breaking her arm. Claudia appoints Anne to the board of the Foundation, so Greg knows Anne has something on her. Anne tries to get a copy of Paul Galveston's will and tells Nick that Steve is worth a fortune because he is Galveston's son and Greg's brother.

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Es brennt nach allen Seiten

April 25, 1991

Anne proposes a charity for Claudia's group to fund - but it's really to fund her and Nick. Claudia knows, and tries to delay. Michael decides to quit Sumner Group. There's a fire in the Sumner Building, and all the exits are sealed off. Most of the people for Val and Gary's rehearsal dinner are stuck there until it's evacuated. Greg and Linda use the time ""constructively"", and he invites her to move in with him at the ranch. Steve apologizes to Paige and kisses her. Babysitting all the kids, Julie and Jason kiss. Waiting outside of the Sumner Building, Val and Gary decide their rehearsal dinners are jinxed. They have a very tender moment, and Gary even cries. They decide to marry that night. They go to a judge and giggle throughout the ceremony.

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Paige tells Steve their kiss meant nothing. Greg assigns Paige to be head of Sumner Plaza and introduces her to Brian, the architect. He asks Paige to dinner and they kiss. Brian and Linda already know one another and sleep together. Linda moves to the ranch, where Greg tries to get her to play croquet. Gary, feeling bad that he broke Kate's arm, offers her a job at the ranch. Claudia's upset as she wanted Kate to work at the Sumner group. Frank passes the bar and starts a new job at a fancy legal firm. He's mad when he finds Julie and Jason kissing. Anne and Nick steal a valuable piece of art from the Sumner collection. Anne wakes up to find that Nick has left her and taken the statue with him. Anne demands Claudia give her money or she will tell all. Claudia calls Greg and Steve into her office and tells them that Galveston is Steve's father.

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Das eindeutige Videoband

May 16, 1991

Greg tells Steve that he's not entitle to Galveston's money, but gives him $250,000 and says he can either save his logging town or go to the Bahamas. Kate finds out that Claudia lied about her scholarship, and decides to move in with Steve. Julie and Jason go to a party, where a gang stabs their friend Paul. Frank forbids Julie from dating Jason anymore. Brian comes on to Paige and she sees he has a video camera running. She punches him and leaves. Brian then goes to Linda, who agrees as long as she can keep the tape. The next day Brian is missing and so is Linda's tape. Michael buys a van and tells Karen he is leaving to travel the country. Anne's landlord kicks her out. She leaves several messages for Paige that she is desperate, but Paige ignores them. Anne stays overnight at a coffee shop drinking coffee.

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Eiskaltes Mutterherz

Season Finale
May 16, 1991

Anne sleeps overnight on a park bench, and her purse and suitcase are stolen. Everyone she goes to for help is too busy to see her. Steve decides to go back to his logging town, and Kate decides to help him move. Claudia goes to Steve's and hides her gun in his van. Claudia calls the police saying Steve is agitated and stole her gun. The police stop Steve's van and find the gun. Steve tells Kate that having the gun violates his parole. Steve pushes a policeman, and another officer shoots and kills him. Linda can't find her tape, but finds the one of Paige, and puts it in his car. The police question Paige as she was the last one to be seen with him. The officer calls his partner - and it's Tom Ryan! Frank decides to go back to work for Mac. The gang wants Jason to join them, but Mac and Frank beat them up and they're arrested. Karen is shot with a paint pellet by a group of teens, and chases them in her car. The teen's car is hit by a truck. The kids are all unconscious and bloody. Jas

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Enttäuschte Töchter

September 12, 1991

Kate blames Claudia for setting Steve up. Ann runs into Benny Appleman, who owes her money. He lets her stay with him, and they try to think up some scams. Linda secretly meets with Brian Johnston. Gary meets Joseph Barringer, a professor who is experimenting with how to capture ocean waves to make energy. Gary is excited by the idea, and wants to back him. While in Toronto for business, Paige meets Pierce Lawton, and is smitten. She waits by the phone for him to call, but he shows up at her apartment. Jason, in the hospital, tells Karen the other teens were the gang members who stabbed their friend. Karen tells one of the boy's mothers off, and then he dies. People make Karen into a hero for standing up to gang violence.

