川澄綾子 hahmona Kaori Shimoda (voice)

Jaksot 13

¡¿He viajado al pasado?!

5 lokakuu 202324m

Konoha es ilustradora en una empresa de videojuegos, pero sueña con participar en algún proyecto por el que será reconocida en todo el país. Le encantan los juegos bishojo aunque estos no pasen por su mejor momento. Un día, encuentra un montón de juegos bishojo antiguos y, sin saberlo, unos acontecimientos la transportan a 1992, la era dorada de los videojuegos que tanto ama.

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Let’s Make Bishojo Games Together!

12 lokakuu 202324m

Konoha ends up in Akihabara in the year 1992. She finds that the building she works at is now a computer shop, with a bishojo game company on the second floor. Could Konoha's 21st century art skills be the key to survival?

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I Wanted to See All of You Again!

19 lokakuu 202324m

Konoha suddenly finds herself back in the year 2023, with little to show for her adventure, and no way to contact anyone at Alcohol Soft. Now it's up to Konoha to figure out a way to turn back time once again!

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It's Fine!

26 lokakuu 202324m

Konoha has gone back to the year 1996, where Mamoru refuses to work on any more games, leaving Alcohol Soft without a programmer. Can Konoha manage to convince him to come back and save the project?

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Good Things Come in Threes!

2 marraskuu 202324m

Konoha figures out the trick to time travel, and succeeds in going back to the past for the third time. But the winds of change are blowing in 1999, and Alcohol Soft is caught in the eye of the storm!

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Believe in Me!

9 marraskuu 202324m

Konoha is sent to keep a watch on the shady hostess club that Mamoru's dad has been visiting lately. But what she learns there may pose the biggest threat to Alcohol Soft she's faced yet...

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Every Storm Hardens the Earth

16 marraskuu 202324m

Alcohol Soft suddenly finds itself saddled with one billion yen of debt. It's up to Konoha with her future know-how of bishojo games, along with Mamoru's technical expertise, to save the day!

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23 marraskuu 202324m

Mamoru is hurled back in time to the year 1985. Echosoft, the game company previously occupying the Alcohol Soft building, enlists Mamoru for help creating their own bishojo games.

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See You Later!

30 marraskuu 202324m

Konoha and Alcohol Soft completed the development of her dream game. But now she's left with that uncertainty: How will the game go over?

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I'll Give It All I've Got!

7 joulukuu 202324m

Konoha returns to the year 2023, but finds that the Akiba that she knows and loves no longer exists. With a middle-aged Mamoru as her only ally, can Konoha figure out a way to un-change history?

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Original Cuu

14 joulukuu 202324m

Konoha needs to create another game to correct the course of history, but it won't be easy with just her and Mamoru. And unbeknownst to Konoha, there's a sinister plot brewing elsewhere in Akiba...

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U... U-U-U-U-U...

21 joulukuu 202324m

Mamoru frantically searches all over Akihabara for Konoha after she suddenly goes missing. Little does he know that deep underground, Konoha finds herself facing a fate worse than death...

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The Things I Hold Dear

Season Finale
28 joulukuu 202324m

Just as Konoha and Mamoru are about to lose all hope, they hear a mysterious humming. As they turn their eyes to the sky, they see a giant glowing body of light descending upon Akihabara...

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