Akemi Otani as

Episodes 1

Cause For Concern

December 28, 199322m

Steve and Dave are talking when a speeding driver goes past. The driver tells Dave that the hospital had just rang and her husband was critical. Suzy calls on the driver because she returned home to find it burgled. Dave and Steve are sent to check out the address of the lady at the hospital(that Danny overhears) and surprises 2 blokes. While Tony is driving the burglars' van, one of them get into the van and tells Tony to get a move on. Tony and Norika are called to check a domestic disturbance. Norika is concerned about the asian wife. The husband is very dominating. The domestic starts again. On entering the house Norika and Tony find the husband stabbed and his wife in shock with a knife in her hand. Norika didn't notice the knife at first. The wife claims it was an accident. While Danny is at the hospital checking on the victim, he overhears a lady asking about her husband who is supposed to be injured at the hospital. Woods talks to friends of the couple and their d

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