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Auf Erpresser-Tour

September 19, 1991

Brian tells Linda that his wife sent a detective after him, and he killed the detective. He needs Linda to pose as his wife to get gold coins out of his gym locker. She does, and he gives her the tape. Then Linda goes to his wife and tells her she knows where Brian is. Anne decides to pose nude for a fashion magazine. Gary and Joseph go to Greg to back their new company. Greg doesn't want to work with Gary again, but Paige is interested. Kate moves to a new apartment, and won't talk to Claudia. The DA wants Karen to plead guilty for reckless endangerment, but Mac says not to.Val meets a waitress, Lynette, from Mule Shoe Texas where Lilimae grew up. Paige and Pierce spend romantic time together, and he tells her he loves her.

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Das neue Projekt

September 26, 1991

Pierce is interested in Tidal Energy, and meets with Gary and Joseph. Greg finds out Paige showed Gary's proposal to Pierce, and fires her. She decides to work at Tidal Energy too.Greg meets with Joseph about funding him, but he says he won't sell Gary out. Joseph asks Kate to lunch. Paige is embarrased by Anne's nude layout.Val tells Lynette she will teach her to read. On ""Open Mike"" Karen's viewers laud her as a vigilante hero. Upset, she says she isn't a hero - she met violence with violence, and someone died. Linda tells Brian's wife where he is for $50,000. Brian follows her and surprises her at her condo. He's furious and tells Linda she spoiled everything. He stabs her and cuts her throat.

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Trickreiche Spiele

October 3, 1991

Karen's station insist she have Anne on as a guest. Anne admits on the show to being homeless. Karen tells Val she's lost interest in the show. Karen's producer Debbie asks Frank out, but he feels really old compared to her. Police tell Greg of Linda's murder. Val tries to teach Lynette to read, and they both become frusterated. Paige organizes the Tidal Energy office. They all go out for dinner, and are told that Greg has picked up the check. Kate tells Claudia off, and Claudia's really upset. Karen comforts her and invites her to dinner. When Claudia doesn't show, she and Mac go to Claudia's and find her passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of pills beside her.

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Tröstliche Versöhnung

October 31, 1991

Greg asks police to pull out the stops in finding Brian, and hires his own detective to find him. Brian is following Greg.Pierce breaks up with his old girlfriend Victoria, and tells Paige about her. Lynette wants Val to help her with her IRS problems, but Val declines, saying she's only helping her to read.Anne decides to do a call-in radio talk show. Frank and Debbie continue dating. Claudia has nightmares of someone needing medication. Kate thinks she faked the suicide, but Karen convinces her to talk to Claudia. Kate makes up with her, but says she still can't live with her.

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Geschäftliches Vergnügen

November 7, 1991

Karen tells Claudia that she's been saying ""Rosa"" in her sleep. Claudia says she doesn't know a Rosa, but when Karen sees a letter signed Rosa, Claudia says Rosa was her mother's nurse but that she was used to calling her Miss Barth. Victoria has a hard time getting over Pierce. Joseph kisses Kate, and they both feel awkward about it. Brian kills Greg's detective, so Greg asks Mac to make sure the police get him.Tidal Energy needs shore line space for their experiments, and Greg wants to block them, so they both court a new member of the shoreline commission. Tidal Energy gets their permit, and Greg's disappointed.

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Geständnis per Telefon

November 14, 1991

Anne's show is a success, and she tells Benny that she's getting her own apartment. He's upset because he has fallen in love with her. Joseph quits the University to work full time at Tidal Energy. Joseph and Kate declare their love for one another and sleep together. Debbie breaks up with Frank because she wants a serious relationship. Pierce has nightmares of sailing in a storm with Victoria. Victoria tells Paige that Pierce has a dark side and will turn on her, but Paige doesn't believe her. Victoria tells Pierce she still loves him, and asks if Paige knows about the data list. Pierce tells her to leave him alone. Brian follows Greg to Meg's birthday party. After the party, he pulls a gun on Karen and Meg in the backyard.

