Adam Searles as

Episodes 1

Eye of the Lens

July 31, 2001

Supt. Chandler assigns DC Kate Spears to a project involving CCTV cameras in the Sun Hill area. Much to Sgt Ackland's annoyance, she takes PC Jim Carver with her, and they have words. Spears tells Ackland to take it up with Chandler. But word is getting around that Spears gets special treatment from the boss. When a number of cameras are damaged, two youths who have threatened one of the operators, Pat Spencer, are suspected, but the culprit turns out to be Robert Slade, who the youths call ""weird"". Then Spears discovers Robert lives in community care and thinks the cameras are spying on him. Robert spends a lot of his time in an internet café and tells Hollis about his homepage, where Hollis sees a picture Robert has taken of a shopping centre security guard, Tony Malone. He is being given an envelope by known robber Roger Franklin, who has just finished doing time. Cullen assigns DS Singh and Kate Spears to find out how all these disparate players are involved. Then Pat Spencer is at

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