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Hysteria! (2024)

TV-MA DramaMystery
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Hell of a town.


When a beloved varsity quarterback disappears during the "Satanic Panic" of the late 1980s, a struggling high school heavy metal band of outcasts realize they can capitalize on the town's sudden interest in the occult by building a reputation as a Satanic metal band, until a bizarre series of murders, kidnappings, and reported "supernatural activity" triggers a leather-studded witch hunt that leads directly back to them.

  1. Matthew Scott Kane


Series Cast

  1. Julie Bowen as Linda Campbell

    Julie Bowen

    Linda Campbell

    8 Episodes

  2. Anna Camp as Tracy Whitehead

    Anna Camp

    Tracy Whitehead

    8 Episodes

  3. Emjay Anthony as Dylan Campbell

    Emjay Anthony

    Dylan Campbell

    8 Episodes

  4. Chiara Aurelia as Jordy

    Chiara Aurelia


    8 Episodes

  5. Kezii Curtis as Spud

    Kezii Curtis


    8 Episodes

  6. Nikki Hahn as Faith

    Nikki Hahn


    8 Episodes

  7. Bruce Campbell as Chief Dandridge

    Bruce Campbell

    Chief Dandridge

    8 Episodes

  8. Garret Dillahunt as The Reverend

    Garret Dillahunt

    The Reverend

    8 Episodes

  9. Jessica Treska as Judith

    Jessica Treska


    8 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Current Season

Season 1


2024 • 8 Episodes

Season 1 of Hysteria! premiered on October 17, 2024.

Heaven's on Fire

(1x8, October 18, 2024) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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