His daughter, Barbara (aka Batgirl). Commissioner says to her in one ep that she is very welcome to come back home and live with him and her mother. Suddenly, he becomes a man faced with the prospect of a just grown daughter living on her own. Different from his first few eps.
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Reply by sukhisoo
on November 12, 2020 at 2:56 PM
I've been watching this show on H&I in the mornings. They are still in Season 2. While the show is entertaining, the characterization in general isn't very deep. Commissioner Gordon usually appears before the opening credits just after the villain has committed a crime.
"This criminal is wearing a clown suit," he says, "It may be beyond our powers to stop this on our own." "Faith and Begorrah! You are right. There's only one solution," says Chief O'Hara. "Yes, we must use the batphone..."
Then, shortly after the credits, he and Chief O'Hara sit around the office while Batman and Robin decipher some highly oblique clues.
Then, the commissioner is typically on the sidelines until perhaps the tag scene at the end.
My vague recollection of the show from my childhood was that I was disappointed in the third season. Perhaps I will look for some deepening characterization on the part of Commissioner Gordon.
Reply by sukhisoo
on December 22, 2020 at 8:30 PM
I finally saw the beginning of season 3 recently. They've upped the kitsch factor a little, but that is part of the show's charm.
I suppose the commissioner does have more to do. He gets to mention how pretty his daughter is and be excited for her that she is going on a date with Bruce Wayne.
He also gets to be dismayed that she is betrothed to the Penguin.
Jeeeez Commissioner. She's old enough to choose her own men.
If she is attracted by his large nose, that's her business.
(Oh wait. What's that you say? The impending marriage isn't consensual? Okay. Carry on.)
Yvonne Craig is a great physical actress. I can almost believe she really is fighting.
(What I can't believe is that someone on a librarian's salary can afford to deck out an apartment with a secret room and a secret exit/entrance for a batcycle.)
I suppose it is entertaining enough, but I can see why people stopped watching the show so enthusiastically.