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Ein Überfall

November 21, 1991

Brian holds Karen, Mac, Jason and Meg hostage. He demands that Greg come over. They leave him several messages, but he doesn't call back. Brian sends Mac to cash some bonds, and starts to kiss Karen, but Mac gets back. Greg finally calls and Brian demands money and a car, or he'll hurt Meg. Brian has tied up Mac, but Meg unties him. Julie barges in and Mac and Brian struggle for the gun, and Jason is shot in the leg. Karen gets the gun and holds it on Brian until the police arrive. Paramedics tell Jason he only has a flesh wound.

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Geheimnis der Vergangenheit

December 5, 1991

Meg and Mac have a hard time getting over the hostage situation, but Karen tells Mac she won't live in a high security home, or Brian will have won. Jason wins the essay contest, but doesn't want to go to Sweden. Tidal Energy's life sized model doesn't work. Joseph says he can fix it, but it will take a lot of money. Gary decides to mortgage the ranch. Claudia receives an obituary that says Rosa Barth died. Victoria tells Greg she will give him information that will bring Pierce down. She follows Paige around, and Paige finds Victoria in her bed and asks Pierce why she's doing this. Pierce storms out.

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Version eines Unglücks

December 12, 1991

Mac advises Gary not to mortgage the ranch, and Val's upset that Gary doesn't know when to cut his losses, and Gary's mad that no one believes in him. Frank misses Debbie. The radio station throws a party for Anne, and she makes them invite Benny. Benny falls down the stairs and pretends he can't move and says he will sue them. Greg tells Paige that 10 years ago Pierce took his pregnant girlfriend sailing and she drowned, but the rumor is that he killed her. Pierce disappears. His car is found at the beach, and Paige is really worried about him. Pierce comes home and tells Paige about the boat accident, and not being able to save his girlfriend. He says Victoria put him back together, but wouldn't let go when he didn't need her anymore, and that he had no reason to live until he met Paige.

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December 19, 1991

The bank hesitates to loan Gary money because of Pierce's past. Gary yells at him for not telling him. Greg has a renewed interest in Meg, and Mac and Karen are worried. The Ewings spend Christmas with the MacKenzies, and Val tells Karen she misses living in the cul-de-sac. The power goes out, so they play football and sing carols. Claudia and Kate go to Greg's for Christmas. Greg asks Joseph if he can support Kate, and Joseph is offended. Jason leaves for Sweden on Christmas day. Pierce sees a robe that Anne gave Paige, and is enraged thinking it's from Greg. Paige says it isn't, and he tears through her clothes to see what Greg gave her. She tells Pierce to get out.

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Mac and Karen decide to let Greg be in Meg's life, but to wait awhile before telling her she's adopted. Victoria tells Mac that Pierce killed his last girlfriend and gives Gary numbers to Pierce's former business partners. Gary calls and only gets bad reports. Val is worried that the stress will cause Gary to drink, and he considers it, but goes to an AA meeting. Claudia has Greg get Joseph a job in Massachusetts. Joseph discovers a major flaw in his design, and realizes he'll have to start over from scratch. He refuses to tell Gary, and Kate is angry. Joseph gets the job offer, but doesn't tell Kate. Alex, Rosa's nephew, shows up at Claudia's. He says he knows her secret and will be staying with her for awhile. He comes on to her. Pierce becomes enraged that Joseph spent Christmas at Greg's and accuses him of giving Greg information. Pierce tries to choke Joseph, but Paige interrupts and stops Pierce.

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Erhärteter Verdacht

January 9, 1992

Joseph quits and Gary is furious and punches him out. Gary has to suspend operations, but Val comforts him and says they still have each other. Joseph asks Kate to go with him, but she wants nothing to do with him. Claudia asks Greg why he got him a job in La Jolla instead of MA, and Greg says he wanted to ruin the company, but didn't want Kate losing her boyfriend. Greg buys a date with Anne at a charity auction. Frank sends Julie back east to live with relatives. Alex goes through Claudia's bank book and breaks her artifacts. Claudia cooks him dinner and implies the salad dressing is poisoned. Pierce blames Greg for the loss of the company and his breakup with Paige, and tells Greg he will destroy him. Pierce comes up to Paige at the Tidal Energy Ocean Site, and holds her over the rushing water, but she gets away.

