Brian Swette as Self - Form CMO - Pepsi

Episodes 4

The Kid from Seattle

November 17, 202237m

Seven million Pepsi Points to win a fighter jet? It should have been impossible. But 20-year-old John Leonard sees the ad in 1995 — and finds a loophole.

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Let’s Make a Deal

November 17, 202243m

John and Todd perfect their scheme. They send in their Pepsi Points and their check, and wait. The Pepsi executives scramble, and the lawyers descend.

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The Bad News Bears

November 17, 202237m

The Pentagon has to issue a statement. Scammers start to circle. To win this case, John needs to go to trial in the court of public opinion.

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Landing the Plane

November 17, 202241m

Interviewees recall a 1992 campaign in the Philippines that went so awry, it led to riots and deaths. In 1999, John's court battle reaches a conclusion.

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