Tristyn Kalama as Self

Episodes 8

A Tree Through the Roof!

February 20, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn track down the owners of a home that's been abandoned for 20 years and purchase it to flip. The house is in a great location but in rough shape with a tree growing through the roof, and it's their most challenging transformation yet.

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Bee Infestation on the Bay

February 27, 202442m

A junkman alerts Kamohai and Tristyn to the possibility of purchasing a property with a million-dollar view. Now, they have to tackle walls full of bees, rat infestations, and water damage in order to turn a disaster into a luxurious, modern masterpiece.

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House Held Up by Car Jacks

March 5, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn buy a house that's so termite-eaten they don't need a hammer for demo. And more problems appear as they peel back the layers and they discover a deck being held up by a rope and a foundation that's on car jacks.

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Restoring the Block

March 12, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn purchase a third property on hte same block in Kamohai's hometown of Kaneohe. Unfortunately, the house is in even worse shape than they expected, and successful renovation will require all of their skills.

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Historic Hawaiian Finds

March 19, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn buy an off-market property in one of the neighborhoods in Honolulu. They're at a luxury price point that raises the stakes, so their looking to give the house a high-end look with no budge in their budget.

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Termites to Treasure

March 26, 202442m

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Discovery Disgusting

April 2, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn secure a rough house in a good neighborhood with some help. However they are tested with its challenging layout.

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High Stakes on the Lake

April 9, 202442m

Kamohai and Tristyn take a big risk in doing their most expensive flip.

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