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Ein bitteres Ende

January 16, 1992

Pierce makes charts about Greg, and decides that his first ""line"" to him will be Claudia. Greg offers Paige her job back. Greg and Anne go on a date. Karen's boss wants her to do a show about Gary losing his money, so she quits. Alex throws a party for Claudia where he gives her a portrait of her mother, Ruth Sumner Galveston. After the party Alex tells Claudia that he was there when Ruth tried to reach for her medication, but the bottle broke, and instead of helping her, Claudia just stood there and let her die. He says he has the cancelled checks that Claudia sent Rosa every month to keep her quiet. Gary is really hurting as the ranch is auctioned off. The Ewings move back to the cul-de-sac.

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Es könnte schlimmer sein

January 23, 1992

Pierce tells Victoria that if she gives him info on Greg, he'll sleep with her. Pierce chats with Claudia about Kate. Pierce goes to Paige's and packs. He throws her against the dresser and tells her he's after Greg. Paige tells Greg to get a bodyguard. Greg and Anne finally sleep together. Greg brings Mary Lou Retton to Meg's gymnastic meet. Mac, Peggy and Frank think they've won the lottery, and search all over for the ticket. They finally find it, but they'd written the numbers down wrong. Gary agrees to run the ranch for the new owner, but is frustrated when they don't see eye-to-eye on how to run it. He quits, so Val sells her wedding ring for money. The jeweler calls Gary, and he buys it back.

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Ein neues Buch

January 30, 1992

Pierce blackmails Mort into giving him information on Greg's business deals. Greg suspects a leak, so Mort tells Pierce he can't risk helping him anymore. Kate's old tennis friend Vanessa shows up and asks to stay with Kate. Claudia wants Alex out, so she tells Greg that he is blackmailing her, and that Ruth was in pain, so she let her die. Greg gives Alex a job so he can keep an eye on him. Alex asks Kate out. Claudia wants him to leave Kate alone, so she sleeps with Alex. Alex goes to pick up Kate, and tells Kate that Vanessa's really good looking. Val's publisher asks her to write a biography of Greg. No one wants her to do it, and Mac and Karen are scared of how it will affect Meg and Paige, but Val decides to go ahead with it.

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Zwischen drei Frauen

February 6, 1992

Claudia wants Alex to move out. Alex flirts with Vanessa and they almost kiss when Kate walks in. Paige asks Anne to hire Kate at the radio station. Vanessa comes by and sucks up to Anne big time, so Anne hires Vanessa to be her assistant. Val meets with Greg about her book, and Greg is bemused by her earnestness. Pierce tries to ruin Greg's business deal, but it doesn't work. Pierce screams at Greg in a restaurant and is thrown out. Pierce buys a rifle. Paige has dinner with Anne and Greg at his ranch. As they leave, Greg sees Pierce. He pushes Anne and grabs Paige as Pierce shoots.

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Die Folgen des Attentats

February 27, 1992

Paige has been shot and is rushed to the hospital. The bullet is removed, but her spine is swollen and she might be paralyzed. Mac tells Karen to go home, and he and Anne go to a diner across the street. Anne feels bad about being a bad mother. Claudia finds Pierce at her house. Pierce wants her to tell Paige that he didn't mean to shoot her and he loves her. Claudia plays along and he leaves. Anne is jealous as she watches Greg sit with Paige and stroke her face and hair. Anne tells him that their relationship is over. Vanessa fills in for Anne at the station. Alex brings Vanessa to Greg's office, and they have sex on his desk. Paige wakes up, but has no feelings in her legs and can't move her toes.

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Situation mit Gefahren

March 5, 1992

Val gets a call from a woman telling her she has information about Greg and Meg. Val agrees to meet her, but Gary follows, thinking it could be Pierce setting her up. Alex invites Kate to dinner. Vanessa's jealous, but says she knows he's doing it to get ahead with Greg. Anne does her show on Paige, and how much she loves her. Paige cries and tells Anne that she really needed to hear those things, and they decide to start over. Paige dares Greg to tell her he loves her. Paige starts to regain feeling in her leg. During physical therapy in a pool, Greg tells her she gave him a scare, and he starts to say he loves her. An orderly interrupts to bring her to x-ray, but instead takes her to the basement. Pierce is there. The orderly runs off, and Pierce knocks her guard out. He gives Paige a shot. She gets groggy and he carries her to a van.

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Drama auf See

March 12, 1992

Claudia handles Greg's business while he's gone. Alex brings Vanessa to Claudia's, and she catches them sleeping together. Val meets with the mystery woman Mary Robeson. She says that her son Joe worked for Greg and Laura had an affair with him, and Joe is Meg's father, but Greg paid him off. Val doesn't believe her. Paige wakes up aboard a yacht. Pierce is there, and she realizes he thinks she is Margaret, his girlfriend who died. Paige manages to leave her hospital bracelet on the dock before Pierce takes off with her. Greg hires detectives, and they find the orderly who helped Pierce. He says Pierce used his van, and police find it at the Marina, along with Paige's hospital bracelet. Mac and Greg take off in a boat. They catch up to the yacht, and Mac and Greg jump on. A fight ensues. Pierce and Greg fall into the water, and Greg goes under water.

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Zeit der Besinnung

April 2, 1992

Mary tells Val that Greg is trying to kill her. Val sees a news story that she's missing, and tells Greg about Mary. Greg calls someone and said that he was to be notified when Mary was let out of prison. Mary watches Meg through the McKenzie's window. Greg tells Claudia that he can't focus, and lets her take over. Claudia berates Alex at work, so he takes Kate out and makes out with her. He tells Claudia not to get on him again, or he and Kate might elope. Pierce's body isn't found, so the search is called off. Paige is upset that Greg has avoided her since she's home, and she isn't eating or sleeping. Anne and Karen try to get Greg to visit her. Finally Paige goes to see him. He is watching the tape of Laura, and tells Paige that when he was underwater, he saw a tunnel with a light, and Laura told him to go back, but he didn't want to. He tells Paige she's better off without him, that people around him die. She says she didn't, and they kiss.

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Die Warnung kam zu spät

Season Finale
April 9, 1992

Val goes to Florida against Gary's wishes, where she learns that Mary Robeson was Laura's real mother, and Greg had her set up and sent to prison. She calls to alert Karen, but they can't find Meg. Greg meanwhile, has threatened Mary to stay away from Meg and leave town. Greg decides to quit, and gives 13% of his company to Claudia, 13% to Paige, and 13% to Meg, with Mac and Karen as her trustees. Alex sleeps with Kate and tells Claudia and Vanessa he genuinely has feelings for Kate. Claudia fires him, but Paige rehires him, so Claudia threatens to tell Kate about his affair with her and Vanessa. Greg sleeps with Paige, but then pulls away, and says he'll be around. He decides to get away for awhile. Anne wants to get back together with him, and tries to find him when she discovers she's pregnant. Gary decides to build low-rent housing in Michigan. He's mad at Val and tells Karen if she doesn't return in time, he'll leave without her. Claudia puts out a memo to limit Paige's power. Fur

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Gefunden und verloren

October 29, 1992

Pierce pulls a knife on Paige. She jumps out of the car. Alex is there, and punches Pierce out. Pierce is arrested screaming that he loves Paige. Mary returns Meg and tells McKenzie's she's Laura's mother. Mary gets a lawyer, Toni Fields, to win visitation rights, but she really wants money. Claudia kicks Alex out. Greg is at a remote cabin, but Anne finds him and tells him she's pregnant. He doesn't want her to keep the baby, and wants her to leave. She won't, so he goes off hiking and Anne follows. Gary is worried when Val doesn't return from Florida, but has checked out of her hotel.

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Marionetten der Liebe

November 5, 1992

Gary decides to go to Florida to look for Val. Kate asks Vanessa to leave, because Alex is moving in with her. Kate catches Alex and Vanessa in the shower together and kicks them both out. Anne says she is going to keep the baby, so Greg says that in that case they should get married. They return home. Mary decides to bring the MacKenzies to court, so Karen and Mac ask Greg to help. He tells them he'll take care of it. Anne tells Paige that Paige dropped the ball with Greg, and now she is going to marry Greg. Paige breaks down and cries.

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Die Stunde der Kinder

November 12, 1992

Greg decides to pay off Mary, but she says it's not about money. The MacKenzies are mad that she told Meg about the adoption. Claudia gets Vanessa a job at a music television station, and Alex tries to get back with Kate, and then comes on to Paige. Alex decides to go back east. Greg is appointed to a task force to rebuild Los Angeles after the riots. He tells Paige he wants her and Sumner Group to be part of it. Gary is frustrated that he didn't find anything out about Val in Florida. Kate helps to comfort the twins, who are worried. Kate decides to stay at Claudia's for awhile. Nick comes back to town. Anne finds out that she isn't pregnant, but is going through menopause.

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Es gibt keine Rettung

November 19, 1992

In Florida, Gary discovers Val has been kidnapped. He chases Val and the kidnappers in his car. The car that Val is in crashes and blows up. Anne plans her wedding with Greg. She wants a big wedding, but she tells him to keep it small. Greg wants his commission to sponsor a sports complex for inner-city youth, and wants Sumner Group to build the complex. The Judge gives Mary visiting rights to Meg.

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Die Liebe und der Tod

December 3, 1992

Kate comforts Gary and the twins about Val's death. Gary and Kate start to kiss, but he says he can't. A memorial service is held, and Betsy runs out, not believing Val is dead. Karen's upset over Val's death. Greg appoints Bill Nolan, an ex-baseball player to his commission. Bill antagonizes Paige, but she agrees to go out with him, and to back the sports complex. Anne confides in Mac that she isn't pregnant, but is taking fertility pills. Mac thinks she should tell Greg, but she doesn't. Anne wants Paige to attend the wedding, but she won't, because she still loves Greg. Before the wedding, Greg tells Carlos he feels like he's going to prison, and has a better idea. Greg lets himself into Paige's apartment, but sees her in bed with Bill. Greg then decides to go to the church and marry Anne.

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Das ist der Preis

December 10, 1992

Paige tells Bill she slept with him on the rebound. He still wants to go out, but she rejects him. Nick moves in with Claudia. She buys him an Italian restaurant to keep him in town and in her bed. Nick lets Vanessa know he's in town. She's upset and asks him not to tell her secret. He says he won't as his future might depend on her. Kate feels guilty about her crush on Gary. Meg doesn't want to see Mary, and Mary tells her if she doesn't, the Judge might make Meg live with her. Joe Robeson tells the MacKenzies he can get Mary out of their life if he pays them. The stress is taking a toll on Mac and Karen's marriage. Mac asks Paige for a million dollars.

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Es ist alles aus

December 17, 1992

Vanessa's scared of being fired, because her ratings are low. She finds Anne's fertility pills. Bill receives an offer to play baseball in Japan, and asks Paige to go with him, but she says she isn't in love with him. Gary takes a job overseeing the building of the sports complex. Karen's upset that Mac won't talk to her. Karen tells Toni that Mary only wants money. Toni asks Mary, who fires her. Paige can't get the money, so Mac asks Claudia's help. She tells him to make up a phony charity for the money. Claudia gets a million dollars, but only gives Mac half, keeping the other half for herself and Nick's restaurant. Mac puts the money in a briefcase with a tracking device. He asks Gary to tape him giving it to Mary. However, the battery in Gary's video camera dies, so he takes a battery from a tourist. The tourist, trying to retrieve the battery, blocks Gary's shot. Mary walks off with the money.

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Zeit der Trauer

January 7, 1993

Vanessa tells Anne she wants $2000 a week to keep her secret. Anne's upset that Greg spends all his time on the committee, and not with her. She learns Greg had Bill sent to Japan. Anne falls off a horse and tells Greg she lost they baby. Nick gives Claudia a necklace. Karen's upset that Mac tried to set Mary up. Mac's upset Gary didn't get it on tape. Mary gives her brother Joe some money, but says she's going to see Meg until they give her the rest of the million. Mac's upset, because he thought Mary was out of their life. He yells at her and her neighbor comes to see if she's okay. Karen decides to talk to Mary. She goes to her apartment and finds it trashed, and Mary is dead on the floor.

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Manche mögens heiß

January 14, 1993

Kate helps Gary hire a housekeeper, and tells him that she has feelings for him. Vanessa's upset that Anne won't give her money. Anne tells Greg she was never pregnant, but that she'll be a good wife. Greg tells her it is a marriage of convenience, and she is never to bring up Paige to him. Karen finds a tape Mary made of her meeting with Mac. She hides it and calls police. They put Tom Ryan in charge. Mac burns the tape, but Mary had sent a copy to Toni, which she gives the police. Tom wants to know where he got the money. Claudia tells Tom that Mac filed papers with her for ""Pacific Preservation Co."" and forged her signature to get a million dollars. Police find Mac's fingerprints on the ashtray that killed Mary, and they arrest him for her murder.

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Wo ist die Million Dollar?

January 21, 1993

Despite their attempts, Karen and Gary are not allowed to speak with Mack while he's being booked for the murder of Mary. They retain Attorney William Reed to represent Mack. Paige and Kate try futilely to calm Meg, who's nervous that her parents aren't home. After Meg goes to sleep, Gary and Karen return to the house with no news about Mack. Kate and Gary share a tender moment. The following day, Karen and Paige go to the jail where they learn Mack fired his attorney, Reed, the night before. Reed tells Karen that Mack gave explicit orders that he doesn't want to see her. She's shocked. The women go to municipal court for Mack's bail hearing. They learn that bail is already set at one million dollars and that Mack is back in jail. Paige asks former boyfriend, Tom, for help, but he suggests Mack plead to manslaughter. Paige gets angry. Later, Detective Pete Reynolds tells Tom that he helped Mack give money to Mary. He tells Tom the money was marked and Mack is innocent. Greg has difficu

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Auf der Spur

January 28, 1993

Greg tells Claudia to return her half of the money or he'll make her disappear. Nick gives her the money, but won't tell her how he got it. Nick kisses Anne, but she doesn't want to mess things up with Greg. Gary hires Kate to work on the sports complex. She convinces a couple who are holding up construction to move, but they later change their mind. Kate kisses Gary, but he pushes her away. Out on bail, Mac investigates who killed Mary. Toni decides to help Mac. Gary gets a report that Joe kidnapped Val, so he decides to go back to Florida and asks Kate to watch the twins. Mac wants to go to, but Karen says he would be jumping bail. Mac sneaks out in the middle of the night and leaves Karen a note.

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February 4, 1993

Greg doesn't know why construction of the sports arena is stalled, and tries to bulldoze the Carter's house, not realizing they still live there. The incident is on the news. Greg decides to quit the committee and go back to Sumner Group. Paige tells him that Claudia will put up a fight. Tom wants to interview Greg, so Karen and Peggy cover for him. Karen asks Paige to help, so Paige spends the day with Tom. The police discover that someone is using marked money. It is Joe Robeson, and Paige helps Tom arrest him. Joe is questioned, but denies killing Mary and says the money is his savings. Tom figures out that Mac jumped bail, and wants to put out a warrant for his arrest, so Paige asks him to wait for 24 hours.

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Einer kommt, eine geht

February 11, 1993

Back from Florida, Gary tells Karen that Mary was really Laura's aunt, and Laura's mother died in childbirth. The police drop the charges against Mac, and they let Joe go. Joe meets with Nick, who tells him he wasn't supposed to have murdered Mary. Then Joe is found dead. Nick tells Vanessa he doesn't want Treadwell coming to town. Nick has Claudia open a bank account for ""Edward Messinger"" and gives her a briefcase of money. Paige asks Mac for his shares of Sumner group, but he says he doesn't care. Kate comes on to Gary again. He says he's not ready and she's pushing him. Mac hires Toni to work with him and says Frank moved to Chicago. Karen is upset that Mac didn't tell her about Florida or hiring Toni. He says talking to her is an inquisition. She decides to leave him and stay with Diana in New York.

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February 11, 1993

Greg ignores Anne, so she comes on to Nick but won't sleep with him. Greg tells Anne his heart wants what it wants, and it doesn't want her. Gary tells Kate he has conflicting feelings, but wants to still be friends with her. Mac calls Karen but she puts Meg on. He and Greg commiserate in a bar, and Mac says he'll give Greg Meg's shares back. Paige asks him for the shares, and Mac says he already promised them to Greg, but will give them to her instead. Greg blackmails Claudia to sell him her shares. Treadwell calls Nick and Nick tells Claudia she can't sell, that because he gave her the half million dollars, she has obligations, and she doesn't know who she's dealing with. He also wants her to put a disc in the Sumner computer. Out bicycling with the twins, a van knocks Kate off the road, and she's unconscious.

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Mit allen Tricks

February 25, 1993

Kate is okay. Gary tells her she needs to find someone younger, that he doesn't want any more children. Upset, Kate decides to go away. Claudia agrees to keep her share. Nick says he needs to know Paige's strength and weaknesses, now that she has the McKenzie's shares. Tom investigates Kate's hit and run, and Paige tells him that there is probably a link to whoever gave Claudia money. Tom, trying to find Nick, meets Vanessa, and they flirt outrageously. Vanessa asks Tom for protection, and tells him Nick is involved with Treadwell. She says she was Treadwell's mistress, that he is ruthless and has a huge illegal empire in Europe, and now wants to take over the Sumner Group. Tom tells Nick he wants in on the action, because he can control Paige.

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Die Mafia rückt näher

March 4, 1993

Diana tells Karen she should give Mac another chance. Greg buys a racehorse for $10 million. Anne and Nick decide to kidnap it and ask for a $4 million ransom, so they can run away together. Unfortunately, Greg insured it for $15 million, so he won't pay the ransom. Then he discovers Nick and Anne have it. Vanessa and Tom sleep together. She tells him that she ran away from Treadwell because he was bored with her, and she thought he would kill her. She came to LA, and Nick threatened to tell Treadwell where she was. One of Treadwell's men drops off a case for Nick at the restaurant. Vanessa pries it open, and it's a high-powered rifle.

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Bombe an Bord

March 11, 1993

Greg has Claudia and Kate stay at the ranch where he's hired extra security. Claudia sells her shares to Greg so she won't be in danger. Gary tells Kate he wants her in his life and they kiss. Treadwell and his men beat Nick up. Anne tends his wounds and he tells her about Treadwell. A mailboy shoots Greg, but he's wearing a bulletproof vest. Tom brings Paige to his apartment so she'll be safe, and they kiss. Vanessa comes by but runs away, and Tom runs after her. Mac goes to New York and tells Karen he loves her, and that their marriage is worth fighting for. Mort tells Greg that the Burton Tech. data base is being ruined by a virus. Paige and Greg decide to fly there to see what's going on. Security guards check the plane, but one of them plants a bomb. Vanessa sleeps with Treadwell and overhears a call that the bomb will go off in 20 minutes. Vanessa calls Tom who calls the airport, but the plane has taken off.

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Knots Landing Block Party

May 13, 1993

The cast and crew of Knots Landing come together in this special one-hour show to talk about their favorite moments in the show's fourteen years of drama, laughs, and special moments.

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Wie in alten Zeiten – Teil 2

Season Finale
May 13, 1993

Treadwell is going to shoot Nick, so Vanessa shoots Treadwell. She tells Tom it was in self-defense, so no charges are filed. With Treadwell out of the way, Val is free, and she and the twins have a tearful reunion. Gary tells her about Kate, but says he never loved anyone the way he loved her. Kate's upset and decides to go away. Karen and Mac yell at each other, and suddenly realize that things are back to ""normal"" and start to laugh and cry and kiss. Abby tells Greg that she is Treadwell's partner, and is taking over Sumner Group, because she has information to blackmail him. Greg has bought information from Nick and Anne that document her and Treadwell's illegal dealings, so she can't blackmail him. With the money they made from Greg, Nick and Anne decide to live in Monaco together. At the airport they run into Claudia, who is also moving to Monaco. Greg finds that Paige has taken over his office, and she reminds him she owns 23 of the company, but he can have her old office. He sa

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A special that reunites original cast members Michele Lee, Donna Mills, Joan Van Ark, William Devane, Kevin Dobson and Ted Shackelford at the infamous cul-de-sac to celebrate and reminisce about the days they spent on the long-running series.

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